The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 22, 1917, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events o f Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest^and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The Oregon legislature adjourned
Monday night at 2:30, after being in
session two days over the alotted 40.
American residents in Germany are
refused permission to leave.
ever, there is a great percentage who
wish to stay, even though war should
come between Germany and the U nit­
ed States.
Reports o f progress by President
Menocal’s forces against insurgent
bands in Cuba increased the hopes o f
administration officials Tuesday that
peace may be re-established in the is­
land without American intervention.
There were strong indications Tues­
day that unless some sensational devel­
opment precipitates immediate action.
President Wilson's next step in the
crisis with Germarty w ill be postponed
until a few days before congress ad­
journs for the session, a week from
next Sunday.
•fi G?
"«f attacks.
^ th.ever> The
u n’a>,
navy yards
Fatal Stroke of Acute Indigestion
Comes at San Antonio.
receiving supplies and being placet! in
condition to repair any ship9 that may
be damaged and to push to completion
the vessels under construction.
San Antonio, T ex.— Major General
Grain Inquiry Ordered.
Frederick Funston, commander o f the
Boston— United States District A t­
Southern department. United States torney George W. Anderson, who is in
army, since February, 1915, died sud­ charge o f a Nation-wide inquiry into
denly at a hotel here Monday night, a the high prices o f food and other nec­
few minutes a fter he had finished din­ essaries, announced Tuesday that he
ner. He collapsed while seated in the would order a special investigation in­
lobby o f the hotel talking with friends, to the grain situation at Chicago and
and was playing with little Inez Sil- other middle Western cities to deter­
The French, British and Russian le­ verberg, o f Des Moines, la., a guest, mine whether conspiracies existed to
gations at Athens have published a with her parents, at the hotel, when j raise the price and delay shipments to
statement explaining the reasons for he fell unconscious. Death was almost Eastern markets.
He also said the
General Funston was high prices o f potatoes, beans and
the continuation o f the blockade. The instantaneous.
chief reason is that the requirements 51 years old.
onions are being investigated.
Ever since March, 1916, when he
o f the entente ultimatum to the Greek
government, especially with reference was placed in command o f all United
Norway to Get Its Coal.
to the delivery o f arms, have not been States forces on the Mexican border,
London— A dispatch to Reuter’s
General Funston had worked at an un­
fulfilled completely.
usual pace. A t critical times in bor­ Telegram company from Christiania
Contracts for navy projectiles which
der developments he frequently re­ says the special restrictions imposed
had been let to Hadfields, Limited, an
mained on duty 24 hours o f the day. by Great Britian on the export o f coal
English concern, havfe been given to
The handling o f regulars disposed at to Norway have been withdrawn,
the Midvale Steel company, the Wash­
various stations on the border, the Per­ while Norway has stopped licenses for
ington Steel & Ordnance company and
shing expedition, and o f late, re-ar­ the export o f pyrites to Germany.
the Crucible Steel company. The Brit­
rangement o f regular troops, while The latter question, which is the main
ish government forbid the manufacture
providing for the return o f National point o f difference between the two
in England o f shells for the United |
Guardsmen, have entailed an enor­ governments, w ill be referred to two
States while the war is in progress.
mous amount o f detail work, probably eminent lawyers, and should N orway’s
American Mormons who attended exceeding that which has fallen to any contention be upheld licenses w ill be
the funeral o f the three Mormon vic­ commanding general o f the United aPain granted.
tims o f the Comer Ranch raid last States army since the Civil war. Only
Nets Placed at New York
Monday returned to El Paso, Tex., Monday General Funston completed
New York— A steel net designed to
with additional details o f the murder. orders for the return o f the guards­
protect the Port o f New York from
They asserted the bodies had been men.
The picturesque and dashing capture hostile submarines and other craft in
badly mutilated.
Physicians in the
party declared the men had been se­ o f Aguinaldo, the rebel chief, was the the event o f war was put in place at
verely tortured before being put to achievement which brought Funston the entrance o f the harbor Monday.
prominently to the attention o f the For the present it w ill be kept in po­
American people, but he performed sition only between sunset and sunrise
Agents o f the department o f Justice many services for his country besides ! and w ill bar all ships from leaving or
arrested in New York Tuesday two that which were probably more diffi- i entering the harbor during the night,
men, givin g their names as A lbert S. cult.
i In case o f war its construction pro­
Sander and
His administration o f affairs in vides for placing it as a permanent
charged with violating the Federal law Vera Cruz, where he carried out the barrier.
against carrying on a m ilitary en ter-1 President’s orders with a firm hand,
prise against a foreign country. They ' simply holding the city when every in­
1917 Wool Clip Sells High.
are accused o f conspiring to obtain j fluence about him was centered upon
Lake City— Contracts fo r nearly
m ilitary information in England to be forcing the American army into actual
o f the A pril clip o f Utah
sent to this country and then forward­ fighting with the Mexicans, probably
wool, which, it is estimated, w ill
ed to Germany.
was the most notable service o f his amount to 15,000,000 pounds, have
been signed and show prices rangng
The second daughter o f Senator and career.
