• < fu* 6ÜI «AMMO* », », N IM Atf • M illi W A L L O W a - W ALLO W A LAM I . . I ________ J / M A L H E U R I O STA TE HIGHWAYS ÉMMI»» * • »»T U A P P R O X IM A T E L O C A T IO N O F R O U T E S D E S IG N A T E D IN T H E «O * «» ROAD BONDING ACT S U B M IT T E D T O TH E P E O P LE O F O REG O N AT THE S P E C IA L E L E C T IO N , J U N E 4 ,1 9 1 7 C'JWHV ci»*»** •o.wf' «J ûm R IT iin e i M A P P t t C P A R C D BY C C C H A P M A N . n o t o rn ca L an C D IT O P O F T M I m a p •V» ( v t » » C »»o»» •*»« » U » m *o < t o r o i i o o v t m i ••lOicn rt i> ■> (Oregon Uotcr m oA om act co w w i n >*•• c c uu-w/uL -o a -iM o o « « « We present herewith a revised map o f the highway routes designated by by the road Itomliug hill. Thia map corrects many o f the errora made in the hastily-prepared aketehea that were published aoon after the legislature paaaed the hill. It ulao ahowa the cities and towna along the atate highways. While thia ia not an olTIcial map, it haa been inspected informally by the m em h e rn o f t h e State Highway Commission. The Commissioners are precluded by their official positions from expressing any opinion as to e x ­ actly where the roads will go, until such time aa they hold hearings in the different counties and take such formal action aa the law requires in locating and designating the highways [>errna- nently. The kind o f road contemplated in the bonding act is shown in small type. “ Paved Roada” are those designated to be hard surfaced after the counties prepare the road-beds. This simply includes grading. It does not involve the county in the expense o f cement or crushed rock foundation as part o f the paving. “ Post Roads” a r e highways con­ structed In co-operation with the Fed­ eral Government. A n y designated highway over which mail is or may !>e carried is subject to classification as a post road. It is proposed to grade the |iost roads and put a suitable surface on same, (not a pavement) the funds for this to come from the Federal Gov­ ernment and the state bond issue. “ Forest Roads” are the same as “ Post Roads, ” except that they must be built within or leading to National Forests. The expense is shared by the Government, the state and the counties. 'Paved and Post Roads” are roads , . . .. , which are to be paved by the state over such mileage as the counties may pre- pare ready for paving; the remainder o f the mileage o f those roads would be improved as “ Post Roads.” The bonding act confers full jurisdic- NOTES A N D PERSONALS W. C. Freeman and family, who have been living in Harrisburg for the past few months, have re- turned to Forest Grove to make their home again. John Anderson doesn’ t sell la­ dies’ hats but he h.»s the latest styles in men’s head gear—just what the man who cares will want for Easter. . , , ,, A masquerade party was held at the Christian church last Fri- evening. The costumes were unique and interesting and caused much entertainment The even- ing was closed by a delight! ul supper. L.J2. Howard and family will leave next Thursday for Aberdeen, South Dakota, to put up a factory for the manufacture of his lighting plants. He has disposed of his property at Yamhill and expects to remain in South Dakota. M r. and Mrs. Joe Morley of For.land, were visiting relatives here Sunday. A daughter was born Monday evening to M r. and Mrs. Vernon Clinton ol Gales Creek. Ancona eggs fo r hatching, 50c for 13. J. H Shearer. 10 tf Charley Odell had business in fhe county seat Monday. Silver-laced Wyandotte eggs for hatching, 50c for 13 J. 11. Shear­ er. 8-41 White kid gloves cleaned, 10c per pair at Ruggles’, next to post- office. 52 Frank Emerson i s again i n charge of the Empress Candy Kitchen. For Sale— Nice driving horse, good harness and buggy. Inquire at this office. 43-tf For Rent Five rooms in house just west of Lmghlin Hotel In­ quire at this office. 