WORLD HAPPENINGS Doings of State Legislators OF CURRENT WEEK Both Houses Pass Big House Favors Drastic Measure Appropriation Measures Against Cigarette Smoking R E L IE F W ORK IS W ITHDRAW N American Belgian Commission Stops at Request of Germany. GERMANY SEEKS RECONCILIATION London—The American commission Salem — Appropriations totaling S alem - It was open season for the for relief in Belgium has officially $344,655, the first big appropriation cig arette in the house Thursday. notified the German authorities that Brief Resume Most Important bills to go through both houses of the C igarette users, cig arette m erchants the Americans will withdraw from Steps Taken to Open Discussion present legislature, were passed by the participation in the relief work in liel- on Break With U. S. Daily News Items. senate late Monday. They had previ­ and cig arette m anufacturers were hit gium and N orthern France. hard— not only once, but twice, and ously passed the house. This step was taken in reply to an This total of $344,556, all of which both tim es in the same place. The order from the German authorities is for expenses and m aintenance of second blow was a knockout. th at Americans must withdraw from various state departm ents and in stitu ­ the provinces of lielgiutn atid Northurn The house first passed R epresenta­ tions for the next tw o years, was di­ France, leaving only a few of their vided among five bills, introduced by tive S to tt's bill to prohibit th e sale of representatives, headed by iirand the joint ways and means com m ittee cigarettes to youths under 21 years of Whitlock, American m inister to Hel­ age and providing heavy penalties for gium, in Brussels. T h e,ac tio n of the Officiala N egotiate While Events of Noted People, Governments of the two houses. The appropriations included $118,- violations, and then turned around and commission is explained in a formal and Pacific Northw est and O ther U-Boats O perate — Believed Ber­ 100 for expenses and m aintenance of statem ent which was given out Tues­ the offices of the governor, secretary put through the Sweeney bill, which day bygdirectors of the commission in Things W orth Knowing. lin la S parring for Time. of sta te ar.d state treasu rer; $74,435 makes the state "bone d ry ” against London. for the Oregon s ta te training school; the whole cig arettee business—manu­ Havre, France — The Belgian gov­ $56,260 for the Oregon state school for facture, sale, use and all. The S to tt bill itself was considered ernm ent says it has learned th at la­ Oregon legislature passes a law the deaf; $33,320 for the office of a t­ more or less drastic, but it is mild and W ashington, l). C.—Germany haa borers a t Bruges are being arrested in which doubles the tax on automobiles. torney general, and $59,440 for the up­ inoffensive alongside of the Sweeney the stree ts by Germans and immedi­ taken steps to open a diacuaaion w ith keep of the state capitol and Supreme bill. The Sweeney bill is backed by ately sent to the German front along the United S tates of means of prevent­ The English governm ent has agreed court buildings. ing war between them. to set aside a day for discussion in the The only other appropriation meas­ the W. C. T. U. and other women's or­ the Yser, where they are forced to do In seeking an exchange, of views on house of commons of the Irish adm in­ ure th a t has passed both houses was a ganizations. It is said to be one of m ilitary work, such as puttiug up the subject, however, it is not under­ istration, as requested by the N ation­ bill carried early in the session appro­ the most drastic an ti-cig arette meas­ wire fences and digging trenches. stood th at the Berlin government has ures ever passed by any legislature. alists. - It is asserted th a t 76 per cent of the priating $25,000 tow ard the expenses pro|K>sed any modification of its ru th ­ The S to tt bill was offered as a com- men who were compelled to present An executive order to exclude spies of the legislature. less subm arine campaign and officials Adding this $25,000 to the money promise on the Sweeney bill. It is them selves to the m ilitary authorities and other undesirable persons from the here say they cannot en ter upon such Panam a Canal rone and give the gov­ appropriated Tuesday brings the sum n° f nearly so severe as the other, but have been taken for work. These men discussion while vessels continue to be to date proposes to make the law a whole lot are between the ages 15 and 45. They ernor virtually unlim ited authority to total of actual appropriations tig h te r than it is now. It raises the leave th eir homes Monday and return destroyed in violation of international regulate im m igration there has been to $369,555. The senate had one of the busiest Penalties for the sale of cig arettes to Saturday. On th eir arrival home they law. signed by President Wilson. The new move is understood to be ! days of the session. When it adjourned minors from $50 to $250 and imposes j are declared to be greatly depressed Charles J. W hite, professor em eritus shortly before 6 o’clock it had passed heavy ja il sentences. i because of insufficient nourishment, predicated upon a willingness on G er­ of m athem atics at H arvard U niversity 19 bills, several of