WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK ‘‘A Little Group of Wilful Men,” Said the President. CITY OF BAGDAD TAKEN BY BRITISH Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. Maude’s Army Enters Ancient City After Hard Drive. COMPILED FOR BUSY READERS OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BRIEF Events of Noted People, Government« Turk« Surprised, Despite Clear Moon­ and Pacific Northwest and Other light, When English Cross Diala Things Worth Knowing. River and Plant Big Forre. Walter Clark, American landscape painter and winner o f many art med­ als, diet! Tuesday in New York. London Bagdad, the ehief Turkish eity in Mesopotamia and formerly the capital o f the empire o f the Caliphs, President Carranza has re-established has been raptured by the British the capital in Mexico City. It is esti­ forces. Announcement of the rapitu- mated that Carranza received 1,500,- | lut ion of the eity was made Sunday by 000 votes in the election for the presi­ the British official press bureau, on re­ dency Sunday. , ceipt of a telegram from General According to reports current in the Maude saying the British forces bad financial district o f New York, Russia is contributing largely to the continued ! 1 occupied Bagdad early Sunday morn- heavy imports o f gold for account of I ing. the entente powers. No details were contained in Gener­ President Wilson sent to the senate al Maude’s dispatch. about 1300 nominations which failed The following official rejsirt was re- o f confirmation at the last session of ! reived concerning the o|M-rations the senate. Almost all are army and ! navy promotions and postmaster ap­ I against Bagdad, carrying tbern up to pointments. ; Saturday morning, when the Turks About 60 German submarines were | had been forced back within three captured and destroyed between Janu­ mites west and southwest of the city. W I L L I A M J S T O N E . M O .'. O A M C S A O ' G O R M A N , N Y . P A R R Y L A N E . O R C . ^ W E S L C Y O O N C 3 , W A 3 r l ! ary 1 and February 15, according to “ Our forces engagi-d with the Turks t OV « g C A . 4# r- reports reaching Washington, the first W I L L I A M F KIR BY, A R K . 0 A M E . 3 K . V A R D A M A N . MISS.' R O B T .M LAFOLLETTe.W IO.' O O P N D W O R K J Ì C A L . on the Diala line the night o f the authoritative word o f the entente suc­ eighth, succeeded, despite the bright a l b e r t o c u m m i n » , iow a g e o . w . n o r r u , n e b . M o s e s e c l a p p . ' m i n n . a b l e < j g r o n n a . n o . cess in coping with the undersea boats. ; moonlight, in effecting a surprise I crossing o f the Diala and' establishing An appeal for the pardon o f Maury This is the “ little group o f wilful session o f the United States senate, a strong |>ost on the right bank there­ 1. Diggs and F. Drew Caminetti, con­ men,” according to the statement is- Each of the men has an explanation of of. Meanwhile, on the morning of tlie victed in California o f violation o f the sued by President Wilson after the de- his own to the effect that he op|M>scd * eighth, the Tigris having been bridged Mann white slave law, and whose case feat o f the bill directing him to arm the bill on constitutional or public some distance down stream, n Brit­ reached the highest court in the land, ! merchant ships in the last hours o f the grounds. Cuban Revolutionists Destroy Cane 1 at ish detachment marched up the right where the conviction was upheld, has bank and found the enemy holding a been made to President Wilson. Fields and Bridges. | position about six miles southwest o f The funeral o f Count Zeppelin was 1 Bagdad. held Tuesday at Stuttgart. Many Santiago Major Rigoberto Fernan­ “ The enemy was driven from this years ago the late inventor erected his des, leader o f the liberal forces, has (sisition to another |s»sitiori two milea own vault and therefore Countess Zep­ Forty-One Thousand Railroaders Are left Santiago with his troops and many in the rear. During the night o f the pelin declined the offer made to her by Cared for by Single Contract. civilians. Before leaving he liberated ! ninth a passage of the ’ Diala was the king of Wuerttemberg to give the forced and our troop* advanced some all polities! prisoners, including Ro­ body a tomb in the royal cemetery. four miles toward Bagdad. The biggest insurance deal ever con- driguez Fuentes, the ex-governor. The “ During the night our forces on the Notwithstanding the German sub­ | city continues peaceful under the pro­ sumated was that whereby the Union right bank o f the Tigris drove the en­ marine menace, exports from New tection o f American sailors, emy from his second |M»sition. bivouack­ York for February, 1917, were only Pacific Railroad company took out a j An engagement is reported in the ing on the ground gained. This ad­ $1,470,805 less than for February, ■ thirty million dollars insurance policy, vicinity o f San Luis, and many com- vantage, notwithstanding a