The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 15, 1917, Image 5

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.Grace Watt Ross, Agnes 8. Watt,
¡Olive Prichard, John Prichard,
County Fair Dates
M. K. Hoxfer, Charles 8. Naylor,
H. Marsh, Emma Marsh,
Oct 2, 3, 4 and 5 George
J. Wheelock Marsh, Winifred
Wufthlnifton County Editorial Anaociation
At a meeting of shareholders Marsh Whlttelsey, Theodore
Whlttelsey, G. F. Schmidtke,
of the Washington County Fair K. E. Schmidtke, and----------------
Schmidtke, his wife; also all
G. G. Sleeper et at are suing W. D. Association, held in the Rogers other
persons or parties un­
/ " V 'B PRIDE ¡ h Dry Lum-
Library Monday evening, it was known, claiming any right, title,
Mr|{ae for $58.65 with interest.
her. We have the only
O. Shearer haa brought suit against decided to hold the 1917 fair on estate, lien or interest In the real
Hhednin Washington county
Maud Turpen et at., to get a judgment the College Campus, where it was estate and premises described in
the complaint herein,
for $400 with interest.
hig enough to house every­
The Cornelius State Hank haa insti­
To Charles 8. Naylor, F. E.
thing We keep everything
tuted a suit against J. Chaa. Porter to 5.
Schmidtke and
Schmidtke, his
to build with. Lumber al­
The 1916 officers were re-elect­ wife; Mary Ross, or Minnie Watt
collect $148 with interest.
Naylor, and to all other persons or
ways bright and new.
Noah Hingler is suing O. I,. Avery ed, as follows:
parties unknown, claiming any right,
for a judgment o f $‘¿<0) with interest, j J. P. Hurley, President.
title, estate, lien or Interest In the real
estate and premises described in the
It. M. Kyle would have a divorce
W. J. McCready, First Vice complaint herein..
from Minnie Kyle, alleged that she has
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
treated him in a cruel and inhuman, President.
You and each of you are hereby re­
A. E. Wescott, Second Vice : quired
; manner.
always fresh and quick-set*
to appear in the above entitled
Another suit for divorce is that in President.
court and cause and answer the com­
ting. We keep it that way.
plaint filed against you in the above
which Alma Kessler is seeking a divorce | R. W. Reder, Secretary.
entitled suit, on or before the 9th day
from Harry Kessler. He is charged1
If you want to build a house, a barn, a garage, a chick­
of April. 1917, said date being after
H. E. Ferrin, Treasurer.
en house or a silo, we have the stuff right here. We don’ t j! with cruel and inhuman treatment.
the expiration of six weeks from the
M. L. Kline is foreclosing on a mort­
date of the first publication of this
have to order it. Drive in and get it. We give you a posi­
gage held against Oscar Johnson and wurm, A. G Hoffman, L. M. summons upon you in the Forest Grove
tive guarantee that our READY HOOFING will last you for
Express, the first publication thereof
Jennie Johnson.
Graham, Joe A Wiles, C. A Litt- being
on Thursday, the 22nd day of
10 to lf> years. We buy in quantity. We buy cheap and we
M isce lla n e o u s
ler and C. A. Broderson are the February, 1917, and the last publica-
sell cheap. Come in and talk. That is what we are here
, tlon thereof being on Thursday, the
Karl (tingle, who was a prominent directors.
5th day of April, 1917, and set up by
figure in the late Hillsboro Mercantile
way of answer any claim you, or any
case, was allowed his freedom last Sat­
The Express prints butter wrap­ of
you may have in or to the real prop­
urday morning after making a $250 pers with non-poisonous ink.
erty hereinafter described, and you
N mwi Burrau
Circuit Court
Cement and
The Main Street Lumber Yard
and each of you will please take no­
tice that if you fail so to appear and
answer said complaint for want there­
of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in her com­
plaint, to-wit:
■ iii I ■
■■■ a— — «
For a decree adjudging the plaintiff
to be the owner in fee simple and in the
actual possession of all the following
Public sale bills printed at the
described real property situate in the
County of Washington and State of
Express office.
Oregon, and particularly described as
Ancona eggs f o r hatching, 50c
\T. R I .aCourse spent the week-
follows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 425.7 feet
for 13. J. H Shearer.
10 tf
en{j visiting in Salem.
