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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
s i/i ©hr Stoat / /C iT y \ V (fa r m t * 1 Jjt. l ”2 ; \^ U U f r Z X p ttB B AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2. No. r, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 15. 1917 $1.50 per Year View cemetery, with the G. A. R. burial service. The funeral At 8 Baldwin-Woodward o’clock last Thursday, was largely a t t e n d e d by old evening, Judge Beach united in soldiers, relatives and friends who marriage Abraham Baldwin and sincerely mourn the passing of Miss Lucy L. Woodward, two this excellent citizen. Some time between 3:30 and 4 (' well-known and highly respect* d W’ith Councilmen McCready o’clock Monday morning burglars ^u/ing the Civil war and i* cred citizens of Forest Grove, the cere and Todd absent, the city council in Lincoln’s Memory it blew . open ... and , , looted . . . . the safe , at .tie hihtory:H(. d with the en|it,(ed following military being performed at the met Tuesday evening for the Feb- { ¿ m Wood- Judge W. J. R. Beach Monday mony Beach home. Friday evening a ruary meeting. the Forest (.rove postoffice, get- ford County, II)., on the 1st day delivered to the Forest Grove . . school , | pupils an address ,, number of the happy couple s “ After hearing and approving ting away with about $200 in of February, 1802. to serve three , high on young friends gave them an old- ............. the reports of I. J. retiring money and $22.00 worth of years or during the war, and was Abraham Lincoln and his achieve fashioned “charivari.” and on Sat- city treasurer, and Hoar, his successor, stam ps. mustered into the U. S. service at ments that is worthy of more urday and Monday evenings a S. Sparks, the report of the Although a number of persons Anna. III., April 10, 18(52, as a -¡pace than the Express can give number of their grown friends E finance on monthly ¡it. Being one of the veterans called to show their good will 1 bills was committee were awakened by the explosions, accepted and warrants who fought in the union army The crowd that came Saturday ordered drawn fo r liquidation. no one saw the burglars, for few 'luring the civil war, Judge Beach evening p-esented Mrs. Baldwin The payroll, for the first time in people connected the noise of a knows and feels about the great blast with burglars and Night a beautiful blooming plant, the history of the city, contained emancipater as none of the later with Watchman James was not in the which the bride values very high items of salaries for the mayor ¡generation ca n feel or know. ly, as she neighborhood when the blasting d^e- the fern presented members of the council. The was done. He is of the opinion Judge Hollis gave an interest her by the Woman’s club. Mr. and mayor draws $4.00 per month that he was in the council cham ing talk to the students in the and Mrs Baldwin are comfort and councilmen $3.00 and if they ber, putting wood in the stove, morning on the same subject. ably domiciled in the Woodward get the city out of its muddle with when the burglars blew the j-ufe, property on South First street. the sewer contractors, the city of as that is the only time he was CONDENSED NEWS NOTES ficials a re worth their wages; Younger-Joy where he would not have been at otherwise it is a debatable ques Mrs. Ernma Stoecker returned Miss Ethel A. Joy and Edward tion. tracted by a noise loud enough to last evening from a visit at Port L. Younger of Portland we r e awaken people three and four On recommendation of Council- land. blocks away. James says he had A was bom at the Forest Bâtis'a t\te F i™ t Cow rw Jtion-’ Coon, »ages of unskilfed city been at the postolliee, on his reg-; ular rounds, a b o u t 3:15 and g«™* hospital Monday to Mrs. al church in this city at 6 o’clock 30c per hour. "*re raised from 25c to noticed nothing out of the way. C. W. Mercer. last Friday afternoon. A wed- Water collector was instructed He then we n l to th e council W. B. Keen of Gresham at- ding supper at the home of the to prepare list of persons who chamber, fixed his fire and made tended the funeral of Elias C. bride’s brother, C. M. Joy, fol- owed as much as two months' preparation* to go off duty at t Smith Tuesday. lowed the ceremony and at 9:35 water for or service and it is a. m., as is his custom. He went Cream separator, incubator, the bride and groom departed for likely that light service home and to bed without having and fruit and vegetable cannery a wedding trip through California, tinued to such will be discon learned <>f tbe burglary, which tea* private of Captain Samuel Sher for sale cheap. Phone U24x. It returning via Salt Lake City. discovered by Fred Gardner, as Marsnal Watkins reported Weber was oper- The bride was formerly a teach- that City boys sistant postmaster, w h e n he man’s Co. H, 62nd Regiment, ated Mrs. on Walter had been bothering the local hospital Sun er in tbe Forest Grove schools the lights who opened the office at 7 o’clock. It Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Col. day and at is getting in the postoffice were and has for the past three years along nicely. didn’t take long to discover what Jas. M. True commanding. now known and in been employed