40 »• f |i .. . i i .Miss l a m iiia A U e r n e ir y , w n o r Ci'Htly u n d erw en t a su rg ica l Op- era ion in Portland, i r e c o v e rin g in this and w,*l be at her home city in a week or so. lit.i liman McCready came n‘'i,r p eck in g his new Studebaker au,° Sunday, when he and Frank Bcisler scraped fentiers at the Buriingham corner, First avenue, south, a n d F irs t Street M e- Cready was coming nort h on first street and Heislei was going east Fit'-f avenue and • on M M avenue and they got pretty close together before they saw saw each Other. The former ran onto the curb at the right, tion upon the State Highway Commia- , , . , sion to make minor changes in location. and the Commission has expressed its policy, which is to learn the facts in each locality before making final loca­ tions, so each state road may be placed where it should be to serve the popula­ tion o f the counties traversed by it. Not until after these hearings have been „ held in all the counties will it be finally determined where all these state roads will be constructed, so there will be ample opportunity for correction o f errors or changing o f such local rout- ings where same may be done to serve the county population. SherifTs Sale ......._ _ ............... ...... N O TK E ^IS HEREBY G IV E N , That by virtue o f an attachment execution issued out o f and under the seal o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the County o f Multnomah, dated the 13th day of February, 1917, upon a judgment duly made and docketed in said court on the 25th day of January, 191". and a transcript thereof duly filed !*nd >n the county o f Wash- lri*£on’ ,i*tate Oregon, in favor o f Fred Hoskins, plaintiff, and against Oscar Johnson, defendant, for the sum o sum of hi f j $53.so . « . « cost t o s i and anu the me further iuriner surr with interest thereop from the i 6th'day of March,I9l6,at the rate o f 6 per cent per annum, and for the further *um w,t5 interest ,t£1 e_reo" the rate of"6 per" cent per annum, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make sale o f the real property hereinafter described, heretofore at- tached at the suit o f the plaintiff in the above entitled action I will on Mon­ day, the 2nd day o f April, 1917, at I the South door of the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, the s teiring gtai and (jay sej] at pUbijc auction to the high- Hei-ler turned to the left, turning est bidder for cash in hand, all of the Ottice Shearer and Frank Em- turtle The Heisler car Was not following described real property, lying, erson the first of the week traded injured and, strange to relate, the b«in g a n d s i t u a t e in Washington See the “ Buckeye ’ coal-burning soda fountains and Shearer now driver also escaptd injury. This d ^ r i ^ I ^ n ’o w i £_°™t.particularly brooders at the Gordon hardware has a larger and better fountain corner is responsible for three- A ll o f the East one-half o f lot num­ store. They save the chicks. than before. fourths of the auto accidents in bered (13) o f and in Spencers Home­ stead, as the same appears upon the Miss Beulah Keagy, formerly Friday, March 23, wiH he ‘ Bird >(iwn. duly recorded plat on file ami o f record of this city is now studying vocal a^ at ^ entral School. I he in the office o f the recorder o f convey­ W. C. T. County. and piano at the Portland Con- °bject of this occasion is to teach t noeration With Missionary ances for Wasnington ♦ V T " '" T F ''" '* '' Oregon, * w a y s OI preserving our valuable . y o o p e ra tio n w u n iW IsSlonurj to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums servaiory, birds. Birdhouses, representing Societies” was the subject for a and for the costs and expenses of sale Will Ives returned Monday the ideas and workmanship of the Parlor m ating of the W . C. T . U . ; and said '" T\ evening from a business visit to pupils, will he on exhibition. The held at the M E. parsonage last re‘ Spokane and other Washington program begins at 3 o ’clock. Par- Friday. Mrs. Livingston present- Dated at Hm8boro Oregon fhis'ibth points. enls are urged to attend and by ed the subject, with a review of ^ Hiiisboro. Oregon. this ibth day o f February, 1917. Mrs. Lillian Hickox and baby, their presence help to stimulate the departments of W . C . T . U. J. C. A P P L E G A T E , work in connection with those of Dona d of Salem spent the week- an interest in this movement, Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. other societies By Geo. Alexander. Deputy. end with her former school chum, At a recent meeting of the local Mrs. Carlyle spoke of , th e fo r- Geo. J. Cameron, Miss Helen Phillips. camp of the W. O. W. the mem- . • Attorney for Plaintiff. Kxamine Ihe "Iron Aim” com- b e « were divided into two groups e im »™ re i? r"S itta / the K re e First pub Feb 22, last Mar. 29 bined cultivator and «arden tool ^ W i a t e d the «IW r t.