Zht Jfnrpst (6rmi* fcxprFHS Published ever>' Thursday at Forest Grove. Oregon. W. C. Uenfer. Editor and Publisher. Entered aa aeoond-daas matter Jan. 12. 191$. at the poetofficc at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, 1X79 THURSDAY. FEB. 22 1917 NOTES AND My Auto 'Tis o f Thee My auto, ’ tis of thee. Short cut to poverty. Of thee I chant. I blew a pile of dough On you two years ago. Now you refuse to go. Or won’ t, or can't. Through town and countryside. You were my joy and pride; A happy day. I loved thy gaudy hue. Thy four white tires, so new. Now down and out for true. In every way. To thee, old rattle box. Came many bumps and knocks. For thee I grieve. Badly thy top is tom. Frayed are thy seats and worn. A cough affects thy horn, I do believe. Thy perfume smells the breezs. While good folks choke and wheeze. As we pass by. I paid for thee a price. 'Twould buy a mansion twice. Now all are yelling " I c e ” I wonder why. Thy motor has the grippe. Thy spark plugs have the pip And woe is thine. I, too, have suffered chills, Ague and kindred ills Trying to pay my bills Since thou wert mine. —Exchange. A lady friend observes that the mail order catalog wears out three times as quickly as does the Bible. The mysterious stranger is a man who comes to town and do sn’t tell you what his busine s is. _____________ _ Laura Jean Libby says young people s h o u l d love sensibly. Would that be extracting about half the joy from it ? CO M M E N T S publish foreclosure notices are as bad as those which publish the delinquent t a x lists. Possibly. But there are a lot of editors, even those of "little” papers, who have too much dignity to go begging to the legislature for a chance to rob their friends and subscribers. What the Express complained of was that the ed­ itors who went to Salem were trying to make the legislate s for­ get their promi-es of economy, made before election. The good Lord knows the average legis'a tor is extravagant enough, wi h- out a lot of flesh-hungry grafters hangmg to his coat-tails asking for a bite at the swag. So please remember. Twin, that, while the Express accepts the full legal rate for pubb'hing legal notices, its euitor does not try to bu ldoze or bribe lawmakers to do what they know is w. ong. to critki*«. It it Mttrr to Ami fault than to work to arm.!scat* the fecUona o f whicti we eoaftpUin. “ We thou Id study our history with greater zeal and tlx nvone Arznlv the national ideal. I am ind*H«d to J udgv Wxnamnker o f the aupreme court of Ohio for thia fine idea le t the Ameri­ can high school teach at leaft ooe year o f Lincoln in place o f Caeaar. Cicero or Virgil, through which nine out of ten high achotil pupils blunder and forget within a few years.' A friend just back from South­ "Teaching the Engli>.*- language is ern California says: “ The weath­ one o f the prime objects o f public er was fine, in fact, too warm school instruction. Lincoln was ooe o f the masters o f English His simple, for heavy clothes. Many were luminous sentence*, w h i c h g o aa bathing at the beaches. Oranges straight as bullets, are models for the were ripe in the valleys, while pupils that cannot be improved upon. the mountains nearby were cov­ "1 cannot think o f anything more ered with snow.” sure to engage the imagination and quicken the pulse o f American youth With warm, sunny weather, it will not than the study o f Lincoln. It is the be long before the blossoms on the heart ef America’ s story.red and warm. trees will be everywhere announcing "H e saw the human side of the poli­ that springtime is here. tics o f his time, and that is all there is to progressive politics. It is all that Take a vacation trip now, where life is different; democracy, as .a political movement, in­ where climate, surroundings and amusements are volves. The boy or girl who thorough­ ly knows 1 jncoln'a life has received a out o f the ordinary. Spend a February. liberal education in the political history of the United States and something of Three Trains Daily even higher value than that. " I t is an education, moreover, that' would attract and not repel youth, for it vividly breathes the life which youth will take you there in comfort. flads about it outside the schoolroom. A.sk the agent "Since history began, power has been always intimately allied with haughti­ John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent ness, harshness and dire cruelty; au­ Portland, Oregon thority with arbitrary salfishness; war with spoliation and vengeance. "N o Asiatic despot or military chief ever held in his hand the absolute power wielded by Abraham Lincoln; yet no 1 man was more humble before the l^ird A Frances Willard Meeting and the meanest o f His people. Au­ stale superintendent of the Anti- Saloon league of Oregon, who was thority, in Abraham Lincoln’ s hands, The usual parlor meeting of the was determined justice, ever swerving a visitor in the Grove Saturday. W. C. T. U., held on Friday, the tomard mercy. Every hour of Lincoln's “ The Anti-Saloon T— gilt will 16th, took the form of a Frances life saw some deed o f mercy, some act change the nature of its work Willard memorial day with a pro­ of forgiveness, not one o f hate or vin­ dictiveness. Not since the Divine Tra­ now. They will direct attention gram fitting to such an occasion. gedy on Calvary has mankind seen such locally to the enforcement of law The exercises opened with devo­ an exaltation of the soul as in Abraham and will also give aid to the na­ tional services, led by Mrs. Burns, Lincoln." tional bone dry amendment. Rev. Blossom Time in the Golden State different SCENIC SHASTA ROUTE Southern Pacific Lines CHANGE THE TUNE, W ILLIAM “ You shall not bury the Demo cratic p a r t y in a drunkard’s grave!” dec'ar^d Mr. Bryan to Illinois Democrats. Pure wa-te of wind, William. When they feel like interring the Democratic party in Illinois, they don’t dig no graves. They just go out and pile about 800.000 P U B L I C U T T E R A N C E S O F votes on it. Filling him with good liquor and putt-ng him in a real grave would sure mean happi­ "Refrain from drink, which is the ness to an Illinois Democrat.— source o f all evil. ’ ’ Portland News E. J Moore, who wa-. in Portland Tuesday, said he was coming to focus pressure on congress for this measure. The prediction is that it will pa-s the house, but it is feared that it will be delayed to its death b y filibusters in t h e "A rm s should be the last resource, j senate the dernier resort." “ The Oregon legislature mem­ "Perseverance and spirit have Jone orialized the congress to pass this wonders in all a g es." measure and 17 of the 20 mem­ "Envious of none, I am determined bers from Multnomah county vot­ to be pleased with all, and this being ed for this memorial. In view of the order o f march, 1 shall move gently j these facts, coupled with the fact down the stream of life until 1 sleep that the people voted “ bone dry,” with my fathers.” it is hard to see how Congress­ "F or my part, I never did, nor do I j man C . N. McArthur can longer believe I ever shall, give advice to a : justify hi- refusal to vote for this woman who is setting out on a matri- , measure. We hope that he will monial voyage: first, because I never now vote for it.” could advise one to marry without her Three eastern states have been own consent; and, secondly, because I know it is to no purpose to advise her inquiring as to the possibility of to refrain when she has obtained it.” securing Mr. Hutton’s services, but he says that the Oregon cli­ " A good moral character is the first mate offset-, salary advantages, essential in a man.” so far as he is concerned. WASHINGTON He only kissed her on the cheek; It seemed a simple frolic, But he was sick in bed a week. They called it painter's colic. --Town Topics. followed by a responsive roll call, after whice Mrs. Showers read a paj»er on “ Frances Willard and her W orldwide W ay,” t a k e n from the Union Signal. Margaret Jones rendered a solo and Mrs. Burns gave some account of the purpose and meaning of the an­ nual memorial day. Mrs Walker read of “ Christinas at Ellis Is­ land” and Mrs. Penfield spoke of Miss Willard as she knew her, with special reference to her dem­ ocratic ways, giving instances of the same. A collection was tak­ en for the memorial day fund and the program closed with a recital by Lois Livingston on "France* Willard.” Refreshments were served by the social committee and a large gathering of women, which filled the rooms of Mrs. Marsilliots* home, departed full of plans for another occasion. K. B. PENFIELD, Press Sup’ t. The latest medical opinion is that cancer is caused by high living. Then most of the people JUST FRIGHTFUL will be safe for some time to It costs $29,000 a year to sup­ come. port 4-year old John Jacob Astor, Someone has figured out that according to his mother's report to everything is divided most un the New York courts. Among the evenly in this world. The rich items are, toys, $5750; doctors, men have twin sixes and the poor $0524; lawyers, $4000 man six twins. It’s something a w f u l ! The way they’re starving that poor A Zanesville Ohio, paper states little fellow in the matter of doc­ that Miss Maytle Collins has sued John L. Nelson at Columbus for tors and lawyers is a shame. To $5,000 damages as the result of an be sure, doctors and lawyers have accident on the bathing beach to­ gone up on account of the war, boggan at Buckeye I^ake last but just think of a child strug­ " I would wish anything and every- ■ July. Miss Collins s a y s s h e gling along on only $5750 worth thing essayed to prevent the effusion ! Thq Express prints butter wrap­ Money to loan Valley Realty pers with non-poisonous ink. of blood.” picked up a splinter while sliding of to y s ! Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf — d o w n the toboggan, severely This is Washington’s birthday “ I also give it in charge to you to wounding her dignity. anniversary avoid all disrespect o f the religion o f _____ On page five of this Issue is a very interesting article, set in small type and signed by .Sheriff Applegate. It is header! “ Notice to Taxpayers” and tells you when you must pay your taxes if you hope to »-scape penalty and in­ terest. The county pays for pub­ lishing this notice, so read it. Hillsboro Defeats High School Bonds the country and its customs. Prudence, I policy and true Christian spirit will I lead us to look with compassion upon their errors, without condemning o r ! insulting them. We should be very I cautious not to violate the rights or consciences of others, ever considering i that God alone is the judge o f th e , hearts o f men, and to Him only, in this case, are they answerable.” The eastern people are a great dea more alarmed about the < 7 ’ a ' / t rr.‘A than those in v.e viv-i* 7 j have cause to be, 7 r. New York and the ou*t. e.Vies. There are so rf&tfiy m / / i f s in New York v a t v * 7 ' * 0 easily spend half V*e/ * ‘y worth for coast defense. The proposal to float bonds in the sum of $14,000 for an addi­ tion to the high school and equip­ ment for a gymnasium, was de­ feated at an election at Hil sboro Saturday. 160 to 150. The chief cause of the defeat was opposition from the south part of the city, where the old, antiquated wooden building serves as a grammer and primary school. The measure was indorsed by the Parent-Teacher association. Less than one third of the vote of the district was cast. Tw o week* ago the Express comments not at all complimentary to the editors who went to ttaiern arid asked the leg­ islator* not to rep< al the expen­ sive tax list publication law. The shoe evidently pinched the lonely Twin, for he whines and inti­ mates t h a t newspapers which Following are a few extracts “ Oregon now has one of the from a speech delivered by Judge most drastic hone dry laws in Beach on Feb. 12 at the Forest America. The state Anti-Saloon Grove High School: League has sent copies of the law ' ’This is a good time to think about1 our country. We Americans do not j to 24 states which asked for it for think about our country as often as we the purpose of attempting to pass should. We are too busy and too prone similar laws,” said R. P. Hutton, Abraham Lincoln i "One fault overlooked begets an­ other, that a third, and so on.” "M y policy has been to cultivate peace with all the world. I most sin­ cerely and devoutly wish that the ex­ ertions o f those having this object in view may effect what human nature cries aloud for—a general peace.” “ Pursue a wise, just policy toward one another and keep good faith with the rest o f the world.” Oregon Prohis Are Happy We’ll Make Good on any promise we make to deliver work on a given date. The Express has one of the best equipped little printing plants in the Willamette valley, having added several hundred dollars’ worth of material to the Williams plant for . . . JOB PRINTING . . . purposes and more good material is on the way. The management would very much appreciate it if those in need of stationery, office blanks, or any other kind of printing would call at the office for samples and prices. If you’re too busy to come to the office use the phone and a representative will call on you. P H O N E 821