The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 22, 1917, Image 3

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8h« H a d Heard of One.
"Whoever raw a perfect man?"
aaked an ovangellst at a revival meet
In*. “ There la no auch thing. Every
man haa III» fault., plenty of them."
Of course, no one had ever seen a
perfect man, and coneeriueully the
atatoment of the revivalist was re­
ceived with silence.
Thu revivalist
"Whoever saw a perfect woman?"
At this Juncture a tall, thin woman
“ Do you moan to say, madam,” the
evaugellst asked, "that you have seen
a perfect woman?”
"Well, I can't Just say that 1 have
seen her," the woman replied, "but 1
have hoard a great deal about her—
my hustmnd's first wife.”—Pittsburgh
Chronicle Telegraph.
Pro hibition
One reason for the remarkable prog
rate that prohibition Is making can be
found in the attitude of men who ■
themselves take a tolerant attitude
toward the use of liquor, but have
been Impressed by the wreck which
In wrought by alcohol all around them, j
Typical of this In a statement made |
by Benator Smith of Georgia when j
announcing that he was going to vote
In favor of prohibition for Washing
"With me opposition to the use of,
spirituous and Intoxicating drink has
been a gradual growth. When I leave
myself free to think about It and rea
ltze the skeletons found In almost ev­
ery home as a result of Its use, I have
M o t o r c y c le s
reached the plat e where 1 am willing
never to have it on my table any j
$40 a n a U p
more, although I enjoy a glass of wine
W r i t * fur lint A o f r e b u ilt H *rU » y -
Take care of your health and wealth myself; and I arn willing in my state i
O avW lN m a. In d ia n a . K *c « la lo r« . K tc .
Garlield Tea and hope In my state this next sum­
Ma»U*y * U a v id a o n
B e rv tc e C « n l * r will tuku c a re ^ f you.
fo r th e N o r t h went.
Ijirir<*at e x r iu - promotes healdr
mer to help make It absolutely d ry."!
a iv e <leah*m o f M o torcycle*« In N . W .
— From Collier’s Weekly for February .
A Perfect Day.
2VW F o u rth Ht.
I'o rtlam l. O re
leaning against the aft rail of an 3rd.
East 10th street car one morning
Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa-1
the temperature was below zero,
wan a big fellow In a fur lined overcoat lion are relieved by Garfield Tea.
a fur cap. As the car proceeded
TRY US and
down townward It, of course, became
G a y Life In Brooklyn.
W . .p .t it ili.
Jammed with humanity. Ulris finally
This, remarks the Pittsburgh Post,
crowded in among the men on the Is how a Brooklynite has spent the 36
back platform. The man In the fur years of his life:
cap smiled and then, across the crisp
We are 36 years of age, and this Is
Portland. O r. DKLSSEO MEATS zerolc air, wafted the whistled notes
bow we have spent our time:
of "A Perfect Day."
One year buttoning our collar.
“ Listen to that guy whistle ‘A Per­
Two years tying our necktie.
fect Day,* ” remarked a half frozen
Seven years waiting In barber
C L i t n
v,m|- poH‘ - Be<,#-
back platformer. "I don't know wheth­ shops.
I f
Poultry, Butter,*
er he's whistling It us a compliment
and Farm Produce
Four years looking at punk musical
to his furs or to the fact that there comedies.
to th e O b i Iteltah le K v » rd lr» g h ouae w it h e
reeord o f 46 y e a r« o f S f iu a r r D ra lln ira , a n d
are ladles on the back platform."—
Six months sleeping.
be a e e u m J o f T O P M A R K F T P R I C E S .
Indianapolis Ncwa.
Nine years dodging bill collectors.
F. M . C R O N K H IT E
Two years waiting for trains.
4 M 7 F ro n t S tre e t
P o r t la n d . O r e g o n
Three years waiting for our wife to
Did that itching keep
get dressed.
Two years chewing tough beefsteak.
you aw ake last night? Four years looking for Jobs.
Six months working.
And how can you expect to sleep
( lancera
H a b it a a n d c h r o n ic diat*aaea o f
tonight uuless you do«ometblng to re­
< #oé U* r *
e v e ry d e a r r ip tio n a n d k in d .
Eczema and other 10 C E N T “C A S C A R E T 8 "
T u m o re
h a v e c u re d th o u a a n d a o f p eo p le lieve the trouble?
