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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1917)
SS tfl 1 . VI ( c # - (Hu* IfiUTììt Okmu' ^Express d— AN IN D E PE N D E N T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2, No. 9 FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917 $1.50 per Year friends congratulate him on his and the father, as well as the lonely choice and wish him much happi- wife and other relatives, is almost j Science C FARMERS GUESTS OF hurch n« ss and a long life. prostrated by the uncertainty of j Th«-y left on the 3:50 train for his son’s fate and whereabouts, i Duly Dedicated COMMERCIAL CLUB Portland on a short honeymoon, Earle is 32 years of age, smooth- shaven, dark complexioned, with after which the happy couple will With a simple, but impressive I lie farmer»' meeting and din Cox, who had retired, probably brown eyes and a heavy crop of ner in K . of P. hall, this city, last from a match carelessly dropped go to Canada to live where the black hair. When he left home program, t h e n e w Christian groom has secured work. Science church, completed in this Saturday, under the auspice» of after lighting a lamp. D. G M c ■.... ■■■—■■ -...— ... 1 Saturday he wore a dark over city last October, was dedicated the Commercial club, was well at Donald w a s painfully burned coat, blue suit, dark tie, low col last Sunday, at both the morning tended by farmer» and quite a about the face and Nels Peterson lar, dark blue soft felt hat, a white and evening services. The pro number oi business men and the broke a leg in jumping from the silk shirt, with orange stripes and gram consisted of several selec speaker» from abroad wcreli»lcned second story of the hotel. The black lace shoes. tions on the pipe organ by Miss Earle O. Buxton, cashi«?r of the to attentively and were frequently hotel was own«*d an«! operated by Wilma Waggener of Pacific Uni Ilutchens-fiarrigus quizzed by people who wanted to Mr. and Mrs. Milton and the First Rational Bank and one of versity conservatory, the Lord’s Miss Edith Garrigus, daughter prayer, as given in the Christian gel out of the visitor» everything store building o w n e d by Eric the most popular and irmat high- Fredeen and leased to A. Astlund.l | ly-respected young men of the of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Garrigus, Science text book, a vocal solo good possible. and Mr. Claude Hutchens, both (words by Mary Baker Eddy), by When Chairman Littler called whose stock was mostly saved community, has disappeared as Cox’s father lives at The Dalles of near Banks, were married at Mr.-. Josephine Baber Macleod, the meeting to order there were completely as though the earth in the neighborhood of 200 people and a sister, Mrs. Mercer, is said bad swallowed him and there is 3:15 p. m. Sunday, March 4th, at reading of lesson-sermon by Joe in the hall, two-third» of them to live in Hillsboro. His mother as little evidence of his reason for the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. A. Wiles and Mrs Laura B. Sears. farmers and f r u i t and l>erry is dead. The body was tak«-n to going as there is as to his desti Hutchens, the groom’s parents, Mr. Wiles also read a brief history Hillsboro and buried from the by R. L. Putnam, pastor of the of the Christian Science church of grower». DoneLon undertaking p a r l o r s nation. Mr. Buxton drew from Christian church of this place. Forest Grove, as follows: The first speaker wa» R. W. the b a n k Saturday afternoon Tuesday After receiving a s h o w e r of “ We read in Nehemiah that the wall Gill of Portland, who has grad $2,000 and boarded t h e 4:30 hearty congratulations the happy o f Jerusalem w a s dedicated with uated from a market gardener to Southern Pacific car for Portland. SOCIAL NOTES couple were made the recipients thanksgiving and gladness; likewise a seed grower. He told the aud In the same car with him were A. we, with joy and gratitude, dedicate of several beautiful and useful our | Yesterday was t h e twenty- ience he believed in “ prepared church edifice today. G . Hoffman and H. E. Ferrin, who presents. ness," even in farming, and one eighth anniversary of the marri- saw him leave the ear at Fourth “ About twenty-two years ago a few Mr. and Mrs. Hutchens wi'l re people, who had been reading Christian of the ruoHt important steps along ag«* of Mr. and Mrs. A. A Hall and Yamhill at 5:55. That is the Science, began meeting together, in this line wa» to properly prepare and last evening a number of last any of M r. Buxton’s Forest side at Banks, Oregon, where the the home o f one o f their number, to their friends came, uninvited, to the seed bed, explaining how he Grove friends or relatives saw or groom conducts a pharmacy. read the Lesson-Sermon, in order to their home and spoiled all their performed this important work. gain a better understanding o f the heard of him, although det«*ctives Worthy Yonng Man Dead Gospel o f Truth. Their interest was He explained the growing of spin plans for an <>ar!y retirement and and friends have sought him in a good night's rest. The intrud greatly aroused when a healing took The many friends of Charles ach, beets, beans, peas, cabbage Portland since Tuesday morning, place in one o f the homes, and a woman and other vegetables for canning ers were Messrs, and Mesdames when they became alarmed by his H. Martin were greatly surprised came to Forest Grove who had been purposes and gave estimates of O. W. Jones, C . O. Roe, J. W. continued absence. He had told Tuesday to hear of his death, for. healed in Christian Science. what each crop might be made to Hughe , C N. Johnson, Charles his wife that he was going to while it had been known for some “ Through these demonstrations o f yield per acre; also how to control Walker and w. C. Benfer, Mrs. Oregon City to meet and pay a time that he was a sufferer from Divine Love, interest grew; other heal took pla«-e; and after a time Wed and exterminate s o m e of the L. C. Misz, Mrs. Susie Hatfield man for some bank stock he pur diabetes, his death, which came ings nesday evening testimony meetings and Messrs Don Misz and Lester at 10 o ’clock Tuesday morning, garden and field pests. chased nearly a year ago from J. established. These meetings con Hughe*. The evening was spent W . Ethington. H e asked h is at his home in this city, was not were tinued in various homes until February After Mr. Gill’s talk, which was at cards, dancing, music and b ast wife to accompany him as far as expected, except by those at his 25th, 1901, when the Christian Science cut short for dinner, the P. U. ing. Society of Forest Grove was organized. Mrs. Johnson and Chas. Portland but she had other plans bedside. male quartet favored the audience Roe carried «iff the prizes as luck- Services were then held in what was Charles H. Martin was born on with two songs that were highly i i«»st card players, while Mrs Ben and decided not to accompany a farm in Patton Valley, this known as Christian Science Hall, on 5th street, this hall having been erect him. He h a d stated that he appreciated. fer and Ije>ter Hughes were the county, on August 15th, 1894,and ed for the use o f the Society by one would return either Sunday night Chairman L i t t l e r then an poorest players. While M i s s when two years of age his parents whose kindly interest was due to hia nounced that a lunch would be Pearl Hall knew that the party or Monday morning and when he moved to Scoggin’s valley, where w ife’s healing. “ Later the Sunday Sch«x>l was or served in the room on the ground was coming, her parents were failed to show up Mrs. Buxton Charley attended school and grew floor and, as the crowd fill'd down completely surprised, b u t ap went to the bank and told of her to manhood. Two years ago last ganized and a Reading Room opened to the public. In September, 1914, this stairs, each |>er»on was given a peared glad of it, for they had as fears that something might have October the family moved to this society was dissolved, and First Church happened t o h e r husband. A dinner ticket, said ticket being ex much fun as any of their guests. city and since last July Charley o f Christ, Scientist, was organized. search was nt once started in changed for appetizing and sub “ At that time ground on which this has been employed as bookkeeper M iss Minnie Myers last Thurs Portland, Sheriff Applegate, a stantial lunches of roast veal and church edifice now stands was pur at the Schultz store, working up pork, baked beans, salad, pickles, day afternoon entertain« d a num personal friend of the missing to Friday evening last Saturday chased, from voluntary contributions o f bread, butter, coffee and cake. ber of married ladies in honor of man, offt ring his aid, which was he did not feel able to return to grateful people. “ When it became apparent that a H. C. Decius of the American Mrs Emma Stoecker, of Portland, gladlyaeerptid. H. T. Buxton, work and remained at home, grow more centrally located room was re father of the missing man, visited who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. restaurant, assist«*! by a half- quired for the Reading Room, as well ing worse up to the time of his as a larger r o o m in which to hold dozen nimble young men, served E. B. Brookbank. The afternoon Portland Tuesday and yesterday death church services, Langley Hall was se 19(5 lunches in cafeteria style, was spent at cards, followed by a Claude Smith and C. W. Mertz Charley was a bright and in handling the crowd with great delicious lunch The gu> sts were spent the day in the metropolis, dustrious young man, devoted to cured and occupied a little over a year. “ The desire to build a church home making personal search for their credit and little confusion. The MesdamesStoecker, C. E. Walker, his mother and aided materially was gradually growing in thought. friend, but without success. On E. E. William*. R. T. Williams, lunch wa* well cooked and nicely “ Although sufficient funds did not in supporting her. His death will served, and W’alker’s novelty or A. R. Todd, Frank Whitehouse, the chance that the mis ing man be felt outside the family circle, seem to be available, steps were taken chestra played during the lunch J. A. Abbott,W . C. Benfer, Hum might have met with an accident for he enjoyed a wide acquain toward this end on January 16th, 1916. The members persevered, ever mindful phrey, Fred Heath and Dun that prevented him returning or h«*ur. even communicating w i t h hi* tance among the people of Forest of the promise o f their Divine Father, can McLeod. The members of both the quar as relat«id in Malachai; friend*, the hospitals of Portland Grove. tet and orchest’ a kindly donat«*! “ Bring ye all the t i t h e s into the Twenty six of the friends and have been searched, but gave no He is survived by his mother, thfir services, for which the offi neighbors of Mrs. Sarah Dixon clue. Mrs. Sarah Martin, three broth storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith, cers of the Club are thankful. gathered at the h o m e of her There is no visible reason why ers—Jesse of Smith, Nev., Ed saith the Lord o f hosts, if I will not As soon as lunch was disposed daughter, Mrs. Anna Dixon. M on Mr. Buxton should leave home ward. employed as a bridge car open the windows of heaven, and pour of Hon. W. A. Boise, a memiierof day evening, as a surprise, and and remain away voluntarily, for penter by the Southern Pacific, vou out a blessing, that there shall not the late legislature and a Portland assisted the worthy lady in cele he had a good position, was mar with no permanent address, and be room enough to receive it.” “ When the members could say, in attorney, delivered a rousing brating her seventy-sixth birthday ried to one of the most charming1 William of this city; two sisters. the language o f Deuteronomy, ‘now be Music, games and young women in the city and his Mrs. Perry Gabbert of Timber hold, I have brought the first fruits of booster speech, in which he im (anniversary plored the people, especially the goo«l. old-fashioned visiting served home life appeared to be all that and Miss Lucy Martin, who re the land which Thou, O Lord, hast given m e,’ the promise was fulfilled. farmers, to do all th«*y could to to pass away the time until sup it should be,* so his relatives and sides at the family home. “ Ground was broken for this church keep the cannery busy, for it was per time, when everybody was nearest friends fear that some Funeral services, according to building July 5th and the cornerstone a pay-roll builder and would fur served with an excellent lunch. the rites of the Christian Science thing has happened to prevent his was laid August 9th, with simple and nish an excellent market for farm return. But the police and de church, were held at the Forest impressive ceremonies, in the presence Parsons-Newton produce. He also spoke strongly tectives of Portland have so far Grove Undertaking Co. chapel at o f the church officers and the building committee. Twelve weeks later, Oct Shortly before two o ’clock yes in favor of the $6,000,000 road failed to find any trace of the 10:30 o ’clock this morning and ober 29th, the first service was held in bonds to be put up to a vote of terday afternoon. M i s s Grace missing man or his body. the remains were interred in the the new church home. the people n«>xt June, saying the Newton became the bride of “ It has been the privilege o f this or- Earle Buxton was well-liked at Hill cemetery, three miles east of farmers mnnln’t be afraid of it in- Joseph Parsons at the horn«- of her the bank, both by the customers Gaston, where the father is buried. ;anization to contribute to the war re- ief fund and to the people in distress, cr«'a*ing their taxes, as the auto- parents, Mr and Mrs. R. B. New-1 and by hi* associates, his accounts Uncle Sam is asking for bids for caused by fl«x)ds and other disasters. owner* would pay for the paving ton, in this city. are straight and. atter drawing furnishing a room for his Forest Lectures, elucidating the Principle o f The wedding took place in the in auto licenses. He also asked the $2,000 he took with him, he Grove postoffice after the first of Christian Science, have been given and that ev«*ry American support presence of relatives and some still has a balance to his credit in next August. The room m st have aided in disseminating a know President Wilson in the impend special friends. The young couple the bank, so money was not at contain not Ie-s than 1500 square ledge o f Truth. “ Amid all the trying conditious which ing crisis, saying he did not help Stood in one corner of the room the bottom of his disappearance, feet of floor spac , must be well- have confronte«! the membership, from while the impressive ring ceremony elect Wilson, but he was behind unless the money he had with him . lighted and not over eighty rods their small beginnings to the present was being performed by Ralph L him now. they have been inspired by the tempted somebody to put him out from the r a i l r o a d . See Post time, noble example o f steadfast faith main Putnam, pastor of the Christian After this speech the crowd of the way. So far as known he master Wirtz if you want to be tained by their leader. Mrs. Eddy, dur- again went to the hall upstairs, church. has not an enemy in the world, come Uncle Sam’s landlord. I ing a life-time o f self-sacrificing labor After receiving hearty congrat-; 1 in the cause o f Truth.” (Continue«! on page Four) for he was not the kind of man to The E l i t e Dressmakers will ulations the guests were escorted i Both services were liberally at make enemies. close their shop near Caples’ to the dining room where a sump- j M r. Buxton was bonded by the store, Saturday night, but will tended by members and non tuous wedding dinner was served.! American Surety company, but, continue their business for one members, many of the members Albert Cox, aged 17. employed Mr. and Mrs. Parsons were the since his accounts are straight the ! month at the home of Mrs. Mar of the faith coming from other in a sawmill at Cherry Grove.Most recipients o f m a n y beautiful officers of the bank have not even tin, two doors east of Ore Elec, j towns to hear the program and his life in bed when the hotel and presents. notified the bonding company of worship at the magnificent new It Miss Ni’wton has for somtime the cashier’s disappearance, nor station. a store building a t t h a t town edifice. Mrs. L N. Wettlaufer of Mon- were burned last Saturday night. been a telephone operator in this will the company be notified. The Read Page Two city. She is a charming young tesano. Wash , is a guest at the The firi* started about ten o ’clock missing man is a member of the home of Mr and Mrs. John Bea- lady and has won a host of friends On the second page of this issue in the evening and in an hour the ; Elks and Knights of Pythias and These families were former is the “ Road Bonding A ct” upon two buildings were in ruins, as who extend hearty congratula-1 members of th«>se lodges will keep hen which you will be expected to vote there is no water supply for fight tions, but who are sorry to see her j up the search for their friend and neighbors in Illinois____ ing fire in the town. It is not go from us. brother. Examine the ‘‘ Iron Age" com June 4th _ The groom is a man of sterling 1 Earle Buxton is the son of H. bined cultivator and garden too! known how the fire started, but See the ‘ ‘ Buckeye-’ coal-burning many people are inclined to think character and also well known to T . Buxton, one of the most highly at the Gordon hardware store, brooders at the Gordon hardware it started in the room of young many in this c i t y . His many respected men in the community before investing in garden tools, j store. They save the chicks. Mystery Shrouds His Disappearance --- .-------- f \ Lost Life in Hotel Fire it It