The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 08, 1917, Image 6

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    with political deuth
Jinrrat (£rmt? itxjimifl enrichment
sacrificed the taxpayers for the
of the vultures, sad to
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, O ngon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor ami Ihiblishvr.
Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 191rt, at the poatofflce at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879
Blossom Time in
the Golden State
relate, the economy-pledged law­
makers showed they lacked the
spines to stand erect like men and
bid their tempters go hence.
The editor of a Forest (¡rove
was in Salem about the
A friend just back from South­
time this stalking stunt was pull-
ern California say*; "Thu weath­
That Mountaindale man who ten,” which means “ Hold your e<l off. ('an you nam* him in one
er was fine, in fact, too warm
kept wine seventeen years must mouth.” This, in regard to the guess? Well, no matter; if your
for heavy clothes. Many were
break with Germany, might In* a taxes are delinquent, you'll help
be an awful stingy chap.
at the beaches. Oranges
were ripe in the valleys, while
A Portland evangelist recently When German-born citizens show lawmakers
mountains nearby were cov­
lectured on the subject. “To Hell *o much regark for America, it is
ered with snow.”
and Back ” No doubt a lot of time for the rest of us to show A TIME FOR COOLNESS
old sinners would very much like some regard for the feelings of Tne German ambassador ha
With warm, sunny weather, it will not
be long before the blossoms on the
to hear the last part of his lecture. these same German-born Ameri- been given his passport. Our
trees will be everywhere announcing
ambassador to Germany has been
Governor Withyeombe Monday cans
that springtime is here.
home R lations between
telepraphed President Wilson the Senator Wood has introduced called
the United States and Germany,
Take a vacation trip now, where life is different;
encouraging news t h a t Oregon in the state senate a bill (No 203)| “strained”
was with him in his stand against to abolish, after the first Monday mov«d restrictions from hi r sub­ where climate, surroundings and amusements are
slaughter on the high seas.
in January. 1919, the office of le- marine warfare, are now frankly out of the ordinary. Spend a different February.
The city of Salem. Oregon corder of conveyances of Wash- “unfriendly.”
Three Trains Daily
getting a lot of free.advertising ir • ¡ngt,>n county As this bill ap So be it! But sober-minded
eastern papers, all because some- p|jes t,n|y to Washington county, Americans must bear in mind that
body at Salem wrote the cit> many people m y cot elude that the severing of friendly relations
will take you there in comfort
authorities of Salem, Mass., sug- ¡t ¡s an effort *o save money to be Ire tween nations doe not neces-
Ask the agent
gesting that that town change its j,jven (0 new paper p<.ts jn the saiily mean war, altho it is a step
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
name, to prevent confusion of the c.«unty. But the county court is in the direction of war
Portland, Oregon
two Salems And now somebody authorized by th bill to provide If there ever was a time, since
at Portland, Maine, asks that the county clerk with deputies to August, 191-1, when it was the
Portland, Oregon, c h a n g e it?« ,jo't he work now done by the re- paramount duty of American-to
name, the same grounds, rhe (-order, so it may not be a move look before they leap, that time i
name Portlando is suggested for, $ave money, after all.
of wolf? Man, «aid the mother,
the Oregon metropolis.
who kill« that which Another Month of
ft It . is quite
r generally
|, . believed
the shoulders of Woodrow Wilson he doe* only not In-ast devour
and this quality
Bargain Prices
and hi- official family is a tre- makes him so much a benefactor to our
that our law-makers are an *du-
catrd and refined g a l a x y of Admitting that there was easy I nendous one. If there ever was »¡tecies. If men kill our prey and lay The Express has secured so
way, said the young one, what many n^w subscribers and re­
genthmen but the belief is not money in publishing the delin- a time when it was the paramount it need in our
we have of tailoring for our­ newals of old ones at the dollar-
well-founded, the writer fears, quent ta x lists, two Portland duty of Americans to hod up the selves? Because
will sometimes,
Educated they may be, but when papers ( I he Journal and th e hands of the administration, that replied the mother, man remain
for a long in-advance rate offered during
one member threatens to bite off News) advised the legislature to time is RIGHT NOW !
time quiet in his den. The old vultures January, that the publisher has
another’s ear, there is serious pass a law doing away with the Our servants at Washington will tell you when you are to watch his decided to extend the period dur­
When you see men in great ing February. Present subscribers
doubt of his refinement. And publication, on the ground that will act wisely. We must trust motions.
close together, like a should rememlier, however, that
besides, he of the appetite for delinquent taxpayers could more them If we cannot escape war, flight of storks, you
may conclude that
h u m a n e a r s shows cannibal- cheaply be notified by postal card be assured that our -ervants will they are hunting and
that you may they must pay at the rate of
istic tendencies. This ear-biting or letter. Last Saturday, when proceed with decision and vigor.! soon revel in human blood.
But «till, $1 50 for subscriptions already
threat was made on the floor of the commissioners of Multnomah But we must hope and pray | said the young one, I would gladly earned. The dollar rate is for
know the reason of this mutual slaught­ paid - in - advance subscriptions.
the state house at Salem, Oregon, county offered the tax list to the that, even now, war is not inevit- er.
could never kill what 1 could not Tell your neighl>or what a bar­
the Express is informed, and not Oregonian, Telegram, Journal and able—that America—calm when eat. 1 My
said the mother, this is
News for publication, the News the rest of the world has gone a question child, which
at Salem, Mass.
