WT X JD E TS l HE P A R a TON ET H E L HUESTQNI I U U A T B A T t D BY W .C . T A N M E ] kCopjrrlxbl by U m K o M m M e rrill C o iu p u i/ .) THE MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION FORGET THAT THE PARSONAGE FOLKS NEED MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. SO LITTLE CONNIE TELLS BANKER SOME PLAIN TRUTHS Mr. Starr, a widower Methodist minister, comes to Mount Mark, la , to take charge o f the congregation there. He has five charming daughter*, the eldest of whom. Prudence, age nineteen. Seeps house and mothers the family. Her younger sisters are Fairy, the twins Carol and l.ark, and Coqstance, the "baby." The family's coming stirs the curiosity o f the townspeople. After a few weeks the Starrs are well settled. Prudence has her hands full with the mischievous young­ sters, hut she loves them devotedly despite their outrageous pranks. It Is a Joyous household, but the parsonage girls are embarrassed at Christmas time because the congregation has fulled to pay the pastor’s salary. Little Connie needs clothing, and sadly disappointed, takes matters Into her own hands. CHAPTER VI—Continued. nl*. Bow, cat your luncheon, and don’t talk about coals any morn.“ When Connie had gone hnck to school. Prudence went straight to Mr, Harold's hunk. Flushed and ember rasaed, she explained (he situation frankly. "My aympaihlt1 "« are all with Conule," she said candidly. "But l am afraid father would not like It. We are dead set ugalnst borrowing A fter— our mother was taken, we were crowd­ ed pretty d ose for money. So we had to go In debt. It took uh two years to get It paid. Father and I’alry and I tulkcd It over then, and decided we would starve rather than borrow again. Even the twins understood It. hut Coll­ ide was too little. She doesn't know how heartbreaking It t* to keep hand­ ing over every cent for debt, when one la Just yearning for other things. I do wish she might have the coat, hut I'm afraid father would not like It. She gave me the five dollars fur safekeep­ ing, and 1 have brought It hack.” Mr. Harold shook Ids head. "No, Connie must have her coat. This will he u good lessou for her. It will truch her the bitterness o f living under d eb t! Besides, Prudence, I think In my heart that she Is right this time. This Is a case where borrowing I* Justified. Get her the coat, and I II square the ac­ count with your father." Then he added. “ Ami I'll look after this salary business ufter this. I'll arrange with the trustees that I am to pay your fa­ ther his full salary the first o f every month, aud that the church receipts are to be turned In to me. And If they do not pay up. my lawyer can do a lit­ tle Investigating 1 Little Connie carnod that five dollars, for she tnught one trustee a sorry lesson. And he will have to pass It on to the others In self- defense ! Now. run along und get the coat, and If five dollars Isn't enough you cull have as much more ns you need. Your father will get his salary after this, my dear. If we have to mort­ gage the parsonage!" Ing, Prudence dropped her heed on tho table and wept. ” Oh. Fairy, if the mem­ “ Oh. I had her dressed warmly un­ bers Just knew how such things hurt, derneath. very warmly Indeed,” de­ maybe they'd pay up n little better. clared Prudence. “ But no matter how How do they expect personage people warm you are underneath, you look to keep up nppeiirauces when they cold If you aren't visibly prepared for haven’t any money?*” winter weather. I kept hoping enough ^ “ Oh. now. Prue, you’re worse than money would come In to buy her a Connie! There's no use to cry about coat for once In her life." It. Parsonage people have to find hap­ C H A PTE R VII. "She has been looking forward to piness In spite of financial misery. one long enough," put lu Fairy. "This Money Isn’t the first thing with folks A Burglar's Visit. will he a bitter Mow to her. And yet like us.” "P ru e !" It Is not snch a bad-looking coat, after “ Poor little Connie! If she had all.” And Hie quickly rnu up a seam cried about It, I wouldn't have cared so A small bund gripp'd Prudence's on the machine. much. But she looked so—heartsick, shoulder, und again came a hoarsely whispered : “ Here comes Connie!" Prudence didn’t she. Fairy T “ Pru e!" hastily swept a pile of scraps out of Connie certainly was heartsick. More Prudence sat up In bed with a sight, and turned to greet her little than that, she was a little ‘ disgusted. bounce. sister with a cheery smile. She felt herself aroused to take action. “ What In the world?" she Ix-gan, “ Come on in. Conule." she cried, Things had gone too f a r ! Go to church with a brightness she did not feel. In her father's coat she could not! She gnzlng out Into the room. half-llghu*d “ Fairy and I are making you a new walked sturdily down the street toward by the moonshine, and ***elng Carol and coat. Isn’t it pretty? And so warm! the “ city” — Ironically so called. Her Lark shivering beside her bed. See the nice velvet collar and cuffs. face wus stony, her bauds were “ Sh ! Sh ! Hush!” whispered Lark. W e want to fit It on you right away, clenched. But finally she brightened. “There's a burglur in our room I” dear.” By this time, even sound-sleeping Her lagging steps quickened. She Connie picked up a piece o f the I skipped along quite cheerfully. She Fairy wns awake. “ Oh, there Is I" she goods and examined It Intently. turned westward us she reached the scoffed. “ Don't you want some fudge. Con­ corner o f the square, and walked along “ Yes, there Is,” declnred Cnrol with nie?” exclaimed Fairy, shoving the that business street with shining eyes. some heat. “ We heard him, plain as dish toward her hurriedly. In front o f the First National bank she day. He stepped Into the closet, didn't Connie took a piece from the plate, paused, hut after a few seconds she he. Lnrk?” and thrust It between her teeth. Her passed by. On the opposite corner was “ He certainly did,” ngr*-ed Lark. eyes were still fastened upon the brown another hank. When she reached It, “ Did you see him?” furry cloth. “ No. we heard him. Cnrol heard she walked In without pausing, and the him first, and she spoke, and nudged “ Where did you get this stuff?" she massive door swung behind her. Inquired, as soon as she was able to The four older girls were at the table when Connie came home. She speak. “ Out of the trunk in the garret, Con­ exhaled quiet satisfaction from every nie. Don't you want some more fudge? pore. Prudence glanced at her once, I put a lot of nuts In. .especially on and then looked away again. “ She has i reconciled herself.” she thought. Din­ your account.” “ It’s good,” said Connie, taking an­ ner was half over before Constance other piece. She examined the cloth burst her bomb. “ Are you going to be busy this after­ very closely. “ Say, Prudence, isn’t this i li noon. Prudence?” she asked quietly. that old brown coat of father’s?” Fairy shoved her chair back from the “ We are going to sew a little.” said ri machine, and ran to the window. Prudence. .“ Why?" “ Look, Prue,” she cried. "Isn’t that "I wanted you to go downtown with Mrs. Adams coming this way? I won­ me after school." der— ” “ Well, perhaps I can do fhnt. Fairy “ No, It Isn't.” answered Connie will be able to finish the coat alone." gravely. “ It’s Just Miss Avery getting “ You needn’t finish the coat— I can’t home from school.— Isn’t It, Prudence? wear futher's coat to church. Pru­ Father’s coat. I mean?” dence. It s a— It’s a— physical Impos­ PM • “ Yes, Connie, it Is,” said Prudence, sibility.” very, very gently. “ But no one here The twins laughed. Fairy smiled, hut has seen It, and It Is such nice cloth— Prudence gazed at "the baby” with Just exactly what girls are wearing tender pity. now.” " I ’m bo sorry, dearest, but we haven’t “ But 1 wanted a new coat!" Connie the money to buy one now.” did not cry. She stood looking at Pru­ “ W ill five dollars be enough?" In­ dence with her wide hurt eyes. quired Connie, und she placed u crisp "Oh, Connie, I ’m Just as sorry aa new bill beside her plate. The twins you are,” cried Prudence, with starting gasped! They gazed at Connie with tears. “ I know’ Just bow you feel about new respect. They were Just wishing it dearest! But the people didn’t pay they could handle five-dollar bills so , father up last month. Maybe after recklessly. Christmas we can get you a coat. They “ W ill you loon rne twenty dollars un­ pay up better then.” til after Christinas, Connie?” queried “ I think I’d rather wear my summer Fairy. Prudence Dropped Her Head on the coat until then,” said Connie soberly. But Prudence asked, “ Where did you Table and Wept. "Oh, but you can’t, dearest It is too get this money, Connie?” cold. Won't you be a good girl now, “ I borrowed It— from the bank,” Con­ me. Then I heard him. too. He was and not make sister feel badly about nie replied with proper gravity. “ I at our dresser, but he shot across the it? It really Is becoming to you, and It have two years to pay It buck. Mr. room and Info the closet. He closed is nice and warm. Take some more Harold says they are proud to have my the door after him. He’s there now." fudge, dear, and run out-of-doors .a trade.” “ You’ve been dreaming,” said Fairy, while. You’ll feel better about It pres­ Prudence was silent for several long lying down a ¡pi In. ently, I ’m sure.” “ We don’t generally dream the snrne seconds. Then she Inquired In u low Connie stood solemnly beside the voice, “ Did you tell him why you wunt- thing nt the smne minute,” snld Carol table, her eyes still fastened on the ed storrnlly. "I fell you he’s In there." coat cat* down from her father’s. “ Can “ And you two great big girls carne “ Yes, I explained the whole situa­ I go and take a walk?” she asked tion.” off ond left poor little Connie In there finally. alone with a burglar, did you? Well, “ What did he say?” “ May I, you mean,” auggested Fairy, “ He said he knew Just how I felt, you are nice ones. I must sny.” “ Yes, may 1? Maybe I can reconcile because he knew he couldn’t go to And Prudence leaped out o f bed nnd myself to i t ” church In his w ife’s coat.— No, I said started for the door, followed by Fairy, “ Yes, go and take a walk,” urged that myself, but be agreed with me. lie with the twins creeping fearfully along Prudence promptly, eager to get the did not say very much, but he looked In the rear. small sober fuce beyond her range of sympathetic. He said he anticipated “ Mho was asleep,” muttered Carol. vision. great pleasure In seeing me In my new "W e didn't want to scare her,” added “ I f I am not back when the twine coat at church next Sunday.” Lark. get home, go right on and eat without “ Go on with your luncheon, twins,” Prudence wn* rnreftil to turn the me. I ’ll come back when I get things said Prudence sternly. “ You’ll be late switch by the door, so thnt the room straightened out In my mind.” to acbooL W eil see about going dowa was In full light before she entered. I When Connie was quite beyond htar town when you get horn« tonight. Go»- The closet door was wide open. Ooo- è Al it r (fi nle was soundly sleeping. T h e n was no one else In the room. “ Yon eoe?“ said Prudence sternly. "PH het he took our ruhy ring«," de­ clare«! Lark, and the twins aud Ifalry ran to the dresser to look. But a sickening realisation hnd coma home to Prudence, lu tho lower hall, under the staircase, was a small dark closet which th«>y culled tIto dungeon, lite dungeon door was big and solid, aud was equipped with a heavy «*ateli- loek. In this dungeon, Prudenra kept the family silverware, and all the money she had on hand, aa It could there be safely locked away. Hut more often than not. Prudence forgot to lock It Have you ever awakened to find a burglar In your room? What did you do— pretend sleep? Or shout? Or keep «till at hie command? »To lib. CONTINI! KU.) SYMBOL UNTOUCHED BY WAR IF YOUR C H ILD I « CROSO, fIV K M B H , CO NSTIPATE D Leek Mothsrl If tongue Is oeatsd, citants llttls howtls with “ Cali­ fornia Syrup of Figs.” Mothers can re d easy after giving "California Hyrup of Fig*.” because iu a few hours all the clogged up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you hav* a well, playful child again. Mick children needn't bo coaxed to Inks this harmless “ fruit la xa tive" Millions of mothers keep It hundy he cause they know Its action on the stoiuuch. liver aud bowels Is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent but tlo o f "California Hyrup o f i-iga,” which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for growu ups. Ons Instance. “ Like produces like." ” Y«*s; 1 suppose that Is one reason why they have baggage smashers on trunk lluea.”— Baltimore Amerloan. SAGE TEA KEEPS Lion of S t Mark Hat Escaped De­ struction, Though Hand of Tima Has Been Heavy on It. The lion of St. Mark still stands. Curiously enough, while utmost pro- cautions have been taken to pri-scrva the ediflcvs ami monuments o f Venic* ugalust the ruthless huud of tho avi­ ator, this symbol o f tho republic, otto o f the chief nrtlstlc and historical glo­ ries of the city, still poses on lla col­ umn In tb«> Rinzxvtta with never a sandbag, masonry shield, or wooden covering to guard It from harm. The lion o f Si. Mark loug has l>«-«-n an Interesting relic, oourco o f aotne s(>eculutlon and an eiidleas amount of historical legend more or leas authen­ tic. There Is n tradition that »lie n Napoleon carrti-d It to Purls there were diamonds lu its eyes. They were really white agates, faceted. It la coujectured that the lion may have formed a part o f the decoration of some Assyrian palace centuries be­ fore It became the symbol o f tho Vene­ tian patron sulut. Ml. Mark. Tho hand, except for the crown, the mane, and the larger part o f the body and legs, except the cluws, are much older than other portions o f the figure. The wings and paws ure o f u much later date, while the rump part aud the tall ure restorations executed ufter tho lion had been sent buck from Purls early In (ho lust century. The Uon Is in a condition that care Is required even under ordlunry condi­ tions to preveut Its disintegration. There are rents and fissures through­ out the body, and the portions are held together by Iron rivets thut have rust­ ed uwuy. Muiiy Initials murk the metal, presumably engruved by artists em­ ployed In various restorations. The Lion of ML Mark could bo de­ stroyed with little efforL It has sur­ vived the chances of wur to tho pren- etiL Work of Japanese Silkworm«. An improvement in the manner of hatching silkworms has been r«*c«*ntly perfecte«! by Japanese growers. Egg cards are Immersed lu diluted hydro­ chloric acid for five to ten hours Just before th«*y are hatched. In a fort­ night or 11! days after tho Immersion the eggs are perfectly hntched, and worms thnt ure stronger and more healthy than those hutched In any other way may he seen coming out o f the shells. The silk produced by tho worms thus hatched Is better and long­ er than that produced In nny other wuy. It has been stuted that tho silk produced by the worms bred la the newly Invented way measured l.HOU fe«-t, whereas the thread pro­ duced by the worms hutched In thu or­ dinary way ini-usures only 700 feet at the longest. 8oldier Didn’t Impress Her. Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood, who, at the age o f seventy-nine, has recently contributed some elev«-rly written articles to the periodical press, tells this story: An entertainment wns given In his honor at his Norfolk home on his e- turn from Egypt. Among the crowd assembled on the occasion wns the w ife o f au agricultural laborer. She was very eager to know Mir Evelyn Wood, and u bystander pointed him out to her. "W h a t!” she exclaimed. In amaze­ ment, "that little man General W ood! Why. my old man could clout (thrash) him <*nslly!” “ Never,” said Sir Evelyn, as he con­ cluded his story, “ hnd I felt more humiliated.” The Obstacle. A little two-year-old boy wns at piny on the bench. At every other step he would stumble und full, only to pick himself up plucklly und try It ngnln. His fond mother decided the bench roust be rough, nnd suggested going to another spoL “There Is no use. denr,” her husband replied, “ he would stumble over a grain o f sand I” Breslau bas a paper chit toey whlcfl la 80 teat high and proof ngiUnt flan, When Mixed with Sulphur it Hrinicii Hack IU Beautiful Lustre at Once. Gray hair, however handsome, de­ notes advancing ax«. We all know the advantage o f a youthful appear­ ance. Your hair la your charm. It miikca or mars the face. When It fudi-s, turns gray and looks stn-aked. Just a few applications of Mage Tea und Hulphur enhance* Ha appearance u hundred fold. Don’ t stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a CO-ccnt bottle of "W yeth's Mage and Bulpbur Compound," which Is merely the old- time recipe Improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-louse preparation, Is-cauae It darkens the hair beautifully, beatdea, no one can possible t« 11, as It dark«-ns no nutur ally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It. draw­ ing this through the hair, taking one small strand nt a time. By morning the gray hair dlsapprata; after an­ other application or two. Its natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, glosny and lustrous, and you app<-ar years younger. W yeth’s Mage and Hulphur Com­ pound Is a delightful totlet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitiga­ tion or prevention of dlavaoo. Homs Truths. "M y wtfo would rather cook than e a t” ” 8o would mine— than eat tho atuff she cooks."— Boston Transcript END STOMACH TRO UBLE. GASES OR D YSPE PSIA “ Pape’s Dlapepsln” makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomacha surely feel fine In fiv e minutes. If what you just ato Is souring on your stomach or lies llko a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undIgt-Mtcd food, or have a feeling o f dlxxlnesa. heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth nnd stomach headache, yon can get blessed relief in five minutes. But an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a largo fifty cent case of Bape's Dlapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how nee«l- less It Is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It’s the quickest, surest stomach doc­ tor In tho world. It’s wonderful. Here Flrtt. W illie was boasting about his fnm lly. "Our folks came over in tho May­ flower,” he declared proudly. “ Huh! That’s nothing,' said Bob­ ble. “ I guess they stayed with our folks the first, night after they land­ ed.”— Boston Transcript. t’» f M a rin e nH er K ip m a rr In C o l*. Cutting W in d « and l»ust. It Renter) *, R efreshes and Bromides K y e Health. Good fo r all K y r s that Need Care. Murln«- E ye Rem edy Cn.. Chicago. Sends K y e Rook on request. Both Waya. "Th ere Is much opposition to put­ ting an embargo on wheat.” “ Yes; It goes against tho grain."— Baltimore American. As wc grow more sensible, we refuse drag cathartics and take Nature’s herb cure. Gar­ field Tea. Tim e Limit. " I seo that Miss Gunn Is married at la s t" “ Well, It was time she was going off.”— Baltimore American. Q o n Q O Every Niqht F o r Constipation HeddâcheJndigestion.rtc RANbRETH