ii CREDIT 55 There are times in the lives of successful men when credit is of vital importance. The time to establish that credit is before its use is required. Establish your credit NOW and the future may prove your good judgment. The First National Rank FOREST GROVE, ORE. ¿■ siim Forest Four Grove Electric Store Doors West of Postoffice House Wiring and Installing Edison Ma/da Lamps A N Y T III N G ELECTRICAL h is room with th* mumps. The Express prints butter wrap- ChaJS H, Kobbms am, Mrs. pers with non-poisonous mk. p:s(ei|a M bobbins, Buxton, and A trial order is all we ask; next Chas. E. Wahl and Edytb J. to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning Maitland, both of Gaston, were Works. 52 licensed to wed at Vancouver this Formaldehyde and blue vitrol wtek. for seed grain at VanKoughnet & C. B Campbell departed Tues- Reiler’s. It day evening for his home at Carl Mrs. Dan Parsons and niece, ton whh h is tw o chi dren, Nancy Moore, visited in Portland Porter and Alice Campbell, who over Sunday had been given by the mother, For Sale—Nice driving horse. ^ate Nedie I drter Dann al», good harness and buggy. Inquire J. \nt<^ A. ^ Wiles, f ust0^>’ surrendered of *^r' an<*, them ^ rs at this office. 43-tf to the father whu without a l.iw-uit. George G. Hancock real es­ Jam.s McClatehy tate, farm loans and fire insur- **arn,s - i itchy of Sacra Ca,lf • President of the B* e ance, new Ander>on block 50 meno* Publishing writis his For Sale—F a u 111 e s s stump- triend, Kay company, T. WMilan» uf this puller, complete and in good con­ city, that in case President Wil­ dition. Phone David 251. 1-tf son calls for volunteers, he would like to raise a bat (a.ion in Sacra White kid gloves cleaned, 10c memo and asks if Mr. W i liams per pair at Ruggles’, next to po-t would accep' a commis ion as an office. 52 officer. M . Williams will wait to see if a regiment is raised in Ore- Miss Winnifred Ballard uf Ir- will dependence , visited ... over , Sunday and in in the Oregon there regi is, I he ment; . . enlist t n f the h o Lenneville I o n n M ’ilfo q and n. i Loomis I / wymi c . . . ... with otherwise he is willing to join the families. Sacramento battalion. The firm of A. G. Hoffman & -----1-------------- Co., has an interesting announce- A Farewell Party ment on page four and ‘ The Man Tuesday evening seven y of the from Portland” has one on page friends and neiehbors of the W. five- L. Cady family called at the C. dy E. A. Jones of Scoggins \ alley domicile to give the members of Tuesday sold N. B. LaCourse an the fami y a farewell party, the 11-months old babv beef that Cady’s having announced their dressed 340 pounds and brought departure fo Idano. Mr. ar.d Mr. Jones .. nearly M™' the crowd *ook “ S n',« hb<- by Mr. C;«'rt Taylor of P. A SIL O “A Strong Bank in a Good Town” New and Reliable Electric Novelties and Appliances n m kUXXXXXXX’j The P . U. Debaters Fowler (2) Webb (2) Forwards Spare Spear Two Games Tonight At 7:30 this evening, at P. U. Gym, th e Forest Grove hL-h school quintet will meet its oh1 ri­ vals, Newberg High, and end' avor to take another scalp Having defeated- Mack,” the locals fe I quite chesty and this may give them additional strength against the Quakers. The local High School club team will al o take on tbe ( h i-t- ian Church team, making two games tor th>* price of one—two bits Com- and s-*e the fun. was kicked by a mule and having hia TH ATCH Hit N O T F S knee cap dislocated, is quite recovered. W. B. Simmons of F stsrada has moved into the Jas. West house. Ib­ is an experienced shoe man, having been in the repairing business for the K M GROVE past six years. He will have his shop in working order in s very short time NOW OPEN. anil will he predared to make new soles Cases Received Day or Night for all who need them. The Thatcher club gave a costume Surgical and Obstetrical dance Saturday evening at the Will Haney home which was well attended MRS. E. N. HUGHES, and enjoyed by all. A large majority Registered Nurse, Su pe ri n tendent responded encostume and many char­ MRS. JE N N IE A. REEHER. acters and pleasing ideas were carried Owner. out. Prizes were awarded to the fol­ Phone 0223 Forest Grove, Ore lowing: First prize Tor ladies’ most beautiful costume was given to Mrs. . HOSPITAL Women’s Spring Suits and Coats Correct in every feature that makes a garment fashionable this year. New Colors, New Materials, New Styles OUR PRICES ARE LOWER Because our Expenses are Less. What is “industrial prepared­ ness?” How does it affect the humblest citizen? What does it mean to the nation? What is it all about? These and scores of other questions of vital concern to every citizen will bean-w red in the gripping photodrama, “The Eagle’s Wings,” to be exhibited at the Star theatre on Friday (tomorrow) in Bluebird Photo­ plays. This g r i p p i n g picture- drama is a non-political, non­ partisan. patriotic inspiration—a lesson in loyalty for every citizen of the Union. Admission 5c and ,10c. * Pretty Line of Serge Dresses in Pleated Princess Models New Waists in Voiles, Tub Silks and Crepe de Chine; sizes up to 50. Agents for “La Vopfue” Garments for Women We make a specialty of garments for large women. Goar’s Woman’s Shop Third Street Phone, Main 803 HILLSBORO (Only Exclusive Woman’s Store in the County) lift*« T