South 8* 30' West and West 259.5
Frank Weaver of Gales Creek
feet from the Northwest corner of
Money to loan Valley Realty
the Stokes Donation Land Claim, said
was shopping in town Saturday. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon, lit-tf
beginning point being in Section 31,
in Township One, North, Range Three
Idris RofTell and I>*nore Put­
Mr anrl Mrs Frank Johnson of
West of the Willamette Meridian,
nam are visiting in Stayton this j the Watts district were shopping
running thence North 8° 30' East 166
feet; thetice South 89° 30' West 865
in town Tuesday.
feet to the extended East line of
Warranty deed and mortgage; For Sale— Fa u 1 11 e s s stump-
North Main Street in the city of
Forest Grove, Washington County,
blanks for sale at the Express of­ puller, complete and in good con­
Oregon; thence South along the East
line of North Main street 164.5 feet;
dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf
thence North 89* 30' East 840.5 feet
Silver-laced Wyandotte eggs for
Your neighbors are planting
to the place of beginning, containing
i 3.22 acres,
hatching, 50c for 13. J. H.Shear­ “ Pakro Seedtape.” Buy it for
t And adjudging that you and each of
you be barred and precluded from
your garden. Ask Littler’s Phar­
! claiming or attempting to claim any
E. M. Duncan of Amity vis­ macy about it.
title or claim to, or lien upon
! was in town Tuesday in search of interest,
ited ¿he Sills family Saturday
the real property hereinbefore just
Mrs. J. R. Reynolds returned
someone to care for his mother, described, adverse to the title of the
The Camp Fire «iris
yesterday from a week’s visit
plaintiff therein and thereto, and that
Rood time at
Wed­ who is very ill.
the title of said plaintiff to said real
White kid gloves cleaned, 10c with the family of her son, Ar­
property herein described be quieted
nesday after school. The girls en- j
per pair at Ruggles’, next to post- ] thur, at North Plains.
absolutely as against any claim or
Sheriff’s Sale
gaged in the many sports which j
any right, title or interest therein or
A. B. Thomas, who was ope­ the gym affords and spent a lively : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That thereto on the part of you or any of
For Rent— Five rooms in house rated on in a Portland hospital a
and that the plaintiff have judg­
after noon in games and contests. | by virtue o f an attachment execution you,
issued out o f and under the seal o f the ment for her costs and diabursements
just west of I^iughlin Hotel. In-; month ago,is looking better than
They were especially ready to Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, herein, and that she have such other
quire at this office.
further relief as may be just and
for some years past.
welcome the d e l i c i o u s “ eats” I for the County o f Multnomah, dated and
equitable in the premises.
Trim Roe of Wapato attended1
This summons is served upon you
Mrs. J. Marsilliot received word which closed the afternoon’s pro­ the 13th day of February, 1917, upon a
by publication in the Forest Grove
a social given by the Congre-j
Tuesday that her brother, in Port­
Express, a newspaper published and
said court on the 25th day of January,
gational C. E., Tuesday night.
land. was near death. She and “ camps” and they are planning to 1917, and a transcript thereof duly filed circulated in Washington County, Ore­
gon. pursuant to an order cf the Hon­
Wanted—Some t u r n i p s for Marcella Richards w e n t into make great steps toward the ad-
and docketed in the county of Wash­ orable George R. Bagley, Judge of the
cow feed. South P a r k Dairy, Portland that afternoon.
| vancement and benefit of this ington, state of Oregon, in favor above entitled Court, made and en­
tered on the 20th day of February,
('has. D. Staley, Prop.
47 tf
of Kred Hoskins, plaintiff, and against 1917, and which order requires the
town and themselves
Mrs. J. G. Lenneville Sunday
Oscar Johnson, defendant, for the sum summons to be published in the For­
See the “ Buckeye ’ coal-burning visited her brother, Walter Morris,
o f $53.85 cost and the further sum of est Grove Express for a period of six
brooders at the Gordon hardware who was scal<led in a train wreck
consecutive and successive weeks be­
The Forest Grove high school $813.45 with interest thereon from the ginning with the issue thereof dated
store. They save the chicks.
near Kalama, Wash., on Feb. 25th.
the 22nd day of February, 1917, and
Billy Ralston, assistant freight Mr. Morris is in a Portland hos­ basketball quintet last Saturday> per cent per annum, and for the further ending the issue dated April 5th, 1917,
agent for the S. P., depart«*! Mon­ pital and is doing as well as evening defeated the Vancouver sum of $75.00 with interest thereon and requires you to appear and ans-
squad in this city by a score of 39 from the 25th day of January, 1917, at 1 wer said complaint on or before the
day for ’ Frisco to take treatment i could l>e expected.
rate o f 6 per cent per annum, to 9th day of April, 1917.
to 21. This is the last game of the
Dated this 20th day of February.
and delivered, commanding
for rheumatism.
Ira Purdin’s sale of cows last the season and the h gh school me to make sale o f the real property 1917.
Mrs. H. R Bernard returned ' Saturday was well attended and
described, heretofore at­
athletes are now preparing for the hereinafter
tached at the suit o f the plaintiff in
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Saturday from a week’s visit with | the Jerseys brought good prices,
the above entitled action I will on Mon­
baseball season.
her daughter, Mrs. Norris Rogers, ]
day, the 2nd day o f April, 1917, at
but he was a little disappointed in
The state triennial convention the South door of the Courthouse in
at McMinnville.
the prices secured for the Hol-
Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon,
Mrs. Zoe Hartrampf is e n jo y -' steins. However, h e had t o o of the Royal Neighbors of Amer­ at the hour of ten o ’ clock a. m. o f said
sell at public auction to the high­
ing a visit from Mrs. Arthur many cows and feels that he did ica will he held in Portland next day,
est bidder for cash in hand, all of the
•Cane of Carona, Calif , who will well to dispose of a part of his Tuesday and Wednesday, pre- following described real property, lying,
sid«d over by Mrs. Rose E. Corl being and s i t u a t e in Washington
remain the week out.
