The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 08, 1917, Image 8

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    Banking Institutions
Boy Scouts Have
New Drill Hall
W e h a v e T h r e e S U R R E Y S w h ic h
w e w ill s e ll a t C O S T .
: : : : :
Through the good graces of H.
B. Johnson and Jake Buxton, the
old grocery store in the K. P.
building has been rented to the
Boy Scouts for a nominal rent.
The Scouts met, as usual, Sat­
urday night, but were without
lights. Raleigh Walker had very
kindly connected the meter, late
John Deere Plows are
Saturday, hut the switch was out.
John Anderson happened along
guaranteed to scour in
Capital and Shareholders’ Liability. $100,000.(X)
and opened up his o'd room and
any ground and do good
started his gas lights for the
NOTES AND PERSONALS C. A. Lit tier had business in boys.
Portland Tuesday.
The study of the evening con­
If you are not satis­
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker
L. C. Rogers of Cornelius vis­ sisted of rope tying and knots;
were Portland visitors Friday.
ited friends in the city Monday. also military courtesy and drills.
The Express prints butter wrap­
The boys catch on with very
White kill gloves cleaned, 10c
pers with non-poisonous ink.
T ry O ne.
per pair at Ruggles’, next to post encouraging rapidity and Scout
Master Ray Williams expects to
A trial order is all we ask; next office.
to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning
Warranty deed and mortgage turn out a crack patrol very
52 ! blanks for sale at the Express quickly.
The new Oregon naval militia
Tne latest Columbia records of office,
was a visitor and gave
the new songs on sale at Littler’s
Mrs Anna Bryant of Corvallis
came Monday night to see her the Scouts an instructive talk on
Phone 6 8 3
Forest Grove, Ore
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear daughter, Mrs. I E. Putnam, who the practical duties of Scouts
K XV !
of Hillsboro visited the Good fam- is very ill at the home of Mr. and They are being used in San Fran­
cisco as assistants to the traffic
Old Guard Banquet
¡lies over Sunday.
Mrs. Van Walters
squad at certain times of the Preparing for
The Old Guard, consisting of
For Sale—Nice driving horse.: Judge Geo. D. Alden appeared week.
five original members, held
good harness and buggy. Inquire a t Marsh Hall last night under
Parents are urged to investigate
first annual reunion Satur­
The Forest Grove Chautauqua
at this office.
the auspices of the Forest Grove the movement and boys ar urged
Mrs. C. A. Littler yesterday Lyceum Course, delivered a let­ to prepare themselves for exami­ promoters met at Langley hall day night at the Economy club
Monday evening and elected the rooms, where, with a number of
afternoon entertained the M. E. ture, entitled, " P r e s e n t Day nation as Tenderfeet
following officers f o r the year friends they enjoyed an evening
Aid Society at her home.
Needs ” that is said to have been
of “5(H)” followed by an oyster
A rtisan s W aking I p
Herman Englebredt of Gales a rfiasterfu! address.
feed that had been prepared by
The membership of the local
Creek was trading with locai
At 1 o’clock tomorrow after­
Artisan lodge is now growing *lioy Van Kirk, Vice President. Brady Chowning. The Old Guard
merchants Monday.
noon Mrs Martha Sherwood will
Miss Munche Langley, Secre­ i an organization, not of hilarity
nicely, owing to the work of O. A.
George G. Hancock, real es- sell at public auction, at the Sher- Hatton of Portland, district man­ tary.
and bluff*, but it has a serious
tate, farm loans and fire insur- wood place, one block north of
place in the minds of its members
Roy Hesseltine, Treasurer.
ager, who is conducting a cam­
ance, new Anderson block. 50
the high school, a team of hor>es,
Mr. Paget, representing the and means something real. It
paign for new members. Tues­
For Sale—F a u l t l e s s stump- a quantity of feed, farming im- day evening seven new members Ellison-White company, was pres was organized about u year ago
puller, complete and in good con- pigments and household goods,
were voted in and four were in­ ent anil stated that the attrac­ by the five men, who still retain
dition. Phone Da\ id 251. 1-tf
Some thief last night broke out itiated and another bunch will be tions this year would he even their memliership As an out­
Mrs. Blanche Richards was en- a pane of glass in the back door taken in a week from next Tues­ better than last and he promised growth of the College Hoys’ club
tertained at dinner Sunday at the of the VanKoughnet & Reder day evening. After the initia­ the Forest Grove Chautauqua a it is really aiming at high ideals.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Small drug store, turned the key and tions, t h o s e present went to girl-.’ military band, which is an Although its membership is still
in Portland.
entered, helping himself to $7 or Shearer’s and ate ice cream at organization of exceptionally fine small it is expected to grow to a
John H. Stevenson, judge of $8 from the cash register. He also the expense of the members not musicians. It is too early to place progressive organization.
