The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 08, 1917, Image 3

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Dairying, Hogs, Chickens, Truck Farming, Stock Raising
20 to M M * • •(• *
H all, w atar, und autu Iran aportu tlu n to P ortla n d .
L o w a*t
rrelarit In atm k y a rd * mid o ilie r I'n rtluiid rim rh vU o f u,iy u g t lr u lt u ru l d la -
Irli I In (>■ ■•trnii or W a a ld n a to n
Ht. Ilid rn a d la trlrt (w it h c o -o p e ra tiv e < r «a m -
ery an d cuntmry an d a 100,000 payroll per m o n th ) now ru pldly d e velo p in g ;
inoel produ ctive aoll, hunt rlrarltiK . s p r in g witter, luljolna high ly Im proved
fu itiling dlatrh t
tin to f$6 per m re
T e r m », (i per cent.
It1« w o rth your
w h ile to h a v e a fe w m in u tes’ talk w ith un abou t the heat o ppo rtu n ity o ffe red
In O regon fo r you to go t a fa rm hom e o f your own.
W r i t e C h a rle s L.
W h eeler.
517 Chamber of Commerce Huildintc. Portland, or
ST. 11KLENH LUMBER COMPANY, St. Helen«, Oregon
I )
fete V. I leaser, Prn U «at.
j5 5 o
Darkens Beautifully and Re-
xtoreH Its Natural Color
and CuHtre at Once.
s n m m is t
r,Day U p H S P H I S2 Dp
W kmmxm't Fingttod Buck
T oU l nr «ft rvTftftUil In UnlUftl KtfttM fttmut
2,800.01*) ftrr«ft containing mrrirullurftl. Umftjnr i»nd
pamvrftlUi. mostly In 1H m untf«i In Waatern O r«.
. fn-rn l'ortl*n<l to California. i»art on «^arh «U|a
U » r n I'arlftr Hftllroftd
Agrirultural ami tim-
bor land» w l l l l * oimnnd for »utllatnonl and •*!«
tnih'r fovernwant IftWN. U r g n map showing ro-
imfttad ftaetlon* In IH count!««; uynoDsia o f pnnrlft-
loaa umUr which land wa* a rant««} and r»«v«Nit«d;
«•try aiudlrtcftUon». Information about county.
aulU. crop». rainfall, ciiaiat«. »I«*at!una. ntr . MDt
rom i-.-U ftAd for II (M)
(Y IN LA N A C U ,
» 4 North lfth
I' Oregon
Without Operation
Ihn Lr m
T u fu m
âp tM W H Ii
Khr untati »Ol
Diala* taa
Uriah hi
Ila N la and chmnlr dl»»a»«a of
mrorj da»«*rlption and kind.
War« cum ) thousand» of paoph«
In tha la»t 12 years l»y tha u m of
Radium. X Kay. Kb»rtrtr Cur­
rant*. Lights. Hftkwivtna, Vibra­
tors. Magnetic W av«*. thcon«.
I’srks, IH»t. AdJustmant*. Mitn-
Ipulation». Ma*ftaga and llatha.
(!on«ultallon fme. W rit«
DR W E. M A L L O R Y .
Gt jo 6 H roadway iild g
O r«fu n
, Fra« Information on
i Ifpw To flu Tannin*
I rom U m worthMMa-
l'*-ktn«r gr««m huit-a
r t/i th« tiriMt, »lift tan-
nail furrwl inath«-r
motk-pnnf, at fac­
tory priera m ala up
into Uiautiful lad Uw*
fura, coata. robe«.
mittA-na and rapa.
Taxidermist w ork.
Send for catalogua.
W . W aavar, Custom Tannar. Reading, Mich.
Veal, Pork. BoW.
Poultry, Buttar, Eggs
end Fana Produco
In the Otd Reliable Eventing hones with a
reeurd vf it r « e n of Kouere Healings, end
be asee red ml T O P M A R K E T PRICED.
4V i 7 F ra si Street
Portland. Oreoee
$40 and Up
W rit* for Hat A of rebuilt llarlay-
Davkdaona. Indiana. Kxrelaior*. Ktc.
llarWy - Davidson Hrrrira O n ta r
for tha Northwest. la rg est cxelu-
aira deaiara of Motorcycle« In N . W.
■ fT M fT tll A IIPPIT 0t . IRC.
'MJ$ Fourth 8L
Portland. Ora
Far Udtai Maaiaai Instrument* In truaat harmony.
Male ta aaa how good thay can be, not how much
tlwy will briag. Violin, Man-1 In. iiuitar. Hanjo.
Ukriah*. ftlngan
"If y<*u don't find >m h»tt«r
Chan any, a»nd ’am l«a«k at our axpanaa." Sll to
8U Latbba Hid*.. 227'» Waah. St.. Portland. Ora.