them being meas­ S to tt spoke for his bill and declared j which consists of a q u arter of a loaf of m any’s part to discuss es|>ecally the and author of several books on as­ ures of im portance, and had killed five th a t it would accomplish the professed | war bread in the morning and fru it safeguarding of American ships and tronomy, was found dead in his chair others. objects of the an ti-cig arette crusaders I soup made of apples and prunes at American lives on the seas and backed in his room Monday. He had been j —th at is, to prevent boys and young noon. This is said to be all the men by a renewed expression of the desire of the German government to prevent ill for several days w ith grippe. ! men from sm oking them. receive. LEG IS LATIV E N OTES. the diplom atic breach from leading to The opponents of the Sweeney bill The “ gratitude and thanks of the na-1 actual hostilities. gained a strateg ic al advantage when tion” have been conveyed by the B rit­ Now it is the sen ate’s turn to wres­ U. S. Flatly Refuses Germany’s Ju s t how American interests are to ish government to Jam es W. Gerard, tle w ith the Rogue riv er fishing bill, they substituted the S tott bill ahead of be safe guarded if the German war the other measure, w ith came up as a Proposal to Discuss Differences form er American ambassador at Ber­ which has kept the house in turm oil zone proclam ation is to stand, how­ special order. It was thought th at by lin, for his work on behalf of B ritish for a good part of the session. Hav- Washintgon, I). C. — The United ever, and w hether any 8|>ecific means civilians and prisoners of war in Ger­ 1 ing been passed by the house, this passing the S to tt bill first the other S tates has flatly rejected G erm any's of preserving [>eace between the two measure, which prohibits seining and could be tabled or otherw ise prevented offer to discuss differences between nations is included In the communica­ many. from coming to a vote. R epresent­ The authorities of Nictheroy, Brazil, set nets in the Rogue river, was the ative Eaton, in speaking for the S tott the two nations while the ruthless sub­ tion has not been revealed. W hat may be the ulterior m otive five miles east of Rio Janeiro, have a r­ j the subject of a public hearing Tues- bill, proposed th a t the Sweeney bill be m arine campaign is in progress. In a note Monday to the Swiss min­ back of the step is a m atter of a|>eru- rested two Germans who were photo­ | day night before the senate com m ittee tabled if th e other bill passed. graphing the fortress of Imbuhy. The on fisheries. The house agreed to follow th a t pro­ ister, who on Saturday orally presented lation. In some q u arters there is evi­ Peace officers in the Oregon counties cedure, but a fte r the S to tt bill had the German proposal Secretary Lan­ dently a feeling it is merely a play for prisoners are F ritz Meyer and Johan­ nes Karl, employes of commercial I bordering on the California line were 1 passed Sweeney and his supporters in­ sing said the United S tates does not time, designed to postpone any fu rth er feel it can enter into any discussion of action by the U nit«] States until the houses. ! given an effective club by the house 1 sisted th a t his bill come up anyway. the German government concerning starvation blockade against England Tuesday for the enforcem ent of the N early everybody took a hand in the Federal authorities at San Francis­ w arfare eith er has succeeded or failed. Else­ W ith only three dis­ running debate on both questions. The the policy of subm arine co, are detaining for investigation bone-dry law. against neutrals which it is now pur­ where there are suggestions th a t there senting votes the house passed R epre­ members seemed in a humor to listen, George K ieft, a German, who came sentative Sheldon’s bill providing for they tw ice denied the previous suing unless the German government may be behind it a sincere desire to from Manila on the U. S. transport renews its assurances of May 4 (the make sacrifices to preserve peace be­ Sherdian, as a stowaway. Evidence search and seizure of vehicles and question. R epresentative R itner fin­ Sussex note) and acts upon the assur­ tween the United S tates and Germany boats unlawfully carrying intoxicating ally insisted on a vote and the house which points to him as a spy has been ances. and may come as a response to the ap- liquors. almost solidly stood with him. found on his person. The S tate departm ent made public |>eals understood to have been sent W hatever consoldiating is done by the S ecretary’s reply, together with a abroad by pacifists in this country. Revolution-swept Mexico’s de facto this session will not be of the whole- j LEG ISLATIVE N O TES . memorandum which at Mr. L ansing’s government has entered the lists as an That became apparent at I -------- suggestion Dr. R itter, the Swiss min­ international peacem aker with an sale order. R epresentative CBllan’s bill passed ister, had prepared Sunday night set­ Ambassador Gerard Arrives identic note to all neutrals proposing a the m eeting of the jo in t consolidation Mem- by the house will requre d istrict school | tin g down in w riting the suggestion jo in t effort to end the European war, com m ittees of the two houses. in Switzerland on Way Home coupled w ith the cutting off of exports bers of both the house and senate e x - ; boards in all parts of the state to ad- originally tran sm itted orally. pressed the view th a t all efforts should vertise for bids when bonds are to be Zurich, Switzerland, via Baris—The of supplies to belligerents. be made to put the consolidation meas- sold. The present law perm its such American ambassador, Jam es W. Ge­ Germany to Hold Hostages. The Italian lines in the d istrict east urea now pending instead of attem p t­ boards to sell bonds on private con- rard, arrived at the Swiss boundary at of Gorizia, Italy, which*had been pen­ ing anything further. tract. W ashington, D. C .