FIND OZONE DEST The Arch. Ons Way Out Cackacha Just “ My wife wants me to go shopping Lika 3 Toothache! with her. I don’t see how I'm going to get out of It.” “ If she were to send you back to T krr Mr. Editor — Sometime ago I S U R G E O N S IN W A R H 0 8 P I T A L S your office after less than an hour of Lad backache very b a d ; it would acha USE IT P R O F U 8E L V . shopping and told you she would never j ¿Ft like a toothache. I tried a new take you on such an expedition again, ui»covcry of Doctor Pierce’s, cailed This is for kidneys and you would consider yourself well re "Anuric.” paid for your trouble, wouldn't you?” backache. I soon felt relieved of ail Other Oxidizing Agent* Have Been Over across the river there. Looking under the arch, one sees "Certainly. But how am I going to Larkacho nnd had no morn pain, and I ’ roved Open to 8ome Form of Ob­ hope others troubled in the same way The sunshine slant through the dis­ do that?” jection, but Thl* Ha* Been tant air, "Let her catch you flirting with a will try this wonderful new remedy. Proved Satlafactory. Aud burn on the cliff and the tufted fascinating girl clerk.”— Birmingham Yours sincerely, M rh . L in c o l n S t e a r n s . trees. Age-Hearld. Among tlm brunch«« of Nurgr-ry to N ote : It Is now asserted with eon- which thi! exigencies of the European Each day, hurrying through the town, Sporting Instinct. fHenr-e that these painful effects duo to I stop an Instant, early or late. wur have lie ted us n sharp stimulus "You seem to get a great deal of nrle acid in the system are <-ntlr< !y or.idi- eated. A new remedy, called "Anurlc,* may In- mentioned the treatment of In- As I cross the street, and glancing enjoyment out of your automobile.” down "Yes,” replied Mr. Chuggins; "but I has been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and Is feeted wounds. The proportion of pa­ 1 catch a glimpse through the Moor­ believe I’d have more fun If I were a the cause of a drainage outward of the tient* who reach the military hospital* ish gate. with which It comes In contact A|»|wmtlrttl«. KhaurnaiUm. r»r»c**r. lU.wal Tr«*u- motorcycle cop and could race with trie acid tho body. It will ward off back­ I i I m , Hkm IimrM*’». Klc. (!hronlr iJlaf«a»4*a o f with (heir Injuries thus aggravated Is everything that came down the road.” within •vt«ry (l«HK*fii»U<»ri and kind cur«d In that «l»orti'«t sahl lo he so large ns to huve given Only a moment there I stand, ache, headache and the darting pains and — Washington Star. Um* t*UM*il#b at (h « Want rv thn u ir o f Itadium. X Kay. KUctrti* uullseptles, since obviously the perfect dusty air, by too much uric acid, such as gout, I « r m i U . l.i#h U . II«.»». It»k< Ov*na. Adjust Into a far-off fairyland, s-thrna, sciatica, renal calculus. "An- IMQU, M anipulation«. M a o »**• and Hath«. ( «11 aseptic treatment which most case* Where all seems calm, and kind, uric " prolongs lire because old people usu­ «nil **«• th« w onderful otflrn « v j u l C o n a u l « «•an enjoy In ordinary hospitals In time tatiofi fraaa*. W rit». ally suffer from hardening and thickening and fair. of peace Is out of the question for the of the walls of the arteries, due to the ex­ DR. W. E. MALLORY cess of uric acid in tho blood and tisanes. majority of buttle wound*. So sometimes at the end of a thought, 6 0 0 to 6 0 4 B road w ay H ldf. P ortland. O reg on Dr. Pierce, who is director and chief Many antiseptic*, unfortunately, Where with a vexing doubt we've physician at tho Invalids’ Hotel and striven, though excellent germicides, ure ho Hurgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has : horn testing this wonderful medicine for toxic that there I* danger of their A sudden, sunny glimpst is caught V e a l, P o r k , B e e f, the relief of over-worked and weakened Of an open arch, and a peaceful harming the vitality of the tlnsue* sur­ kidneys. Thor«-llef obtained by sufferers P o u lt r y , B u tto r, E g g * heaven. rounding the wound. For this reason has been so satisfactory that he deter­ an d F arm P ro d u c e — Edward Roland Sill. mined to place "Anurlc" with tho prin­ hydrogen peroxide Is said to he admir­ U> th« 01-1 K v .o lln * liouaa with a cipal druggists in town where peoplo rwcunl o f 4o y**»m o f Knuam ftoaJInira, and able, since It Is germicidal without be­ Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, U a a s u m i o f T O P M AKKF.T PRICES- could get this ready-to-usc medicine. Retinol Ointment end Retinol iv ep u t i l f hoal ing In any way Injurious to heulthy bowels and stomach. One little Pellet most ■Auuric” is not harmful or poisonous, casce nt edlcma end similar skii**ruptiona. F. M . C R O N K H IT E but aids nature In throwing off those Cell*. However, It Is not adequate In for a laxative three for a cathartic. The first applicatimi usually stops the hrh'r.y and 4 5 -47 F ro e l J lr M t Portlajul. O r a m burnir,if im tttnliy. Sold by all dru?fflste. Vor sam­ poisons within the body which cau*e so those cases, so common In warfare, ple oí each tree, write to Dept. J-T, Resinol, Lui ti­ much suffering, pain and misery. Scien­ Jimmy’s Descent where there Is a serious amount of sup- ro ore . ltd . Urn IZnimol f . r t 'e .vM/.Vr.Mi, tists assert this remedy is 37 times more puratlou. It Is utmost Instantly decom­ potent than lilhla. Deacon Dryden was a bitter foe of For Diabetes and Bright’s Disease this posed. uot only by pus, hut by blood the demon rum. His clerk, Jimmy hk Ç o C . Mostly Holes. remedy is building up a reputation as and most of the other liquid* of the Jetro, was. In secret, quite friendly “ Aren’t you afraid the moths will good as Dr. Pierce’s other well-known body tissues, mo thut the amount of with the horrid monster. medicines which have been proven reli­ get into this summer stuff?" F or lía*»! Muairal Instrum ent« in truaaat harmony. nascent oxygen released Is Insufficient Jimmy roomed above a store. One able during nearly fifty years, such as “ They’ll find poor pickings if they Made U» «4«r» how jf««o»J lh«y ran hr. not how much Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Sunday morning after a session at tlwy will tirine Violin. Mandolin. Ouitar. Man Jo. for the requirements of a aerlou* poker, Jimmy started on the street An do. Nothing in that lot but a couple for the His of women. Doctor Pierce’s Ilkalel»’ . Hloaran " I f vou d on 't find 'em brttrr wound. of hammocks, some openwork stock­ Pleasant Pellets, the liver regulator, and than any. »end 'a»rn hark at our n p r n a « ." 311 to overload of whisky caused him to fall The search for an oxidizing agent down the steps and roll to the middle ings and four or five peekaboo waists.” Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery 316 l«ahU* llldg . 07V* Waal. St Portland. Ore. lor red blood. not o p e n to this objection, according of tho sidewalk, just as the deacon — Kansas City Journal. Free Inform ation on to a writer In the Scientific American, passed on his way home from church. How T o l>o Tanning h-d to the trlul of ozone, either dis­ ♦Fror»» the worthle*»- lookinijr ffm m hid«*« solved In water and used lu copious Ir­ A p o sta l cani to Garfield T e a Co., Brooklyn, to the Tintât, aoft tan. rigations, or lu u guseous state, mixed N. Y ., a s k in g f o r sa m p le w ill r e p a y y o u . nod furred leather moth proof. at fac- with ordinary diatomic oxygen. The If you lire easily, are subject to cold hands o r feet— if you tory price*, mada up Trusting To Nature. into beautiful ladt«*«' latter style of treatment Is especially catch colds readily o r have rheumatic pains— your blood or fur«. roata. roboa, While In town the countryman mitten.» and cap«. advantageous In the case of wounds Taxiderm U t wo r k . which are slow in forming a scab, since thought he might as well call at the circulation is probably at fault and you need Send fo r catalogue. firs insurance office and see about