I cannot answer, gain you are getting, please.
most subtle Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rivettof Oak
It is claimed that the farmers pate in the carrion feast, saying, permanent and universal peace! bird of the mountain. the When
1 was
a re ruling in North D kota. in effect, that the taxpayers had —Portland News,
young, 1 used frequently to visit the Hill have been entertaining Mes­
Forming a non pariisan body, g ief enough, without being a.-ked
aerie of an old vulture, who dwelt upon srs Ardis and Orrin White of
the Carpathian rocks; he had made Shepherd, Michigan. The White
they drove out the politicians and to fatten the coffers of four news­
observations, he knew the places brothers came to Oregon on busi­
are in possession of every depart­ papers. Here are certainly two War and the Vultures many
prey round his habitation, ness. Ardis White is one of the
ment of the state government cases of un-elfishness to be com
direction as the strong­
By Samuel John-on
Now they propose to do some m*nded. Too many e d i t o r s
est wing ran fly between the rising ami state managers for the Michigan
legislating in the interest of them would perpetuate a graft. SO long My children. said the old vulture, you setting of the summer sun; he hail fed Sugar Beet company, of which
after year on the entrails of men. they own five out of the fifteen
selves and the people in general. as
there was a chance for them to wiU the le!*8 want my instruction», be­ year
that men hail only the sugar beet factories in the state
Their work will be watched with get a part of it. Hooray for the caus* you have ha,i my Practic* *»*< *•' ap|>earance of was animal
life, being really of Michigan. The Whites were
your eye»; you have seen me «natch
interest and if their efforts bear Journa, and th(, News,
motion; old friends of the Rivetts in Mich­
th p people
neonlp oi
of o otner
th p r states
ita fp s g u t w ■ b a t c a „ ■ ^ gaid
, , 0f , , from
the farm the household fowl, you and th at as the boughs of an of oak
m fru m it , tne
have seen
will be brave enough to follow ____ who went to Salem and bush, and the kid in the pasture; you dashed together by the storm, that igan and are very favorably im­
may fatten upon the fallen pressed with Oregon and the town
their example and do considerable successfully plead with the law­ know how to fix your talons, and how swine
so men are by some unaccount­ of Forest (¡rove.
balance your flight when you are
cleaning up on their own premi- makers to allow this plundering of to laden
able power driven one against another,
se». Something of the same spi it ^be people to continue? Are such ber the taste of a more delicious food. till they lose their motion, th at vultures Abraham Baldwin has woke up
prevails in Yamhill county, and men fit lo be ca|)ed community I have often regaled you with the flesh may lie fed. Others think they have to the real estate business, after
they have been doing a little work boosters”? They are not. The of man. Tell us, said the young vul- observed something of contrivance and taking a rest, and last week sold
policy among these mischievous beings; to Will Prickett the 20-acre onion
on their own account, even if they majority of the representatives
tures, where man may be found, and and
that hover more closely farm of John Rice, between this
did have to go down in their and senators are, no doubt, in- how may ** known; his flesh in round those
th at there is in
pockets to accomplish i t —Mc­ dined to redeem th e ir pledges to surely the natural food of a vulture. every herd one pretend
directions to city an d Hillsboro. The con­
Why have you never brought a man in
Minnville Telephone Register. reduce the burdens of the tax- your
talons to the nest? He is too the rest and seems to lie more em inent­ sideration w as $10,000, Mr.
with a wide carnage. Prickett turning in his Forest
Germon-speaking Societies in payers, but when the editorial bulky, said the mother; when we find a ly W hat delighted
entitles him to such pre­ Grove residence property for a
session a t Portland Saturday, vultures began stalking around man we can on|y tear away his flesh, eminence we know
not; he is seldom part*of the pa< ment.
leave his bones upon the ground.
adopted the slogan, “Maul Haul- Salem, threatening the lawmakers and
Since man is so big, said the young the biggest or the sw iftest, but he
ones, how do you kill him ? You are shows by his eagerness and diligence Attorney L. M. Graham last
afraid of the wolf anil the beur; by that he is, more than any of the others, Saturday purchased from M. S.
what power are vultures superior to a friend to the vultures.
Allen a new Saxon six and the
m an? Is man more defenseless than a For Rent—Five room* in house members of the Graham family
sheep? We have not the strength of just west of I.aughlin Hotel In­ are looking forward to some nice
man, returned the mother, and I am
40 trips next, summer-
sometimes in doubt whether we have quire at this office.
Southern Pacific Lines
Do You Want a Setting of Eggs
If you do, it is a waste of time to read this ad.
But if you are interested in, Heavy-Laying, Trap-
nested, Rhode Island Reds send for our catalog.
South Park Poultry Yards
W. L. Benfer, Mgr.
4th Avenue South and 2nd St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
the subtlety; and the vultures would
seldom feast upon his flesh, had not
nature, that devoted him to our uses,
infused into him a strange ferocity,
which I have never observed in any
other being that feeds upon the earth.
Two herds of men will often meet ami
shake the earth with noise and fill the
earth with fire. When you hear noise
and see fire, with flashes along the
ground, hasten to the place with your
sw iftest wing, for men are surely de­
stroying one another; you will find the
ground smoking with blood and covered
with carcasses, of which many are dis­
membered and mangled for the con­
venience of the vultures. But when
men have killed their prey, said the
pupil, why do they not eat it? When
the wolf has killed a sheep, he suffers
not the vulture to touch it till he has
satisfied himself, Is not man another
Scientific Invention
Merges one pint of Milk into one pound of Butter in two
minutes—making two pounds of first-class butter at cost of
?5 cents per pound. No chemicals or drugs used. Satisfac­
tion guaranteed.
Price $5.00, Sent C. (). D.
Pacific Mercantile Agency