The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 15, 1917, Image 7

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Gerard Will Be Held in Berlin Until Minneapolis Wooden Structure Burns
With Temperature 10 Below.
Bernstorff's Safety is Assured.
Minneapolis— A t least 13 person*
Copenhagen — It i* officially stated
are m issing and are believed to have
th a t Jam es W. Gerard, the American lost th e ir live* in the fire which de­
Wilson Desires Only Measures am bassador to Germany, will not be stroyed the Kenwood hotel, Tw elfth
allowed to leave Berlin until the Ger­ stree t and Hennepin avenue, shortly
man governm ent I* satisfied as to the a fte r m idnight Monday, according to
to “ Protect Americans."
treatm en t of Count von Bernstorff, the
police estim ates.
retirin g German Ambassador a t Wash­
In addition to the known missing,
ington, by the American government.
there are 11 others unaccounted for
According to the Berlin Tageblatt,
who may be in the ruins, according to
the American embassy officials in Ber­
E. D. S talker, proprietor of the hotel.
lin have ascertained th a t there are
One person is known to be dead. Mrs.
2000 American citizens in Germany.
Lucille Squire suffered a fractured
T here are only about 860 Americans
when she leaped from a third-
C o n ild rr Armin* und Convoying Mer­ In Berlin.
story window. She died shortly a fte r­
chant Vraw-1*—D eterm ination la
W ashington, I). C .—The Hcandi- 1 wards a t the city hospital.
Officials believe th a t many persons
to Uphold Freedom of Mea.
navian-Am erican liner Frederick VIII,
into th e basement by
on which Count von Bernstorff and the
whole corps of ex-German diplom atic crum bling floors and were buried in
and consular officials sail next week the debris.
W ashington, I). C.—The cour*e to from New York for C hristiania, will ' Seventy-six persons are thought to
be taken by the United State* If Ger­ put in at H alifax, N. 8., for inspec-1 have been in the hotel when the fire
broke out.
many r<>m|M-U the uae of force to ssfe- tion by B ritish naval authorities.
guard American Uvea and right* ha*
G reat B ritain gave passports for the
been determ ined.
It wan learned au- party on condition th at they proceed Ministers of Germany’s
th o ritaitvely a fte r Friday'* cabinet home by the most d irect available
Allies May Be Sent Home
m eeting th at in the event i'reaident route, and the Frederick VIII will
Wilson goes before congrea* again it proceed to Norway by the northerly
will not be to aak for a declaration of route w ithout entering the w ar zone.
war, but to follow literally the word*
It was learned Wednesday, however,
of tho addreaa in which he announced th a t the stop a t H alifax had been ar- ■
the break of diplom atic relation* and ranged for so th a t the ship may be
requeat authority to u*e mean* deemed subjected to the usual restrictions of
neceaaary to protect American aeamen the B ritish blockade.
and |>eople.
The I’reaident, it i* aaid, i* a*
strongly desirous aa ever to avoid war : Concerted Action to Disable
w ith Germany, but also ia aa deter­
Interned German Ships Apparent
mined as ever th a t Am erican citizen*
W ashington, I). C.— Every one of 17
and ships shall be free to travel the war-bound German m erchant shirts ex­
high sea* unmolested.
amined by Am erican officials at Philip­
IIis next step, if taken, will be to 1 pine ports since the break with Ger- (
enforce th at rig h t and even then the many, has been so badly damaged by
issue of war or peace will be with Ger­ her crew th a t six months or more j
many. Any hostile action will have to would be required to make any of them
come in the form of an interference | seaworthy. This was given out in an
w ith an American right.
official report Wednesday.
D etails of the governm ent's plans
The report added th a t of the 23 ves- ]
are not discussed. It is known, how- i sets tied up in the islands all but six
ever, th a t convoying and arm ing of had been inspected and none had been
m erchant ships are being considered.
found which could be put into condi­
No new development came Saturday tion w ithout a large expenditure of
to indicate th a t the overt act by Ger­ tim e and money.
many regarded as inevitable was near­
So widespread and thorough has
e r a t hand. Few er reports of ships been the concerted disabling of G er­
sunk came fh and none told officially of man ships in American ports th at
the loss of an Am erican life.
some officials think it could be ex­
plained only by a blanket order from
Berlin. It is suggested such instruc­
Light Guns Best to War
tions m ight have gone forw ard early
Against German Submarines in the war, or m ight even have been
New York — Although figures to issued as a starsling order before the
show the num ber of subm arines de­ war, to cover such exigencies as now
stroyed by the en ten te allies and the have arisen. There have been no indi­
means used in th eir destruction are un­ cations, however, th at the American
available, owing to the rigid censor­ governm ent has authentic inform ation
ship on war activities, it was learned on the subject.
here Saturday from an au thoritative j
source th at d irect gunfire from the German War With America
decks of w arships and auxiliary ves-
Not Desired by Allied Powers
a d s had been the most effective meth- i
od employed thus far.