Common garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri­
ant. Mixing the 8age Tea and Sulphur
recipe at home, though. Is troublesome.
An easier way Is to get the ready-lo­
use preparation Improved by the addi­
tion of other Ingredients, costing about
00 cents a large bottle, at drug stores,
known as “ Wyeth's H&ge at.J Sulphur
• •impound,” thus avoiding a lot of
While gray, faded hair Is not sinful,
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness.
darkening your hair with W yeth’s
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because It does it so naturally,
so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs have disappeared. A fter another
application or two your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux­
uriant and you appear years younger.
Wyeth's S a g e and Sulphur Compound
Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is
not Intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the
originul little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They regulate liver ana bowels.
Unquestionably, honesty Is the best
policy, but a lot of folks think they
can get along with something less
expensive.—Richmond Tim es Dispatch.
Each "Pape's Dlapepsln” Digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five mlnutee.
Tim e It! In ft - minutes all stom­
ach distress w ill go. No Indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas. acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dlxslnees, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Dlapepsln is noted for Its
speed In regulating upset stomachs.
It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem­
edy In the whole world and besides It
Is harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever by getting a large
flfty-cent case o f Pape's Dlapepsln
from any drug store. You realize In
five minutes how needless It Is to suf­
fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor In the world.
10 C E N T "C A 8 C A R E T 8 ”
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Slugglah Liver and Bow el»—They
work while you Bleep.
land. Ora. la rg est Tlra Repair Plant
In the Northwest. Country service a
specialty. Use Parcel Poat
For their gmxt parts. Parte at half price.
can duplicate mnet any part. W e have wrecked
over 100 different make, of car. of recent date. If
In n e w lo fa n v write to Auto Wrecking Co.. 19
North Broadway, Portland. Oregon.
»-Wnw m»r m~n I^t.R.Pf _ Try
T °
a W Th ey «<11 o fte n provai it • oorl-
o u t on4 proioofto«! M U i k.
“ How arc you Kolng to reconcile
your preecnt statements with some
you made In the past?"
" I ’ di not going to try,” replied Sen­
ator Sorghum. " I ’m going to bo per­
fectly fair and let the people who
hold either opinion fight It out among
themaelTea.” — Washington Star.
N o . 0 . 101 T
P. N. U.
Girisi T ry Iti Hair gets a ft, fluffy
and beautiful— Get a 25 cent
bottle of Danderine.
I f you care for heavy hair that glis­
tens with beauty and Is radiant with
life; has an Incomparable softness and
Is fluffy, and lustrous, try Danderlné.
Just óno application doubles the
beauty f your hair, besides 1 Imme­
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair If vou have dan­
druff. This destructive scurf robs the
hair o f Its lustre, lta strength and Its
very life, and If not overcome It pro­
duces a feverishness and lt'h ln g of
the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos­
en and die; then the hair falls out
fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton'a Danderine from rny drug
atore and Juet try I t
Most Eminent Medical
Authorities Endorse it.
will stop
that itch
S o re
tiv e o r g e n ita l organs.
K eep you r cow h ea lth y; It pays.
K o w -K u r e w ill do It.
Buy a
p ack age and fo llo w the sim ple
50c and $1.00 from
your d ru g g is t or feed dealer.
V alu ab le book. "T h e H om e Cow
D octor,” fre e by w ritin g ,
Doctor Pierce’s Pellets are uneqGaled
a Liver Pill. One tiny, Suqar-coated
Pellet a Dose.
Cure Sick äeadache.
Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa­
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements o l the Liver, Stomach
und Bow.-is. "
I.y n d u n v llle , V C
A Good W ay to Find Out.
Student— How much board do I
Home-Made Drag.
owe you ?
Wae Up Against I t
Landlady— How long have you been
Going Into a telegraph office one away Implement, are 2^4 feet long. in college?— Brunonian.
day Snapper Garrison, the Jockey, saw The chains are attached through
an old sporting friend engaged in writ­ ; auger holes. In making the notched
ing a telegram.
j cuts to give the required pitch for the
“ Garrison,” he said, "I'm sending a ■ drag boards take out 3 Inches. The
telegram to my wife, and I ’m broke. boards are 2^j feet long.— Southern
Be a good fellow and prepay It for
| Agriculturist
M other’s unending work and
Stinging Black and Hybrid Breeds devotion drains and strains her
Have Been Discarded.
physical strength and leaves
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, In dlge»
its mark in dimm ed eyes and
tlon. Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­
aches come from a torpid liver and Expert of Oklahoma Experiment Sts careworn e x p r e s s io n s — she
clogged bowels, which cause your
•on Advlseo Beginners to Get M od­
Eiges before her time.
stomach to become filled with undi­
ern Fixtures to Keep the
gested food, which sours and ferments
A n y mother w h o is weary
Honey Gatherers In.
