HRMi MEXICAN BANDITS Doings of State Legislators CROSS BOUNDARY Big Shipyard Started. Petition Fraud Measure High Schools Military Training Tacoma.— Actual constructloa on is Passed by Senate what Bill Passes Lower House will be Tacoma’s biggest ship­ Salem Military training in th* high •choola o f the state in authorized In Villista Raiders are Immediately Representative Crandall’s bill which wss passed by the house Saturday with Pursued by U. S. Troopers. a big affirmative vote. Th* m ilitary course is not to be compulsory, however, or part either of schools or o f students. It is to lie subject, though, o f suitable credit on the same basis as other studies and in an amount to be determined by the board o f education. The governor is made head o f the r r w t u t lo n ir ; Mraaurca Taken A p i i u t m ilitary training department. All Salazar'« Threat to Repeat Bor­ schools that establish it must apply to him for authority. No company of der Umida Chine*«- Killed. cadets ran lie organized with fewer than 20 members or without s suitable instructor. A t leant three hours a Washington, D. C. — The War de­ week are to be set aside for the work. The state is authorized, too, to fur­ partment made public Saturday tho following rt*|M>rt from Colonel T a g ­ nish the several companies with rifles ind other equipment. gart, commanding Fort Ringgold: “ Lieutenant Ayre«, Florida trop« at Iai|tenH, reports that Friday night $181,300 Cut From Fair. «tight ImnditH creased into the United Salem — The joint ways and means StatoM at Sob-dad ranch, 15 miles north o f El Tigre Arroya. One man and committee operated on the requests of aoven horse« wi-ro capture«!. Seven the State Fair board has cut out $183,- ImnditH on foot in the brush are being 500, but added $2500 on two items. Estimates o f $125,000 for a coli­ chaaed by troop«. ” seum and $40,000 for a woman’s build­ llachita, N. M. I lieutenant (Colonel ing were eliminated entirely. A total J, C. Waterman, commamiing the o f $35,000 waa granted for premiums ilarh ita district, aent orders to hia aaked. The committee at first tenta­ trtaipe Friday to maintain day ami tively decided to allow $30,000 for night patrola along the border instead that purjioae, but on the plea o f Repre­ sentative W. Al Jones, ex-secretary o f o f day patrola aa heretofore. At the name time unofficial reporta the fair, it was increased to $35,000. were received here that all o f tho cav­ A request o f $2500 for a fire barn ap­ alry regimenta on the border from El paratus was disallowed, and $1000 was I’aao to I)ouglaa, A riz., had been in- cut from $800 asked for fencing. atructcd to Kolii thenuo-lvea in readi- To a $2000 request for water supply, neaa to move immeiliately on inatruc- $2000 was added to connect with city tiona from General Funaton. Theae water mains and $500 waa added to a preparationa were believed to be pre­ $2000 request for more toilet fa cil­ cautionary againat Salazar’« threat of ities. The committee also reconsidered its another raid. Two troop* o f regular cavalry have action o f early in the session, doing reinforced the border patrol and two away with agricultural assistants to more were to leave for the bonier im­ the Superintendent o f Public instruc­ mediately. Theae troop«, according to tion, who handle children's industrial Lieutenant Colonel Waterman, are for club work, and granted $8000 out of patrol duty only and have no order« to the $12,000. _________ goMnto Mexico. BORDER PATROL IS DOUBLED Juarez- Five more Chinese were murdered at Madera, Chihuahua, when Julio Acosta, a Villa commander, raided that town on February 8, ac- eordirig to a meaaago received here by a relative o f the Chinese. The Villa followers raided the Madera «tore« and carried off much loot, the rneaaage added. England Broadens Danger Zone; Warnings Given All Neutrals Washington, I). C. — Notice o f a dangerous area in the North Sea be­ cause o f operations against Germany has been given by the British admiral­ ty. A copy o f tho notice, dated Feb­ ruary 13, was received at the State de­ partment Friday. It warns shipping that after Febru­ ary 7 a prescribed area, including all waters off Germany and parts o f Hol­ land and Denmark, w ill be dangerous and should be avoided. The new notice says: “ In view o f the unrestricted warfare carried on by Germany at sea by means o f mines and submarines, not only against the allied powers, but al­ so against neutral shipping, and the fact that merchant ships are constant­ ly sunk without regard to the ultimate safety o f their crews, His M ajesty’s government gives notice that on and after February 7, 1917, the mentioned area in the North Sea w ill be rendered dangerous to all shipping by operations against the enemy and it should there­ fore be avoided. ” Germans Smash French Lines. Berlin Troops o f the German Crown Prince, in an attack against French positions south o f Ripont, in the Champagne, Friday, the War office an­ nounced, on a front o f about a mile and a half, captured ground to a depth o f a half a mile. The Germans took 858 prisoners, including 21 officers. The attack, which was peceded by intense artillery fire, was made main­ ly against French jaisitions at Maisons de Champagne and hill 185, about one- third o f a mile south o f the farm. Four lines o f French positions were stormed in the attack. The French made counter attacks in the night and morning, but were re­ pulsed with losses. The German loss­ es are said to have been small. Y outh H o ld s U p Banker, Lincoln, Neb. — A stranger strolled leisurely into the First National Bank at University Place, a Lincoln suburb, Saturday at noon. There was no one ^n the bank but the president. The young man, about 23 years old, flashed a revolver in the officer’s face and o rd er«! him to retreat to the vault. A fte r locking him in the vault, the robber picked up $2500 in currency, Bcorning a large amount o f silver and gold, and made his escape. ' Salem— Important safeguards o f the honesty o f initiative petitions are con­ ta in «! in a measure by Representative Herbert Gordon, that passed the senate by unanimous vote Friday. It had pre- vioualy passed the house. It w ill virtually restrict the signa­ ture on initiative petitions to those o f registered voters, thus doing away with wholesale signature« by “ float- era that have been so prolific a source o f fraud in the past. A t the same time the bill does not take away the right o f legal voters who are not registered to sign peti­ tions. Before they can sign the peti­ tions, however, they must make oath to their qualifications before a notary public. A ll signature« must be checked up by the county clerk. Still another important provision of the bill w ill tend to prevent the plac­ ing o f misleading or deceptive ballot titles on initiative measures. A ll measures proposed under the initia­ tive, the measure provides, must be sent to the attorney general before they can be circulated. He is directed by the law to prepare the title. Should the attorney general’s title not please the framers o f the measure they have the recourse o f appealing within 20 days to the Circuit court. Amendments to Go On Ballot. WILSON PREPARING 10 TAKE ACTION building industry began Tuaaday, when about 50 men ware put to work by the Tacoma Dredging company at Wilful Hostilities by Submarine the diking for the proposed 1,<00 foot fill along tho Hyleboe creek waterway, May Not Be Awaited. upon which the Todd Shipbuilding company will ultimately build the most modern and complete yard In the northwest. A construction office has been erected at the site. Many carloads of brush are being brought to the sit* o f the dike, and two great plledrlver* are at work plac­ ing the piles which will form the re­ taining walls. Brush and rock will be Accumulation o f Minor Violations o f dumped behind the piling, and behind American Rights by Germany this foundation the silt from the bot­ tom of Hylsbos creak will be placed May Be Basis for Start. by a big suction dredge, which will be placed at work aa soon as sufficient diking has been constructed, probably In about 10 days. Washington, D. C.—Th e steady ac­ cumulation of violations o f American rights by Germany made It appear pos­ Jap Warshlps^Visit, sible Wednesday that President W il­ Tacoma.— Mystery surroundlag the ton would go before congress to ask reported arrival o f two Japanese cruis­ authority for further protecting lives er« In the Straits of Juan de Fuca Feb­ and property without waiting for a ruary 5 was cleared up Thursday with serious disaster which might shock the arrival in Tacoma o f a party of the country. There were no Indications .however, nine officers of the Japanese cruiser Iwate, which, with the cruisers Idzuma that he believed the time for such a and Nlahin o f Admiral Y. Takashlta’s step had come, and it again was said squadron are at Esquimalt, and said authoritatively that he would move de­ to be coaling at that port News of liberately and with full appreciation the arrival of the mem Tiers of the Im­ of all the consequences involved. Official reports of the sinking of the perial Japanese navy was closely American schooner Lyman M. Law in guarded by th» Canadian censor. It is reported that the cruisers the Mediterranean by an Austrian sub­ brought $10,000,000 in gold to the Ca­ marine added only slightly to the ten­ nadian government aa a loan, but no sion, for while the act Is believed to confirmation of this statement could have been illegal, no lives were lost be gotten from the Japanese officers. and the vessel apparently was warned. The Incident was not looked upon as one itself sufficient to hurry the de­ American Vessel 8unk. Rome.— The American schooner L y ­ velopment of the situation. Preliminary reports began coming man M. Law was sunk February 12 off the coast of Sardanla by a hostile sub­ to government departments showing marine, says a Stefan! dispatch from the piling up about the Atlantic sea­ Cagliari, Sardinia. The vessel was board of goods destined for export to loaded with agricultural machinery, European ports. No serious effect the dispatch adds. The crew of 10, of from this condition w ill be felt, how­ which eight were Americans, says the ever, until lapse of sufficient time for message, have been landed at Cagliari. ships to have gone to Europe and re­ turn. W hile only approximately 10 per Motorshlp Leaves SL Helena SL Helens, Or.— The motorshlp S. I. cent of American commerce with Eu­ Allard, launched at the SL Helenr rope Is carried on American ships, the Shipbuilding company's yards last sailings of vessels of other nationali­ month, left Thursday for Astoria, be­ ties in many instances have either ing towed by a tug. A t Astoria there been cancelled or postponed, and there­ will be about 10 days' work before the fore the result of the ruthles subma­ vessel w ill be ready to be towed to rine campaign in time w ill result In San Francisco, where engine* w ill be far-reaching disturbance o f the Indus­ trial life of the United State*. Installed, Salem— A t least two and possibly four or five constitutional amendments and other proposals will be submitted by this legislature to the people at an election in November, 1918. Representative Sheldon’s joint reso­ lution proposing the establishment o f a normal school at Ashland and an­ other somewhere in Eastern Oregon has been adopted in both houses and w ill go on the ballot. It carries a spe­ cial tax levy o f 1-25 o f a mill fo r the support o f each school. The location o f the Eastern Oregon school is to be le ft in the hands o f the board o f normal school regents, but if the institution is not established at Weston, where the state owns prop­ erty, it must be established on a site donated to the state. It is understood May Tax for^Rose Festival. that many Eastern Oregon communi­ Salem— Future Rose Festivals in ties are ready to give the necessary _________ Portland may be financed by direct sites. taxation on the people o f Multnomah Steamship Goes Aground. Teachers’ Bill Passes. county. Bellingham, Wash.— The steamship This method is made possible by the Salem— Senator Orton’s bill amend­ Wlndber o f the Pacific American Fish­ provisions o f Senator Moser's bill al­ ing the teachers’ tenure o f office law, eries, went on Starr Rock here W ed­ ready passtal by the senate, which applying to the schools o f Portland, nesday at 11 o ’clock, while backing went through the house Wednesday was passed by the house Friday with into position at a lumber mill dock. afternoon. 45 affirmative votes. It already had The steamship Norwood and tugs at­ tempted to pull the vessel o ff but The bill empowers the commission­ passed the senate. failed. ers o f Multnoinath county, “ at their The bill is one over which the teach­ discretion,’ ’ to levy a tax o f 16-100 of ers in the Portland schools themselves mill, the proceeds to be placed in a have been divided. Some o f them fa ­ separate fund and extended only for vored it. Others wanted the law left Rose Festival purposes. the way it is. The school board, ap­ Representative Mann, who handled parently, is opposed to it. Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $1.55 the bill on the floor o f the house, ex­ The prcincipal provision in the bill per bushel; fortyfold, $1.52; club, plained that at this rate o f taxation places the cases o f teachers subject for j $1.51; red Russian, $1.48. approximately $40,000 would be avail- dismissal from the service in the hands | M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $26.50 abie annually. o f an independent board appointed at | per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled barley, The law prescribes that evey Festi­ the beginning o f each year by the | $42@43. val must be “ free for the use o f all presiding judge o f the Circuit court. H a y — Producers’ prices: Timothy, inhabitants o f the county where it is This board is empowered to conduct Eastern Oregon, $19@20 per ton; val­ held.” _________ investigations and make decisions. ley, $15@16; alfalfa, $14@16; valley The votes o f two commissioners will grain hay, $12.50@14. Modified Cigarette Bill Passes. be final in every case. Butter — Cubes, extras, 87c per pound; prime firsts, 37c; firsts, S6c; Salem — A “ safe and sane’ ’ anti­ dairy, 30c. Jobbing prices: Prints, New Tax Law Notice. cigarette bill was passed by the house extras, 39c; cartons, le extra; late Monday and probably w ill go Salem — Representative Forbes, o f through the senate and become the law Deschutes county, won a decisive vic­ butterfat, No. 1, 43c; No. 2, 41c, Portland. of the state. tory in the house Friday when he ob­ Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ The bill is sort o f a compromise be­ tained adoption o f his amendments to ceipts, 32c per doxen; candled, 33 tween the Sweeney bone-dry bill and the delinquent tax list bill. @32c; selects, 34c. the conservative Stott bill, both of The Forbes plan provides for a for­ Poultry— Hens, heavy, 18@20c per which were passed by the house last mal notice by mail 90 days a fter the pound; light, 18@20c; springs, 17 week, later recalled and tabled. taxes become delinquent, and news­ The bill passed is a redraft o f the paper publication o f those who remain 19c; turkeys, live, 20@21c; dressed, Sweeney bill. It strictly prohibits the delinquent 30 days after the notices 25@28c; ducks, 20@22c; geese, 12 @13c. sale of cigarettes to youths under 21 are sent out. V eal— Fancy, 14i@15c per pound. years o f age and makes it a misde­ In Multnomah county notices are to Pork— Fancy, 15@15$c per pound. meanor for a minor to smoke ciga­ be published in only two newspapers Vegetables— Artichokes, $1.00@1.20 rettes and provides heavy penalties for with a circulation o f at least 10,000 per dozen; tomatoes, $6.00@7.50 per violation. copies each, while in the outside coun­ crate; cabbage, $5 per hundred; ties publication is to be made in pa­ eggplant, 25c per pound; lettuce, $2.35 Auto Tax Doubled. pers selected by the commissioners. @3.60 per box; cucumbers, $1.50@ Salem— Licenses on automobiles and The bill went back to the senate for 1.75 per dozen; celery, $5.50 per crate; automobile trucks are to be doubled concurrence, and in this form probably cauliflower, $2.50@2.60; peppers, under provisions o f a bill passed by w ill become a law. 30c per pound; sack vegetables, the house Tuesday and the proceeds $1.26 per sack; sprouts, 12Jc per Tax Bill is Passed. w ill be applied to the state highway pound; rhubarb, 1 0 @ llc. fund for distribution in counties out­ Potatoes — Oregon buying prices, Salem— Assessors o f Western Ore­ side Multnomath. gon counties in which the lands o f the $8.00 per hundred; sweets, $4. This bill is a part o f the legislative Oregon & California land grant are Onions— Oregon buying prices, $7.50 road program; was prepared by the situated are instructed, under terms o f per sack, country points. joint house and senate committee on a bill passed by the house this week, Green Fruits — Apples, 75e@$2.25 roads and highways, and is a compan­ to restore the property to the assess­ per box; pears, $1.75@2.50; cranber­ ion to the general road code put ment rolls, regardless o f the effects, ries, $10@11 per barrel. through the house last week. Hops— 1916 crop, 5@9c per pound; pending legislation on the subject. It is expected to raise approximately The bill was introduced by Repre­ 1917 contracts, 1 0 @ llc. $280,000 in cash next year and to in­ sentative Bean, who presented its pro­ W ool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 28@33c crease from year to year. per pound; coarse,’ 33@36e; valley, 33 visions on the floor. The object o f the bill, as explained @41c; mohair, nominal. Cattle— Steers, prime, $8.50@9.25; by Mr. Bean, is to declare forever the Tax Board's Budget is Cut. sovereign right o f the state to tax fa ir to good, $7.00@8.00; medium, Salem — The joint ways and means these lands. $6.50 @ 6.75; cows, choice, $7.35@ _________ committee has granted the State Labor 7.76; medium to good, $6.50@7.00; or­ commissioner $10,000 o f his $11,000 T o Reduce C o s t o f Printing. dinary to fair, $6.75@6.26; heifers, request; gave the Industrial W elfare Salem — Representative Burdick’s $5.00 @ 8 .0 0 ; bulls, $3.76 @ 6.00; commisaion and Board o f Child Labor bill designed to reduce the cost o f calves, $3.00@9.00. inspectors $6000 between them, with printing the Oregon Supreme court Hogs — Ligh t and heavy packing, the understanding that i f the commis­ reports was passed by the house. It $U.60@12.36; rough heavy, $9.85@ sions are merged the total o f the two places the printing in the hands o f the 10.00; pigs and skips, $9.36@10.00; appropriations w ill go to the one com­ Supreme court itself and prohibits any stock hogs, $8.6009.00. mission. The State Tax commission member or employe from having any Sheep— Yearling wethera, $10.250 personal interest in th* work. was cut from $30,000 to $16,000. 10.71; lambs, $10. 00011.70. NEW MOVE WILL BE DELIBERATE Warning Against Fast Spreading Revolt in Cuba Sent by Lansing Washington, D. C.— Report* telling o f the spread of the Liberal revolt in Cuba aroused such apprehension here Wednesday that Secretary Lansing cabled a second warning to the people of the republic that the United States would not regard as legal any govern­ ment set up by violence. The mee- sage went to Minister Gonzales at Ha­ vana and to every American consul to be circulated all over the island. Mr. Lansing pointed out the respon­ sibility of the United States in con­ nection with Cuba and intimated clear- ly that revolution was not to be toler­ ated. Minister Gonzales' report* of the growth of the revolt were submitted by the state department to the secre­ taries of war and navy as promptly as they were received. In neither of the m ilitary departments was there Indi­ cation that any warlike move was be­ ing prepared in connection with the situation, but because of the experi­ ence gained in two previous interven­ tions, military operations could be in­ augurated in brief time without much renewed study of plans. Secretary Baker announced that with the approval of the president a deal had been closed for the sale of 10,000 army rifles and 2,000,000 rounds of ammunition to the Cuban govern­ ment. Negotiations for the purchase had been in progress fo r several months. __________________ China May Join Entente. Toklo.— In connection with the Jap­ anese approval, now confirmed, of China's action in supporting the atti­ tude of the United States towafd Ger­ many on the submarine question, it Is further stated that Japan has promised China all possible support. Including the maintenance of order In China, where German Influence is consider­ able. China's protest to Germany, says the Japan Times, may be taken as a prelude to China’s eventual parti­ cipation in the war on the side o f the entente. Japan’s special rights and interests in the Far East have been affirmed by the entente. Count Bernstorff Sails. Hoboken, N. J.— Count J. H. von Bernstorff, ex-German ambassador to the United States, sailed for home Wednesday aboard the Scandinavlan- Amerlcan liner Frederick VIII. With him was the Countess von Bernstorff, besides nearly 200 German diplomatic and consular officials. The departure, which completes the severance o f dip­ lomatic relations between the United States and Germany, was marred by no untoward Incident. Farm Loan Warning Out. Washington, D. C.—The federal farm loan board has Issued a warning to farmers against persons reported to be organizing farm loan associations for the sake o f private profits.