W ashington, D. C.— E ntente diplo­
To combat the subm arine m enace; m ats here frankly express th eir hope
the B ritish governm ent and her allies th a t the U nited S tates will not actu­
have adopted various plans to catch ally enter the war.
the undersea boats, although some of
Several of the allies’ representatives
them have been abandoned as ineffec­ let it be known th a t they entertained
a growing fear th a t Germany deliber­
A m arine authority of unquestioned ately precipitated a break with this
standing, who is close to B ritish ship­ country to hold American m unitions
ping interests, said when asked as to and supplies here, thus cutting off im ­
the effectiveness of arm ing ships:
ports to the entente.
" W e have found th a t lig h t guns,
The diplom ats here have been sur­
discharging projectiles of four to six ] prised at the energy which the Amer­
pounds, in the hands of trained gun­ ican governm ent has shown in laying
ners, have been by fa r the m ost effec­ out its plans for eventualities, and do
tive weapon. 1 know personally th at not conceal th eir fear th a t m ilitary
as many as two and three subm arines precaution may
force the United
have been bagged in one day in this S tates to keep at home at least a con­
w ay.”
siderable p art of supplies now going
abroad. Such an outcome, they said,
Noted Bandit Dies.
would more than compensate for a
Portland—C hris Evans, famed Cali­ m ere break in relations from the Ger­
These m inisters of G erm any's allies
fornia highwayman, died Saturday at man viewpoint.
be given th eir passports: Count
a local hospital, and ending a checker­
Tarnowski represents
A ustria-H un­
ed career which carried him from the Eighteen Merchant Ships Sunk by
leadership of a bandit gang to the
Submarines; American Fired On Bulgaria, and Hussein Bey is the
doors of the county poor farm . He
Turkish charge.
was 70 years old.
London— Eighteen m erchant vessels, j
Evans began his career as a bandit of which a Belgian relief ship, nine
by declaring war against the Southern B ritish and one Russian, were Wednes- I W hile several of the injured w ere
Pacific railroad when the company no­ day listed as sunk by German sub­ in a serious condition, it was is re ­
ported a t the city hospital th at m ost of
tified him th at his g ran t of land in the m arines.
San Joaquin valley had reverted to the
One of the B ritish vessels was the ' them would recover. One woman who
corporation. His home was on the passenger steam er Port Adelaide, of ’ became hysterical a fte r being rescued
place, and he had been raisin g wheat 8181 tons. N inety-six passengers and raced down the stree t scream ing and
and stock.
members of the crew have been picked froze her fe et before overtaken.
Others, garbed in night attire, suf­
up at sea.
The captain was taken
Baltic Arrives in P o rt.
prisoner aboard the German subm a­ fered te rrib le exposure in the 10 below
zero tem perature.
New York—The steam ship Baltic o f rine.
tho W hite S tar line has arrived Hafely
1300 A cres to Be O pened.
a t Liverpool, according to a cable m es­ W estwego by the German subm arine
W ashington, D. C. — T hirteen hun­
sage received here Saturday by officers U-45 was officially reported by the ad­
of the company. The message besides m iralty. The attack took place Jan u ­ dred acres In the second un it of the
announcing th a t the Baltic had reached ary 31, when five shells were fired at W est U m atilla irrig atio n project will
The German com-i be opened to homestead entry March 6.
her pier s a i d ‘‘all w ell.” The arrival the American.
Under regulations prom ulgated Mon­
of the Baltic removes from the danger mnn<hr threatened to sink the vessel
zone another B ritish vessel carrying unless provided w ith fuel oil. None day, those desiring to en ter should file
te ir applications at The Dalles or La
U nited S tates citizens.
The steam ­ of the shots took effect.
Grande offices between March 1 and 6.
ship took to England full cargo of
The building charge assessed against
American Teutons Loyal.
m unitions.