blinding 1916, which was one day longer, ac­ which went into effect January 1, 1917, ; batants are said to have been killed : dust storm and a violent gale, was cording to figures made public. The and under which forty-one thousand j and wounded. | pressed on the morning o f the 10th, total for the month this vear was The cane fields at Satillo ami San persons are beneficiaries o f the plan. ■ I the Turks being pushed back to within $223,464,135. ’ Ana have been destroyed, as well as i These include all employes o f the com- J three miles west and southwest of all railroad bridges o f the Cuba Rail­ Navy recruiting continues to show a ( Bagdad." pany who have been in the service for I way company ami three locomotives o f great increase. For the first eight — days in March the net gain was 716 one year, but does not apply to those \ the same railroad. men. On March 1 there were 59,037 whose salaries are over $4000 a year, j enlisted men in the navy, and on The premium on the policy amounts Babies Reported Slain. March 8, 59,753. There are still need­ to $800,000 a year. I-ondon “ Thus far only fragmen­ Score or More Killed and Property ed for mobilization, including regulars Group insurance is not a substitute tary rejsirts o f the remarkable debate and reserves, 102,295. for individual insurance, but is meant Damage Great. in the Prussian Diet on the food crisis Scores of German reservists have to provide some insurance to those i have been printed in the German news­ not otherwise protected by it, and to crossed into the Mexican state o f So­ papers,” says a Reuter’s diMpatch Indiana|(olis A tornado swept over nora from points in Arizona within the be a substantial addition to the indi­ ■ from Amsterdam. “ The VorwaertH i Central Eastern Indiana late Sunday, vidual insurance which all are en- last week, an agent of the department | contains the following passage from killing more than a score of (M-rsons at o f Justice announces. Many o f them, i couraged to provide for themselves. ’ the speech o f Herr Hofer, a Socialist Newcastle and two children in Wayne - The plan has been found to work best he said, are known to have had mili­ member o f the Prussian Diet: “ The county. only as it is operated on an exclusive tary experience. The agent said they mortality among elderly |>eople is in­ basis, namely, to include everybody The total number of injured will run appeared to be scattering to all parts creasing at a terrible rate, while epi­ over 200, some o f whom are probably employed, or all those in that class for ! o f Mexico. demics are spreading everywhere, ow­ fatally hurt. The damage will total whose benefit insurance is desired. A recommendation that 15,000 In­ ing to the decreased |x>wers o f resirt- well over a million dollars at New­ Under the Union Pacific plan, in the : dian boys o f the various Indian schools I event o f the death o f an employe from ance. The situation is much more castle and several thousand dollars in and reservations throughout the coun­ any cause, accidental or otherwise, the serious than admitted. The number of Wayne county. try be organized, armed and equipped ! insurance company pays one year’s j suicides is increasing and parents arc and drilled under regular army officers salary, with minimum o f $500 and! killing their children owning to their Newcastle, Ind. More than a acore was unanimously adopted by the Unit­ | maximum o f $2500 on any individual. inability to obtain food for them. o f persons were killed and 150 were in­ ed States Board o f Indian Commission­ If the employe meets with accident-1 jured, some fatally, in a tornado which ers, which met at the Sherman Insti­ al injury in the course o f his employ- j Dynamiter Joint Marines. wrecked 300 residences in this city tute at Riverside, Cal., in special ses­ ment the insurance company pays two ; The property damage ( I E .A N N E T T E R A N K IN Chicago— Robert S. Phillips created | late Sunday. sion recently. j years’ salary if it results in the loss of j considerable excitement at the Marine was estimated at $1,000,000. Miss Jannette Rankin, the first wo­ Corps recruiting station here Saturday It pays The storm swept over the city in a By a vote o f 81 to 47 the Minnesota 1 any two limbs or two eyes. man elected to the house o f represent­ when he applied for enlistment, assur­ southeasterly direction, demolishing one year’s salary for the loss o f a ! house indefinitely postponed action on atives, comes from the sturdy state of ing the enlisting officer that he could practically everything in a path almost the Anderson statutory prohibition bill. single limb. For loss o f time result­ Montana. She is now in Washington “ blow up anything from a tin can to a two blocks wide and more than 10 The vote killed any chance for further ing from the period o f disability, not waiting to be seated as one of the battleship.” exceeding two years. He was accepted for blocks long. For several hours the legislation at this session to abolish The foregoing are occupational acci­ members from that state when Presi­ service, however, when he explained city was entirely rut off from commu­ the liquor traffic. dents. Disability resulting from non- dent Wilson calls the extra session of that he was a professional dynamiter. nication. Postmaster General Burleson has an­ occupational accidents and disability congress April 16. He left for the East, where he will Governor Goodrich was asked to nounced that after April 1 the appoint­ resulting from disease are put upon join a mining company on the sea­ send troops to police the city. ments o f all postmasters o f the first, the same basis, and payment is made ington Railroad & Navigation com­ board. The exact number o f dead may not second and third class will be subject to for the entire period if it exceeds pany, operating in the states o f Ore­ he known for several days, as practi­ competitive examinations. Nomina­ one week, up to twelve months. In gon, Washington and Idaho, are all Villa Ammunition Found. cally all the laslies thus far found have tions will be sent to the senate as in addition, if the employe becomes to­ affected by the insurance plan, the line .Chihuahua City, — A large quantity been dug out o f the wreckage o f their the past, but in making selections the tally or permanently disabled within being the western unit o f the Union o f hidden Villa ammunition was found homes. The search was hampered by President will be guided by the results twelve months by reason o f disease he Pacific. Over 5000 will be affected. Saturday by the de facto troops follow­ darkness, but it is believed more o f examinations and will send in the gets further payment for twelve During the month o f February the ing the battle at Cusihuiriachic, Chi­ bodies will be found. names at the head of the lists. Wheth­ months more. In other words, if per- employes o f the road were paid a huahua. Twenty-three laslies had been re­ er a civil service commission, under manenty and totally disabled, he gets month’s salary as extra compensation A prisoner captured by the Carranza covered and six persons missing. It which fourth class postmasters are an entire payment o f twenty-four for service during the year 1916, and forces in the battle, revealed the hid­ was believed other bodies still were now named, will conduct the examina­ months. over $336,000 was disbursed in this ing place o f the ammunition in return buried in the wreckage which had not tions, has not been determined. The employes o f the Oregon-Wash- manner. for a pardon. The cache contained been searched. several thousand rifle cartridges and Democrats and Republicans of the 30 0 0 Ship Workers Quit. artillery shells, according to an official Bernstorff in Norway. Livestock Losses Heavy. senate in a recent caucus cleared the report received here. Oakland, Cal. — Nearly 3000 un­ London Count von Bernstorff, for­ Helena, Mont.— Unless winter breaks way for early modification of senate soon livestock losses will be extremey procedure so as to make filibusters skilled laborers, representing more mer German ambassador at Washing America’s Aid is Small. heavy, according to information given such as defeated the armed neutrality than 85 per cent o f the total employ­ ton, arrived at Christiania Monday ers’ roster, employed at the Union Iron morning, according to an Exchange New York—The Unite«] States has to Railroad Commissioner McCormick, bill impossible in the future. Works o f Alameda and the More & Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. contributed a total o f $9,980,602 to who has just returned from a trip over Herbert A. Meyer, of Ohio, has been Scott shipyards o f this city, have quit On reaching the quay several hundred Belgian relief, according to a state­ the eastern and northern part o f Mon­ appointed assistant to the secretary of work, practically tying up all ship­ members of the German colony and ment made by the Commission for Re­ tana. In Sheridan there have been the Interior. Mr. Meyer, who has building operations. representatives o f the legation gave lief in Belgium. This sum, the state­ large losses. In the Yellowstone and been private secretary to Secretary The walkout followed the submission the returning passengers an enthusias­ ment said, was less than 4 per cent of the Musselshell counties and the , Miles Lane, will have administrative charge o f a compromise wage by the ship­ tic welcome. Passengers on the liner approximately $250,000,000 that has City stock country there is much suf­ o f the Alaskan railroad now being building companies involved, which said that bad weather prevailed been expended by the commission in fering. Cattle are unable to reach the b u ilt was refused by the employes. Belgium and Northern France. throughout the voyage. grass because o f deep snow. MANY ARE REPORTED SLAIN HUGE POLICY PROTECTS MEN “ The Lady From Montana.” TORNADO SWEEPS INDIANA