The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 01, 1917, Image 4

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( 6 r m t p
î z x j i r p l l a The Artisan Concert
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
Was a Rare Treat
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1918, at the poatotdce
at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, 1879
(Continued from page One)
organization. T h e h a n d
a half-dozen numbers anti
resjR>nded t o several encores,
N O T E S A N I) C O M M E N T S
while H. E. Hudson, tenor, and
George K. Thomas, baritone, sang
As a general thing, a measure erage editor makes lots and lots o f : solos and duets that were well
which requires a lobby to push it enemies.
Sometimes, however,! received.
through the legis ature
hasn’t the public
welfare demands that At the close of the program
much to recommend it except a a rascal be exposed, to correct or Harvey S. Hudson, s u p r e m e
desire on the part of its backers arrest an evil, and when such a master Artisan, and a former resi-
to get their hands into the public call comes, the editor who will re- ‘lent of this city, told of the many
It will die if you don’t boost it
main silent isn’t fit to be an edi- excellent points peculiar to the
The best way to boost it is to R E A D THE
President Wilson is criticised tor- And at such a time the ed i-' Artisan fraternity; how it differed,
for ‘ allowing Germany to slap tor should not be kept from speak-1to *ta benefit, from many of the
Take an A C T IV E IN TE R E ST in the town’s affairs.
him in the face” and then Smoot inR throu8h fei,r of losing patron-’ otht,r fraternal organizations and
and other reactionary senators a^e- Too many editors a low " by, as an Oregon in-titution, it
the local merchants.
would tie Wilson’s hands so he their pocket books to smother their j should be supported by every
can be sapped some more. Too consciences, and. while this de- citizen o f the state. It w as
much politics and not enough tracts from the usefulness of the wrong to send money out of Ore-
papers as policemen and watch- gon for fraternal in-urance, so long
dogs, there are few citizens who as here was so good an order as
The Tillamook Headlight of
Having watched Reed Smoot's are not in the same unhappy prr- 1 h e Artisans in Oregon This
Feb. 15th contained many col-
iitnns upholding the silo as the
course in the senate for some dicament. So when you next feel order writes policies for sma'I Sheriff Applegate
and Clerk
money maker for the farmer
years, the writer is not surprised )j e asking your editor-friend to I amounts on the lives of boys and Kuratli have drawn the jury
and dairyman, and the following
to find Smoot oppo-ing President hurt somebody’s feelings, stop and furls as well as insuring adults.
for the March term of circuit
. . . .
»« , , ,
. . .
¡are some of the extracts from the
Director Campbell d e s e r v es (Court, which begins nex‘ Mnnday. paper:
Wilson’s request for power ao deal a>k ourself this question:
with the threatened war situation. . “ Is it for the public good, or i special mention for the excellent The venire comes from all parts
, ny one c#n iUc.
As the mouthpiece of Big Biz. is it a desire in me to hurt some- music the juvenile band handles, of the county and only three were | eessfully dairy in Tiii»m.s>k County
Smoot is opposed to giving more body?”
for he is a patient and talented »elected from Hillsboro proper. without it ■ilo.” —A. G. Beals.
power to either the president or
If the first motive actuates you. director and looks after the boys AM are farmers excepting six.
“ Silage feet
the spring before
I he jurors:
the people, He thinks Big Biz by all means ask the editor to take just as if they were his own child
ralving arai up
grasa romea, pu ta
their beat.
should rule thru Reed Smoot.
a hand; but if you merely want to ren- The band remained in town John Wesch
Joseph Sounders
Portland R 2 Dolph Tinneratet.
get even” with somebody, wade ov‘‘r nitfht and members of the Geo. Conzelman
Sherwissl R 3
In the list of officers of the
“ Hen! dropped 350 (sturai* milk in
i in and do i t yourself, leaving the order took them to th«ir several H. W. Emerson,
Forest Grove fall when changed from silage to green
Washington County Poultry as­
editor to his task of earning a homes for rest and refreshment Wm. Kappel *
Forest Grove R 2 feed.’ ’ —James Williams.
sociation, published in the Ex­
The Expre-s hopes t h a t Mr J. N. Loudon
Cornelius R 2
living for his family.
"Oats makes better feed in the silo
press last week, the name of
J. F. Johnson
Frank Mandel
Walter Roswurm of this city
Sherwood R 3 . than in any other form .“ —B. L. Beals.
ing” somebody, be assured the to bring the juvenile hand to this Ira W. Handley
Hillsboro R 4 ! “ The Silo enables one to keep more
should have appeared as vice
»ditor thinks the fellow needs it city many times more,
Toni Sinay
Cornelius' stock on the same land. The dairymen
president, but was left out by
and the community will profit
The concert undoubtedly did Albert OH
Sherwood R 3 cannot afford to be without i t ." —Kup-
mistake. Walter is not only vice
Sea |s >o«e R 1 penbender Bros.
i much to popularize the Arti an Otto Hendrickson
president, but he probably breeds
i lodge in this city.
“ Silage kept the flow up through the
Willis Ireland
more varieties of fancy chickens THE NECESSITY Oh’
fall and winter and put the cows in
than any other poultryman in the
sha|Ns for a good year's work this sea­
Wm. Boberg
’ ’ --R. (). Richards.
Theo. Varalerzanden
Banks R 3
by the people of Oregon, and j
Harvey Baldwin
Forest Grove , “ The silo raises the feeding value of
their example will probably be fol- j The new road law ju 't passed H. R. Kaufman
Sherwood R 5 the farm one half, as it allows you to
President Wilson has b e e n
lowe I by other states.
Hit Isis >ro R 2 grow crops like corn and artichokes,
abolishes road supervisors, after J. B. Kays
forced to give up his place as
Hillsboro which yield more per acre.“ -Herman
Taxes cannot be increased in | Jan. 1. 1918, and thereafter the A. E. I.uth.r
world’s peace- maker. The Unit­
H. L. m a t
Beaverton R 3 Farmer.
any one year more than -ix per- county court may (or may not)
Henry T. Beach
Hillsboro R 3
ed States will not be a disinterest­
“ Silage with a little grain keeps up
cent over the previous year except \ appoint a road master or engineer Wdhelm Matzke
Beaverton the flow through the winter when fat
ed party when peace terms are
! by a vote of the people.
to look after the work, under thi Wm. Nelson
Hillsboro is high priced.’ ’ —C. E. Donaldson.
Beaverton R 2
The next step will be the sepa- supervision of the county court, E. E. Berst
Some months ago the German
“ The best paying investment n f|r
Portland R 2
ration of the tax levying and the This puts 53 road suj>er visors off Geo. Kieni '
ambassador. Count von Bern-
Mike Sturm jr
Cornelius R 2 mer can make. Hen] drop|>ed one-
revenue disbursing functions of the list in Washington County.
Joseph Rooks
Bank» R 3 half in milk three days after silage was
storff, predicted that not Presi­
the state government
The new law in no way abtidges O. H. Butler
Sherwood R 1 gone.” —William Maxwell.
dent Wilson, but King Alfonso,
There is a growing feeling that the right of road districts to levy Jos. E. Carpenter
Forest Grove R 1
“ The only thing for a prairie farmer;
for the people simply t0 ^ re. spwial taIM_ and in w w y
The county court jury called I shall build another this summer.” —
bringing peace to the tvorld. But
George Tinnerstet.
quPed to put up in taxes what temb>r the county court
for the year:
it is likely that Spain will be
the budget-makers ask is unfair.i make road districts. Three s gn- Wm. B. Wansbrough ....
“ Kept up flow through t h e fall
drawn into the mess. She’s go-
Hillsboro R 1 m onths."—A. W. Bunn.
O r d i n a r i l y the legislatures ers can call a special toad meet- Thos. P. Goodin
John W. Pritchard
ing to have a hard time in getting ^
^ ¡ ppr0' pi £ t~ h ^ d '
Gaston R 1
er.- ing in each district, If a special
“ The silo is a feed saver. It will fat­
R 2
enough to eat.
ten the cow during the winter months
act new laws calling for more levy is asked for, a majority of I Kdward Hanson v
Dii ley
With Alfonso out of it the loud
so when they freshen in the spring
, ,
revenus and the state tax boaid legal voters at such a meeting can Wm, V. Bergen
voice for peace wTould be that of jevjes
they will start the season in better
vote a tax not to exceed ten mills,
and do better for the season.” —
the Pope. It would be an oppor­
But the idea is growing that A voter must have r*al property K. B. Hartrampf
tunity such as no head of a church
B. B. Reeves
Portland R 2
a limit, thus far in the district. The county court
Emer Murdock
“ The silo givesjme a method o f kill­
has enjoyed in all the history of
and no farther, and let those on m-.y or may not let work by con- j” S. McConnell
Sherwood ing the seed o f yellow weed.“ —S. G.
the world. And this head of the
official beds adjust them-elves to tract, and where over $2.000 is F. M. Kelsey
Hillsboro Reed.
church of Rome surely has been the covers.
involved advertisements must be j
a great sufferer through the war.
Direct action by the people m a d e and contracts awarded.
— Portland News.
limiting the amount of money tax The successful contractor must
raising bodies, state, city, school put up a bond in the sum of fifty I
l or county, can take is needed.
per cent of the total contract.—
The editor of the Express has
In California the original limi- Hillsboro Argus.
been in the newspaper game a lit- tation was one dollar on the
tie more than thirty years and hundred, but this has long been
he has not yet learned, to his en- Passe^ h-v devices
j Wlu se|j at my p|ace> two and
tire satisfaction, why so many
It is probable that six percent one half miles northwest of Forest
on any promise we make to deliver work on
and. ! enll1! ' hefwt-e!? T f i an?. t'h T power‘V the" hanPd snó fWthe iirove’ aruJ one mi,e south of
a given date. The Express has one of the
women come to editors and a^k people of voting special levies.— (Thatcher, on
best equipped little printing plants in the
that they roast the sox off some­ Industrial News Bureau
Willamette valley, having added several
body— generally a public official
Washington County Transfers
¡ ' " I " " 1" 1' at. * ° ! ° ? “ '
th e ,o 1'
dollars’ worth of material to the
Many of these people who want
rp, ,
I lowing described Stock:
Williams plant for
somebody v e r b a l l y castigated
1 Iwenty head of milk cows.
would shudder if the editor asked
rs ' ' ere ™ corded with the régis- four
gra(je Jerseys, the others
them to sign a statement to the the ° nasi
( ee
1 8 oro iU,in^. I from one-half to three-quarters
w eek-
effect that one of their neighbors
purposes and more good material is on the
A M. Darling to T. Belle Darling, * H olf e in ' « r0i« * d w i,h J e r s e y
deserved horsewhipping or im­ 50x150 feet blk 9, Forest Grove, $1,000. stOck. All tuberculin testfd by
way. The management would very much
prisonment, b u t perfectly re­
Alice M. Darling to Dee N. M. Dar- Dr. Coon. Erèe lunch at noon
appreciate it if those in need of stationery,
spectable and, apparently, refined ling, 51.75x150 feet in blk 9, Forest
Terms of Sale: All sums under
office blanks, or any other kind of printing
men and women have asked the Grove. $2,000,
$10 cash; on all sums over that
would call at the office for samples and
amount 8 month’s time will be
writer to say worse things than
” n i 'l l T '* ’
prices. If you’re too busy to come to the
these about his neighbors. Long
George 0. Harris et al to M. J. Ma-
w'th 6 per cent interest
office use the phone and a representative
ago this editor resolved that he honey, NE quar o f SE quar sec 12, 2 N and approved security. No prop-
will call on you.
would not publish anything about 3; also right of way, $io.
erty to be removed until terms of
a man (or woman) that he would
Kivich to J. s. irumble, NWquar
are complied with,
be ashamed to say to said man or
quar of SW quar’ 8ec 10* 1 N 5*
IRA E. PU RD IN , Owner. |
woman’s face. Even when striv-
B Kivich
B L Frenchi S half of 1 w - HUGHES, Auctioneer,
ing to live up to this rule the a v -! sw quar sec 10, l N 5, $i.
Geo. F. Naylor, Clerk.
Life Saver
Jurors Are Drawn
For March Term
Road Supervisors
Abolished by Law
We’ll Make Good
. . . JOB PRINTING . . .