in the Hillsboro structions. T h e c he i t y wanted George Armentrout. who has schools. had hapjwned, for the floor was He received honorable discharge been recorder Mr. Younger was for was asked to look up the law and ill at the home of his merly foreman strewn with pieces of safe, broken at Little Rock, Ark , on the 2nd ,son. quite P. shops report next meeting. Wade, at Banks, is con at Hillsboro, but in is the now S. employed furniture, torn mail and stamps day of Feb. 1864, by reason of valescing. and other litter. Several small re-enlisting as a veteran in the Mrs. E. Dowd and Mrs. Ella in the company’s Brooklyn shops, The ordinance committee pre particles of the safe door were samt. company and regiment, Hastings of McMinnville visited at Portland, in which city Mr. sented an ordinance making it un blown through the windows and ^ day. to serve tbsee years Mrs. Younger will make their lawful for any firm or individual Crabtree home the and into the street, fully forty feet more or during the war, under | at first the of Frank home after March 1st. to keep more than one pound of the week. from the safe. ¡Capt John Foley and Col. James Those present at the w’edding dynamite or more t ha n five The safe had been blown by M, Tiue commanding, ; The little son of Dick Goff of were Mr. and Mrs C. M. Joy, Pounds of gunpowder inside the the old method of filling the! During the period of this en- HilLide, who had an opera: ion to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Joy, Mr. V. hmits. Referred to recorder cracks around the door with soap,1 |jgtrm ; one of his hands last week, is get- B. Joy and Misses Eleanor and ^or ,nv’estigation. in many he assi-t*d leaving only a small hole at the skinnishe8 with the en- ting along nicely at the local Dorothy Joy. ! Another ordinance provides for top, through which to pour n.tro- dim.d the triaU and hardships of hospital. nr , M _ competing the installation of fire noman s Hub Meeting escapes on all buildings in excess glycerine. As both the and armv ,ifp bravelyf was promoted Mrs. Jack Raynard and baby, (mi side doors were besmear* d ^ ,.d Z Ruth, of Scholls visited at the The regular meeting of the of two stories. This was also re- with soap, it is evident that the H*»Uy Springs, Miss., while with a home of Mrs. Raynard’s parents, Woman’s club was held in the ferret^ to the recorder, who will two doors . were blown at different Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crabtree, Congregational c h u r c h parlors report next meeting. . u pOMlble i for r detachment thebaaeof tunc, and . . Urn ,, , j guarding atla‘ k«i by thl, Tuesday. * eb* I he secretary, Mrs. \ resolution ordering cement »„race incuple claim the y heard two , n|.m>. at dawn, an(l U m i gul- L. A. Fernsworth, former Banks G. D. Rodgers, her resigna- wa|ks in front 0f theCaples, Hoflf- explosions. The safe is a com lant part in all imjioriant engage- editor, who has been on the bor- t ion as she is to sent be away for the man and N a y l o r properties, plete wreck, not worth repairing, men ts bet ween his company and der as a soldier for the past six rest of the winter. The club ac North tyain street; the Baber as the sides are badly l>ent and ,, cepted the resignation with much months, arrived from the south regret and Mrs. Whitehouse was property, on First avenue, south, the door a complete wreck. The ^’ lot on the north side of Fir^t owner, Dr. I.arge, carried burglar He was mustered out at Little yesterday on a business visit eketed to fill the vacancy. Mr*. and avenue south, between Fourth insurance on the safe, so he will: Rock, Ark., March 6. 1866, anti Messrs. J. S., A. 1 a"duH/ T* White reP°rted for the civics com- and FiBhTtre^ts,‘was "giVen" first lose nothing except slight damage received honorable discharge at Buxton Sunday attended the fun mittee, that they had found it and second leadings and laid over to the windows and fixtures. Springfield, III., by reason of ser- eral of Wm. Breidenstein, who impossible to carryout their plans unt;i next meeting. died in Portland Friday, aged 55 in rigard to bird houses as it is On suggestion of Councilman The loss of money and stamps v’cf> no l°nift*r required falls on Uncle Sammy, as Post- Shortly after th<* close of the years. He was married to Anna now . . too late for this season. , . . Mertz it was arranged, before ad- master Wirtz u.-ed due diligence war he and his family came west, Wooley, a cousin to the Buxton l vis‘. , er> chairman of j°urnment, that the c o u n c i l by way of San Francisco to Ore- boys. in caring for the government’s the Public Health committee, re- should hold an executive session gon with the pioneers of 1871. Roy Devlin, son of Mr. and poi ted their sales of Christmas the following property. to select a They have made their home in Mrs. James Devlin, who came seals had been the largest this committee to evening About the only clues left by the around confer with the of- Fore t Grove since that home with the Oregon roop< ye *r of any season yet $*0.85. fjcers of the Elliott Construction burglars are some footprints, lead ing to and from the back door, n°nrlvC*‘in yesterday, came out last evening 1 he state had hoped to get $5000, company regarding a