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
and languid should start taking
the first step to untold misery— Indi­
gestion, foul gases, had breath, yellow • By C. K. SANBORN. Oklahoma Experi­
ment Station.)
skin, mental fears, everything that Is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
A great many people fear the sting j
tonight will give your constipated | o f bees, hut It Is Just us the Western I
bowels a thorough cleansing and country was years ugo, where there
straighten you out by morning. They were large herds of rattle. Very little!
work while you sleep —a 10 cent box
butter was made because the cowit i
from your druggist will keep you feel­
were so wild und kicked so much th at!
ing good for months.
only one or two per family were j
Now, however, with the Im­
Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood, erad­ milked.
icate* rheumatism, (iy»pep»ia and many proved breeds, nearly every farmer
chronic ailments.
haa butter und cream the year round, is a strengthening food and bracing
and often receives a nice Income from tonic to add richness to her blood
Got Twenty-Year Policy.
the sale of these products.
and build up her nerves before it
An old man went Into a life Insur­
The same applies to bees. The stlng-
ance office in Hartford, Conn., and
too late. Start SCOTT’S 1
I lug black and hybrid bees have given
requested to be Insured. The com­
today—its fame is world-wide.4
pany asked his age. Ills reply was
! die my bees throughout a year with
No Alcohol.
"W hy, my good man, we can not out being stung.
Scott A H u m ». Bloomfield, N. J.
Insure you," said the company.
In the first place, don't fool with
"W h y not?" he asked.
black bees any more than you would
A Motorist’s Rexentment.
"Because you’re 94."
attempt to milk Texns cows. Get pure
"H ave you studied economy in the
"W hat of that?" cried the old man. | Italians.
In the second place, doD't home?”
"Look at the statistics and they will
"Y e s,” replied Mr. Chuggins. " I ’m
tell you that fewer men die after 94 monkey with boxes or gums to keep
I them In, but get modern fixtures.
tired o f pa>1ng out all this money to
titan before It."— Chicago Herald.
Don’t try to produce comb honey In keep up a cooking range, instead of
j pound boxes. An expert beekeeper Is spending It for gasoline.”— Washing­
! required to make It a success any- ton Star.
! where. Don't Imagine that you can
get rich at the business Just because
you take off. say, 200 or 300 pounds
of honey some years.
I f you can buy from a neighbor more
cheaply than from a dealer, do so; but
bear In mind that when you sell a
cow, you don't always sell your best
Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite as
one. but more likely one with a pe­ weii as Dr. Simon — all distinguished
culiarity that you don’t like. Likewise authors—agree that whatever may be
with bees, for which reason It Is often the disease, the urine Beldom fails in
furnishing us with a clue to the princi­
better to buy from a dealer. He will
ples upon which it is to be treated,
be Inclined to sell you something good and accurate knowledge concerning the
because he has a reputation to sustain. nature of disease can thus be obtained.
The colonies o f Italian bees in a com­ I f backache, scalding nrine or freqnent
plete one-and-one-half-story hive will urination bother or distress you, or if
about $20. Tw o empty hives nric acid in the blood baa caused rheu­
Granulated Eyelids« cost
(ready to put new swarms In), sup­ matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect
Eye* intlamed by expo­
kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr.
sure to Son, Dost and »tad plied with full sheets o f foundation in Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
uickly relieved by Morloe the brood chnmher, and starters In the N .Y .; send a sample of nrine and de­
__ __
ye Remedy. No Smarting, upper stories or supers, will cost $9.60. scribe symptoms. Yon will receive free
4/ w
' ju*t Eye Comfort. A t
medical advice after Dr.Pierce’s chemist
a j 50c
Eye TO PRESERVE SOIL MOISTURE hae examined the nrine — this will be
X uui Dniggitt’ a
vl p
ii ix
m ic . n
u iiu t i_jw
C * l u a : - T . . l ____ ci r _
___ g ________ l
Salve in Tube« :5c. ForBaokallbeEyeFreeuk
carefully done without charge, and yon
Druggim or Mariae Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago
will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce
Description and Illustration of Useful during many years of experimentation
Implement Given Herewith— It
baa discovered a new remedy which be
It Easy to Make.
finds is thirty-seven times more power­
ful than lithia in removing uric acid
This drag Is designed for fining and from the system. I f yon are suffering
packing soli for the better preserva­ from backache or the pains o f rheuma­
tion o f moisture. It Is 3% feet wide, tism, go to yonr best druggist and ask
for a 50-cent box of “ A n u r ic ” put up
made of 2-by-8-lnch lumber and put
F o r alm ost a
by Dr. Pierce.
