U. S. BREAKS WITH GERMAN EMPIREDoi^ RUPTURE COMES; PASSPORTS GIVEN moved entirely, thie official stated Captain Charles A. I'olack and the skeleton crew o f 112 men who hav made the ship their home for more than two years, had been (Hit ashore and housed for the time being at the immigration bureau. They made no resistance. The German engineers, firemen and others had been replaced by American citisens and 50 men o f the city police force had been (Hit on board to protect the vessel from any wilful damage. : U-BOAT WARFARE IS UNRESTRICTED o f S ta te L e g is la to rs Must Cut $1,630,116 Excess to “ Bone Dry” Prohibition Law Keep Within 6 per-Cent Limit Passes House by 53 to 7 Salem Uallan, Kubll, lew is, Mac Salem — Up to date the legislature has 1 1,630,126.46 to cut from the bud­ kay, Schimpff, Stott and Willett these are the name* of the only mem­ get anil appropriations asked for, if it bers who voted against the bone-dry keeps within the 6-per-cent limitation amedment. This Is according to |]g. prohibition bill Monday. The bill went through the houae Iste urea prepared by John Hchroedvr, chief in the afternoon after a four-hour clerk of the ways and means commit­ Wilson Severs Diplomatic Re­ All Hopes of Peace Are Blasted siege o f oratory, by a vote of 63 to 7. tee. Appropriation bills, however, con­ As soon as the vote hail been taken lations on U-Boat Mandate. When Kaiser Sends Note. tinue to come In and it is ex|iert congress early Saturday morning, not yet presented his cr^lentials to LEGISLATIVE NOTES. and arrangements for his appearance President Wilson, denied himself to Von Hindenburg, it i* said here, on a federation o f latter, the State grange and the Farmer*’ union, following a were immediately made. caller«, and official confirmation of magnitude never even contemplated by The senate ha* become so tender­ long conference the first of the week, Whether the break with Germany reports that his government had taken Von Tirpitx. hearted thst it rarely kill* s bill. 1 rv issued a statement indicating their wc>uld be accompanied by a similar action similar to that o f Germany was Again the United States face* sever­ eluding nine that went through Thurs­ break with Austria-Hungary, could not not obtainable at the embassy. It is ance of diplomatic relations with Ger­ combined attitudes on questions of leg­ day, it has passed 81 measure* this islation pending or proposed. be learned definitely. taken for granted that when such ac­ many with all it* eventual possibili­ session and has killed by indefinite They suggest a form o f consolida­ Inasmuch as Austria is understood tion is a certainty relations will be ties. President Wilson’s repeated tion for the offices relating to labor, postponement only 17. to have indorsed the action o f Ger­ broken with the Vienna government warnings o f “ a-world-afire” and Sec­ modified from that suggested by the many. however, this action is expected Representative Sheldon has intro­ It is still uncertain what action will retary Lansing’s ” verge-of-war” consolidation committee; declare in to follow, if it has not already been be t*ken by Turkev. duced s bill in the bous« providing s statement are being recalled in the favor of state aid in marketing prob­ taken. system nf search and seizure o f auto­ capital with feelings of apprehension lems and outlina their position on var­ mobiles and trucks running scruas the The State department notified Am­ and misgiving. German Spies Are Watched; ious other phases o f the legislative sit­ state line from California into Oregon bassador Gerard to ask for his pass­ Germany’s action is super-crisis of ports. and suspected o f carrying prohibited Arsenals Heavily Guarded all those that have stirred the Ameri­ uation. “ We, the organised farmers and la­ The decision to break relations was can government in two and a half borer* of Oregon, are unanimously ask­ liquor. Chicago— Steps for the protection*of reached after the President’s confer­ Affair* of the State fair board may property in the zone years of world war. ing your support of the follow ing.” ences with the cabinet and members of government Talk of peace in Europe and of they ssy in s statement addressed to undergo reorganization as a result of around Chicago were taken here, fol­ the senate Friday. The President, by means of preserving the peace of the the various members of the legislature. the house fwsstng a bill reducing the those conferences, came to the con­ lowing receipt of orders from Wash­ salary of A. H. I-ea. the board's secre­ ington. when sentries were tripled and world has gone glimmering. 