compromise hotrl in this city marly 30 to spend the night with his par- and at last report it had reached of the sewer dispute. Mr. Elliott where entrance was gained by a years. pying open the door. SherilF * ents, returning to \ cincouver t.o* $6800, und not ull returns in. wus present und ugreed to meet Applegate und Chief of Police Mr. Smith was an active mem day to be mustered out. JVlrs. L. E. \\ lllinms, chuirmun cnoK o committee The meeting Watkins were on the scene shortly ber of the local G. A. R. post and Forty-five member., of the of Ke.l UMter Day. wa, uoabie to after the robliery ^ax discovered was at one time commander of Congregational Working Society ^Present, but sent her report and mittee selected and it is expected and made thorouglnnvestigations, the post here. gave a surprise party at the home , j4‘ f.or . . scholarship loan that a meeting will be arranged but nothing encouraging has been Several years ago he became a of Mrs. Dan Danser last Friday fund-. A r‘' inR kvote of th®nk* for an earlv date. discovered that might lead to the member of the F o r e s t Grove afternoon Mm. Van Walters, w|*s *,v.e " J he cha.rman and all capture of the crooks. Christian church and was a faith- the retiring to president, A Beautiful Party it is Thatcher, chair- A postoffice inspector arrived ful member to the day of his said Mrs. Walters was and certainly *1|>S Marcia Mrs. J. R. Joy last Saturday from Portland during the fore- death, . surprised. The afternoon was . .. Rose , , committee» , . . , re- afternoon entertained a dozen lit noon and checked up the loss and Last June Mr. and Mrs. Smith spent at sewing, just a little talk Pprtt>(^ Bad decided not to tle girls in honor of the first an damage done. celebrated their sixtieth wedding and the disposal of a very nice 8»ve the western product supper, niversary of the b i r t h of her anniversary, which was attended lunch. Yexterdav afternoon, at rhey had decided to ask the busi- daughter, Dolly After the by their two sons and daughter, the home of Mrs. A. E. Scott, the men, "’bo seemed willing to little tots had Betty. played variots Deceased has been declining in same ladies gave a party in honor U’LI>' f ° ^ games to their hearts’ content, health for the past year and death of Mrs. M. Peterson, who leaves on^ f u> r Filina a huh they were taken to the dining was due to a general breaking in a few days to make her home ! TJ* matter. of m s^ling a bub- where a beautiful sight Elias C. Smith, for forty-five down of the system, death coming ‘ in Portland. A very nice social b ,\? fountain in front of the room, greeted eyes. The table was room was decided It is decorated their with years a resident of this city and | painlessly and peacefully. afternoon, with delicious lunch; | remjmg kewpies and red to be the property of the city, streamers, a large county, passed away at his horn*', Deceased is survived by his was the result. kewpie in the i given by the Woman’s club. Mrs. corner Pacific Avenue and A j widow, Eliza Smith; Nora, an center holding in his a tiny John Abbott was instructed to candle, emblematic of hand Christian Church street, at noon last Sunday, aged ! adopted daughter, who has for Lord’s Day the first an- , order and install the same. Next niver.-ary of little Miss Joy. The as follows: 85 years years been to him as his own Bible school services \ _ T _ i meeting, Feb 26th, is to be an 9:45 a. m. Elias C. Smith was born in child, the two sons already men 11 a. m. Communion and Sermon. open meeting; each member can guest* were Eleanor Joy, Laura Franklin county, Ohio, on the tioned, and a brother, Luther, of Theme: “The Supre'hie Task.’’ Mae Jones, Leone Burns, Mar 1 ask one guest The club sent jorie Endeavor, 22d day of October, 1831, and Los Angeles, who is 89 years of 6:30 p m. m. Christian Burns, Margaret Stribich, Mrs. Barber, who has been ill all and sermon. ¡year, a plant valentine, and Miss Lucile Stribich, Nernice McNutt, was united in marriage to Eliza age. Both sons were here for W. 7:30 J. p Clark, Song our Service National Adul t Andrews, in Franklin county, the funetal. Tina Ritchie, Blanche Tucker, sm>erintendent in Bible work, Lucy Woodward congratulations Alma Ohio, June 17, 1856, from which Funeral services were held at will deliver the message. School Nagle, Jessetine Nagle and Following and a fern. union were horn two children, the chapel of the Forest Grove the service there will be a baptismal | The Political Science class felt Harriett Helen Hughes. J. D. Smith of American Falls, Undertaking company at 2 o’clock ^ service. the time was so short they could Mrs. L. C. Misz and Mrs. E. Idaho, and Judge W. D. Smith of Tuesday afternoon, Rev. R. L. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:15 p. | only tell the club what they were E. Williams Monday attended a Hillsboro, Oregon. Putnam officiating, and the re Everybody invited to these services. missing. Next meeting will be meeting of Martha Washington Elias Smith server! his country mains were interred in Forest R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. I Monday with Mrs. Scheetz. chapter, 0. E. S., at Portland. BOLD BURGLARS LOOT POSTOFFICE The City Dads Seek Settlement Civil War Veteran Answers Summons J