J p a U D E T M OF T iE P A IÌ.J ’ o n ! ( J ’X " ' ETHEL IIUESTQN I L I U S T R A T F r BY W .C .T A N N t l »Copyright. th* Bobba-Merrill Company.) IT WAS A LUSCIOIT APPLE THAT GOT OLD MOTHER EVE INTO TROUBLE. AND APPLES IT IS THAT MAKE TROUBLE FOR CONNIE AND THE TWINS. Mr. Starr, a widower Methodist minister, has been assigned to the congregation at Mount Mark, la. He has five daughters. Prudence, the eldest, who keeps house; Fairy, Carol and Lark, who are twins, and Constance. Their advent stirs the curiosity of all Mount Mark, and members of the Ladies’ Aid lose no time in getting acquainted and asking a million questions. Prudence, who is nineteen, has her hands full with the mischievous twins and Connie, but is moved to defend them valiantly when some of the good ladies of the congregation sug. gest that an older woman is needed to run the family. C H APTE R III— Continued. j Carol frowned. The three girls were at laide when Connie hastened to modify her tone. Prudence came Into the dining room "Did they say you might have them?” alone. She Used a tra.v supper quietly site inquired politely. und carried It off upstairs. Then site “ That concerns thee not; ’tls for thee caute back mid sat down by the table. only to render obedience to the orders But her face bore marks of tears, and of the Society. Go out through our she had no appetite. The twins had Held mill sneak under the fence where felt small liking for their food before; the wires are loose, mid hurry back. now each mouthful seemed to choke We're awfully hungry. The trees are them. But thcy*durcd not ask a ques­ You reckless men unit women who near the fence. There Isn’t any dan­ tion. They were devoutly thankful are pestered with corns und who have ger." when Fairy llnull.v voiced their luloreal. ut leiist once u week Invited mi awful "But it's stealing.” objected Connie. “ What is tlie matter? lias Connie j death from lockjaw or blood poison "What will Prudence— ” been in mischief?" ure now told hy u Cincinnati authority "Damsel i" And Connie turned to "it's worse titan that.” faltered I’ru- to use a drug called freotone. which obey with despair In her heart. lienee, tears rushing to tier eyes again. the moment u few drops ure applied “ Bring twelve." Carol called after “ Why, Prudeiicol Whul in the world to liny corn or cullous tin* soreness Is relieved und soon the entire corn or her, "that'll be four apiece. And hurry. lias she done?" Connie. And see they don’t catch you “ I may as well tell you, I supposi*— cullous, root und ull, lifts o ff with the | fingers you’ll have to know It sooner or later. while you're about It." Freczoiu* dries the moment It is up She— went out Into Avery's orchard A fter she hail gone the twins lay piled, mid simply shrivels the corn or hack thoughtfully on the hay and and stole some apples tills afternoon. cullous without liirimnlng or even Ir stared at the cobwebby roof above I was hack In (lie alley seeing If Mrs. rltatlug the surrounding tissue or them In silence for a while. Something j Moon could do the washing, and I saw | skin. A small bottle o f froezone will was hurting them, hut whether It was her from the oilier side. She went cost very little at any of the drug their fear o f the wrath of Prudence, from tree to tree, nud when she got j stores, but will positively rid one’s feet of every hurd or soft corn or or the twinges of tender consciences— through the fence she ran. There’s no i hardened callous, if your druggist who can say?’* mistake ubout It- she confessed.' The 1 hasn't tiny freeaono he can get it ut twins looked up In agony, but i'ru- "She's mi unearthly long time about any wholesale drug house for you. Con | It." exclaimed l.nrk at last. "Do you deuce’s face reassured them. stance had told no tales. "I have told He— When I was 4 years old I was suppose they caught her?" Tills was an awful thought, and the her site must spend nil o f her llinc tip- left an orphan. girls were temporarily suffocated. But stnlrs alone for ii week, taking her I Hhe— What did you do with It?— The Grunge Peel. they heard the Imrri dis>r swinging be­ meals there, too. She will go to school of course, liut that Is all. i want her i neath them, and sighed with relief. It w h s ( ’outdo| She climbed the bidder to sec the awftilticss of It. I told her ! skillfully, and poured per golden treas­ I didn’t think we wanted to eat with— ure before the urch-thleves. Skull und ii thief—Just y e t ! 1 said we must get used to the Idea of It first. She Is | Cross bones. There were eight big. tempting heartbroken, but— I must make her j see It 1” apples. "H um ! E igh t!” said Carol steruly. "I said twelve." If you were in Prudence's Flush your kidneys occasionally es, hut I was afraid someone was place would you turn in and give coming. I heard such a noise through if you cat meat Connie and the twins each a the grapevines, so I got what I could regularly. sound spanking— at the most and ran for It. There's three apiece effective sort of punishment? for you. and two for me,” said Connie, sitting down sociably beside tin-in on No man or woman who eats meat the hay. f regularly cun make u mistake by »T o I IK CONTINUED» flushing the kidneys occasionally, says But Carol rose. “ Damsel, begone,” u well-known authority. Mont form s she ordered. “ When Skull and Cross- I bones feast, thou eanst not yet share BETRAYED BY FURTIVE SNORE uric acid which clogs tlie kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only the festive board. Rise thee, and part of the waste and poisons from speed." Burglar's Misfortune Was That He the blood, then you get sick. Nearly Fell Asleep in Home He Had Connie rose, and walked soberly ull rheumatism, hendaeheu. liver trou­ Intended to Rob. toward the ladder. But before she dis­ ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi­ ness. sleeplessness, bladder