County, Oregon, and more particularly
of Corvallis, state oracle. State described as follows, to-wit:
Miss Helen Phillips spent the
The Christian church held a
All of the East one-half of lot num­
week-end rear Wapato, visiting “ hard time social’’ at the church officers and two representatives! bered
(13) o f and in Spencers Home­
friends, and while there attended lust Thursday evening. There to the supreme camp, at Buffalo, j stead, as the same appears utxin the
N. Y’ ., May 21, will be elected.] duly recorded plat on file and o f record
an old-time hasl et social.
were about 11(5 present and all in
the office of the recorder o f convey­
Mrs. Dora Emerson has been in
ances for Wasnington County, Oregon,
Examine the “ Iron Age’’ co m -1 a “ hard times’’ costume which af­
elected from the local camp as to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums
bined cultivator and garden tool forded m u c h merriment. Mrs.
and for the costs and expenses of sal#
delegate, with Mrs. Marie Patton and said writ.
at the Gordon hardware store, j Putnam took the prize for the
as alternate.
Said sale will be made subject to re­
before investing in garden tools. ladies’ costume and Mr. Putnam
demption as per statute of Oregon.
Miss Pearl Hall of this city,
Refr shments were
Mrs. Sam Dallas, who has been for g e n t s
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 16th
of Mr. and Mrs A. A. day o f February, 1917.
visiting in Forest Grove and vi­ served and all pronounced the ev­
Hall, yesterday entered the Good
cinity for the past few weeks, re- j ening a great success.
Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon.
turned to her home in Corvallis
The Civics committee of the
By Geo. Alexander, Deputy,
last Thursday.
Woman’s club will hold a sale of a course of training in nursing Geo. J. Cameron,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Joe A. Wiles would like to cooked foods at the Schultz store She was accompanied to Portland]
First pub Feb 22, last Mar. 29.
by Mrs. Hall a n d Mrs. L. C.
Copeland & McCready
restitution to the company and paying |
Harry Goff informs the Express
$60 o f the fine imjs>sed by the court.
The remainder he will pay at the rate that after May 20, under the pro­
o f $10 |»er month for 10 months.
visions of a new law, hunting and
The county clerk’s office reported! fishing licenses will cost $1.50
'fe e s collected t h i s p a s t month as
each— $1 50 for hunting and $1.50
. $390.90 and the recorder’s office re- ;
for fishing. The present price is
¡sorted $.‘148.75.
Sheriff Applegate is enthusiastically $1 each. Goff’s can supply you
looking forward to the time in the now at the lower price and all
near future when the sheriffs’ offices they get. out of the transaction is
throughout the state will begin the use
the trouble—and your good will.
of finger prints as a means of identifi-
cation for prisoners. Hertillion Expert
Catholic Church Notes
Hunter of the Portland detective force
Following is the schedule of
will instruct the officers of the different
counties in the use of this wonderful lectures to be delivered by Father
system o f identification, and before Buck at Verts hall this month:
long the [sister with its identification
Sunday evening, March 18—"W hat Is
figures and description surmonnted by ‘Temporal Power’ and is the Catholic
a picture o f the hunted man will be a Church anxious to gain it?"
thing o f the past. At present it is de-
Sunday evening, March 25 —"Intol­
’ dared by those who know, the Wash- j erance; St. Bartholomew’s Eve; Queen
ingtpn county sheriff’s office is in closer Mary of England.”
connection with the Portland police and
(Rev.) J. R. BUCK, Pastor.
detectives than ever before in the his- i
George Hart of Gales Creek
tory of that office.
Rym party
F. A. Moore
write your insurance. Will gjve
you service that will he to your
advantage. Upstairs in Ander­
son block, room 2.
The students of the College are
already preparing for their annual
May Day festivities and the pub­
lic schools and the high school will
be invited to take part.
Saturday, beginning at 10 a m.,
with the following articles on the Misz.
menu: Pies, cakes, brown and
The Congregational Endeavor
white bread, candies, cookies, sal­ society heid a social at the church
ads, beans, Saratoga chips and Tuesday evening. The time was
orange marmalade. The proceeds spent in unique games and stunts,
of the sale will be devoted to the and all declared the refresments
purchase o f a public drinking of sherbet and wafers to be a fine
] termination to a pleasant evening.
Phone 41x
Pacific Ave. and Third St.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Washington County.
E. J. Lambert,
N .H O F F M A N
Ella Watt Jackson, Henry J.
Jackson, Emma Watt Trullinger,
J. F. Watt, Jessie Smith Watt,
Attorney At Law
Mary Ross (or Minnie Watt Nay­
lor.) A. M. Naylor, Anna Gould
Patent Office Business Solicited
Naylor, Eleanor P. Naylor. Fred
Forest Grove,
E. Naylor, Evelyn Watt Blosser,