—Formal notifi­ Schaffhnusen, Sunday afteroonon. He etrated in some places in A ustrian a t­ A num ber of minor amendments in Speaker Stanfield threw a mild cation of the retention in Germany of was met by the American m inister to tacks late last week, have been re-es­ the laws governing fratern al insurance bombshell into the legislative consoli­ 72 American sailors brought in as Switzerland, Pleasant A. Stovall, and tablished completely, the w ar office an­ prisoners in the prize ship Yarrowdale representatives of the Swiss army. nounces. In the operation more than societies were proposed in a series of dation proceedings Friday when he in­ was given to the S tate departm ent Swiss m ilitary guard of honor was bills introduced in the house by the troduced in the house a resolution au­ 100 prisoners were taken. also in w aiting, and a big delegation Tuesday by Dr. Paul R itter, Swiss joint insurance com m ittees of the thorizing the governor to appoint a of citizens greeted the ex-American According to the Copenhagen Ham ­ house and senate. One would perm it com m ittee of seven to investigate the ^®re’ 9 5 rm.8n burger Nachrichten, two large ammu­ surrender of policies, under the disa­ feasibility of consolidation and report government, together with an inquiry ambassador. The trip from Berlin was made with­ as to statu s of the crews of the Ger­ nition factories at Thorn, E ast Prus­ bility clause at 65 years of age instead , back to th e session two years hence. out incident, although some curiosity man war-bound ships in American wa­ sia, and a t Glueckauf, in Quickborn, of 70 yearB. A nother provides for I The fight over th e rural credits bill ters. was displayed by those who gathered near Hamburg, were destroyed by ex­ juvenile insurance. is ended, so fa r as the senate is con- Germany, Dr. R itte r said, had de­ along the route through Germany. plosions last week. S ixty-three per­ The house com m ittee on revision of , cerned, and the S ta te Land Board, the . Mr. Gerard disem barked at Zurich cided to hold the Yarrowdale prisoners sons were killed and the same number laws has prepared an adverse refw rt on j Farrne rs ’ Union and the S tate Grange until she had definite assurance th at w ith about 120 other Americana, who wounded. R epresentative Kubli s anti-picketing ! are the victors. W ithout debate, the German crews in Amreican harbors expected a t first to remain there, but The F arm ers’ Warehouse association bill, and it is probable th a t the m eas-i merjt8 of the S tate Land Board p|&n would not be held or imprisoned. when, assured of accommodations at of Asotin, W ash., has concluded a deal ure will be sent to an inglorious end and 0f ^ e 0ppo8inK Shanks and Bar- This development, wholly unexpect­ Berne, he left im mediately for th at w ith the In terio r Warehouse company, through the indefinite postponement re^ p |ang having been p retty thor- ed, was am asing to the American gov­ city. of Lewiston, Idaho, for the purchase process. I t is possible, however, th at 0UffhIy thre8hed out a couple of days ernm ent. Officials here had come to of 150,000 grain bags, to be delivered it will be perm itted to go onto the I ago, the senate passed senate bill 126. the conclusion th a t the early reports W ashington, I). C.—G erm any’s de­ before the 1917 harvest season. The calendar for third reading. lay in perm itting Ambassador Gerard which misled the German governm ent W ith an average increase in enroll­ price paid is a trifle less than 12 cents The fight on the rural credits bill as to the treatm en t of German crews and other American officials to leave per bag. This is the first bag contract came up over w hether adm inistration ment of 20 per cent a year and a de­ here has been effectively dispelled by the country has aroused deepest re­ for the 1917 supply reported. of the rural credits fund should be left cided loss in estim ated income from its the forw arding of complete details. sentm ent here, especially in view of m illage tax, the U niversity of Oregon 1 An appeal to the Cubans not to w ithout restrictions in the hands of has laid a statem en t before the mem­ As this included the Presidential an­ the steps made to arrange all possible plunge th e ir country into another revo­ the S tate land board, or whether ad­ bers of th e jo in t ways and means com­ nouncement th at German ships would conveniences for the homeward trip of lution has been sent to Havana by ditional provision should be made for m ittee showing how the decrease in not be seized now or in the event of German(