disorders appeared she tins) this parting shot. Conviction of Walter Jones, n one- coins from sluggish kidneys. I don't want any of them. Stolen The moment you feel a dull nche in apples don’t taste very good, I reckon." i legged burglar. In (lie rrliulnui court Carol and Lark Imd the grace to ! here, brought out mi unusual incident tho kidneys or your buck hurts, or if the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of flusii a little ut lids, but howevi r the j of house breaking, a Birmingham sediment, Irregular of passage or at­ stolen apples tasted, the twins had no I f Ain.) correspondent o f the New York tended hy n sensation of scalding, get I World snys. about four ounces of Jail Halts from The story o f the burglary and cap- any reliable pharmacy und take a ttire, as told by tin* evidence, showed tablespoonful In a glass of water be that Jones, in Ids effort to roll the foro breakfast for a few days and home o f Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Vtnnom, your kidneys will then act fine. 'I his an old couple of tlie suburbs, crawled , famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Jnlee, combined under tlie lied and waited for them to with llllila und has been used for retire. generations to flush clogged kidtioya The burglar himself fell asleep, and and stimulate them to activity, also Ids snoring arousisl Mr. Vennmu, who to neutralize the acids in urine so It undertook to light u lamp, which ex­ no longer causes Irritation, thus end ploded. This uwoke the burglar, who j tng bladder disorders. threatened Mrs. Vetinoiii with death if ' Jad Halts is inexpensive nnd can not Injun*; makes u delightful offer she gave the alarm. veocent lithia water drink whirh all Just then Mr. Vennoin grappled with regular meat eaters should tnko now the burglar, who leaped out of ii win and then to keep tho kidneys clean dmv. Tlie burglar Itad left ills wooden j and the Mood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. leg under the bed. By followin’* single foot-tracks the "Thnt man Is In a grave rovery." police pursued tlie peg-legged robber j to Ids refuge. With the assistance of ! “ Yes; I noticed he was burled In thought."— Baltimore American. a pal. Jones made another wooden ! leg. with which lie went to his shanty j In the woods. Suddenly the police ur- ' rived and Jones dived through the rear ' window. In tlie hark yard tlie mud was deep. 1 and the wooden leg sank so far In Hie mire it stuck firm. Jones hobbled on ! desperately without it, hut was over­ taken while hopping on one foot. Both tlie original and second wood­ en legs were exliibltud as evidence. And Connie's soul burned with de­ sire. She felt that this secret society “ Indeed they are not." cried I’ ru- | was threatening not only her happi­ dence loyally. “They are young, lively, ness. but also her health, for she could mischievous, I know— and I am glad of not sleep for horrid dreams of Skulls it. But 1 have Uved with them ever and Crosshones at night, and could not since they were born, and I ought to eat for envying the twins their secret know them. They are unselfish, they and mysterious Joys; Finally she ap­ are sympathetic, they are always gen­ plied to Prudence, and received assist- erous. They do foolish and Irritating a nee. things— but never tilings that are hate­ I he afternoon mall brought to the ful and mean. They are all right at parsonage an envelope addressed to heart, and that is all that .counts. They "Misses Carol and l.ark Starr, the are not bad girls! What have they Methodist Parsonage, Mount Mark done today? They were exasperating. \ Iowa.” and in the lower left-hand eor- nnd humiliating, too. but what did they j tier was a suggestive drawing of a do that was really mean? They em­ Skull and Cross bones. The eyes o f the barrassed and m inified me, but not mischievous twins twinkled with lo- intentionally! I can’t punish them for light when they saw it. and they car­ the effect on me. you know! Would ried it to tin- horn for prompt perusal. that be just or fair? At heart, they It read as follow s: meant no harm.” ,r^ !f?„lf„°n8,anC* starr h’m,b|y «nd re It must be confessed that there were .rectrul.j crave»» admittance Into the An H on ° ™ b U O rgan isation of many serious faces among the Lathes. fc kuJI n a a n ,W d C ro jsb u iie a . Some cheeks were Hushed, some eyes 1 he twins pondered long on a tilting were downcast, some lips were com­ reply, and the next afternoon the |>ost- pressed and some were trembling. Ev­ m.in brought a letter for Connie, wait­ ery mother there was asking in her ing impatiently for It. She had ap­ heart. “ Did I punish my children Just proached the twins about it at noon fo r the effect on me? Did I judge, my that day. children by what was in their hearts, “ Did you get my application?” sbe or just by the trouble they made me?’ had whispered nervously. And the silence lasted so long that But the twins had stared her out of it became awkward. Finally Mrs. Pren­ countenance, and Connie realized that tiss crossed the room and stood by she had corandtted a serious breach of Prudence's side. She laid a hand ten­ secret society etiquette. derly on the young girl’s arm, and said But here was the letter! Her lin­ in a voice that was slightly tremulous; gers trembled ns site opened It. It was “ I believe you are right, my dear. It decorated lavishly with skulls and is what girls are at heart that really crosshones, splashed with red Ink. suje counts. I believe your sisters are all posedly blood. and written In the same ! you say they are. And one thing I am suggestive color. very sure o f—they are happy girls to Skull and Crosshones, great In merry have a sister so patient and loving and and In condescension, has listened graci­ just. Not all real mothers have as ously to the prayer of Constance, tl e Seeker. H