In the laat 12 y c a ra b y the uac o f itching skin troubles don’t often heal
K w liu rn . X R a y . F le e t H e C ú r ­
R ise u rn a Uatn
iiut It Is surprising how
re n la . F ig h t e , lia k **o v m a . V i b r a ­ themselves,
K r serna
( a ta r r h
tor». M a g n e t ic W a v e a . O to ñ e . quickly Kcslnol Ointment heals sick For
8 lck Headache, S ou r Stomach,
A n pyb jaia
P a u t a . 1 >iet, A d j u it o w n t a , M a n ­ skins.
S lu g g ia h L iv e r and Bowela— T h e y
ip u la tio n « . M a a a a g e an«) H ath a.
Almost dally we hear from a skin
Consultation free
W rit«
work while you sleep.
O íala* tea
DR. W t. M A LFO R Y.
sufferer who says “ Reslnol Ointment
U n g h ia
fiiJO -6 H e a d w a y Hldg.
stopped my itching at once and I got
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges­
P o r t la n d .
O re go n
the first good night's sleep I had bad tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­
In weeks. Now my skin Is well." Res aches come from a torpid liver and
lnol Ointment is sold by all druggists. clogged bowels, which cause your
” C. B . ” M I N E R S & CO.
stomach to become filled with undi­
Thales of Miletus.
gested food, which sours and ferments
The first scientific thinker was like garbage In a swill barrel. That's !
I 0 I T I A I I , M IO O I.
Thales of Miletus, born about 636 B. the first step to untold misery—indi­
C. lie was the first to attempt a logi­ gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
solution of material phenomena skin, mental fears, everything that Is
without resorting to mythological rep­ horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
resentation. In other words, Thales tonight will give your constipated
h i wul si m i m
unit for prices mu skippMg tajs was the first man. so far as we know, bowels a thorough cleansing and
T he h . F. M ortom C o .
on.; sunn, *« to try to find out the actual truth con­ straighten you out by morning. They
cerning the world we live In, its orl-1 work while you sleep— a 10-cent box
O rioom V u l c a n iz in g C o m p a n y gin, constitution and destiny.—Ex­ from your druggist will keep you feel­
iw iv w t to U 3 to SS7 H u r n . ld a Ht., P o rt , change.
ing good for months.
land. Ur*. ta rrM t Tiro It v p a ir P la n t
W. L. D O U G L A S
“ T H E S H O E T H A T H O L D S I TS S H A P E ”
$ 3 .5 0 $ 4 $ 4 .5 0 $ 5
$6 $7 &
. L. Douglas name and the retail pride is stamped on the bot­
tom o f all »liors at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high price* for inferior «hoes. The ,
retail price* are the tame everywhere. They co*t no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the |
price paid for them.
‘ I 'he quality o f W . L. DougLa-. product is guaranteed by more
4 than 40 year* experience in making fine shoes. The smart
itylc* are die traders in the Fashion Centres o f America.
Tlicy are made in a wrll-cuuipped factor/ at Brockton, Mast.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision o f experienced men, oil working with an fumest
determination to make die best shoes for the price that money s '
can buy.
A s k y o u r » h o * ile n le r f o r W . I - D o u g la s s h o e «. I f h e ra n -
n o t s u p p ly yo u w u h th e k in d y o u w a n t, t a k e n o o t h e r
m a k e . W r it e f o r In te r e s t in g b o o k le t e x p la in in g h o w t o
g e t s h o e , o f th e h l g h e . t »tu n d a r d o f q u a lit y f o r t h e p r ic e ,
» 7 r e tu r n m a il, p o s r t ta
a g e I f r e e .
S e c o n d -H a n d M a c h in ­
e r y b o u g h t, «old a n d
v x rh a n g « *d ; e n g i n e « ,
holler«. M iw m ill« . etc. J K . M a r t i n Co.. K3 U t
8 L . l'o r !la m i. Sen«! fo r S t o c k L i s t a n d p rioca
G lr ls l
T r y It! H a i r gets s ft, flu ffy
and beautiful— Get a 25 cent
bottle of Danderlne.
...... -
If you care for heavy hair that glis­
F o r th e ir g o o d p art« . P a r t « at h a lf p rice .
W e tens with beauty and Is radiant with
can d u p lic a t e m o a t a n y p a rt. W e h a v e w r e c k e d life; has an Incomparable softness and
o v e r 100 d iffe r e n t m a k e « o f c a m o f re c e n t date. I f Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne.