Indianapolis, Ind.— Calling on its this land is $96 an acre, 5 per cent of
Sw edish People Approve.
m em bership throughout the United which m ust be deposited before the ap ­
Stockholm — The Swedish govern­ S tates to support President Wilson in plication for entry will be received.
m en t’s rejection of President W ilson’s all his peace or w ar moves, the exe­
China T hreaten s Break.
suggestion to m ake common cause cutive board of the North American
Pekin—The Chinese cabinet has in­
w ith the U nited S tates in severing Gym nastic Union made public a s ta te ­
dorsed the American action ag ain st
diplom atic relations with Germ any has m ent Wednesday which declared:
“ The sym pathies of the heart m ust Germ any on the subm arine campaign.
not been followed by dissent in high
political q u arters. Even the strongest be silenced should the stern call of The cabinet has assured the American
m inister, Dr. Paul S. Reinsch, th a t
pro-entente partisans seemed agreed duty be h ea rd ."
The Union is a national organization China associates itself firmly w ith the
th e invitation could not possibly have
U nited States.
of Americans of German etxraction.
been accepted.
Nippon Warships Sighted.
Port Angeles, W ash.—Three Jap an ­
ese battleships passed in a t the Cape
about noon Tuesday.
They flew no
name signals, only th eir Japanese en­ Upper House Approves Break
signs flying. It is probable th a t they
by Vote of 78 to 5.
were bound for Victoria, B. C.
Sailing from South A frica for Puget
Sound, tak in g 103 days on th e trip
without seeing one vessel, is the rec­
ord of the four-m ast barkentine Puako,
which arrived late Tuesday night in
tow of the Richard Holyoke and
cleared for Victoria.
Capt. Petersen
report* having a tough tim e with hia Republicans and Democrats United in
crew coming up th is trip . Going from
S u p porting Severance of Diplo­
Puget Sound to South A frica the first
m atic Relations W ith Berlin.
m ate was lost overboard while round­
ing Cape Horn and. drowned.
President Halts U . S. Ships.
W ashington, D. C.—President Wil­
W ashington, D. C.— President Wil­ son’s severance of diplomatic relations
son has issued a proclam ation under with Germany was formally approved
the authority of the recent shipping Wednesday by the senate voting 78 to
act proibiting Am erican ship owners 5 for the adoption of a resolution sub­
from tra sfe rrin g th e ir vessels to any m itted by Chairm an Stone of th e fore­
ign relations com m ittee, indorsing the
other registry.
The President pointed out th a t a w ithdraw al of Am erican Ambassador
national em ergency exists and th a t Gerard from Berlin and giving German
many ship owners of th e United States Ambassador Bernstorff his passports.
Senators who voted against the res­
are perm ittin g th eir vessels to pass to
alien reg isters and to foreign trade in olution w ere:
Democrats — Kirby, of A rkansas;
which we do not participate, "an d
from which they cannot be brought Vardaman, M ississippi.
Republicans—Gronna, N orth Dako­
back to serve the needs of our w ater­
borne commerce w ithout the perm is­ ta ; Works, California, and LaFolette,
sion of governm ents of foreign na- | Wisconsin.
Five hours of debate preceded the
tio n s.’’
vote, but the only active opposition
came from the five senators who stood
Ship Deals Are U nder Way.
Portland— Evidence th a t the war out ag ain st the resolution when the
scare has not influenced negotiations roll was called. The ranking Republi­
for the purchase of new wooden ships can leaders joined the Democrats in
here is offered by owners in some quar­ declaring the whole-hearted support of
ters, who adm it th a t they are dealing the President. The resolution follows:
"W h ereas, the President has, for
this week with persons in the m arket
for tonnage; also it is known more the reasons stated in his address de­
new contracts are being arranged for. , livered to the congress in jo in t session
So fa r as is known, sales now in on February 3, 1917, severed diplo­
sight will be to Am erican firms, so m atic relations w ith the Im perial
war conditions will not affect deals. German governm ent by the recall of
N aturally, as compared w ith prices the Am erican ambassador a t Berlin
asked a year ago, higher figures are in and by handing his passports to the
effect because of increased wages in German am bassador at W ashington,
shipyards and advance in the cost of s and,
"W hereas, notw ithstanding th is sev­
m aterial and gear.
erance of diplom atic intercourse, the
President has expressed his desire to
T acom an G ets T ug Resolute.
avoid conflict with the Im perial Ger­
Tacom a—By a decision of the Fed­ man govenment, and,
eral court in adm iralty Wednesday, ; "W h ereas, the President declared in
Charles E. Steelsm ith of Tacoma was th is said address th a t if in his judg­
awarded ow nership of the tu g Reso­ m ent an occasion should arise for fu r­
lute, adjudged a derelict, which has th er action in the premises on th e part
been lying in th e Columbia riv e r at of th e governm ent of the United
Vancouver since th e death of her S tates he would subm it the m a tte r to
owner, F. R. Hill, over a year ago, the congress and ask the au th o rity of
upon a libel of the plaintiff.
congress to use such m easures as he
m ight deem necessary for ¡protection
of Am erican seamen and people in the
prosecution of th e ir peaceful and legi­
tim ate errands on th e high seas.
"T h erefo re, be it resolved by the
Portland—W heat— Bluestem, $1.60 senate th a t the senate approves th e ac­
per bushel: fortyfold, $1.46; club, tion taken by the President as set
fo rth in his address delivered before
$1.44; red Russian, $1.43.
Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $26.50 congress as stated above.”
per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled barley,
Hay — Producers’ prices: Timothy, California Torpedoed Without
Eastern Oregon, $19@20 per ton; val­
Warning; Only American Saved
ley, $15(316; alfalfa, $14@16; valley
D. C.—Consul F rost at
grain hay, $12@14.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 39c per Queenstown cabled the S tate d epart­
pound; prime firsts, 37c; firsts, 36c; m ent Wednesday n ight th a t th e B rit­
dairy,,30c. Jobbing prices: Prints, ish passenger liner California had been
extras, 4l@43c; cartons, lc extra; torpedoed w ithout w arning off the
butterfat, No. 1, 43c; No. 2, 41c, I Irish coast and th a t the one American
known to have been on board was
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ saved.
Some of the passengers and crew
ceipts, 30c per dozen;
candled, 31
still were m issing, including two wo­
@32c; selects, 34c.
Poultry— Hens, heavy, 17J@19c per men and several children.
The captain of th e ship was quoted
pound; light, 16@17c; springs, 17}@
19c; turkeys, live, 20@22c; dressed, as saying the subm arine did not hail or
25(V».28c; ducks, 18(322c; geese, 12 give any w arning before firing two
torpedoes from a distance of 300 yards
and sending the C alifornia down.
Veal—Fancy, 14)@15c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 14i@15c per pound.
W ashington, D. C. — The steady
Vegetables—Artichokes, 90c® $1.10
per dozen; tomatoes, $6.00(37.50 per stream of reports tellin g of the de­
crate; cabbage, $5 per hundred; struction of m erchant ships by German
eggplant, 25c per pound; lettuce, $2.35 subm arines was brought to a climax
@3.25 per box; cucumbers, $1.50@ by a cablegram to th e S tate d epart­
2.00 per dozen; celery, $5.50 per crate; ment from Consul Frost at Queenstown
$2.25@2.50; peppers, announcing th at the B ritish passenger
30c per pound;
sack vegetables, liner California had been torpedoed
$1.25 per sack; sprouts, 12Jc per • w ithout w arning and^that an American
citizen was among the survivors.
pound; rhubarb, 9@ llic.
Potatoes — Oregon buying prices, j W hether this will prove to be the
$2.50(32.75 per hundred; sweets, $4. overt act to drive the United States
Onions — Oregon buying prices, $7 into w ar no one would attem p t to say.
President Wilson, who must m ake the
per sack, country points.
Green Fruits — Apples, 75c@$1.50 decision, had retired when the news
per box; pears, $1.75(32.50; cranber-j came and officials would not wake him.
Late Wednesday afternoon he had been
ries, $ 10(311 per barrel.
Hops— 1916 crop, 5@9c per pound; inform ed of the m essage from Consul
F rost tellin g of the sinking of the Cal­
1917 contracts, 10@ llc.
Wool—Eastern Oregon, fine, 28@33c ifornia, but giving no details as to
per pound; coarse, 33(336c; valley, 33 w arning or the presence of Americans.
@41c; mohair, nominal.
Cattle—Steers, prime, $8.00@9.20;
fair to good, $7.00(38.00; medium,
$6.50 (3) 6.76; cows, choice, $7.35@
7.75; medium to good, S6.50@7.00; or­
dinary to fair, $5.75(36.25; heifers,
$5.00 @ 8.00; bulls,
$3.76 @ 6.00;
calves, $3.00(39.00.
Hogs — Light and heavy packing,
$11.25(311.75; rough heavy, $9.85@
10.00; pigs and skips, $9.35@10.00;
stock hogs, $8.60@9.00.
Sheep—Yearling wethers, $9.75@
10.50; lambs, $11.00@12.50.
8 0 2 File fo r Citizenship.
New York—E ight hundred and two
men and women applied for th eir first
citizenship papers here Thursday.
This, it was said, broke all previous
records. Six women, trained nurses,
who came here from Canada, were
among the applicants.
A priest and a
nun, both of A ustrian birth, also were
in the list. There were 163 Austrians,
108 Germans, four Buglarians and two
Turks. The others were Poles, Cana­
dians, English, Russians ar.d Irish.