The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 08, 1917, Image 2

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    certificate, and present the same to route heretofore adopUnl by the State Coos county to la* selected by said o f all claims incurrod in carrying out
the secretary o f state, who shall audit Highway commission.
Inasmuch as highway commission.
thè proviaions thareof or estimatisi by
such claim in like manner as other the county o f Jackson has already ex-
3. A road from Kfigene connecting thè secretary o f state as necessary
claims against the state are audited, peoded large sums o f money in con­ W illlam ette valley with Eastern Ore­ to defray any flirt ber ailministration
and pay the same out o f any moneys structing said Pacific Highway, and in gon by way o f the McKinzie river to ex peline« for thè baiane« o f any license
House Bill 550, referred to the peo- provided by law for the payment l>aving a large p«>rtion thereof, ami in
year, aliali he tranaferred on thè Arai
pie at special election June 4, 1917.
The state treasurer is au­ so lining has practically exhausted its
4. A road connecting the |x>st roatl day o f Aprii and thè firxt day o f Orto-
An act to provide for the construc­ thorize«! and directed to make any such ability to raise money by any issuance from the Columbia river highway up Iter In each year by thè secretary o f
tion o f roads and highways in the state payments o f principal t>r interest on o f county bonds, the said Highway the John Day valley with the |xmt road state lo an aecount to he ux|x<ndis| un­
der thè jurisdirtion o f thè State high-
o f Oregon; provide for the issuance o f said bomls at such places, other than commission is hereby authorized, from between The Dalles and Bend.
5. A road from Albany, via Leba­ way commlsaion in payment o f thè in­
bonds by the state o f Oregon to raise at Salem. Oregon, as the State H igh­ the funds arising from this act, in ad­
A ll dition to completing the (>aving o f said non, Cascadia anil Fish Lake, to Bend. terest and principal as sanie shall be-
money to carry out the purposes of way commission may provide.
No preference shall lx* given in the comc due u|xtn Ixtiitled indebtislness of
this act; to authorize the Stale high­ bomls ami interest coupons u(x>n pay­ highway in Jackson county, to use
way commission to take such action ment shall be deposited by the state from said funds sufficient to provide construction, improving or paving any thè state o f Oregon, contraeteli for
and perform such duties as may be treasurer with the secretary o f state for completing the preparation o f said o f the roads descrilasl herein by reason road pur|xises under thè proviaions o f
necessary to meet the requiremnts of to be attached to the original claim «ff highway through said county, for the o f the numerical designation o f such this act or thè proviaions o f thè xaid
house bill No. 21 referrixl to by tltle
this act; to designate and authorise the state treasurer for the payment leaving thereof.
the construction o f certain hard-sur­ thereof.
6. Commencng on the Columbia
The funds with which to pay the in section H, of this set. Any remain­
Secti«*n 4. The State Highway com­ River Highway at or near Arlington,
faced highways and certain roads and
(xirtion o f the ex|x<nse o f the construc­ der o f aueh surplus or un«xpend«d bai-
shall provide such method as in Gilliam county, thence up W illow
certain forest roads, and to provide for
tion o f said post r o n d s and forest roadM ance so transferrisl to thè jurisdirtion
other post roads and forest roads; to it may deem necessary for the ailver- creek in Morrow county, through the payable by the State o f Oregon, shall o f thè State bighway commiaaion aliali
provide for the letting o f contracts for tisement o f each issue o f saiil bomls cities o f lone. Lexington ami Hepp- be secured from the sale o f Ixuuis as is Ite suhjeet to thè payment o f any other
the construction, paving and mainte­ before the same are sold, ami shall ner in Morrow county and through provided in house bill No. 21, passisi lawful daini or claims incurred or con­
nance o f roads and highways; to make i alst> require such deposit with bills as Pilot Kook, Pendleton, Adams, Athena, by the present legislative
session, traeteli by said eommiaxion.
Section 13.
The State high way
the surplus arising from the fees col-1 may l«e required, and generally shall Weston,
Milton and Freewater in which bill is entitled ‘ ‘ A bill for an
lected under House bill No. 509 o f the conduct the sale and issuance o f sail! Umatilla county, to the Oregon and act to accept the benefits o f the act commiaaion is hereby suthorizml and
present legislative session a fund un „ | bonds under such rules anil regulations Washington state line.
passisi by the Sixty-fourth congress o f empowered to enter Into contracts for
der the jurisdiction o f the State high­ not inconsistent with this act as shall
7. A road from the south line o f the United States entitled ‘ An act to the pur|M>sc o f constructing the n>a«ls
way commission with which to pay in­ be adopted by said commissi«>n.
Clatsop county, at the end o f its high­ provide that the United States shall provided in this act; provide«!, how­
Section 5. The money arising from
terest and principal on bonded indebt­
way described in paragraph 1 hereof, aid the states in cimstruction o f rural ever, that all contract* shall be let ac-
edness o f the state, contracted by the i the sale o f each issue o f bomls shall be south by Wheeler to Garibaldi.
|xist roads, and for other pur|x>sex, * | cording to law ami in open and public
state for road purposes, and other deposited in the state treasury to the
to provide for the issuance o f session o f said commission; providtxi
8. A road from the Multnomah
lawful claims incurred by said com­ credit o f a special fund, which shall be
o f the State o f Oregon to raise further, that if, in th<« opinion o f a
county line by Tigard, Rex and Now-
mission. and to provide for modifying use«! in carrying into effect the provis­
such money as may be required to majority o f the members o f said com-
The secretary o f
the terms o f House bill No. 21 passe«.! ions o f this act.
meet the requirements o f said Federal ' mission, the lowest bid for the con­
For the purposes o f this act the
by the 29th legislative assembly o f the state is hereby authorized anil directed
statute, and to authorize the State struction o f any o f the rowls or parts
state o f Oregon, and to provide for to auiiit all claims incurred in carrying above highways are to be known as board o f Control to lake such action o f roads herein autlmrized t«» be «•«»n-
submitting this act to the people and out the provisions o f this act in the hard-surfaced highways.
and perform such duties as may tie structe«!, shall be excessive, then ami
Section 7. The following highways,
fo r the calling o f a special election same manner-as other claims against
necessary to meet the requirements o f in that event, said commission shall
therefor, and declaring an emergency. the state are audited, and pay the to-wit:
s^id Federal act and Federal officials ; have the right and it is hereby em­
!. The road running from the north | acting under aaid act.” O f the funds powered and authorized to reject all
Be It Enacted by the 'People o f the same from any moneys provided by
law for the payment thereof upon the line o f Douglas county to the Jackson
State o f Oregon:
| made available by said act for |xxit bids and to construct under its own
Section 1. The State Highway com­ submission o f duly verified vouchers county line over the line o f the Pacific I roads, at least sixty |>er rent shall be direction am! su|M<rvision, all o f such
mission is hereby authorized, empow­ therefor approved by the commission; Highway as adopted by the State expended on the above mentioned jx«st roads or any (»art thereof, and to this
ered and directed, during the next five provided, that bomls and coupons shall Highway commission;
) roads, in the counties east o f the Cas­ eixl to accomplish this pur|xxte said
2. A ll that portion o f the Columbia cade mountains.
years, to sell the bon«is o f the state of be paid as is provided in Section 3
commission is hereby authorize«! and
river highway described in the fourth
Oregon as hereinafter provided, in an hereof.
Provided, however, that the above em|x>wer«xl to purchase «>r !«•**« all
Section 6. The highways described paragraph o f the description o f hanl- j
amount sufficient to raise enough
provision shall not tie construed to im­ necessary machinery, equipment, Ux»ls
Sections 6 and 7 o f this act are surfaced roads as described in section j
money to meet the requirements of
pair the assent o f the state to the Fed­ ami appliance* ami to employ all nec­
hereby determined to be highways o f 6 o f this act, which the county courts
this act.
eral aid as hereinbefore specified, and essary help and labor and to do all
Provided, that not more than $1,- first importance to the general public o f the several counties through which 1 to lim it the necessary cooperation be­ things necessary and convenient to
000,000 in bonds shall be issued here­ o f the state o f Oregon. It is hereby the same is located, shall not deter- ! tween this state and the Federal gov­ carry out the provisions o f this act.
under during the year 1917, and that determined that the following high­ mine to prepare for paving hard-sur- I ernment in the construction o f forest
Section 14. This art shall be re­
permanently con­ faced paving as is herein provided. , I mid |xxit roads.
not more than $2,000,000 in addition ways should be
ferred to the (x-ople for their ratifica­
to any surplus unissued or unexpended structed and finished with a hanl shall be considered a post road, and
No description o f any highway pro­ tion or rejection at a special election
eligible to improvement as such under vided for herein, shall I k - construed to to be calltxl in the manner priovded by
out o f the $1,000,000 authorized for surface.
1. The Columbia River Highway the provisions of this act:
the year 1917, shall be issued during
prevent the State highway commission law, said election to be held on the 4th
from the Multnomah county line to
3. A road from Koseburg, by Myr- , ( from making such lix-al changes in the day o f June, 1917, and shall be in full
the year 1918.
Section 2. The State Highway com­ Astoria. Seaside, and south in Clatsop tie Point and Coquille to Marshfield;
location thereof as they may deem force ami effect as s«xm as ratifiixl by
4. A road from the Pacific high­ proper.
the (K-ople at such election.
mission is hereby authorized, empow­ county to the Tillamook county line.
ered and directed to enter into such Inasmuch as the counties o f Columbia way, from a point at or near McMinn­
Se«’tion 16. On account o f the im-
Section 9. The State Highway com-
i mission is also authorize«! to adopt portance o f the early decision o f this
contracts, appoint such officials, and do and Clatsop have already expended ville, by Willamina to Tillamook City ; 1
5. A road from The Dalles by way such other roads or routes connecting matter ami the importance o f getting
any other act or thing necessary to large sums o f money in constructing
fully meet the requirements o f this act. the said Columbia Highway through o f Dufur, Maupin and Shaniko to Red. portions o f the state and to provide for fun<i* for construction o f mails, this
Section 3.
The attorney general said counties and in doing so have mornl. Bend and from thence to Klam- i , the construction o f (xist roads or forest act is necessary for the peace, health
shall, under the direction o f the State practically exhausted their ability to ath Falls;
roads over such routes and the im­ and safety o f the |>cople o f the State
6. A road from Bend to L akeview ; provement and maintenance thereof, o f Oregon, and th«> special election
highway commission, prepare a form raise money by an issuance o f county
7. A road from an intersection and to pay for the same from the fund hereinabove declare«! should not be de­
o f interest-bearing gold bond o f the bonds, the State Highway commission
State o f Oregon, to be sold in order to is hereby authorized, from the funds with the Columbia river highway at a created by House Bill No. 21, referred layed beyond the time hereinabove set,
ami for that reason an emergency is
provide funds for the carrying out of arising under this act, in addition to point either in Sherman or Gilliam to by title in Section 8 hereof.
the purposes o f this act. Said bonds paving said highway, to use* from said : county, by way of Condon, Fossil and
Section 10.
The State Highway declared to exist, ami this act shall be
shall be numbered serially, beginning funds sufficient to provide for the prep- Spray and thence up John Day Valley commission is hereby authorized, em­ in full force and effect in accordane
at Number 1, and shall be payable in aration o f said highway through said to such point as the highway commis­ powered and directed whenever the with the terms and provision* therein
sion shall elect, and from thence to county through which any |xirtion o f set forth, from and after it* (atssage,
the order o f their issuance. Said State counties for the paving thereof.
2. The Pacific Highway from the Vale and the Idaho line;
H ighway commission is hereby author­
said hard-surfaced roads may be lo- as regards sai«l special election.
8. A road from La Grande, through rated, shall have constructed all o r any
ized, empowered and directed to issue Multnomah county line through Wash­
bonds o f the State o f Oregon for the ington county and Yamhill county by Union and Wallowa counties to Joseph; section o f any such hard-surfaced road
94 Sunk in Month.
9. A road from Bend, through in accordance with plans and specifica­
purpose o f carrying out the provisions way o f Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Mc­
New Y««rk Official figures from the
o f this act in an amount not exceeding Minnville to Dallas, Monmouth and Burns and Harney to Vale;
tions prepared by the State Highway British mlmiralty made public here at
$6,000,000.00, o f which sum at least Independence, in Polk county; to Cor­
commission, along routes prescribed by the office o f the consul general o f
$600,000 shall be issued in denomina­ vallis and Monroe in Benton county, roads and shall lie constructed along said commission, and shall have pro­ Great Britain show that «luring Febru­
tions o f $600 each or less. The bonds ami through Eugene to the north line routes between said certain punts to vided for suitable drainag«? o f said ary 94 British in«T«'hant ships were
be agreed upjn by the representatives roads in accordance with the require­
issued in any year under the provisions o f Douglas county.
destroyed by mines or suhmarin«**. O f
o f this act shall be payable one-twen­
3. The Pacific Highway from the o f the Federal government, and said ments o f said commission and shall this number 61 ship« were o f 1600 t«ins
tieth each year, commencing with the Multnomah county line through Os­ State highway commission. Said p>st have prepared the foundation in ac­ or over ami 33 were umler 1600 tons.
sixth year after the issuance thereof. wego, Oregon City and Canby in Clack­ roads shall be constructed according to cordance with the requirements o f said In aildition to the merchant ships, 29
One-half o f the bonds payable each amas county, thence through Marion specifications agree«! ujxjn between the commission,
then said commission fishing vessels o f British register were
year shall be payable on the 1st day of and Linn counties, to a junction with representatives o f the Federal govern­ shall let contracts, or otherwise pro­ sunk. It was also reported that dur­
ment and said State highway commis­ vide according to law for the comple­
A pril and the other half on the 1st day the highway at Junction City.
ing the month 67 British merchant
o f October. Each bond shall bear upon
4. Such portions o f the Columbia sion. Provided, that i f the counties o f tion o f said hard-surfaced roads by vessels were unsuccessfully attacktxl
its face a statement showing the date R iver Highway between the Multno­ Douglas and Josephine, or either o f causing said roads to be finished and by submarines, as shown by rejxirts
o f its maturity. Said bonds shall bear mah county line easterly through the them, shall prepare any part o f the hard-surfaced according to plans and fil<*<! with the admiralty up to and in­
interest at the rate o f four per cent city o f Hood River and Hood R iver | said Pacific highway and make same specifications prepared by said com­ cluding March 4.
per annum, payable semi-annually on county and through The Dalles and ready for paving according to the re- mission, and the funds required there­
A pril 1st and October 1st. Principal Wasco county, through Sherman coun- I quirements o f the State highway com- for shall be derived from the sale o f
Training Bill Sweeping.
and interest on said bonds shall be ty, through Gilliam county, by way o f mission, then said commission shall said bonds, provide«] for in Section 3
payable at the office o f the state treas­ the town o f Arlington and up the Co­ immediately pave the road so pre­ heraof.
Albany, N. Y. — Bills intended to
urer at Salem, Oregon, and i f said lumbia river to the confluence o f the pared, and such portion o f said road
Section 11.
The State Highway provide for military training for all
State Highway commission shall so Umatilla river with the
Columbia shall be expected from the classifica­ commission shall pay the interest up««n boys in New York state between the
direct, said bonds may also provide for river, thence up the Umatilla river tion as a pxst road. I f the county o f said bonds as the same shall become ages o f 16 and 19 yearH were passed
payment at some other place. Said through Hermiston, Stanfield, Echo Coos shall prepare and make ready for due, from any funds subject to its by the assembly and senate with «>nly
bonds shall be in a form embodying an and Pendleton, and thence by such paving, according to the requirements control,
from whatever source the five v«*tes cast against them. The
absolute promise o f the state o f Ore­ route as shall be determined by the o f the State highway commission, same may come, and the payment* bills would amend the military train­
gon to pay the amount thereof in gold State
Highway commission to La twenty or more miles in length o f the upon the principal o f said bomls, as ing law pass«?«] last year, which pro-
coin o f the United States o f America Grande, Baker, and to the Idaho line, post road between
Roseburg and the same shall become due, shail be vide«l m ilitary training for achtxdboya
o f the value and weight and fineness as the county courts o f the various Marshfiel«! hereinbefore described, or paid by the said Highway commission only. Under the amendment 230,000
o f the date o f such bond, and shall be counties affected shall agree to prepare the county o f T il’ imook shall so pre­ from any funds within its control, boys will be eligible f«»r m ilitary train­
in such denominations as the State the road ready for paving. Provided, pare and make : _ady for paving twen­ withfiut regard to the origin o f said ing, while under the the old law «inly
22,000 were eligible.
The measures
Highway commission shall elect. They that inasmuch as the county o f Hood ty or more miles in length o f the post funds.
shall be signed by the governor, secre­ River has raised by a bond issue and road between Tillamook City and Mc­
Section 12. Any surplus or unex- provide that boys shall receive three
tary o f state and state treasurer. Said expended upon said Columbia River Minnville, and i f such portions o f said pend«xl balance of the fees received h«»urs o f military training a week from
bonds shall bear coupons evidencing Highway practically its full constitu­ roads, in either or both o f said coun­ under the operation o f House Bill No. September 1 t«> June 15 <jf each year.
the interest to become due thereon for tional limit, said commission may ex ties, are so prepare«!, that the same 509, passed by this legislative session,
Three Die in Farm Fire.
each installment of such interest, upon pend on said Columbia R iver Highway shall be ready for paving according to which bill is entitled “ For an act to
Chandlers, Ok la.— J. O. Phillips, a
which shall be printed the facsimile o f in Hood River county, such (x^rtion o f the re«|uirementa o f the State highway amend Chapter 174 o f the General
the signature o f said officers. Said the money arising under this act as it commission shall imme«liately pave I-aws o f Oregon for 1911, as amended wealthy farmer living near here, was
commission may, at its option, cause a may deem proper in preparing said the road so prepared and such portion by Chapter 135 o f the General Laws o f burn«*«l to death, with his two sons, 11
part or all o f said bonds to be payable Columbia River Highway for paving. «jf said roa«l shall be expected from the Oregon for 1913, an«l as amen«le«i by and 13 years o f age, We«lnes«lay, when
to the purchaser thereof and register The various county courts in said coun­ classification as a post road, and such Chapter 350 o f the General Laws o f fire destroyed their home. Phillips, his
the name o f such purchaser in the ties in Eastern Oregon through which porti«>n shall then be classified as a the State o f Oregon for 1915; provid­ w ife an«! her sister had esca|>e<l, when
office o f the state treasurer and pro­ said Columbia R iver Highway is pro­ paved road.
ing for regulating the use, registra­ he realized that the children still were
He rushed into
vide an appropriate endorsement upon jected shall agree with the State High­
Section 8. Roads over the follow ­ tion, license, identification, conduct in the h«>use asleep.
each o f such bonds to the effect that way commission upon what portions o f ing routes are hereby adopte«l an«l «les- an«! operation o f vehicles <q>erated the building, but never emerged.
the same w ill be paid only to the said highway are to be paved with a ignated as forset roads, tow it:
upon the public roads, streets and
Flag Desecrator Held.
owner appearing on the register there- hard-surface paving and what portions
1. A road from Medford in Jackson highways o f the State o f Oregon; to
Boston— Herman von Hagen, charge«!
of, and providing a meth«xi for re- are to be cfjnstructed as p«*)t roads, and county as surveyed and adopted by the regulate and license the persons who
registering the same as the title may whenever any o f said counties shall Federal government in cooperation drive the same; to prescribe (tensities with ilcsecrating the American flag,
be passed, and it may also provide that have prepare«! a portion o f said high­ with the State o f Oregon, by the way f«tr violation hereof an«! to prohibit the was held in $500 bail for a hearing.
a part or all o f said bonds shall be pay­ way ready for paving, then the State o f Crater Lake, to a point in Klamath unauthorized possession or use o f a Von Hagen, who was born in this
able to bearer and not subject to regis­ Highway commissi«m shall pr«>ceed county to be selected by the highway vehicle and to provide a |tenalty there­ country, had been employed recently in
tration. Not less than ten days before promptly to pave the same under the commission and the Federal officials for; to license an«l identify all motor a I ooh I machine shop and it was al-
the payment o f the principal or in­ provisions o f this act, and the remain­ representing the Federal government, vehicles; to lim it the authority o f cit­ leged he used a small flag to wipe
terest falls due on any o f the bonds der thererjf shall be improve«! as a pfjst operating under what is known as the ies and towns on like subjects con­ grease spots from the work bench.
provided for in this act, the State road under the provisions o f this act, “ Shackelford bill.”
cerne«! with said vehicles; to prescribe
Highway commission shall certify to and such portion so improve«! as a fx>st
Swedish Ministry Quits.
2. A road from a point in Lane the duties o f the secretary o f state as
the state treasurer the amount neces­ road shall not be eligible for paving at rounty to be seclected by the State to certain provisions o f this act; to
I/>ndon— The Swedish ministry has
sary to meet the payment thereof. the expense o f the state under the pro­ highway commission and the Federal provide for the handling and distribu­ resigned, according to Reuter’s Stock­
Upon receipt o f such certificate by the visions o f this act.
officials representing the Federal gov­ tion o f the funds derived from the holm correspondent. A t the request
state treasurer he shall prepare and
5. The Pacific Highway through ernment, operating under
what is operation o f this act, and to repeal all o f King Gustave, however, the minis­
v e r ify a claim for the amount men­ Jackson county, where the same has known as the “ Shackelford b ill,” by acts and parts o f acts in conflict here­ ters consent to remain in office in the
tioned therein, attaching thereto said not already been paved, along the way o f the Siuslaw river, to a point in w ith,” remaining after the payment hope o f composing the crisis.