Two weeks ago General Funston from 30 to 38 cents a pound.
Mrs. Harry Lane, o f Oregon, was mar­
ried to Dr. S. D. Hicks, o f Norfolk, suffered an attack o f indigestion. To lowest prices were paid for southern
use use his own expression, “ I fought wool and the higher prices for north­
Va., Monday.
it"out alone.”
Later he placed him­ ern wool, but, as an average, they
bone-dry prohibition bill was self under the care o f Lieutenant Col­ represent the highest market ever
passed by the South Dakota house late onel M. W. Ireland, o f the medical offered for wool in Utah.
Friday by a vote o f 88 to 10. The corps, Southern department, and re­
gained normal health and
measure now goes to the senate.
Family Perishes in Fire.
“ For three days,”
Colonel Ireland
The first party o f children from the said, “ General Funston had been en­
Lethbridge, Albreta — Six persons
occupied portion o f France, numbering tirely w ell.”
are believed to have perished in a fire
250, arrived at Roozendall, Holland,
which destroyed the home o f Fred
Thursday. Their ages ranged from 6
Dase in a lonely district five miles
to 14 years. They presented a most
south o f Taber Saturday.
distressing spectacle, bearing evident
Washington, D. C.— Preparedness is Humphries, o f Lethbridge, said that
suggestions o f having endured hard­ the order o f the day and even o f the the bodies o f Dase, his w ife and his
ships, and all told stories o f scarcity night in Washington.
w ife ’s sister, Mrs. John Tankrantz,
o f food.
The Navy department is equipping had been recovered from the ruins and
........... *
that search was being made for the
One hundred and sixty-six Demo­
bodies o f three children.
Big Oil Melon Indicated.
crats and Republicans in Indianapolis
Sacramento, Cal. — Making an affi­
have been indicted by the Federal
Salvationists' Aid Shown.
grand jury charged with conspiracy to davit that their net assets are in ex­
cess o f their capital by $25,000,000,
Chicago — Statistics made public
corrupt the 1914 election.
the Stadard Oil company o f California here Tuesady by the Salvation Army
Principal railroads o f the country has made application to the State covering the entire country for the
have taken summary action to relieve Corporation commission to issue $24,- last ten years, show that the army
the shortage o f freigh t cars and the 843,300 worth o f stock as a stock divi­ furnished approximately 34,000,000
traffic congestion at Eastern seaports, dend to the stockholders o f the com­ beds for indigents, nearly 44,000,000
again approaching the acute stage be­ pany. A similar stock dividend was meals were provided and 343,418 per­
cause o f the curtailment o f trans-At­ declared a year ago.
The company sons sent on Summer outings.
lantic sailings by Germany’s new sub­ has 745,300 shares o f stock, worth $7,-
More than 30,000 tons o f coal were
marine policy.
453,000, now outstanding.
given for emergency purposes.
Washington E. Lindsey, Republican,
o f Portales, Roosevelt county, is now
governor o f New Mexico, having been
sworn in by Justice Roberts.
succeeds E. C. DeBaca, Democrat,
whose death occurred Monday.
Lindsey was elected lieutenant gover­
nor last November.
El Paso, Tex. — Private advices re­
ceived late Tuesday from Columbus.
N. M., said three Mormons were killed
Teutons Said to Be With Both
by a band of Mexicans which crossed
the international boundary 60 mites
Carranza and Villa.
southwest of Hachita, N. M., and
raided the “ Corner Ranch.”
Peterson, another Mormon, was held a
prisoner, it was said.
11. S. Stephenson, general manager
of the Palomas Land & Cattle com­
pany, said he had received a re|s>rt
from his wagon boss at Hachita that
three Americans and seven Mexicans Oil Firlda at Tampico Protected by
were captured
and 109 American
Four Thousand Men In Pay of
horses and mules and $1500 worth of
supplies taken away. His re|M>rt made
Foreigners Railways Cut.
no reference to any loss o f life.
Two Mexican fam ilies were said to
have been forced to accompany the
bandits in addition to the Mexican
Washington, P. C. German officers
ranch hands, according to the tele­ are serving with the armies o f General
Carranza and General Villa in Mexico.
Information to this effect has reached
Germany Foreign Secretary,
the State department.
As Carranza
W ho Was So “ Astonished” and Villa are enemies, it would seem
that the Germans would offset each
other. If, however, the anti-Am eri­
can sentiment should force co-operw-
tion by Carranza and Villa the situa­
tion German agents desire the Ger­
man officers would art together in
o|M‘rations against the United States.
The State department also has been
informed that a new revolution ia
making headway in
Tampico oil fields are "p ro te c te d " by
4000 men, whose chief is well paid by
the foreigners owning and prtsluring
the oil. This is in addition to the ex-
|s>rt tax paid to Carranza.
Were the Tampico chief supplied
with ammunition, it would lie a com­
paratively easy matter for him to caji-
ture Vera Cruz. He needs cartridges,
hut the embargo applied by the United
prevents him from getting
There is another revolutionary force
in the state o f Oaxaca which is ar­
ranging to co-operate with that in the
Tampico district.
I f the junction
Alfred Zimmerman, foreign secre­ takes place Carranza w ill be fared by
tary in the German government, who a large liody o f men in addition to
sent the note to President Wilson, in­ V illa's army and the troo|>s under Gen­
forming him of the fact that Germany eral Zapata. Railroad connection be­
had broken her submarine pledges of tween Vera Cruz and Mexico City ia
last year, was “ astonished” when he frequently cut by the Zapatistas, ami
learned that the United States govern­ it ia no longer safe to go from one
ment had taken offense.
point to the other.
The administration strongly desires
A raid on the Nogales ranch, which to avoid being drawn again into Mex­
is located 40 miles from the border in ico, but it is realized that there ia a
Mexico and 100 miles from Hachita, grave danger point which may become
N. M., occurred on February 10, ac- i menacing as a result o f activities o f
cording to the messenge received here. German agents.
The Mormons living in the section
were said by a leader o f the Mormon
Villa's Voyage it Doubted.
church here to be John Pierce, Miles
El Paso, Tex. — A report that Villa
Pierce, Andrew Peterson," Jr., two had gone in disguise» to the West coast
brothers named Jensen and a young and taken a ship for Japan on a |s>li-
man named Adams.
tical mission has been known to Car­
ranza officers and officials here and in
Juarez for several days, Eduardo Sor­
Dedication of Interstate Bridge
iano Bravo, the Mexican conaul here,
Opens Huge Span to Traffic said Sunday night.
" V illa has not been accounted for
Portland — Hands were stretched since he fled to Parrel after his defeat
acrosB the Columbia Wednesday and at Jiminez about six weeks ago,” said
“ We have had many re-
Oregon and Washington exchanged the consul.
congratulations over the completion of |>orts that he was in different places,
hut no evidence. However, we are in­
the interstate bridge. The dedication
clined to doubt the story that ho has
and opening o f that structure to traffic
gone to Japan. It may have been in­
was the m otif for the celebration in
vented to account for his absence.
which Governors o f both states, legis­
His friendliness to the Japanese gov­
lators, prominent officials and citi­
ernment gives it plausibility.
It is
zens joined.
believed more likely that he is in hid­
The new bridge was opened officially
ing in the mounatina, either to try to
at 12.30.
Two little girls pulled a
reorganize his hands there, or because
bow o f ribbon attached to a rope
he is sick or wounded.
across the midchannel o f the Columbia
“ Salazar is in command
in the
river. The rope crossed the line be­
North, but there is a rejsirt that he
tween Oregon and Washington.
split with Villa and is acting indpen-
pull parted the rope, removing the
dently. They were old-time enemies
last barrier between the two states
until reconciled during the Chihuahua
and flags flew from the bridge tow­
City attack September 16 last.”
ers. A cannon from the Washington
Mr. Soriano Bravo said he heard the
shore boomed out a loud salute and the
on the Corner Ranch was used by
structure opened for the use of every­
Salazar as a diversion in order to
amuggle ammunition over the border.
A severe snowstorm which was gen­
eral in Utah Monday, coupled with a
shortage o f hay, caused a damage of
approximately $50,000 to the sheep
and cattle industry, according to re­
Bandits Kill 3 Mormons and Drive
Away Horses and Mules.
Treasury Deficit $333,400,000.
000 , 000 .
Eight-Hour Bills Introduced.
Washington, D. C. Senator Robin­
son, o f Arkansas, and Representative
Keating, o f Colorado, Monday intro­
duced identical hills to prohibit inter­
state shipment o f goods made in whole
or in part by women employed more
than eight hours a day or moro than
six days a week.
The bills, drawn on the lines o f the
Federal child labor law, would nation­
alize conditiona for American working
Work o f Relief to Continue.
New York — More than 10,000,000
persons who have been fed through the
efforts o f the American commission
for relief in Belgium will suffer no im­
mediate hardship from the withdrawal
o f the American commission from par­
ticipation in this work in Belgium and
Northern France, caused by the Ger­
man authorities. Herbert C. Hoover,
chairman of the commission has plans
under way for transfering this relief
to another neutral organisation.
New Ruler is Demanded.
London The speaker in the house
o f commons, the Right Honorable
James William Is>wther, declared here
Monday night it wbh impossible for
British statesmen to make any agree­
ment with the German government as
now constituted. It would tie neces­
sary before signing pears or any
agreement, he said, to insist that it
must he with a government different
In essence and constitution from the
present one.
Washington, D. C. — A treasury
deficit of $333,400,000 at the end of
the next fiscal year is forecast in a
report submitted Wednesday by the
senate finance committee, recommend­
ing that the administration revenue
bill be amended to authorize a bond is­
sue o f $195,256,000 instead o f $100,-
000,000, and that the authoritization
fo r certificates of indebtedness be
made $500,000,000 instead of $300,-