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
together with 4-Inch spikes. The han­ Prescription for weak women and Dr.
qu arter - century
K o w - K u r e haa
dles. which may he taken from a cast- Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for
guarded the health
the blood have been favorably known
or thousands o f the
best d a irie s In the country. It is
for the past forty years and more. Thev
the one cow m edicine that can be
are standard remedies to-dav— as well
depended upon In any case o f
as Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant L’eliets for
Abortion . Barrenness, R etain ed
A fte rb irth . M ilk F ever, Scouring.
the liver and bowels. Yon can get a
Hunches, and oth er cow ailm ents
sample of any one of these remedies
which are lik e ly to resu lt from a
by writing Dr. Pierce.
ru n-dow n con dition o f the d ig e s ­
What He Said.
"T h e man I marry must be a hero
— brave, daring and gallant; ho must
have enough to support me comfort­
N> east ( I jfM l m
u m * tm prices n f Shipping tags
ably; must have a country home,
T he M. F. N orth Co. fwiima . on.; Sesta. we and. above all, be honest."
"That's all very good; but this Is
L E A R N A T R A D E . G a . Tractor and Auto
love— not a department Btore. — L e­
Garrison took the message and
moliile men are In ilemsnd. We ere giving a rotn
ph-te eourne In hoth for the price of one tuition high Burr.
glanced at I t It read:
for a ebert time only, le r g e clue now sredual
"Cook up everything you’ve got in
ing end have room for few more men Catalog
Tbo man who had made a huge the house today. I'm coming home
and details frea ■wsMTi Trto 2 « t
fortune was speaking a few words tomorrow to hock the stove.”
Portland. O re.o o ,
to a number of students at a business
Garrison sent the message.
class. Of course, the main theme of
FRED P. GORIN, Pitnt Attarvey his address was himself.
Organimr and Develeper: patents Mcum t or PER
“ A ll my success In life, all my tre­
R K k lJ N IlE l); free hook on petente. Multe. 701, mendous financial prestige." he said
701-A. 701- H and 701-C Central building. Seattle.
proudly, " I owe to one thing alone—
pluck, pluck, pluck!"
Second-Hand Machin­
Ho made an Impressive pause here,
ery bought, »old and
exchanged; e n g in e », but the effect was ruined by one stu­
txrfler*. aawmilln, etc, J K. Martin Co., 83 lat dent, who asked Impressively:
St,. Portland. Sand for Stock Lint and prices.
"Yes, sir; but how are we to find
the right people to pluck?"— Philadel­
mo rad to S33 to 887 Bumalda St.. Port­
Choose an agree­
able diet.
Keep the digestion
See that the liver
is active, and
The bowels>lways
Should weakness develop, TRY
S tom ach
Four Essentials in Buying.
When buying a new machine kee.
In mind these four words. Simplicity,
reliability, durability and accessibility.
Then If the machine is given proper
care, long life, and greater profits are
Insured. Use plenty of oil and grease.
Q uinn's
E xperience
O u ght to H elp Y ou O ver
the Critical Period.
Save Native Plantseed.
Lowell. Mass.— “ For the last three
Save the seeds of native plants and years I have been troubled with the
sow them In well-prepared garden soil.
”] Change o f L ife and
The seedlings will be desirable for
the bad feelings
common at t h a t
transplanting about the place later.
I was in a
very nervous condi­
Get Suitable Machinery.
tion, with headaches
Don’t try to get along with a ma­
and pain a g o o d
chine which is worn out or too small
deal o f the time so E
to do good w ork; If the work is worth
was unfit to do my
doing It is worth doing well.
A friend
asked me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Up-to-Oate Farmer.
V e g e t a b l e Com­
Formers are now realizing that
pound, which I did,
there Is much more In being an up-to-
date farmer than most of us used to and it has helped me in every way. I
am not nearly so nervous, no heauachd
or rain. I must say that Lydia E.
Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound is tho
Three Cardinal Virtues.
best remedy any sick woman can take. ”
The cardinal virtues In preparing all —Mrs. M a r g a r e t Q u i n n , Rear 253
klnda o f produce for market are near­ Worthen St., Lowell, Mass.
Other warning symptoms are a sense
ness, cleanliness and uniformity.
o f suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread o f impending evil,
Melting Point of Butter.
timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation
The melting point of southern-made of the heart, sparks before the eyes,
batter Is higher where cattle are fed irregularities, constipation, variable
cottonseed products.
appetite, weakness, inquietude, and
I f you need special advice, write to
Feed colts rmi calves on equal parts
o f oats and corn, also a small amount the Lydia EL Ptnkham Medicine Co.
’confidential), Lynn, Mass.
at w a vine bay.