In need o f a n y w r it e to A u t o W r e c k in g C o.. ID
Just one application doubles the
N o r t h B r o a d w a y . P o r t la n d . O r e g o n .
beauty f your hair, besides 1 Imme­
dissolves every particle of
L E A R N A T R A D E . G a « T r a c t o r a n d A u t o ­ diately
You can not have nice
m o b ile m en are In d e m a n d
W e a n * g i v i n g a c o m ­ dandruff.
p le te co u ra e In b o t h fo r the p r ic e o f o n e tu itio n , heavy, healthy hair if vou have dan­
f o r a a b o rt tim e o n ly . F a r g e d a * « n o w g r a d u a t ­
This destructive scurf robs the
in g a n d h a v e ro o m fo r fe w m o re m en. C a t a lo g druff.
a n d d e ta il« free. lioNpfeiH» Trek S c J mw U. 206 A HjwtkwBr hair of its lustre, its strength and Its
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n .
very life, and If not overcome It pro- j
duces a feverishness and It hing of
F R E D P. G O R IN , Patenl Aitorney._ the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos­
O r g a n i s e r ari'l Ih -v e lo p e r. I ' l U n t , n rc u re ri o r K * * en and die; then the hair falls out
lt*fun<l«>l. K R E K . T o y X - lt a y P la t a ; i h o w i e v e ry fast.
Surely get a 25-ccnt bottle of
t»>ne in y o u r t«»ly r ig h t t h r o u g h y o u r c lo t h in g .
S u i t * . 7UI. 701 A . 7 0 18. 701C. C a n t r a l b ld g .. S e a t tle Knowlton's Danderlne from -ny drug
store and Just try It.
S T U D Y lw o k k « » | iin g . s h o r t h a n d , t e le g r a p h y .
»aleenian«hi|>. K n g lia h h ra n rh e » . at a n a r r m i n e d
•choiii, w rite , o r p h o n . M a in 600 f o r r a ta ln g u e ;
g r a d u a t e * g u a r a n t c s l p o sitio n » . Il e h n k e - W a lk e r
B u n in ra ii ( o l l r g r , 167 4 th S tre e t, n e a r M o rrin o n .
P o rtla n tl, O r e g o n .
No doubt Jenkins married Lobelia
Genoff for love. At any rate beauty
can't have bail anything to do with It
Her faett would have ripened a cheese
or stopped a train.
One day, soon after Ills marriage,
Jenkins met a pal and timidly asked
him whnt he thought of Lobelia.
“ Help! Don't ask m e!” gasped the
"Beauty Is only skin deep, your
honor!” remonstrated Jenkins, stiffly.
"Skin 'er, then, dear chap!” advised
the pal. "For heaven’s sake, skin
’e r !"— Exchange.
Fran ci«
E v e r y N iq h t
For Constipation
P. S
N. a U.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes ï
. II, 1917. g
and N o Sure
For a disordered liver, take Garfield
Tea, the Herb laxative. AH druggists.
A Pattern.
Mrs. Simpson had taken her little
daughter out to tea with her, and dur­
ing the meal was horrified to see the
child trying to force a thick piece of
bread Into a very small pocket.
“ Why, Marion,” she said in shocked
surprise, "what on earth are you do­
V e r y Puzzling.
"That’s all right, mother,” her small
Eddie, who had always attended a daughter assured her. "I'm just tak­
Baptist Sunday school, was taken on ing this slice back to nursie for a pat­
a visit to Sunday school at a Metho­ tern.”— Exchange.
dist church. "Mamma, how is this?”
he said. "I thought you said this was
a Mefodlst Sunday school.”
"So it Is, my dear.”
"W ell, but. mamma, the lesson was
all about John the Baptist.
You corn-pestered men ami women'
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
A KMT /.ÜCT10N PARGAINS that nearly killed you before, says
It 2Sua thiR Cincinnati authority, because a
küi *
l«S ’r
1 rfiti 3.$:» • Frfolvers
few drops of freezonc applied directly
1.7S *
Rptg.Cot M art 1.13 '*
Team Naroctrël.&S vp Poncho« .
T* : on a tender, aching corn or callus,
Hartmrkt . .15 “ Saddles . . 100’
stops soreness at once and soon the
200 M aitiin r G ant w Ith two million cartridges.
Cannons, I to 100 pounder*, with shell for sea corn or hardened callus loosens so it
•ml land. Fr«« c ir c u la r -1917 Cyclopedia cal-
can be lifted out, root and all, with­
alog. 4.’S pp. illu«., ready In M ay. Mailed 50c.
out pain.
B in n a rw a n , SOI B roa dw ay, N a w Y o rk
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug store, but will
positively take off every hard or soft
corn or callus. This should be tried,
Q o r Q Q
as it is inexpensive and is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn’t any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from Ills wholesale drug house. It Is
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
ir a n d r e t h
T h e Injured One.
"It would seem,” said the tourist,
“ that you Arkansas people would be
quicker to resent the slurs and sneer­
ing jokes about yourselves that are
constantly being published in the
“ W ell," replied Mr. Gap Johnson of
Rumpus Ridge, Ark., ‘I’ve noticed
that when you fling a rock into a pack
of dogs the one that hollers is the
one that got hit.”—Kansas City Star.
Eye* inflamed by expo-
iure to Sun, Dust and Wind
uickly relieved by MuriiM
yeUemedy. N o Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. A t
Y ou r D ruggiit’ i 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye
SalvsinTubei25c. ForBsaksllbeCyeFreeatk
Druggists or Msrlse Eye Remedy C s., Chicago
Nobody can Tell when you
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
with Sage Tea.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti­
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won­
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bot­
tle of this old-time recipe, improved
by the addition of other Ingredients,
all ready to use, for about 50 cents.
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
It darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell It has been ap­
plied—It's so easy to use, too. You
simply dampen a comb or soft brush
and draw It through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning
the gray hair disappears; after an­
other application or two. It is restored
to Its natural color and looks glossy,
soft and beautiful. This preparation
is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is
not intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease.
, » —
L 'n
Boys’ Shoe«
Best in the World
L O O K F O R W . L Douglas
nam e and the retail price
•tam ped on the bottom .
$3.00 $2.50 ft $2.00
d W
VV. . F L I O o u g l a a S h o e C o . ,
P r e s id e n t °
IM S s p a r k H t , K r w r k t o n , M a e * .
He used a pebble
in his day* to keep
his mouth moist —
WE use
Without Operation
In th » N u r t h w iw l.
C o u n t r y aarvte a a
• c *c la it y . U a a I'a r o a l I'u a l.
a £ 8 Rwg&%M
S a v e M o n e y b y W e a r i n g W . L . D o u g la s
sh o e s. F o r s a le b y o v e r 9 0 0 0 s h o e d e a le r s .
T h e Beat K n o w n S h o e s in th e W o r l d .
"I'M '
W R IG L E Y 5
gives US a
w h o le so m e , an tiseptic,
refreshing confection to
take the place of the cave
man’s pebble.
W e help teeth, breath, appetite,
d ig e stio n and d e lic io u sly
soothe mouth and throat with
this welcome sweetmeat.
The Wrigley Spearmen want to aend you
their Book of Gum-ption. Send a postal
for it today,
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.,
732 Keener Building, Chicago.
The Flavor Lasts!
I f you have a sick cow— or one that Is not
thriving and producing as she should, why not
break away from the worry and uncertainty
right now— get a package of Kow-Kure. the
great cow medicine, from your druggist or
feed dealer and prove for yourself that it has
no equal in the treatment o* most cow ailments.
On thousands of farms Kow-Kure guards the herd
against the ravages of Abortion. Barreness, Retained After­
birth. Milk Fever. Scouring, Bunches, etc. You don’t need to
use Kow-Kure on faith; a trial will show decided, visible improve-
menL Put It to a test— invest today in a 50c or J1.00 package. Send
for our free treatise, "The Home Cow Doctor."
D A IR Y A S S O C IA T IO N C O - L rn .Io n v llle . V t
A n tic ip a te s Them .
"M y husband is very devoted; he
anticipates my every wish.”
"So does my husband mine; when­
Eac h “P ape's D la p e p s in " D ig e s ts 3000
ever he thinks I am going to ask him
g r a in s food, ending all stom ach
for something he lights out.”—Boston
m ise ry in five minutes.
Time it! In fi
minutes all stom­
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas. acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape’s Dlapepsin Is noted for Its
speed In regulating upset stomachs
It is the surest, quickest stomach rem­
edy in the whole world and besides It
Is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
ftfty-cent case of Pape’s Dlapepsin
from any drug store. You realize In
five minutes how needless It is to suf­
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
f {
t j
S »
Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened. Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore-
ness from Bruises or Strains;
Lamene**, allay* pain.
D o e* not blitter, remove the hair or
lay up the horse. «2.00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. B o o k 1 M fr e e .
A B S O R B I N E , J R ., for mankind— an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. I t
heals and soothe*. « 1.00 a bottle at dnig-
gists or postpaid. W ill tell you more if you
write. Made in the U. S. A . by
W F. YOL'NG, P.D.F., 401 Tempi* St.. Sprmgfisld, Hass.