% Local Ladies Help the War Sufferers Vert»’ hall next Sunday evening, the large assembled throng en­ at 8 o’clock. Admission free and joyed an evening which will al­ everybody invited. ways be remembered. Forest Grove ( ’amp has fitted School Consolidation Desired For many month» past a num­ up the new John Anderson hall Petitions are being circulated in where they are holding their reg­ ber of Forest drove ladies have the Hillside, Kansas City and ular meetings. A t their last meet­ lM*en meeting weekly at the Bur- Fairview school districts for their ing Wednesday evening, Feb. 28th lingham home, on South F ifth , street, and sewing for the unfor­ consolidation for the purpose of District Manager 0. W. T. Muell- tunate victims of the Kuropean building a union high and gram­ haupt. assisted in starting a lively war, including t h e Belgians. mar school. campaign for new members and The advantages of such a union a drill team is to be former! These meetings are held every The school were brought out at the Thursday ufternoon, beginning at next meeting will be held Wed­ 2 o ’clock and there is room for last meeting of the West Dairy nesday evening. Mar. 14th, when more workers, if any desire to Farmers' Commercial club, held new officers will be elected. help. Such should bring needles, at the Hillside church. The Woodmen of the World thread, thimbles and scissors. is a Western institution and has There is now more need for aid paid out in death losses to widow», for these unfortunate people than orphans and dependent ones over ever before, as more of them are $23,000,000. It has a reserve fund Being desirous of having a full of over $8,000,000 invested in ap­ homeless and appeals have come also from the hospitals for oil-| discussion of the $6,000,000 road proved s c h o o l a n d municipal cloth-covered pillows to be Used bond issue to lx* voted on by the bonds of the very best securities. in carrying the wounded from the people next June, Senator Wood Of this sum $1,620,000 is invested of Hillsboro has launched a writing in Oregon and builds up the en­ field. ( Hher articles needed arc shoes contest for grade and high school tire state. The cost to join is only for m<*n, women and children, pupils, in accordance with the $3.00, which includes the medical eit her new or repaired, unbleached i following regulations: examination fee. and thereafter a Contest A — Subject; The benefit ac­ chemises for women and girls, in | nominal monthly payment. The cruing to the county in which the w rit­ fact all kinds of clothing for men, membership c o n s i s t s of over er is a resident from the improvement women and children. o f the roads described in the $*>,000,000 115,000 in the nine Pacific Coast Writing from Paris to Mrs. bonding act. For the best argument, states. Hurlingham in acknowledgment a first prize o f $5; for the second best NOTES A N I) PERSONALS of a former shipment (of which argument, a prize o f $2. There are 36 first and 36 second prize« in this con­ many have been made from this test. Job printing— phone 821. city) Mrs. Nina Dirrey Duryea, Contest B — Subject: T h e benefit Warranty deed and mortgage president of the Duryea Com­ which will accrue to the state at large blanks for sale at the Express of­ mittee of American War Relief, from the improvement o f the roads de­ fice. says the committee is giving out I scribed in the bonding act. For the best argument, a first prize o f $25; for Silver-laced Wyandotte eggs for 2.000 articles a week and cannot] the second best argument, a prize of hatching, 50c for 13 J. H. Shear­ nearly supply those in the great- j tu . er. 8-3t est need. Referring t o cripples j Contest C — Subject: The same as j W. H. Coghill of Milton visited who have been discharged from contest B. This contest is open only to bona fide students o f Oregon h i g h his old friend, Jim Ritchie, last the hospitals, but are too weak to schools. For the best argument w rit­ Friday. work, Mrs. Duryea says: “ Unfit] ten by a high school student, $10. For Rent— Five rooms in house for further service, not knowing Contest D--Subject: Same as contest In­ where their families are, their, B and open only to bona fide students just west of Laughlin Hotel o f Oregon grammar schools. Best ar­ quire at this office. 40 homes in ashes, penniless, sleep-; Liberal Cash Prizes for School Pupils (trace Watt Ross, Agnes 8. Watt, Olive Prichard, John Prichard, Mr. Gilpin is reported much improved. M. E. Iloxter, Charles S. Naylor, George H. Marsh, Emma Marsh, J. J. Loynes has been having a siege J. Wheelock Marsh, Winifred o f the grip, but is much better. Marsh Whlttelsey, Theodore Mrs. T. L. Inskeep and son, Russell, Whittelsey, G. K. Schmldtke, K. E. Schmldtke, and-------------- o f Portland, are «pending the week at Schmidtke, his w ife; also all the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. other persons or parties un- M. E. Simmons. Baby Russell is six known, claiming any right, title, months old and scored 99 1-2 per cent « “ tale, lien or interest in the real in the eugenics contest in Portland a eHtate and pr0mUe* b r i b e d the complaint herein, few weeks ago. Defendants To Charles 8. Naylor, F. E. The literary was well attended Wed­ ....... Schmidtke, his nesday evening and a very interesting Schmidtke and wife; Mary Ross, or Minnie Watt and instructive program was given. Naylor, and to all other persons or The question o f Government ownership parties unknown, claiming any right, o f railroads was d e b a t e d by Mrs. title, estate, lien or interest in the real Beighter and Guy Mott on the affirm«- f * ta^ anfd P « “ “ « described In the „ r, i . . „ . complaint herein.. Defendants: t,ve and Mr. Buckley and George L e - . th# Name of the state of Q v*ck on the negative. The judges gave You and each of you are hereby re- the decision to the affirmative. qulred to appear in the above entitled The Ballinger and W. B. Simmons <*>ur* and cause and answer the corn- families took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. f i “ !?,1 f a* aln*t ¿ ° ,a ,D. htH t? h? w ,, „ , . . . .. entitled suit, on or before the 9th day M. E. Simmons Sunday, in honor o f the of April, m7> 8a(d date being after arrival o f Mrs. Inskeep o f Portland. the expiration of six weeks from the A. Ballinger has resumed work with date of the first publication of this his wood saw, after a two weeks “ va­ summons upon you in the Forest Grove Express, the first publication thereof cation" on account o f bad weather. being on Thursday, the 22nd day of Mrs. Harry Miller is able to attend February, 1917, and the last publica­ to her household duties again after an tion thereof being on Thursday, the 5th day of April, 1917, and set up by illness o f several weeks. way of answer any claim you, or any Pirnr i r a n p of y ° u may have *n or to the real prop- t U lib lt erty hereinafter described, and you I will sell at my place, two and and each o f you will please take n o THATCHKH NOTES one half miles northwest of Forest tor Grove, and one mile south of O f, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com­ Thatcher, on plaint. to-wit: For a decree adjudging the plaintiff S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 10 to be the owner in fee simple and in the beginning at 10:00 a. m. the fol­ actual possession of all the following described real property situate in the lowing described Stock: of Washington and State of Twenty head of milk cows, i County Oregon, and particularly described as four high grade Jerseys, the others follows, to-wit: n n e-h a lf to tn tnree th ree-n o a rters >Soath Commencing at a and point We8t 425.7 259.5 feet one nan quarters 8. 30- Wegt Holstein, crossed with Jersey feet from the Northwest corner of f irom r, m stock stocK. All tuberculin All tuberculin tested Stoke* point Donation Land tested hv Dy the beginning being ln Claim, section said 31, lunch a t noon in Township One, North, Range Three ah West of the W illamette Meridian, Dr. Coon. Free T V -m • a «u . Term» of Sale. All sums under running thence North g. 30< East 166 $10ca>h;on all sums over th a t feet; thence South 89* 30' West 865 amounts mon.h'x time will be {£ S £ ? In % city6 3 given, w ith 6 p er cent interest Forest Grove, Washington County, and approved security. No prop- une*«? ' N o n h ^ M ^ r t r e e T 164^ feet? erty to be removed until terms of thence North 89“ 30' East 840.5 feet sale are complied with. °f b€ginning’ contiilnin* IRA E. PUR DIN, Owner. And adjudging that you and each of gument written by grammar g rad » ing anywhere, their feet through Wanted— Some t u r n i p s for student, $10. J. W. HUGHES Auctioneer. ¡5“ m* to the pavements, not beggars in cow feed. South P a r k Dairy, RULES Geo. F . Naylor, Clerk 8 -2 t interest, title or claim to, or lien upon 47 tf any sense, they must be clothed. -------------------------- tbe real property hereinbefore just One person may enter but one con­ I Chas. D. Staley, Prop. The Express prints butter wrap- described, adverse to the title of the A'.k your husbands or brothers to test. Orval Hutchens resumed work In contest A, the author must be a _ ¡ f t 1« “ give you the suits they are keep­ in the Russell shoe store Tuesday, pens w i t h n o n -poisonous ink. resident o f the county whose benefits ■ property herein described be quieted ing because they ‘ may want them,’ from the proposed roads are discussed. after being laid off with mumps Sheriff’s Sale absolutely as against any claim or and send them to us to clothe1 Contest B is open to any resident o f for two weeks. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , That f.nyr r,igh‘; Vu® thereto on the part of you or any of these shattered bodies." Oregon who does not participate in Joe A. Wiles would like to by virtue o f an attachment execution you, and that the plaintiff have' judg­ Money is also needed badly to i either o f the other contests. write your insurance. Will give issued out o f and under the seal o f the ment for her costs and disbursements In contests C and D, the argument Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, herein, and that she have such other furnish fuel, as even the head­ must discuss the road proposal from you service that will be to your for the County o f Multnomah, dated and further relief as may be just and quarters of the committee are un­ the state-wide standpoint. advantage. Upstairs in Ander­ the 13th day o f February, 1917, upon a equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you comfortably chilly, with no money No argument in any contest may ex­ son block, room 2. 52 judgment duly made and docketed in by publication in the Forest Grove ceed 200 words. for fuel. Express, a newspaper published and Mr. and Mrs. W. C Breed, who said court on the 25th day o f January, Writing must appear on but one side 1917, and a transcript thereof duly filed c,rcu,atcd in Washington County, Ore- , , . , , j L , gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon- came from Orchard, Wash , via and , * docketed o f the paper used. l.odge Reorganized in the county o f Wash- orable George - R. — - - - Bagley, Judge of - the Manuscripts must be written prefer­ auto, for a visit with Mr. and ington, state o f Oregon, in favor above entitled Court, made and en­ A meeting of the Knights and ably with typewriter, or pen and ink. I Mrs. A. H. Underwood, returned o f Fred Hoskins, plaintiff, and against tered on the 20th day of February, Ladies of Security was held at the The name and address o f the author Oscar Johnson, defendant, for the sum 1917, and which order requires the home Monday. summons to be published in the For­ offices of Wiles and Roswurm Si ttS must appear in the upper right-hand Wednesday evening, Feb. 28th, corner o f the first page. G. W. Leach of Plattsmouth, Arguments must be submitted with­ Neb. who has been visiting his for the purpose of reorganizing out accompanying letters, explanations The following officers were elected brother-in-law, Chas. VanDoren, or other enclosures. for the coming year: for the past two weeks, departed The envelope enclosing the manu­ President, MissNaoma Conger; script must be addressed to Senator Tuesday for home. First Vice President. Carl Connet; W. D. Wood. Hillsboro; Ore., and on Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bernard Second Vice President, Geo. Han­ the envelope must also be written the contest entered, thus: “ Contest A , ” went to M cMinnville Saturday cock; Financier, Mr s . Minnie “ Contest B, ” “ Contest C ” or “ Con­ evening for a visit with their Roswurm; Secretary, Miss Mar- j test D ;“ as the case may be. daughter. Mrs. Norris L. Rogers. cella Richards; Prelate, Mrs.j Manuscripts must be received by Sen­ H. R. returned Monday morning, Blanche Richards; Guard, Walter ator Wood on or before 6 p. m. Mar. 15. but Mrs. Bernard will visit the Manuscripts that do not comply with Roswurm; Sentinel, Mrs Conger; the foregoing rules will not be consid­ week out. Conductor, Ben Whited. ered. • Roy L. Dennis and Mis« Lillian A large number of the members Manuscripts will not be Returned to B. Henstreet, both of Gaston were present and a general good the authors. were united in marriage by Judge Neither Senator Wood nof the con­ time was had by all. Coffee, sand­ I Smith at Hillsboro Saturday af wiches and cake were served, test judges can undertake to answer ter noon. The groom is a merchant while the evening was spent in] letters or inquiries concerning the con­ test or awards. of Gaston and quite well known genial conversation. Awards will be announced on or be­ in this city. An Interesting Lecture fore March 25th, 1917, by three judges, Frank E. Rogers, aged 49, to be named later. passed away at his home in M c­ The right to publish any manuscript “ The is reserved by the committee. Minnville on Feb. 28th. He was Taking for his subject, Origin of the Catholic Church,” R ev. Father Buck addressed a good-sized audience at Verts’ hall last Sunday evening. Many in the audience were protestants and there was, no doubt, much in the lecture that was new to them, although w e l l understood by Catholics. Father Buck is an in­ teresting speaker and makes some very good p o i n t s in favor of Catholicism. His lecture next Sunday evening will be on “ The Catholic Church and the Bible; Why Priests Do Not M arry.” The lecture will be given at Woodmen of the World Are Doing Things an uncle to Norris L. Rogers, who was united to Miss Eunice Ber­ nard in this city on Feb. 7th and was present at the wedding. The local Woodmen of the Dan Pierce last week hauled to World attended a large initiation Portland in his auto truck for and banquet at Hillsboro Camp, Peterson Bros., 23 head of hogs, Thursday evening, March 1st, j weighing 4,725. Dan made the when a prize drill team from run to the Union stock yards in Portland, k n o w n as Webfoot three hours and 25 minutes, while Camp No. 65, officers and one it requires two days to get hogs hundred neighbors acted as hosts from this city to the stock yards to the Woodmen of Washington by train. The shrinkage saved by county. W ebfoot’s five-piece or­ the truck route amounts to almost chestra furnished the music and enough to pay for the hauling. o f $53.85 cost and the further sum o f est Grove Express for a period of six $813.45 with interest thereon from the consecutive and successive weeks be- 16th day o f March,1916,at the rate o f 6 ginning with the Issue thereof dated per cent per annum, and for the further 'h0 22nd d?-v ° f / f *TUf rL ’, , iT , ™ -.L • . t ending the issue dated April 5th, 1917, sum o f $75.00 with interest thereon and requires you to appear and ans- from the 25th day o f January, 1917, at wer said complaint on or before the the rate o f 6 per cent per annum, to 9th day of April, 1917. me directed and delivered, commanding Dated this 2oth day of February, me to make sale o f the real property 1 j g j f hereinafter described, heretofore at­ H O LLIS & GRAHAM tached at the suit o f the plaintiff in Attorneys for Plaintiff. the above entitled action I will on Mon­ day, the 2nd dav o f April, 1917, at | the South door o f the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at the hour o f ten o'clock a. m. o f said day, sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand, all o f the following described real property, lying, being and | i t u a t e in Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly W H Y D O N ’T Y O U described as follows, to-wit: C A L L ON A ll o f the East one-half o f lot num­ bered (13) o f and in Spencers Home­ stead, as the same appears upon the duly recorded plat on file and o f record in the office o f the recorder o f convey­ ances for Wasnington County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums A S K H IM A B O U T and for the costs and expenses o f sale P R IC E S ON and said writ. Said sale will be made subject to re­ demption as per statute o f Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 16th day o f February, 1917. J. C. A P P L E G A T E . A N D G E T A H IG H CASH Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. P R IC E FOR Y O U R By Geo. Alexander, Deputy. PR O D U C E ? Geo. J. Cameron, Attorney for Plaintiff. First pub Feb 22, last Mar. 29. Say! F. A. Moore GROCERIES Phone 41x SUMMONS Pacifia Ave. and Third St. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. E. J. Lambert, Plaintiff, vs Ella Watt Jackson, Henry J. Jackson. Emmn Watt Trullinger, J. F. Watt, Jessie Smith Watt, Mary Ross (or Minnie Watt Nay­ lor.) A. M. Naylor, Anna Gould Naylor, Eleanor P. Naylor. Fred E. Naylor, Evelyn W att Blosser, J N .H O F F M A N Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited I