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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1917)
£ f % ¿ 4 - y V Jfareat (Srmu> ¿Expirsa A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. 2, No. 8 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . M ARCH 1, 1917 “Trial of February” Was Big Success IW IW M $1.50 per Year presents appropriate to the oc It Was Guest Day casion. The guests were Misse Monday was “ guest d a y" with , Kate Scott, J e s i e Reynolds, o-u n . _ t-i . . , the Woman’s club and alm oitev-i Theresa Beahen, Florence Webb- member availed herself of the So well waH the grade school Last Saturday evening there Shower for Grace Newton !ey Mary Corl and Anna .Staehr privllege of bringing privilege of bringing a a guest guest to en- and M e s d a m e s J. Mackrodt, play, "T h e Trial of February," joy the excellent program pre- was a special train from Portland, Saturday evening Mrs. H. T . received at the Star Theater last Buxton entertained a number of James West and Edith Wirtz. pared. carrying only Masons and mem Probably the most enjoyable bers of the sister organization Thuraday evening that many ladies at a miscellaneous shower A Colonial Party fe ature of the program was the Htood during the entire perform for Miss Grace Newton, who is Tuesday afternoon,at the home play. “ The Honeymoon," put on (the Eastern Stars) to this city. soon to become a bride, arid the ance rather than m m any of it evening was pleasantly spent at of Mrs. E. F. Burlingham, the by six P. U. students, under the Aboard the train were Masons and the repeat performance,given parlor games, music and refresh members of the P. E. O. cele direction of Miss Bagstad. The numbering ninety-seven, including Friday night, wan quite well pat ments. The guest of honor re brated their annual guest day b. players were Herman Turner, as Worshipful Master Mason Hurl- spending t h e afternoon a t a the duf e; Francis Wade, as the .hurt and the degree staff of Wash- ronized. in spite of other attrac received many pretty and useful Colonial party, in costume, danc count; Orlando Romig. as Ro- ington lodge, who came to con- tions in the city. Too often home- articles from her admiring friends, ing the minuet; singing pa riotic lando; Harry Romig, as Lopez; the third degree upon W. K . talent p l a y s , especially where who were Mesdames R. C. Hill, songs, each singer rendering a Dorothy Hall, as Juliana, and Newell of Gaston who becomes young children are used, are lire- Zoe Hartrampf, Robert Bellinger phrase. In the dances, each lady Mildred Scobee as Volante The affiliated with Holbrook lodge of some and uninteresting, but “ The H T . Gilmer, Nora McNamer, selected her partner by means of play was well put on and made a this city, and a dozen of the 1 rial ot February” was so snappy A n n a Dixon, Hazel Carmack, the names of historic couples. hit. Eastern Stars of Portland. and pretty that most of those in Lulu Ingersoll, Ivy Moore and The afternoon came to a close T Mrs. Hutchinson sang a group While the Masons were doing the audience were sinceiely sorry Misses I>-ta Newton. Iva Con with delightful refreshments of ^ongs and was compelled to re- their work at the hall of Holbrook ger. Belle Darling, Mary Woell when the curtain went down on decorations wt re red carnations, spend to several encores. Her lodge the officers of Forest Chap- and Aggie Peterson of McMinn the last scene. flags and oth« r patriotic colors. numbers were greatly appreciated, ter, Eastern Star, were entertain- ________ The opening number consisted ville. There were three dozen ladies in Miss Miltlmore read a paper on ing Mrs. P. L. Lerch, worthy of a well executed piano solo by Mrs. R e b a Secour Saturday the party and a jollier crowd “ Modern Poets” that appealed, matron of Martha Washington Orpha Parker. Following this uflernoon entertained a number would be hard to find. especially, to the lovers of modem Chapter of Portland and ten of was a violin duet by Arlington of little folks in honor of the fifth Mrs. C. A Litller Monday poetry.' her officers at the home of Mrs. Marsh and Waneta Wendt which birthday anniversary of her son, The Congregational church par- E E. Williams, Worthy Matron found much lavor with the hear Edwin Hoffman Secour. T h e evening gave a dinner party to a ers Then appeared Master Fran | dining room decorations were in few friends ¡n honor of the sev- l°rs were beautifully decorated in of the local chapter. The enter- tainment at the Williams home cis Jones, in continental costume, red, white and blue, with slream- enty-fifth birthday anniversary of potted plants. her mother, Mrs. Mary Saltmarsh. Tea and wafers were served a la consisted of music, cards, fortune- wno announced the remaining I erg ,n these colors hanging over One of the guests was a son of the Cafeteria ^by a committee com- telling by cards and palmistry numbers of tne prof^rurn. I* irsi t i , i | i | p in the c*(*nt 4 *r of which - ~~- « *— — —— — ***~ , - «> « ». * vir« and last, but not least, a fine of these was “ A Ganien of F low -! ge Ke^V"e with smidTer f t “ ! ° f f t * " « ’ p o th er of .the g j j j ^ 0^ a n d S n fc r lunch, served by the “ Star points ” ers in which girls from the in- Kewpies suspended over the feat- lhosie8s’ H . R Salt marsh of Port- S h u ltz, Gordon and Benfer. Mrs. Williams' guests numbered termed late and grammar grades ¡a | board. The place cards were an * _ — Freshmen Score a Hit thirty six in all, eleven from Port- appeared dressed to represent in the shape of hatchets. The Mrs. John Buchanan enter I he annual Freshman play, land and the remainder members sweetpeaa, buttercups, morning lunch con isied of cinnamon rolls, tained the Bide-a-wee club at her Put on at of F °rest chapter, including eight glories, etc. Wi th colored lights cocoa, ice cream and cake. The home on F i f t h street Friday , T heLV,1lla,?e ,LaWi 5 ’ playing upon them to enhance the guests were Misses Harriett Helen night. After a sumptuous dinner, Marsh Hall last Thursday even- worthy matrons of the last-named ing by Mamie Loomis, Edith chapter scene, these flowers awakened Hughes, M aigaret Hines, Mar the guests played cards the re-t Craft. Beth Potwin. Bertha Flan-j This fs the first time in history from their winter sleep and sang garet Faxon, Alice Johnson, of the evening nigan Harnett Benjamin, Herbert that a Portland Worthy Matron their morning songs. Then came Alice Inlow, Margaret and Mary Deuell, Frank Bur inyham, Ken- and j^er officers ever made an of- To Talk to Farmers a beautiful little drill, entitled the Ellen Mertz and Betty Clark neth, Arthur and Noah Jones, ficial visit to the local chapter Under the auspices of the For “ Mountain March” by children and M a s t e r s Bruce Brook- proved one of i he histrionic treats an(j the members of Forest chap- from Miss Krafsic’s and Miss En bank, K d w a r d Johnson, Don- est Grove Commercia' club, R W . so often put on by the College ter, naturally, appreciate the schede’s rooms laid and Stanley Caples and Gill of Multnomah county, E. H. boys and girls. While other at--honor, T h e play “ T h e Trial of Febru l Edwin Hoffman Secour. Irene Fry. a famous swine-breeder, and tractions kept the crowd from be- E. H. Davis, berry-grower, will a ry " was then announced. The Kobinson. Kvelyn Palton and * H X , " M T r * T . £* “ ^ “ '« * » £ * ■ » « Court , of .. . Time, . presided over by . . . leen Hoffman Muted in brewitr„ anc, ¿L ' L , Z m t t K ' bee,n’ those who attended were twelve of them outside of Oregon. Frank Schroeder, in the garl> of I taming the little guests. Mrs. r.tIJ ^rs ana^D^rry growers at K . enthusiastic in their applause After the business session and F’ather Time, was convened to de E. Faxon of Portland brought of P hall this city, next Satur The players were coached by Miss initiation. Stewards O. S. Higby termine if the month of February, I her little daughter, Marfcaret. to day. March 3d and J. G. Lenneville, assisted by The program will occupy both Anna Bagstad._________ __ represented by Orval Howard, I the party. The city was in darkness from other members, served lunch to morning and afternoon and at was entitled to a place in the cal 9 to 10 o ’clock Monday night, on 250 Masons, five tables being re Mr. and Mrs. James Rasmusen noon the Commercial club will endar. The prosecution was con- account of a fire at the power quired to serve all and some of evening. serve a substantial lunch to all ducted by Joseph Kave a dinner 1 uesday birthday anni- invited guests. plant. The fire started from the the local members did not get out Attorney Fourth, while the prisoner |n honor of the of their s o n , George. These men wi I talk on subjects saw-dust conveyor, ran up to the of the hall until nearly. 2 o’clock was defended by ltoscoe Coonse, versary the dinner the evening was of interest to all farmers and fruit roof and broke through and but next morning. Aft er as Attorney Y e a r . Witnesses Members of Holbrook lodge are for the fact that the engineers had were then called in the interest of enjoyed in playing “ 500." A growers and will alk from ex- hose with which to check the very enthusiastic about the man beautiful laree panel containing perience both the prosecution and the de blaze until the department ar ner in which the visitors conferred fense. The prosecution tried to three fine views— one of Marsh Boy Scout Notes rived, the darkness might have the degree. Hall, one of the gymnasium and show that because February is Prof, Thomas, former scout lasted some days. The depart shorter than the other mouths one of t h e Pacific University: Tuesday evening at the same visited the local troop ment had to hitch up and work campus, with Mar-h Hall in the Master, that it should be eliminated. The hall there was another big cele night. Eight new by lantern light, making a slow testimony in defense went to show background— was a birthday gift Pn Saturday bration, the occasion being a flag that of all the months of the year, from a friend. Guests were Or- boy-m ade application for mem- job of it. The damage was yes- dedication by the Masons and Orlando Romig, Francis VYade bership. The local troop has reg- terday adjudged to be $84 and we are most indebted to F'ebruary Stars, the members of Holbrook and Ben Willard. istered with the Portland head- will be settled at that price. us the month that gave the world lodge being the guests of Forest quarters. J u d g e Hollis, Prof. ~ t t — :-------- r . _ Lincoln, St. Valentine’s Day, The members of the Philothea Inlow and John Anderson are act- ''a lte r Morris, aged oo years, Chapter N o . 42, O E. S. Washington and Leap Year. The class of the Congregational church ing as troup committee to regulate an , n£>neej‘ on *‘ie , A t the appointed time, Mrs. A. ~ N., trial carried much patriotic color held their class partv at the home t io i »pi affairs A band is being and a brother to M r s .J .G . Len- E. Scott, conductress, and Mrs. and was interspersed with many of Miss Kate Scott yesterday organized. nev,']1e1 th,s! was badly Elizabeth Todd, associate con pretty drills and exercise». Hum afternoon and a jolly social time The Boy Scouts wrork and earn S(,alded about the face, hands and ductress, of Forest chapter, and orous situations arose with enough resulted. The afternoon was their way. I^et them clean that wrists Sunday, when his engine C O. Roe, marshall of Holbrook frequency to keep the audience in spent in doing fancy work and yard or put in that wood. Call was derailed near Kalama, Wash . lodge. entered the room with a good humor. Space will not per talking over matteis of interest to 0343 by reason of striking a six-ton handsome flag, which was pre mit particular mention of every the class. Those present regret rock that had rolled onto the sented to the two orders through part of the play, but the work of ted the absence of Miss Camilla CONDENSED NEWS NOTES track. While the engine and sev Worthy Matron Mrs. Williams Glen Thornburgh and Frederick Abernathy, who is in a Portland eral cars were derailed, no one and Worshipful Master L. M . Gilbert Potwin of Portland vis- was killed and the scalds of the Olmsted as the loving Mr. and hospital. A most delicious dinner Graham Mr. Graham made an ited at the family home in th is Mrs. Newlywed, a n d t h a t of was served at 7 o ’clock. Those engineer are not considered fatal. expended speech of acceptance, Master Hague ( ’ ate, as Cupid, present were Mrs. Livingstone, city Sunday. acknowledging the wrorth and ap J. W. Hughes, the champion T L « A f t i c i i n P n n r o r t deserve special mention because Mrs. A. G. Bryant. Mrs Luella propriateness of the gift and auctioneer of the Pacific coast, Jit l l o d l l b a l l i v i l of their unique apjiearance. All nr n m . pledging, for the lodge, that the Walker and Misses Anna Taylor, departed today for Weiser, Idaho, parts were w e l l carried. The W a s a K iln ? emblem of freedom should ever Christine Mackrodt, Jennie Arm- to cry a big sale, characters and groups appearing The concert given in K . of P. unstained while in his of- strong, Stalley and Kate Scott, F . M . Starrett, who is suffering in the play were as follows: and Mrs. Scott and son. severely from a carbuncle on his hall Friday evening, under the F'ather Time, F'rank Schroeder; auspices of the Artisan Assemblies Miss Christine Mackrodt last | . to Forest F’ebruary, Orval Howard; A ttor of F’orest Grove, Hill boio, Dilley past matron, and followed by all ney Flarth, Joseph McCready; A t Thursday evening gave at her , Cirove hospita^1 this morning, and Gaston, proved one of the ; ' h<J m.prn.be1^ was i*?en torney Y e a r , Roscoe Coonse; home a miscellaneous shower for i Practical nurse, 12 years exper- musical treats of the season and ter which the members of the two Clerk of the Court. Donald Tern Miss Anna Staehr. who this even-1 ¡ence, wants case for M arch: ma- the large crowd in attendance ap lodges spent several hours in a pleton; Sheriff, Carl Johnson; Mr. ing becomes the bride of E. C. j ternity preferred. Phone 376 or social way, with plenty of music predated every number, as was to enliven the occasion. North, Ralph Lyons; Mr. South, Montgomery, the marriage taking address Lock Box 335, Forest evidenced by the applause. It* Francis Thomas; Moses Black, place at Hoquiam, Wash., where j Grove, Ore. The big show opened with sev Received Sad News Listeon Barber; Columbia, M ar the groom is employed as a mill I The county camp of the Mod- eral selections inigriiican. The . . . « 7 C.C.....R , » w... meet in ... ,,a.,n9| , ^ Walker s or- Mrs. Catherine Wallace of the evening was npcutic.., spent ern Woodmen will Banks , ian Bockman; C u p i d , Hague foreman. ra and ttiese were, of course, Cottage Hotel Tuesday received Cate; Mr. Henry Peck, Harold by the members of the party at April 4th and the local camp has Howard; Mr. Newlywed, Glen games, followed by dainty refresh-1 elected M. H. Martin, WT. P. Pot- e°T?ua u:~'f„_.____ t a . _______, word that her daughter. Mrs. The big feature of the concert Lizzie Gage, aged 36 years, had Thornburgh; Mr s . Newlywed, mdTits. The guest of honor re win, Clyde Perry and H. G. King was the Artisan Juvenile band of passed away at her home at Mar- Frederick Olmsted; Uncle Sam. ceived a number of very pretty as delegates. _______________________________________________________________________ Portland, composed of nineteen sailles. III. Deceased is survived Paul Baldwin; I. B. Shiftless, boys, from eight to sixteen years by a husband, three children, two Kenneth Benfer; Twelfth of Feb The dedication of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of F’or- of age, directed b y Percy A. ruary, John Henry Buchanan; est Grove, Oregon, (southeast corner of Pacific avenue and A street) Campbell, one of the most effi- sisters and one brother. Twenty-second of February, M ar will be held on Sunday, March fourth, nineteen hundred seventeen, eient directors on t h e coast. Three years ago this morning vin Emerson; Fourteenth of F’eb Services at eleven o’clock a. m. and eight o’clock p. m. There are many juvenile bands “ D ad " Ott and his old speckled ruary, Graeme Strickland; Con. All are welcome to these services. The regular Lesson-Sermon,! in the country, but few of them horse began hauling mail between T . Nental, F’ rancis Jones; Pick together with a brief historical sketch of the church organization, essay such difficult compositions the postoffice and depot and they aninnies from Miss Rudolph’s will be read. The evening program will be a repetition of that of as were handled with credit by have never missed a train in that (Continued on last page) the morning. j (Continued on page Four) ; time. fc? [ ) • w w v v w v i v . ________V 1 W M SOCIAL NOTES Masonic Bodies Are Quite Active