In­ W W . W e a v e r. C u «tom Tanner. R ead in g, M ich. the most spacious bandages often have a tendency to rub olT the fresh scar suring his shop and household furni­ ture. tissue. "What facilities for extinguishing HIDE8, P E L T 8 , CASCARA BARK, This difficulty Is avoided In the a fire have you in your village?” the W OOL AND M OHAIR . process In question by surrounding the official inquired. We went ell re Ban. Writ« tar prices and »nippte* tags wound with a hermetically s e a l e d The man pondered for a minute or T hi H. F. N orton C o . »« um ». or» . s*im», w«. shell, into which can he pussed the two. “ There's the rain,” he said.—New gaseous current. This method pos­ O F N O R W E G IA N C O D L IV E R O IL O r i o o n V u l c a n i t in o C o m p a n y sesses the extraordinary advantage of York Times. moved to 333 to 337 Itum aid« St,, Port­ leaving the wound open to the hene- which is nature’s easily-assimilated food , to increase land, Ore. I.anr**«t Tire Repair Plant I B R E A K • UP - A • In the N orthwrat. Country »ervlc« a flrliil action of the solar rudiutlous us j COLD TABLETS your red corpuscles and charge the b lood with life- apeciaily. Uae Parcel Poat. Nl^ A COCO m THI BUD well. Then, too, the total exclusion Th«- quidtmt w a y fl of the ordinary air from the tissue un­ brroJi up a cold. mM sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throw K«nuiiM> at ~ der treatment make* Impossible the v t ~ G*-t d the m « »tore off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. formation of nitrogen compounds, D n in l u - r and l)ev«lot>«r; patent* «rcure«t or FF.K His Los«. No Alcohol in SCOTT’S. Every Druggist has it. H K K U N I J K O ; f m l.*>k on p . l e n U . S u ll .* 701 . which might prove decidedly Irritnut. 701-A. 701-11 *ml 701-C. (V ntral hulldlntf. Saal tir. The other mode of iippllcatlon. S C O T T a B O W N E , B lo o m fie ld . N. J. ie 13 The Husband—Where have you through the use of ozonized water, ha* been? The Wife— Playing bridge. been found particularly satisfactory ARE YOU GOING EA8TP “ Did you win?” for large shuttered wounds, where the I f you have a sick co w —or one that is not Con»ult u« aliout ivdur*d freig h t rataa on “ No. I lost.” th rivin g and p rodu cin g as she should, why not household goawla to all point*. Fast through tissues have been directly litvuded by break aw ay from the w orry and uncertainty “ You ought to be ashamed of your­ airviciv Pacific C'ogal Forw arding ( om pany. 201 septic substances. righ t now — get a package o f K ow -K u re. the W ilcox Building. Portland. Orr. Marshall 2467. self. You should have been at borne great cow m edicine, from you r d ru gg ist or looking after your children.”— Yon­ Feed dealer and prove fo r you rself that it has Coal Oust for Fuel. Second'Hand Machin­ kers Statesman. no equal in the treatm ent o* m ost cow ailments. ery loitiifM. »old and Spurred on by prospects of shut­ On thousands o f farm s K ow -K u re guards the herd ieham«d; en if ¡ne*, against the ravages o f A bortion, Barreness. R etained A fte r­ Business Weight. i • - - * r •. « n < n 1111 1 ! h ftc. J I. Marlin Co., - l*t downs during the winter beenuse of birth Milk Fever. Scouring. Bunches, etc. You don 't need to St. Fur Hand. Send for Stock Liât and prie**». the shortage of gas, manufacturers In “ Our forefathers pledged their sa­ - use K ow -K u re on faith ; a trial will show decided, visible im prove­ m e n t Put ft to a test— invest today in a 50c or »1.00 package. Send the Pittsburgh district have been con­ cred honor when they started this for our free treatise, ‘ The Home C cw D octor." HENPHUXS T R A D E SCH O O LS. country." ducting experiments with coal dust, I*nrir«-st ami lw«t equipped In the Weat. Gaat D A I R Y A S S O C I A T I O N C O .. t y o d o B T i l l e . V 4 . "How much did they raise on the Klactricjti and Tractor eniclneerinir. Special which, lliey assert, prove thut the dust eounw** in valcanizimr anti tire repairing. Prac­ can he substituted for gns. The pro­ pledge in cash?”—Baltimore Ameri­ tical work, »hurt term. low cunt. Write for in­ can. formation and catalog. 20th and Hawthorne ave.. cess Is to blow the crushed coal Into Portland. Ore. But Not of the Tracks. Practical. the open-hearth furnaces by menus of The Ruling Passion. compressed nlr. “ It is no use trying to get away "W hat is the occupation of the old “ He as light as you can on me. from the solemn fact that the woman _ __ _ Granulated Eyelids, This fuel, although not ns chenp ns man who is always asking at the li­ judge,” of today is a most practical and re­ AA a E y n in fla m e d b y « ¿ P 0 ; natural gas. Is being furnished to man­ “ Twelve months.” •ure t o 8 n , Dust an d W M sourceful creature,” said the man who brary for books on Indians and Egyp­ ufacturing plants of the Pittsburgh "Couldn’t you fix It so I could be tians and Orientals and the like?” u ic k ly r e lie v e d b y considerably cheaper than con­ out in time to see the world series has known a few. “ He gives people tips on the races.” B"" \ / C c U c m s d y NoSmirting. district "W hat makes you think so?” a next year?"— Birmingham Age-Herald. friend asked. — Baltimore American. j u i, £ y e C o m fo rt. A t sumers' gas. The Carnegie Steel company, realiz­ V o u r D r u g g is t ’ * 5 0 c p e r B o t t le . M nri*e t j R "The unsentimental attitude of a S a l v e i n T u b e » 2 5 c . F o r B s s k s t Ib s E y s F r s s a tk ing that there will he n shortage of girl I know. I told her that she had D r u g g i» U o r M a rl** E ye R c m » J C * . , C klcag* natural gas for manufacturing pur­ inspired some of my best poems. She poses this winter, hns Installed conl- didn’t say a word about the poems, dtist fuel mnrhlnery nt 24 of Its 04 but she wrote to my publishers for a A Half Portion. percentage of the royalties.”—New open-hearth furnaces In the nomestend York Times. Tho lady of good family was show­ works and for eight of Its 18 open- ing her ancestral home to her small henrth furnaces nt Clnlrton. By so non. She pointed with special pride doing the company will save 15,000,- Constipation, indigestion, sick-headache to a bust of her father. and bilious conditions are overcome by a 000 cubic feet of natural gns dally nt course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retiring. “ And that, Hobble," she said, Suggestions that may save Its Homestead works and 6,000,000 your grandfather.” cubic feet nt Its Clnlrton works, or a Heartless Sister. Hobble looked somewhat perplexed. Much Suffering “ Is that all there was of h im ?* he total of 21,000.000 cubic feet dally. Mildred, who had a small friend to asked.—New York Times. spend the afternoon with her, found An Apple a Day. that the care of her little brother In­ Marysville, Pa.—“ For twelve years Why He Objects. “ An apple n day keeps the doctor That beautiful, even shade of dark, terfered sadly with their plans. I suffered with terrible cramps. I John showed a tiresome persistence Jack—Hut what does your father away," Is the old saying so often glossy hair can only be had by brew­ -> would have to stay in Joining their games. Meeting with ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul­ see In me to object to? proved true. Now-, the best way to I in bed several days little encouragement, he asked at last, phur. Your hair Is your charm. It Edith— Ho doesn't see anything In provide these apples Is to plncc them every m o n t h . I somewhat wistfully: makes or mars the face. When it you. That’s why ho objects.—Doston in n brown wooden bowl or basket, tried all kinds o f “ Milly, can’t I play something?” fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an Transcript remedies and was where each member of tho fnmlly can- application or two of Sage and Sul­ “ Yes, John,” she replied firmly. Go treated by doctors, help himself or herself. One of the phur enhances its appearance a hun­ into the back room and play you're Cold Storage. but my trouble con­ new mnhognny fruit bowls piled high dead for half an hour.”