The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 08, 1917, Image 4

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    dii* Aureal (Bruit? lExprpaa BRICK
Published every Thursday at Forest* Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer. Editor aiui Publisher.
Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12. 1916, at the post office at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the A ct of March 3, 1879
TH U R SD A Y . MARCH 8 1917
C O >1 M K N T S
Durable Under Praciically All
Traffic Conditions.
The person or persons having credit as money earned in odd
the care of Verts’ hall should get jobs This money is placed to the
busy and make some repairs be- individual credit of the workers,
fore thedarned thing gets so dis- to be used for buying uniforms or
reputable in appearance that peo- to loan to new members who can- T h s s e R o a d » A r a Easi l y M a i n t a i n a d
pie will be ashamed to be seen not afford the first fees or buy a a n d K a p t C l a a n — T h a P r i n o i p a l Dia-
a d v a n t a g e Is t h e F i r s t H i g h Cost.
book. The new members are then
F o r a L o n g T i m a Use of P a v i n g Brick
..T . .
. supplied with a job and they are
Elsewhere in this issue will be .
. \
W a s C o n f i n e d t o Cities.
, .
- i ,
given credit for the w. rk done,
found rules for an editorial con- ?
In this way. any boy who cannot Country i-oml* paved with vltrilled
test, open to the public (in one
afford the initial cost of about brick urt> ttecomlug quite common lu
instance) and to pupils of the
. ..
many of our states, according to a bul­
, and j high
, . , schools.
. ,
, , would $1.00,
can , start
and not letin “Brick Roads." recently Issued
, , in , at , once
. . .
______ lose time for lack of funds.
by the office of public roads and rural
be gratifying, indeed, if one o r ;
Let the Scouts do your work. engineering. Culled Slates department
more of the first prizes should
They will take any job that offers ! o f agriculture.
come to this city. Read the rules
an l guarantee their work. Call Tlic principal advantages which
and then try to bring a prize to
; brick roads | hm <» c . s n , according to the
0343, Scoutmaster.
bulletin, may I h * stated briefly as fol
Forest Grove.
The twelve senators who talked
lows' (P They are durable under prao
! tlcallj all traffic conditions, (2> they
afford easy traction ami moderately
good foothold for horses, and (11) they
aro easily maintained and kept clean.
The principal disadvantage Is the
first high cost. The defects which fre
or anr.iNion lest. In ttus test ton m j
bricks are | «lucci I In a rattle Darrel
With ten cast Iron spheres three and
three quarters Inches lu diameter and
weighing 7.5 pounds ca d , and enough
•phcrcH one and aevcu-clghth* Inchcs
In dliim dcr and welghlng 0.05 potimi
ca d i lo ntake up 300 potinds of metal
T he loadtsl rutile barre! I h tlien re-
1 volved coulluuotmly 1.800 tlnn-s nt a
I spcc,| not Dover timi) twenty-ulne ami
j oiu' half nor eicecd ln g thlrty and «me-
I half revolutIona |>cr minute. Wlien tln*
i t*»st Is over thè resulta are reckoued lu
| terma o f thè loss In welght Niistalmsi
| by thè brlck. No pleee of brlck whlcb
tvelgbs lesa thau olle potimi la eonsld
ered ss h a d n g wlttmtiXHl Ilio te st
(Continued from png«« One)
I)iu>r, manager o f th e
, ,,
Newberg cannery, talked of the
relations that should exist between
growers and ran tiers lie spoke
briefly of the lines handled in the
Newberg cannery and told what
some of the crops yielded and
what the cannery paid.
A. C. Davis of Gresham, who
has 65 acres in berries, told of his
experience in lierry growing, ex­
plained some of his problems and
how he overcome them. He said
the only safe and economical way
Willie and Tommy
Heialer have! to store some crops was in the
moved to the hop Held anti nre working can. He didn’t care much for
the yanl this year.
fruits and vegetables that had
Josh A<ikins has returned from Kast-
d r i e d u n t i l they re­
ern Oregon where he went to take up a l>een
sembled hay. The cannery was a
Mrs. John MrRobvrts is better nt good thing for any community
this writing.
and the berry, fruit and vegetable
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wahl are visit
growers should protect it, even if
ing at her grandmothers, Mrs. K. J,
Ay»-rs, and her brother’s, ( ’hurley M«it- ®^ey had to make the cannery a
present once in a while. Asked
K. J. Ayers and Mr. I,..usingnot were what yield might be expected
shopping in the Grove Monday.
from vario s berries, he replied
JefT Hayden's little hoy is !>etter. so!
that they brought him home Monday. i that he had harvested 2> £ tons of
Ed. I.illy drove rattle through Gales red raspberries from an acre; two
tons of black caps, three tons of
Creek to market Monday.
Mrs. Bertha Madeaon spent the week- j Loganberries, an d tile same o f
end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es L l w l o n s and a s high as 4 ' .. t o n s
armed neutrality
bill to
Public sale bills printed at the
death last Saturday have been Express office.
hearing from their constituents
H. T. Buxton had bu-im ss in
and are now explaining why they
Portland Tuesday.
d'd it. A California body of busi­
Money to loan—Valley Realty
ness men sent Senator Works word
Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf
that he could “go over to Ger­
Good X-ray i n c u b a t e r and
many or to hell, but he needn’t
for $10; cost $25 new.
come back to California.” Some
Mr. and Mrs. Perry G .bbert passed ° f Ev*rK"*n blackberries.
of the resolutions being sent our Phone 817.
through (Isles Creek yesterday, e 11 route warned the growers against ex-
own senator, Harry Lane, are al-
Miss Carol Phillips is making
to Forest Grove.
perimenting with unknown crops,
most as strong.
an extended visit at the home of
Talk about the stork flying— -he left a saying we kept an agricultural
, r ..
i , - o T l u • . . . her sister in Hubbard
Meetings like that held in this
little boy at Mr. King's and a little college to do the experimenting,
girl at Pete Parson's March 6th.
city last Saturday, when the Com- ,^ra E ’ Purdin will hold a sale of
He advised farmers and berry
So you see that Ben Bateman did not
mercial club brought farmers and high-grade milk cows at his place
to learn, through th*- O.
shoot it. It must have been an eagle;
fruit growers, canners and expert nt xt Saturday, b e g i n n i n g at
other competent experts,
it was 7 from tip to tip.
horticulturists and agriculturists ^ a ’ m’
Mrs. Dan Pierce was visiting her sis­ to what their s o i l s were best
together to b r e a k bread and
Mrs. Sam Dallas of Corvallis,
ter, Mrs. Jam es (’hurt-hill, Sunday.
exchange i d e a s , are bound to formerly of Gales Creek, visited
E. H Fry of Portland, for many
Classes Choose Delegates
bring about good results The friends in this city the latter part
years a seed grower and seller,
The following people have been
canners told the farmer and fruit °f la;it week.
but now engaged, principally, in
elected by their respective classes looking after three good farms in
and berry growers what they
Mrs. C. C. Taylor of Portland
to represent Pacific at the Ora­
wanted and the experts told the visited with Mrs M. W. Patton,
Oregon, talked on seeds and ap­
Contest to Is* held in Cor­
producers how to get the best re- arriving Saturday and returning
peared to know about all there
A vallis this coming Friday. For
suits and what they might expect on Wednesday,
-- 1 the Seniors, Alice Smith a n d was to know of seeds and their
under certain conditions, from an
Mr and Mrs. Percy Richards
uses. He said the day had come
George Rasmusen will be distin­
acre of ground. Now if the can- a nd little son of Portland, visited
when men made more off 40 acres
guished representatives. For the
ners and producers can get to- Mr\ Richards’ m o t h e r , Mrs.
than their fathers made off a sec­
c o K K r k e c i in « a b u c k l o a d .
Juniors Tom Smith and Grace
gether on prices, the local cannery Blanche Richards, Sunday,
tion of land and told of one man,
try to uphold the d g-
will handle many farm produce j M r s > A I y c e T ( j d d h a s m o v e d fluently result from lark <>f uniformity Zerba , will
.. . .
t. „ . , a Belgian, who made a living for
ne\er before tinned in th L city, her eieC(rjc SUpp|y store from In the quality of the bri k or from poor n,ty of their oil«», hor the Soph«|a rami]y of u.„ an(, |,ankrd „ 700
ure usually to be traced Catherine Davis and Harold Rob
thus affording a better and more First avenue, north, to the room constructlo:i
indirectly to nn effort to reduce the inson are to have the privilege of last year off less than an acre.
varied market for the producers, north of the Good Inve>tment lirst cost or to u popular feeling that
He scoffed the idea tha alfalfa
trip to O. A . G. and for the „„„ 1,1
1 ,......... •>
giving work to more people at the company( ]ower Main street.
Ifx-ul mat“: '::I*
oiiid I m * used, even the
. could not I k * profitably grown in
cannery and giving the working
Oregon and said he had ani c*
Mrs. W. T. Patton of Portland
The lirst Dr k Lavement constructed Herschel Obye are the prize win­
people, including the farmers,
was a visitor at the home of M ill tills c o : ; it y, i‘ is stated, dotes baek ners. Glenn Jack is the official field of it near Cresswell, Lane
more money to spend with the
ls72. u n i <*' i lesion, W. Vu., has
county. Care must be taken, how­
W. Patton on Tuesday and re­ to
the «list¡netDm o f Itcing the first Amer­ representative from Pacific and
merchants and professional men
turned h o m e o n Wednesday, ican city to employ this product for these n i n e enthusiastic P. U. ever, in getting good non-irrigated
You can’t help the farmers and
and the soil must beinocculat-
stopping at Cornelius on her way. paving. For n imin'ier o f years after boosters should surely be able l o |e seed
adviscd farmer,
the cannery without helping ev­
Its Introfluct'oa, however, the use of
ery line of business in town. Let
to city street mnl owing to the fre­ whteh we canhnently expect him thc ca,intTy w a n t e d
for „
us have more of these meetings.
visited friends here Friday and quent inferiority .n the quality o f the to bring to us.
brb-k and hull o f care in construction
r .
1 11
it 1
1 manaKcr wanted to can only such
Boy Scout Activities
Saturday before she leaves for j very few of the early pavements prov­ ,,,
Cheers for Jones and old P. U.!— as were salable. While most of .
The Ipcal Scouts have secured Florida, where she will spend a ed satisfactory. Even now, a fic r 'th e P. U. Index.
his talk was devoted to seeds, he
expericii........ forty years has demon­
the janitorship of Verts and the few months visiting relatives.
strated that it is entirely practicable to
K. of P. halls for the use of them.
Catholic Church Notes
1 alao “,,ve valu',l,l‘' information on
Mr. and Mrs T. C. Lord, Sr., construct satisfactory brick pavements
In the past week, the boys have and daughter, Maude, who went when proper care is exercised and that
Following is the schedule o f '
‘ hmiround (or the «-ed.
performed several odd jobs net- to California for the winter, are much w aste rc ults fioin the use of lectures to be delivered by Father
IS a . v^as’ ^r<) ,a '•
poor miiterm’s or faulty construction.
ting nearly $2.00 Let the Scouts
\„0^ a v'in'g
Instances c.-n s'ill be frequently found
Sunday e v e n in g March 11 - “ The !
80meth,nK of value to offer
d., your odd jobs. They are (ast Mra u ,rA vislted fnwlds in this when; own ¡ura lively new pavements
Catholic Church and the Bible. Why Mr. tr y
talked until nua ly 5
and reliable.
city M onday.
causes which might cosily have been P riests Do Not M arry.”
then was surrounde d
The local troop now consists of
The “Peerless” washing ma­ prevented.
Sunday evening, March lM -"W hat Is by a crowd of interested people
38 boys. Twenty of them have
The selection of the brick Is one of
Pow er’ and is the Catholic urb,.
„.¡¡t m
chine has its own water motor; the most es c it'll features, for the n ‘Temporal
. V
wanted stnl
mcjre information
passed as Tenderfeet. W a l t e r
Church anxious to gain it?
. •
. . .
1 ",
success or fni! <• of such pavements
Sunday evening, March 26—“ Intol-
Lenneville was the last recruit to
it work. It saves lots of hard depends to a Inree extent « hi the way erance; St. Bartholom ew’s Eve: (Jueen Ca bning plant announced that his
successfully pass examinations.
In which the brlel: w ill withstand the
company would this year handle
The Scouts are planning an ac­ work and worry. See it at Gor­ kind of traffic for which tha road is Mary o f E ngland.”
(R ev.) J. R. BUCK, Pastor.
don’s hardware store.
9-tf design *d. The engineers point out that
spinach, carrots and cabbage,
tive clean up and municipal beaut­
It Is very poor economy to use a locally
three vegetables n e v e r before
ifying campaign. B i r d houses
manufactured brb k unless this brick
Eggs For Hatching
and planting of flowers in down­ Grove high basketball quintets Is o f a high standard. Color, specific
White Wyandotte and R. I canned here, and he was ready to
gravity, absorptive power or even the
town parkings are the orders of
J. W. Frisbie, s'Kn season contracts for these, as
crashing strength of brick Is not nec­ Reds; 50c per 15
, W,‘D a8 beets, beans andsqua*h
the day. A campaign against at ^ :'>,() P- m next Saturday, essarily a reliable test. In general, of Curtis addition.
| He is also ready to sign five-year
flies will gain the aid and support ^ a r c ^ l^ th . Admission 25c. course, the brick should be uniform In
The insurance company which contracts for blackberries and red
This is the last game of the season size, perfect in shape, free from rag­
of all the ladies of the town.
ging and deep kiln marks. Each brick
Tuesday morning the Central an^ the locals are going the limit should be homogeneous In texture and had a policy on the postoffice and hlack raspberries.
free from objectionable seams. Fire safe, ruined by burglars, has put
The season for the planting of
School was instructed in t h e to w'n **• Come and boost,
cracks should lie limited In number and in a better safe in place of the vegetables is advancing” and*
proper observance of Colors and
Those who attended the state extent, and the entire brick should be
the cannery will furnish the seeds,
hereafter the two upper grades Y W. C. A convention at Mon­ vltrifhsl and should contain neither mi- old.
it behoves growers to get busy
will fall out for flag raising every mouth last week were Misses j ftised nor glassy spots. Even field In- j
spcctlon and laboratory analysis, un­
sign contracts and secure
morning under the supervision of Donna Mack, Alvena Howard, less
conducted by those especially ex- 1 Will trade small business for
the Boy Scouts. The Scouts are Mildred Scobee, Grace Haines, perlenced, however, may prove of little | team, harness and wagon. Ad-
*ir a otment °f seed,
fortunate in having the active co- Helen Newman and Margaret value.
dress P. O. box 258.
8 tf
The, latest Columbia records of
According to the bulletin, the test
operation of Supt. Inlow.
■ Marsh. They report a very fine upon
which highway engineer« appear
. ■
---------- T-------“
the new sonKs on sale at Littler’s
Job printing—phone 821.
The Scouts have $14 to their, convention.
to place most reliance Is the 'Tattler“