Catholic Churrh Notes Economy A Forty Hour*’ Adoration will com­ is near to the keystone mence in the Catholic Church of Cor­ nelius, morning, Feb. 23rd, with of character and success. Mass at Friday eight o'clock. It will clone Sunday e v e n in g with Benediction. A boy that is taught to save his money will rarely Confessions* be heard in Cornelius be a bad man or a failure; the man who saves will before Mass will and after Benediction, and in Forest Grove, at 4:00 o’clock on Fri­ rise in his trade or profession steadily. This is in­ day and Saturday afternoons. Masson evitable. Four per cent interest on savings. Sunday will be in Forest Grove at 8:30, and in Cornelius at 10.90. Everyone is cordially invited. Rev. Father Ber­ nards will assist. Every Sunday evening at H.iX) o’clock FOREST GROVE, ORE. during th e month of March, Rev. “A Strong Hank in a Good Town” Father Buck will give a lecture in V erts’ Hall, Forest Grove, on Christian Doctrine, i. e., w h a t th e Catholic NOTES AND PERSONALS W hite kid gloves cleaned, 10c : Church believes and teaches. These per pair at Ruggles’, next to post lectures will be absolutely free, no col­ lection, and everyone is not only wel­ John Corweli of Manning was office. 52 come, to attend. Follow­ shopping in the city Friday. The latest Columbia records of ing is a but list is of urged subjects which will be Mr. and Mrs. Bowman visited the new songs on sale at Littler’s treated, (unless some change is deem­ their daughter in Portland Satur­ Pharmacy. ed advisable.) Sunday Evening, March 4th, "The day. Roy Thomas, who is working Origin of the Catholic Church. Are A trial order is all we ask; next i in Portland, visited his folks here there marks, by which we may know, to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning Sunday. without fear of error, a true Christian Works. 52 W hat are those m arks?" Will Ralston, assistant freight Church? Sunday Evening, 11th, "The Lime and Sulphur spray, by agent at the S. P. depot, is laid Catholic Church and March the Bible. Why the gallon or barrel, at LittlerV up with rheumatism. priests do not m arry.” Pharmacy. Florence Turner of Portland Sunday Evening. March 18th, "W hat Ed. Wilson of Paisley visited visited Leone Graham in this city is ‘Temporal Pow er,’ and is the Cath­ olic Church anxious to gain it?” relatives in this city several days Saturday and Sunday. Sunday Evening, March 25th, "In ­ this week. Ruth Frost, who is teaching at tolerance; The Spanish Inquisition; St. For Sale—Nice driving horse, Patton, attended the Gamma ban­ Bartholomew’s Eve; queen Mary of England. J. K. BUCK. good harness and buggy. Inquire quet here Saturday night The First National Bank We have just received the largest stock of AUTO TIRES ever shipped to Forest Grove. We shall carry in stock at all times all the regular sizes in two grades, the Vacuum Cup, guaranteed for 6,000 miles, and the Bar o Circle, for 3,500. Note our prices and buy spring requirements before another advance. SIZE 80 :: VACUUM ( UP $14.00 18.46 20.15 30.45 32.45 43.25 30-31 j 32 3 4 33- 4 34- 4 35- 4 4 We carry a full line of _ _ _ GENUINE ___ BAR 5 CIRCLE $10.90 14.10 17.00 22.76 23.65 31.30 Edison Mazda Lamps GOFF BROS. Rhone 683 Forest (¡rove, Ore (ard of Thanks The County Seat The undersigned desire lo pub­ licly thank the members of the W ashington County Editorial A u o riatio n New* Bureau G. A. R., the W. R. C., and the Christian church for floral offer­ at this office. 43-tf Miss Nell Buell, who is work­ Christian Church Circuit Court George G. Hancock, real es­ ing in Portland, spent Sunday at I At our last Prayer Meeting and Bible Hulx-rt Bernards is suing the Valley ings for the funeral of the late Elias C. Smith and all friends and Study hour we decided to begin at Trust Co. for a judgment of $500. tate, farm loans and fire insur­ her home in Forest Grove. 7.15 P. M. as usual. This will lx* ap­ Fitzsimmons has brought suit neighbors for their many acts of ance, new Anderson block. 50 Harold Tallman, who is teach­ portioned one half hour for regular to Michel collect a judgment of $700 from Rose I kindness and words of cheer dur­ For Sale—F a u 111 e s s stump- ing at Manning, spent Friday ev­ prayer service and topic and three- Wilcox O’Connor, ing the illness and after the death puller, complete and in good con­ ening with friends in Forest Grove. fourths of an hour to the interesting William Jesse has et al. also brought suit of their husband and parent, helpful bible study of the Book of to foreclose a mortgage held against dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf Helen McEldowney was at­ and Elias C. Smith. Romans. Remember the day and time O’Connor for the sum of $5000. Wilfred Briggs, who is working tacked with the mumps Wednes­ —Wednesday 7.15 to 8.90 P. M. Every­ Rime Mrs. Eliza Smith, Deitz is suing Chas. Deitz in Portland, attended he Kappa day and is confined to her home. body invited to this prayer service and and Amelia J. D. Smith, Maude Deitz for clear title to a banquet in this city Saturday Your neighbors are planting Bible Study. certain piece of real property, and usks W. I). Smith, Bible School is growing. A re ' that she be adjudged the owner of the night. “i'akro Seedtape.” Buy it for you The helping Miss Nora Smith. grow? You are in­ same and that the defendants lx* com- Frank Smith, who has been your garden. Ask Littler’s Phar­ vited to join. it to Remember age makes |>elled to sign a deed to the same. Mrs. J E. Putman of Corvallis, working in California, is visiting macy about it. no difference. We never outgrow the T. N. Thompkins has brought suit who has been stopping at the Van friends and relatives in Forest Billy Schultz, junior, has pur­ Bible School. It is the Teaching Ser- ^ against Francis A. Catlin, et al, and is of the Church of Christ to win ; asking for a foreclosure of lien against Walters home for several weeks, Grove. chased the Byron Smith prop­ vice souls and train in Christian property owned by the defendant to I while receiving treatment from a Mrs. Mayne Abbott went to erty, corner Pacific Avenue and service. to Christ local physician, passed away of lo rd ’s Day 9.45 A. M. Some­ the amount of $1144.46. Portland Friday, returning Mon­ C street, and moved in Tuesday. thing new every session. heart trouble early Sunday morn- Come, be one Prohate Court day night, having spent the time! Miss Margaret McFeeters, who of us. 1 ing and the body was taken to morning service lo rd ’s Day In the estate of Rozina Feldt, de­ Corvallis that evening. visiting. has been working in Portland at 11 At A. the M. the pastor will deliver the ceased, a petitjon has Ix-en tiled by A large delegation from Forest1 a wholesale millinery house, re­ second message on the "Survey of the Win. Feldt for the appointment of him­ Mission Fields of the W orld." Mis­ self Grove will a t t e n d the State turned to her home in Forest sions as adm inistrator of the estate of challenge the Church of Christ Christian Endeavor convention in Grove Sunday. to g r e a t e r evangelistic endeavor. Emil Feldt. The value of this estate is placed at $400. and see why. Salem this week-end. Miss Jessie Goodman has been , Come 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Wm. Feldt is also petitioning for the NOW OPEN. Mrs. D o r a Schoolcraft and very ill at her home for a week. 7:30 p. m. Song Service and sermon. appointment of himself as the admin­ Mrs. Charles Hubbert of Dilley Her condition is said to be serious. Subject, "Sowing and R eaping." istrator to the estate of Emil Feldt. Cases Received I lay or Night spent Thursday here, visiting The family has for some time services. Your attendance is desired at these The value of this estate is placed at Surgical and Obstetrical We welcome you. $900. Mrs. L. S. Phillips and family. been on the point of moving to R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. Marriage Licenses MRS. E. N. HUGHES, Get th e guaranteed "Pakro Idaho. Registered Nurse, Superintendent Christ Peterson and Viola Crowthers; Sheri IT’s Sale Seedtape” for your garden. I t . Mrs. Chas. Hines entertained a Rheinhold Krueger and Lizzie Recker; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That MRS. JE N N IE A. REEHER, is the most economical of them 1 number of friends at a card party by virtue of an attachm ent execution j Henry Lucks and Agnes Kenm-dy; all. For Sale at Littler’s Phar-i Tuesday afternoon. Decorations issued out of and under the aeal of the Frank C. Pauli and Phebe E. Blakesley. Phone 0223 Owner. Forest Grove, Ore macy. were for Washington, and delicious Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Job printing—phone 821. The l ocal assembly of th refreshments were served at the I for the County of Multnomah, dated United Artisans put seven candi­ close of the afternoon’s guyeties. the 13th day of February, 1917, upon a ent duly made and docketed in dates through the paces Tuesday Among those from the High judgm said court the 25th day of January, evening and enjoyed a nice lunch School who will attend the C E 1917, and a on transcript thereof duly filed after the initiations. Including a convention at Salem this week and docketed in the county of W ash­ state of Oregon, < in favor number of Artitans from the Dil are Sadie McCoy, Relda Mann, of ington, Fred Hoskins, plaintiff, and against ley assembly, there were between Nola Ramsey, Lorraine Giguere, Oscar Johnson, defendant, for the sum $53.85 cost and the further sum of 60 and 70 Artisans in attendance. j Lila Short, Opal Dixon, and Er­ of 9813.45 with interest thereon from the Pacific University lost its third nest Dye. 16th day of March, 1916,a t the rate of 6 per cent tier annum, and for the further basketball game of the season to The junior and senior classes sum We show an excellent assortment of with interest thereon the Quakers of Newberg, on the! of the Forest Grove high school from of the $75.00 25th day of January, 1917, at New Smart Models for Spring rate of 6 per cent per annum, to Newberg floor, ia-t Friday night, have been obliged to postpone the in Repps, Gabardines, Poplins, Serges and Jerseys me directed and delivered, commanding by a score of 37 to 19. The non- their banquet, which was to be me to make sale of the real property and all the new Spring Colors. described, heretofore a t­ conference championship is still in held on Saturday night, on ac­ hereinafter tached at the suit of the plaintiff in No old last year’s garments in stock; every garment we doubt, with Pacific standing a count of the prevalence of the the above entitled action I will on Mon­ have was made for SPRING of 1917. good chance of being in on a time day, the 2nd day of April, 1917, at South door of the Courthouse in with the Quakers and the Bap­ mumps among the members of the Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, tists of McMinnville. the two classes. at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. of said IWM HOSPITAL NEW Spring Suits i Coats Yes, the cost of living’s high, But we’d rather live than die. And. since we must all live and eat, let us supply your wants. We have Meats, Vegetables and Fruits in season and at Reasonable Prices. Right on the Corner Phone Your Wants The Pacfic Market Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. day, sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real property, lying, being an d s i t u a t e in Washington (xiunty, Oregon, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of the East one-half of lot num- , bered (13) of and in Spencers Home­ stead, as the same appears upon the duly recorded plat on file and of record in the office of the recorder of convey­ ances for Wasnington County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of sale and said writ. Said sale will be made subject to re- demption as per statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 16th day of February, 1917. J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. By Geo. Alexander, Deputy. Geo. J. Cameron, Attorney for Plaintiff. First pub Feb 22, last Mar. 29. ■ Suits from $12 to $30 Coats from $4.75 to $30 Wool and Silk Dresses $4.75 to $16 in Voi,e3> Tub Silks- Crepe fle 1 nAlM / n l i i TV 1 I WA1CTV T t /A K j I u Chine and Georgette Crepes. Our expenses are very small and that’s why ' OUR PRICES ARE LOW. We make a Specialty of Large Sizes for Stout Women. Goar’s Woman’s Shop Third Street Phone, Main 803 HILLSBORO (Only Exclusive Woman’s Store in the County) Ü