— » • - < ..representmg the „ . . , , the Getums, w d h 'lb 'a Wilton Mcthodi.«tt, and Mrs. Todd of SUMMONS , ________ ry uiltner as cap,aina. he thnslian church, were unable at the Gordon hardware store, an(J Harry Gil the C irc u it C ourt of the State of before investing in garden tools. wj|| the duty of these groups to K> . lHtsen • , , , Oregon fo r W ashington County. E. j . Lambert. Plaintiff, Men can’t feel just right o n ! to bring every good citizen pos , An instrumental duet was played . vs E a te r Sunday without a new s u ita b le into (he camp, which meets by Margaret Morgan on the piano Ella W att Jackson, Henry J. — one they know is in the correct at Anderson’s hall the first and and F r a n ^ B o d m in with the Jackson. Emma Watt Trullinger, style. John Anderson has re- third Wedne-day evenings of each iV01''?' B*itts and Miss J. F. Watt, Jessie Smith Watt, ceived his 1917 spring styles and month. A t the close of the mem- *arnham followed with some sug- Mary Ross (or Minnie Watt Nay­ lor.) A. M. Naylor, Anna Gould ■ - bership campaign, the members, «estions. K. B. Penheld, they are pleasing to the eye and Naylor. Eleanor P. Naylor, Fred Press Superintendent. old and new, will enjoy a banquet. E. Naylor, Evelyn Watt Blosser, easy on the pocket book. New hats, shoes, shirts, ties and suits for Easter are now being shown at John Anderson's. Grace Watt Ross, Agnes 8. W att, Olive Prichard, John Prichard. M. E. Hoxter, Charles 8 . Naylor, George H. Marsh, Emma Marsh, J. Wheelock Marsh, W'inlfred \ Marsh Whittelsey, Theodore Whlttelsey, O. K. Schmidtke, F. E. Schmidtke, and------------- Schmidtke, his w ife; also all other persons or parties un­ known, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate and premises described in the complaint herein, Defendants To ( Charles S. Naylor, F. E. Schmidt Schmidtke and Schmidtke, his w ife; 3 Mary Ross, or Minnie Watt Naylor, and to all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, | title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate and premises described In the complaint herein.. Defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re- qulred to appear in the above entitled court and cause and answer the com- pla.nt filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 9th day of April, 1917, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you in the Forest Grove Express, the first publication thereof being on Thursday, the 22nd day of February, 1917, and the last publica­ tion thereof being on Thursday, the 5th day of April, 1917, and set up by way of answer any claim you. or any of you may have in or to the real prop­ erty hereinafter described, and you and each of you will please take no­ tice that if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint for want there­ of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com­ plaint. to-wit: For a decree adjudging the plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple and in the actual possession of all the following described real property situate in the County of Washington and State of Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point 425.7 feet South 8° 30' West and West 259.5 feet from the Northwest corner of the Stokes Donation Land Claim, said beginning point being in Section 31, in Township One, North, Range Three West of the Willamette Meridian, running thence North 8° 30' East 166 feet; thence South 89* 30' West 865 ---- * “ the extended - - * ■ " line of feet to East North Maln street in the city o f County, Forest Grove, Washington Oregon; thence South along the East line of North Main street 164.5 feet; thence North 89° 30' East 840.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3.22 acres. And adjudging that you and each of you be barred and precluded from claiming or attempting to claim any interest, title or ctbim to, or lien upon the real property hereinbefore just des