Members present at the n-cent
all the numbers, but the local
Portland’s municipal court, visit- carried away the key, probably so at the meeting.
ed the ancestral home northwest he could come in easier next time,
On Friday evening, Feb. 23d, promoters feel that they will get reunion were: Ben Willard, Ray­
of this city over Sunday.
j Mrs.,E F. Watson, who closed there will be a swell musical en­ a worth-while Chautauqua and mond Frost, Sidney Gebbie, I>*o
Bernard Ortman is putting up her millinery shop in November tertainment at K. of P. hall, this hope to do better, financially, Lucas and B r a d y Chowning.
a house on his farm for his son. to spend the winter in Denver, city, under the auspices of the than last year. The Chautauqua Guests present were: George Ras-
George, and family. George will was in the city yesterday, pack- Artisan assemblies of Washing­ will be held about the middle of musen, George Berreman, Thayne
Livesay, V e r l e Stanley, Glen
help dad on the farm this year.
jng her household goods for ship- ton county, with the Junior Arti­ July.
Morgan and Kll>ert Taylor.
Archie Nichols of Portland vis- ment as soon as she finds a loca- san band of Portland as one of
ited his parents, north of the city, tion to suit her, either in Oregon the features In addition, sev-; It has been rumored that, on ^ Mr. Thomas, father of Prof.
era! Portland musicians, as well,
George R. Thomas, who formerly
and his sister, Mrs. C. M. Good, or Washington
account of the fire at the Saxon•
held a position in Forest Grove
and her little daughter, over Sun­ At the Basket Ball game Fri­
Motor Car factory, we would be
high school, spent Monday night
handicapped f o r repairs. We
day night the Forest Grove boys, vitation, don’t turn it down.
Forest Grove.
Cornelius Richardson was pass­ thru grit and skilPul playing won
wish to announce that, we have
ing around the perfectos this from their old-time opponents,' If you want a team, farming just received w o r d from the
morning, in honor of a young McMinnville, with a score of 31- implements, hay or grain or some Saxon factory stating that the
gentleman who came last night to 18. The boys have only lost one household goods, attend the pub fire will not affict the shipment of
live at the Richardson home.
game this season and that was lie sale at the Sherwood place, repairs in any way and that it
Elmer Purdin and Mrs. Jennie due to the different size of the one block north of the high will only delay shipment of Saxon
Cases Received Day or Night
Van Dorn, both of this county, floor at McMinnville. T h e i r school, at 1 o’clock tomorrow cars for a week or ten days
Surgical and Obstetrical
M. S. ALLEN & CO ,
were united in marriage at Van- team work was splendid,
Saxon Distributers
An Invitation
couver last Friday and will m ake, The regular business meeting o f!
for Washington County.
their home on the Purdin place, the Women’s club of Forest Grove
Registi-reil Nurse, Su|K!rinten<lent
in the Thatcher district.
will be held in the parlors of the in the building recently vacated | Raleigh Walker spent Saturday
Howard McGill of this city, Congregational church, Monday by the VanKoughnet & Reder night at North Plains, after hav­
who was injured in a collision be- afternoon, Feb. 12, at 2:30. The' drug store, I respectfully invite ing furnished music for a dance
Phone 0223
Forest Grove, Ore
tween an auto and a street car in Executive Board will meet at 2. the people of Forest Grove and there.
Portland on Nov. 11th, last, has After the routine business is trans- Washington county to call and in­
brought suit for $10,225 damages anted the Political Science d e -1 spect my stock, which is so fresh j
against t h e Portland Railway, partment, under the leadership of and complete that I am pleased
Light & Power Co. His attor- Mrs A. B. Todd, will give a short to show it. whether you buy or
neys are Arnold & Hall of Port-* program. A f u l l attendance is not. Ladies, especially, invited.
C S. McNUTT. j
| desired.
Job printing— phone 821.
which are keeping abreast of the times, without
deviating from sound banking principles, are con­
stantly adding to the services they render to their
depositors. It is a matter of pride with us to make
this bank every year a more desirable depository for
business men and women.
You Need
a Plow?
The First National Bank
The Best in
Salt and Fresh Meats
Golden West Coffees, Teas, Spices and Extracts.
All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables, in Season.
Our Goods Are the Best—Our Prices Are Right.
-R ig h t on the C orner-
The Pacfic Market
Phone 0301
C. H. GIGUERE, Prop.
Christian Church
Junior Mission Hand Saturday after­
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
m. This meeting is inspirational and
beneficial and well attended. If you do ;
not attend this service you are the
loser. Remember day and time. .
Lord’s Day services as follows:
Bible school 9:45 a. m.
11 a. m. Lord’s Supper and Sermon.
Theme: “ Prayer and the Reign of
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Young
people invited to the C. E. societies.
7:30 p. m. Song Service and sermon.
Theme: “ The Dark Cloud Over Us.”
We welcome all worshipers of God to
our services.
R. L. PUTNAM, PaHtor. I
New! spring New!
Suits and Coats
Just out of their Express Boxes.
P rinters’ ink fails to tell how beautiful, how novel and how
exquisite the new Spring Garments are.
ccept this notice as a personal invitation
to come in and see the new arrivals,
whether you want to purchase or not.
Goar’s Woman’s Shop
Third Street
Phone, Main 803
(Only Exclusive Woman’s Store in the County)