—Exchange. dredfold. Cold storage people are engaged tinued until one day with red cheeked apples is nn ornn- Don’t bother to prepare the mix­ In holding hopes unswerved. I read about Lydia Knew The Location. ment to any living room tnhle or buf­ ture; you can get this famous old re­ An egg may now be middle-aged E. Pinkham’ s Vege­ Three-year old Sydney had the meas­ fet. To go with the apples there Is cipe improved by the addition of other table Compound and And still be well preserved. ingredients for 50 cents a large bottle, les. and was a real sick little boy. His what it had done for now to be had a silver corer and others. I tried it purer with n wooden handle. This, all ready for use. It Is called Wyeth’s anxious grandmother bent over him Sage and Sulphur Compound. This and now I am never though sterling, Is ns shnrp ns any ap­ can always bo depended upon to bring and asked sympathetically: “ Can’t you tell grandmamma where troubled with cramps and fee1 like a Q o r Q Q ple corer in the kitchen, nnJT much back the natural color and lustre of you feel bad?” different woman. I cannot praise moro sightly. ’ your hair. Without a moment’s hesitation little Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­ Everybody uses “ Wyeth's” Sage and Sydney answered; pound too highly and I am recommend­ L a r g e s t Bank’s Deposits. Sulphur Compound now because It "W ight here in bed.”— Indianapolis ing it to my friends who suffer as I did.’ ’ A compilation of deposit accounts darkens so naturally and evenly that News. —Mrs. G e o r g e R. N a y l o r , B o x 72, Marysville, Pa. In the world’s largest banks at the end nobody can tell It has been applied. Y’ oung women who are troubled with 1916 shows thnt the Imperial Bank You simply dampen a sponge or soft Constipation can be cured without drugs. Hesuidche.Iiidigestion.etc; of linful or irregular periods, backache, of Russia stands first, the Hank of Eng­ brush with it and draw this through Nature's own remedy—selected herbs---is the hair, taking one small strand at teadache, dragging-down sensations, land second, the London City and Mid­ a time; by morning the gray hair has Garfield Tea. ainting spells or indigestion should land third, Lloyd’s Bank of London disappeared, and after another appli­ The Best Solution. take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable fourth, the Deutsche Bnnk of Rerlln cation It becomes beautifully dark and “ Bridget, you have broken as much Compound. Thousands have been re­ fifth, tho Imperial Hank of Germany appears glossy and lustrous. This china this month as your wages stored to health by this root and herb sixth, the London County and West­ ready-to-use preparation Is a delight­ amount to. Now, how can you prevent remedy. minster seventh, the Nntlonal City ful toilet requisite for those who de­ this occurring again?” Write for free and heipful advice to ” Oi don’t know, mum, said Bridget, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con- Bnnk of New York eighth and the Hank sire dark hair and a youthful appear­ ance. It is not intended for the cure, "unless ye raise me wages.”—New fnlentiaH, Lynn, Mass Only women f e a n d No. S u 6. r e 101 J T J of France ninth. mitigation or prevention of diseas«. York Times. open ana read B u c h letters. P. S N. a U. Just where the street of the village ends, Over the road an oak tree tall, Curving In more than a crescent, bends With an arch like tho gate of a Moorish wall. TUMORS, GOITERS You can get rid of itching with Resinol SHIP T K/isran B Y OUR BLOOD W E L IV E SCOOT EMULSION FRED P. GORIN, ratent Attorney, w Machinery "is E v e r y N iq h t For Constipation; randreth E PILLS SAGE TEA U S GRAY HAIR DARK It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Hack Color and Lustre to Hair. THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS