NEWS ITEMS About Oregon miBUSTER DEFEATS ‘ARMED NEUTRALITY’ Cannery Contract Awarded. WILSON AGAIN INAUGURATED Isiwistori, Ida. — President Fontana of the Oregon Packing company Thurs­ Of General Interest] Oath of Office Is Administered and day awarded the contract for the con­ Address Given. struction of a branch cannery at this |sdnt to Frank I). B<*ith of this city on Washington, D. C. — Flanked by his bid of $11,000, The structure will thousands upon thousands of his coun­ be 100x150 feet, with an open plat­ trymen, President Wilson was inducted You can Bring Back Color and form additional, 80x100 fee t. The Improvement Plans for New into second term Monday. Lustre with Sage Tea building will consist of one room, Minority Disregards Country’s The his spirit of the time harked hack State Buildings Due Soon main with no (Mists, 12 100-foot trusses be­ and Sulphur. to the days of Lincoln. The thrill and Salem Flans for the new elate ing used in sup|M>rting the roof. The Crisis; Wilson’s Hands Tied. solemnity of war was stamped upon also calls for an additional building* which were provided for by contract the simple, democratic ceremony, When you darken your hair with structure 20x30 feet, of re-enforced Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, though a strain of peace ran through Sage the legislature are expected to be tin­ concrete, for a boiler room. Work on because It’s done so naturally, ao even­ the proceedings, too. der way wion. tbo foundations will Is: begun during Preparing this mixture, though, was just 12:47 o’clock when Wil­ ly. at home la mussy and troublesome. The moat important building work the coming week, and the contract PRESIDENT ISSUES ADDRESS son It kissed the Bible, completing the For 50 cents you can buy at any drug for completion by May 1. Wil­ at Salem will be the conktruction of a calls oath which he had taken twice within store the ready-to-use preparation. Im­ liam Cra|Mi, who will lie the manager, win« to the receiving ward at the Ore­ is contracting with growers for fruits two days. proved by the addition of other ingre­ Senate Urged to Revise Rules to Supply Standing with hared head, he ac­ dients, called ’’W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ gon State Iloapital. The legislature and vegetables. the solemn, serious gift of a phur Compound.’’ You just dampen a appropriated $60,000 of the $65,000 Means of Meeting Situation— cepted or soft brush with it and draw nation still at peace, but touched on sponge aaked for that purper. In reality the of Tacoma, Givens & Hibbell Isigging encouraged by Senator Stone, Demo­ mony there was a cheer from the sire a youthful and attractive appear­ chairman of the foreign rela­ thousands and the President began the ance, get busy at once with W yeth's ward ia considered aa the State lioa- Fred Wilson company and cratic Sage and Sulphur Compound and look pital, and a patient received there, company, tions’ committee, in a filibuster, de­ delivery of his address. 1-ogging company. years younger. This ready-to-use pre­ cured and diaehnrgta! baa not the rec­ Poison nounced by President Wilson's spokes­ In his inaugural address President complaint alleges that on April men as the most reprehensible in the Wilson emphasized the things that paration Is a delightful toilet requisite ord* of ever having been in the aaylum 25, The 1912, the defendants agreed to not a medicine. It Is not Intended i tec If. of any civilized nation, defied the United States shall stand for, and for the cure, mitigation or prevention a cor|M>ration to handle in trust history The building aa it atanda now ia form the will of an overwhelming majority whether in war or in peace: of disease. property owned and controlled by the uaed only for the reception of women, plaintiff. The complaint further al­ in congress up to the last minute Sun­ "T h at all nations are equally inter­ and no male patient ever haa been leges the defendants, with intent to day and denied to the President a law ested in the peace of the world and in committed to that |>ortion of the inati- defraud him to arm American the political stability of free peoples, the plaintiff, sold the Syver­ authorizing tution. With the cunatruction of the son Lumber merchant ships to meet the German and equally responsible for their main­ company to the Hoquiam new wing it will be ready for the re­ menace. tenance; & Door company for $25,000 submarine ception of male patienta, aa well aa Sash Unyielding throughout 26 hours of "T h at peace cannot securely or justly when its real value was $150,000. Resinol Ointment, with Resinol femalu patienta. continuous session to appeals that rest upon an armed balance of power; Soap, usually stops itching Instantly. their defiance of the President would "T h at governments derive all their Water May Cover Large Arid Tract. Unless the trouble is due to some ser­ Hill Promises to Help. ious internal disorder, it quickly and North Yakima, Wash. — Announce- heals most cases of eczema, San Francisco Ia»uia W. Hill, pres­ mer4 that the government has w ith­ TENTH PRESIDENT TO HE ELECTED POR SECOND TERM. easily rash, or sim ilar torm enting skin or ident of the Great Northern railway, drawn from entry large tracts in the scalp eruption, even when other treat­ aaid here recently that although hia Naches, Wenas, Selah and Moxee val­ m ents have given little relief. Phy­ leys, and along the slope of the R attle­ road dia*a not connect directly with one sicians have prescribed Resinol for now tieing advocated for Central Ore­ snake hills in the Ixiwer Yakima val­ years. Resinol Ointment and Resinol gon by It. K. Strahorn, of Portland ley, is understood here to indicate that Soap are sold by all druggists. and S|M»kane, the Hill interest* would the Reclamation service has taken up for service development a high-line encourage this development. STUDYTbookWeeoin*. shorthand, tetarraphjr, salesm anship. E nglish branches, a t an accredited Strahorn'* lines, centering at Bend, project which will bring under water school; w rite, or phone Main 590 for catalogue: Or., would connect the vast Central several hundred thousand acres not graduate* gu aranteed positions. Behnke-W alker now included under canalM or pumping Business College. 167 4th S treet, near Morrison. Oregon country with m arkets north, systems. Portland, O regon. south or east, and atforil development to a tremendous territory. IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, Flax Fiber Seed is Sold. FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED "W e will encourage and by no means op|s>se S trahorn," Mr. Hill Salem, Ore. — The first carload of Look Mother! If tongue Is coated, said. "In fact, I should like to see flax filler seed ever ship(ied out of the cleanse little bowels with “Cali­ state left Salem Thursday night, con­ him fill the gap." fornia Syrup of Figs.” signed to Conrad, Mont. It was sold by the State board of control to a flax Spuds Rite SI a Mile. Mothers can re^t easy after giving coni|>any in that state for $2 a ‘‘California Syrup of Figs,” because in Gaston Oregon |s>tated out during “Can’t get along on account of the legislative monkey-wrench,” as he j thejpast week came from growers. fog,” said the sailor. termed it, thrown into the machinery | “But can’t you go by the stars?” in the shu|>e of the Bean bill, which ; said the old lady. authorizes the county assessors to re­ “W e’re not going that way unless store the lands to the taxrolls, makes NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT the boiler bursts, mum.”—Exchange. it im|M>ssible for him to continue in j any event. Portland— C attle— Steers, prime, $9.50(1/9.80; fair to good, $9.00(j,7.00; Clerk Ilrager, of the house of the re- | («/7.00; $6.50(i/8.50; bulls, $4.50® cent legiatuare, relative to the mys­ heifers, calves, $6.00(i/,7.25. be hum iliating to the country; uncom­ just powers from the consent of the tery of the missing l’olk-Marion coun­ 7.00; Hogs - Light and heavy packing, promising in a crisis describe«! to them governed, and th at no other powers ty bridge bill, no formal opinion has $12.75(