The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 08, 1917, Image 6

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R a u s O m a c ^
Is r
Z -T U E S T C î^
(C opyright,
(h *
Bobba-M errlll
I T ’S T R U L Y A N I L L W I N D
Mr. Starr, widower Methodist
minister. Is assigned to the con­
gregation at Mount Mark. la.
lie has live charming daughters.
Prudence, the eldest,
house for him. Fairy Is a col­
lege freshman. Carol and Lark,
twins, are in high school. Con­
stance Is the “ baby.“ The ac­
tivities of the Starr girls— Pru­
dence’s work. Fairy's school af­
fairs, the pranks of the young­
sters—and the family perplexi­
ties make the story; It is simply
a.recital of glorified homely In­
This installment de­
scribes the capture of a burglar
in the parsonage.
C H A P T E R V I I — Continued.
— 9—
Mr. Starr had gone to Burlington
that morning to attend special revival
services for three days, and Prudence
had fifty whole dollars In the house,
an unwonted sum In that parsonage!
And the dungeon wps not locked. With­
out a word, she slipped softly out of
the room, ran down the stairs, making
never a sound in her bare feet, and
saw, somewhat to her surprise, that
the dungeon door was open. Quickly
she flung it shut, pushed the tiny key
that moved the “ catch." and was rush­
ing up the stairs again with never a
pause for breath.
A strange sight met her eyes In the
twins' room. The twins themselves
were in each other’s arms, sobbing bit­
terly. Fairy was still looking hurried­
ly through the dresser drawers.
“ They are gone,” wailed Carol, “ our
beautiful ruby rings that belonged to
“ Nonsense," cried Prue with nervous
anger, "you’ve left them In the bath­
room, or on the kitchen shelves.
You're always leaving them somewhere
over the place. Come on, and we'll
search the house Just to convince you.”
“ No, no,” shrieked the twins. “ Let’s
lock the door and get under the bed.”
i The rings were really valuable.
Their grandmother, their mother's
mother, whom they had never seen,
had divided her “ real Jewelry” between
her two daughters. And the mother of
these parsonage girls, had further di­
vided her portion to make it reach
through her own family of girls!
“ Our rings! Our rings!” the twins
were walling, and Connie, awakened
by the noise, was crying beneath the
(Covers o f her bed.
“ Maybe we'd better phone for Mr.
Allan,” suggested Fairy. “ The girls are
so nervous they will be hysterical by
the time we finish searching the
“ Well, let’s do the upstairs then,”
said Prudence. “ Get your slippers und
kimonos, and we’ll go Into daddy's
But Inside the door of dnddy’s room,
with the younger girls clinging to her,
and Fairy looking odd and disturbed,
I'rudence stopped abruptly and stared
about the room curiously.
’ “ Fairy, didn’t father leave his watch
hanging on that nail by the table?
'Seems to me I saw It there this morn­
I remember thinking I would
tease him for being forgetful.”
' And the watch was not there.
“ I think It wns Sunday he left 1L”
answered Fairy in a low voice. “ I re­
member seeing It on the nail, and think­
ing he would need It— but I believe It
was Sunday.”
Prudence looked under the bed, nnd
In the closet, but their father’s room
was empty. Should they go farther?
tFor a moment, the girls stood looking
¡at one another questioningly. Then—
they heard a loud thud downstairs, as
lof ■omeone pounding on a door. There
•was no longer nny doubt. Someone
was in the house 1 Couule and the rlod to the telephone, nail spoke to the and when they appeared, « » » la g at th*
j twins scrennied again nnd clung to operator In u low voice. “Call lln* po­ burglar with mingled admiration, pity
1 Prudence frantically. And Fairy said, lice headquarters, und have them send and fear, lie congratulated the » with
j "I think we'd better lock the door and two or three men to the Methodist par­ considerable exelleiaenL
" I t ’s Lim ber LI mb Grant," be ex
: stay right here until morning, Prue."
sonage, right away. We’ve got a bur­
But Prudence faced them stubborn- glar locked In a closet, and they’ll have plained. "There'* n reward of # **
hundred dollars for him. You'll get
j ly “ If you think ITn going to let any­ to get hftn out. Plena* hurry."
one steal that fifty dollars, you nre
At this, the girls crowded around (he money, as mire us you're boru.’
Then he turned again to the burglur.
mistaken. Fifty dollars docs not cotuo him again In renewed fear.
K.ut less limit oho tukc h I iimh of
often enough for that, I can tell you.
“ Don't be scared," hi* said calmly, "Say, (Iran*, what'* a fellow like you
Salts before caline
“ It's probably stolen already," ob- “ we're all right, lie's In there safe
| Jected Fairy.
enough and cun’t get out for a while. A Methodist parsonuge la not Jusl In
"W ell. If It Is, we’ll find out who did Now, tell me about It. How did you your line. Is II?"
Limber Limb
It, and have them arrested. I'm going get him In the closet? Begin at the
down to telephone to the police. You beginning, and tell me all about It." “ W ell," he explained good-naturedly.
Drlo acid In meul excites the kid­
girls must lock the door after me, and
Carol began the story with keen rel­ “ Chicago got too hoi for me. 1 bud neys, they become overworked; get
stay right here.”
ish. “ I woke np, nnd thoiight I heard to gel out lu a hurry, nnd I couldn't sluggish, ache, and feel llko lumps of
The little ones screamed again, and someone In the room. I supposed It get my hands on nny money. I had n lend. The urine becomes cloudy; the
bladder Is Irritated, and you may ho
Fairy said: “ Don’t be silly, Prue, If was Prudence. I said. ’Prudence,’ nnd fine lot of Jewels, hut I was so pushed
obliged to seek relief two or three
you go I'm going with you. o f course. nobody answered, and everything was
UmeS during the night. When the kid
W e'll leave the kiddles here and they quiet. But I felt there was someone
neye clog you must help them flush
can lock the door. They'll be perfectly In there. I nudged Lark, anil she woke
off tho body’s urinous waste or you'll
safe In here.”
be a real sick person shortly. At first
up. He moved then, and we both heard
you feel a dull misery lu tho klduey
But the children loudly objected to him. He wns fumbling at the dresser,
region, you suffer from huekucho, sick
this. I f Prue and Fairy went, they and our ruby rings are gone.
headache, dlxxtness, stomach gets
would go! So down the stairs they heard him step ucross the room and
sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu­
trooped, a timorous trembling crowd. Into n closet, lie closed the door after
matic twinges when tho weathor Is
Prudence went at once to the tele­ him. didn't he Lark?”
phone. nnd called up the residence o f
“ Ye*, he did.’’ agreed Lark. “ Hla
Eat less meat, drink lota of water;
the Allans, their neighbors across the hand was on the knob."
also get from any pkMMSM four
street. A fter a seemingly never-ending
ounceM of Jad Halts; take a table
“ So we sneaked out of bed. snd
wait, the kind-hearted neighbor left went Into Prudence's room and woke
spoonful III a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid­
his bed to answer the Insistent tele­ her nnd Fairy.” She looked at Connie i
neys will then act fine. This famous
phone. Falteringl.v Prudence explained and blushed. “ Connie was asleep, and
salts Is made from the acid of grapes
their predicament, nnd nsked him to we didn't waken her because we didn't (
and lemon Julco, combined with llthta.
come nnd search the house. He prom­ want to frighten her. We woke the j
and has been used for generations to
ised to be there in five minutes, with girls— und you tell the rest. Prudence."
clean clogged kidneys and stimulate
his son to help.
them to normal activity, also to neu­
“ W e didn't believe her, o f course. I
“ N ow ," said Prudence more cheer­ W e went hack Into their room and |
tralize the acids lu urine, so It no long
er is a source of Irritation, thus end­
fully. “ we’ll Just go out to the kitchen there wns no one there. But the rings I
ing bladder w«<akness.
nnd wait. It's quiet there, and away were gone. While they were looking
Jad Halts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­
from the rest of the house, and we'll at the dresser, I remembered (tint I
ju re, nukes a delightful effervescent
be perfectly safe.” To the kitchen, forgot to lock the d u n g e o n door, where
lit hla water drink which everyone
then, they hurried, and found real we keep the money nnd the silver­
should taku now and then to keep the
comfort in Its smullness and secure­ ware. and 1 run downstair* and
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
ness. Prudeuee raked up the dying slammed the door and locked It. nnd
here say they sell lots of Jad Halts to
embers o f the fire, and Fairy drew the went back up. I didn't hear a sound
folks who believe In overcoming kid­
blinds to their lowest limits.
The downstairs."
ney troublo while It Is only troublo.
twins and Connie trailed them fear­
Mr. Allan laughed heartily. "W ell, I
T h e Reason.
fully at every step.
your burglar was In that closet after
He— Why do thoso football men
Every breath o f wind against the tho money, no doubt, nnd he didn't
wear spikes In their shoes?
windows drew startled cries from the bear you coming, nnd got locked In.”
It— W hy—er— they are the new
younger girls, and both Fairy and Pru­
In a few minutes they heard foot­
Const defense. (Deep stuff ) — Widow.
dence were white with anxiety when steps around the house and knew the
they heard the loud voices of the A l­ officers had arrived. Mr. Allan let
As wv grew mere •cniihls, we refuse drug
lans outside the kitchen door. Pru- them Into the house, four of them, nnd I couldn't use them. I came here and rsthartirs snd take Nature's herb cure, Ger­
deuce began crying nervously the mo­ led them out to the hull. There could loafed around town for n while, be­ tie Id Tea.
ment the two angels of mercy ap­ be no doubt whatever that the burglar ' cause folks auld Mount Murk wns so
peared before her, und Fairy told their wns in the dungeon. He hail been
“ I hear Jones died from a single
fast asleep It did not even wake up
busy with Ills knife, und the lock was \ long enough to rend the dnlly pn|M*rs blow."
tale o f woe. *
“ Well, there now," Mr. Allan said nearly removed. If the officers bad I heard about this parsonage bunch,
“ What hit him?"
“ No one. He blew out tho gas."—
with rough sympathy, "you Just got beeu two minutes Inter, the dtingeou and knew the old mnn had gone off to
scared, that's all.
Everything's sus­ would have been empty. The girls were get more religion. This afternoon at Illinois Siren.
picious when folks get scared. 1 told sent upstairs ut ouce, with the Allan the station I saw a detective from Clil
my w ife the other day I bet you girls boy as guard— as guard, without re- eago get off the trnln. and 1 knew what
would get a good fright sometime, left gnrd for the fnct that he was probably that meant. But I needed some cash,
here alone. Come on, Jim. and we'll more frightened than any one of them. nnd so I wasn't above a little Job of
The chief officer rapped briskly on this kind. I never dreutned of getting
go over the house In a Jiffy.”
He was standing near the dining­ the dungeon door. Then he clicked his done up by a bunch of preacher's kids.
Cincinnati authority say* corns
room door. He lifted his head sud­ revolver.
1 went upstairs to get those family
d r y up and lift out
“There are enough of us to over- ! Jewels I've h<iird about, nnd one of
denly, and seemed to sniff a little.
with finger*.
There was undoubtedly a faint odor
the little ones gave the alarm. I al­
“ And we have men outside the bouse, j ready had some o f them, so I came
o f tobacco In the house.
“ Been any men In here tonight?" he too. I f you put your flreurms on the ! down at once. I stopped In the dun­
Ouch ! ? ! ? ! !
This kind o f rough
“ Or this afternoon? Think, floor, nnd hold both hnnds over your geon to get thnt money, nnd first thing talk will be heard less Lore In town If
bend, you’ll be well treated. I f your ! I knew the door bunged shut. That's people troubled with corn* w ill follow
now !”
“ No one,” answered Prudence. “ I hands are not up, we fire on slgbL Get , all. You're welcome to th* flvo hun­ the simple advice o f this Cincinnati
was alone all afternoon, and there has your revolvers ready, boys."
dred dollars, ladles.
Someone w u authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezoue whon applied
been no one In this evening.”
bound to get It sooner or later, Hnd
Evidently the burglar was wise enough I'm partial to the ladles, every time." to a tender, aching corn or hardened
He passed slowly through the din­
callous stops soreness at once, and
to appreciate the futility of fighting
ing room into the hall, closely followed
soon the corn or callous dries up and
against odds. Ills hunds were above
lifts right o ff without pain.
by his son and the five girls, already
his head, and In less thuD n second he
Now what do you sup[*ose the
He says frresone dries Immediately
much reassured.
As he passed the
was securely manacled.
and never Inflames or even Irritates
girls will do with thut five hun­
dungeon door he paused for a moment,
The chief officer had been eying him
tho surrounding skin. A small bottle
dred dollars?
How much will
listening intently, his head bent.
Closely. "Say !” he exclaimed. “ Aren’t
of freezone will cost very little at any
“ Oh, Mr. Allan.” cried Prudence, you Llmber-Llmh Grunt?" The burglar
drug store, but w ill positively remove
—foreign missions, for Instance?
“ let's look In the dungeon first. I want grinned, but did not answer.
every hard or soft corn or callous
to see i f the money Is safe.” Her hand J ove!” shouted the officer.
from one's feeL Millions o f American
“ It la I
women will welcome thlB announce­
was already on the lock, but he shoved Call the girls down here,” he ordered.
(T O U K C O N T IN U E D .)
ment since tho Inauguration of the
her away quickly.
high heels. If your druggist doesn't
“ Is there any way out o f that closet
have freezone tell him to order a small
Monkeying W ith the Universe.
besides this door?” he asked.
It bus been reliably reported that bottle for you.
“ No.
We call It the dungeon,”
laughed Prudence, her self-possession W r it e r T e ll» How Lum berm an Wept two New England men nre about to
Getting at th* Fact*.
startle the world with an entirely new
quite recovered. “ It Is right under
Bitter T e a r » W hen Ordered to Cut
“ Did I understand you to say that
Down a Fine Hemlock.
your friend Pennlbbs wan engaged
said to he n consulting mechanical en­
In literary pursuits,’’ sho queried.
"W ell, I hope not," repliod the
Thnt one should feel nffectlon for
great trees Is nnturnl. In the Minne­ In very good stnndlng. The atory Is knowing y< ung man. ” 1 merely stated
sota forests I met a lumberman who that these two men have gone so fnr that he wrote alleged stories and
told me he wept hitter tears when ho In the realm of infinitive formula thnt poems for the magazines."-Exchange.
got orders to cut down n fine hem­ they have been able to develop n meth­
A Compensation.
lock. Every stroke o f the ux seemed od that will enable them to stop the
“ Geraldine, this Is a bad habit of
to him to be felt by the sturdy mon­
yours getting a new droaa every
arch whose life he was taking, writes time nnd o bottle up the energy neces­ week."
Julius Chambers In the Brooklyn
“ Yes, ma, and aee how easily this
so created nnd sell It commercially to
bad habit fastens on mo.” — Baltimore
When 1 have revisited the “ woods”
In which ns n hoy I gathered nuts, I fore the plan Is actually put luto com­
Whenever there 1* a tendency to conxtips-
have fancied the trees 1 used to climb mission two other men o f equnl abil­
recognized nie. They looked the same. ities wifi be found who will be willing tion, eirk headsebe, or bilioininese, tako a cup
o f Garfield Tea. All druggiata.
They hadn't aged.
The shellback to collaborate with them to tho end
hickory trees seemed n trifle more
Many a captivating co-ed has lost
dangerous to climb than o f yore, and ly In Its revolutions after It Is once
the walnuts had gained noticeably !n stopped, otherwise there will he a pain­ a perfectly good stand-In by guessing
girth, ho that my lengthened arm hnd ful absence of market for this novel tho wrong name over a telephone.—
barely kept pace wltli the expanding power. Hugh L. Cooper In tho Helen-
I could still encircle their title American.
G IV E “ 8 Y R U P O F F IG S ”
trunks nnd could buve climbed them
Boston Art Acquisition.
If necessary, but the rewnrds of a
The Zulongn exhibition In Boston re­ Delicious “ F ru it L a x a tiv e ” can't harm
winter’s store of nuts no longer ap­
peal to me. The wulnuts und hickory sulted lu the sale to the Boston mu­
tender little Stomach, liv e r
and bowela.
nuts ono buys do not tnste like those seum of Zulongu's large group, "My
Unele Daniel am) tils Family,” pre­
guthered with one’s own hnnds.
Look at tho tongue, mother!
ferred by Mr. Sargent to all tho other
picture* In the exhibition. In the pic­ coated, y r little one's stomach, liver
Dispatching Business.
and bowels need cleansing at once.
Counsel for the Defense— "Yotir ture Daniel Zulongn, who In his day
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
honor, you neglected to ask the pris­ was regarded us the foremost cera­ alcep, oat or act naturally, or is fovor-
oner If she had anything to say ns to mic artist In Spain, I n seen standing Ish, atomach sour, breath bad; has
why sentence should not be pro­ before an easel, palette and brushes in sore throat, diarrhoea, full o f cold,
nounced.” Judge— 'Tnnsinuch as the hand. The canvas Is lift Inches wide give a tenapoonful of “ California
Quickly She Flung It Shut.
prisoner Is a woman, we will omit tlint nnd K2 Inches high, nnd contains six Syrup o f Figs," and In a few hours
the stairs, nnd not even a mouse co<
formality In order to dispose of Un­ figures besides the dog Polly, which all tho foul, constipated waste, undi­
gnaw its way out. with this door shi
case In some reasonable time.”
sits with Its mistress at the left of the gested food and sour bile gently move*
“ Who shut the door7” he tnqnir
group. The picture wns painted at out of its little bowels without grip­
still holding Prudence’s hand from i
Segovia In 11)10, exhibited at Home In ing, and you have a well, playful child
Trees Affected by Lightning.
again. Ask your druggist for a 60-
lock. Then, without wnltlng for
No particular species o f tree Is moro 11)11, at 1’iirts, Dresden and Munich In
cent bottle o f “ California Hyrup of
answer, he went on, “ Let’s go bnck
susceptible to lightning stroke than 1012. nnd nt Brussels In 1014. This Is Figs," which contains f til directions
the other room a minute. Come on,
nny other except in so fur ns the spe­ the first time It bus been shown In su for babies, children of all ages and for
o f you." In the living room he h
American city.
cies determines the height of the tre*.
Hurrah ! How’s This