1‘resident clusion that the country would stand Wilson, incredulous st first when the tary. from $3000 a year to $2000. and all visitor* barred from the grounds of Free Textbooks Rejected. solidly behind him in breaking off requiring that the accounts of hit the Great Lake* naval training stall or. unofficial text of Germany’ s warning diplomatic relations with Germany. Salem— Free text book* in public office be audited by the seertary o f near 1-ake Bluff. Picked riflemen of a ss brought to him. at once called for the Illinois naval reserve* mounted the official document, which had just schools were voted down by the house state, American Ship. Housatonic, Sunk guard on the United States gunboat been presented to Secretary Lansing at noon Tuesday, 38 opposing ths A bill to regulate jitneys operating measure. 22 favoring it and 4 absent. B> German Submarine, is First Isle de Lcson end on the training ahi p by the German ambassador. Mr. Lan­ The measure had bean looked upon on public highways is introduced in the Commodore. Enactment o f mobiSta­ sing absolutely refused to comment. Washington. P. C.— The possibility tion orders, which have beer, in pos­ President Wilson began immediately a with suspicion since its introduction, house by Representative I-aurgaard. and when it went to the committee it It places the jitneys under control of that the sinking o f the American session o f Captain E. A. Evers, is ex­ careful study o f the document. the Public Service commission and steamer Housator.ic will become a ser­ pected to assemble 1000 member* and The President has the task of decid­ was badly revamped before it saw the The section providing fixe* a licenae fee of $15 a year. A ious factor in the crisis with Germany ex-members of this organisation for ing what shall lie the course o f the light again. rash deposit of $60 is required as evi­ apparently was eliminated Monday by duty or. American fighting craft. United State*. Three immediate that text books could be secured free dence of good faith. evidence that the attacking submarine step* appear among the possibilities. by other thsn public schools was but acted within international law. Amer­ The joint waya and means commit­ The United States might solemnly one feature eliminated before the bat­ L atin -A -n en ca Ir D ou bt. ican Consul Stephens at Plymouth re­ warn Germany against a violation of tle on the floor was staged. Represen­ tee was saved $*440 by the diacovery W ashingt on. P. C.— Although there ported that warning was giver, and her pledges; it might be decided that tative Tichenor made a warm defense ! of a clerical error in the budget. The provision made for the safety o f the have been intimations that the break the German warning is sufficient no­ of his bill, claiming thst it was a bill discovery was made when the chief between the United States and Ger­ crew. tice of an intention to disregard those for the benefit o f "th e poor kids.” clerk was checking over some figure*. many may be foilowee by a severance pledges and a sufficient warrant for A# a result it brings the excess o f the London — The American steamer of relations also between the Berlin Limit Put on Commission. breaking off diplomatic relations; it original budget over the 6 per cent Housatonic has beer stmt by a Ger­ government and Brai l. Argentina and Salem - Representative Burdick ha* limitation amendment down to $706 - might be decided to await the results man submarine perhaps other Latin-A men ran repub­ introduced a bill in the house provid­ 942.09. The Housator.ic was sank near the lics, no evidence came to light Satur­ o f the blockade and determine the ing a complete code of procedure for ccurse of the United State* a* the ac­ Scilly Islands. The commercial fishermen of Ya- day to show that the Latin-American the operation of a county governmenL The rumor .s current tnai the Sous- diplomats here were doing more than, tual operations develop. quina Bay haw forwarded to Joint On almost every side Germany’s It defines the duties of county commis­ ator.ic was sank w thnut warr ing. gathering information to transmit to orastie action it ir.terrpreted as an sioner*. who are empowered to esti­ Representative Fuller, o f Polk and The BoaW turit was submarined at tbeir grverr.mer ta Lincoln counties, a petition to amend open oonieesion o f the effectiveness of mate the amount o f money to be raised noor. Saturday. Ah the officer* anc the fiahing law governing Yaquina Bay for county purpose* and to make levies the British food idockade. It is re­ crew were saved by a British armec to close it to salmon fishing during the Chicago P t Moved to Tear*. garded a* s determination to strike ir specified sums. The county court is steamer. CSñcage— Patriotic fervor was loos­ back in kind. restricted under this bill from under­ open season from 6 p. m. Saturday evening to 6 p. m. Sunday evening of ened or the floor of the Chicago beard German officials in the United taking the erection of any courthouse each week. tæ W ashingttm. B. C.— News of traat Saturday at the close o f a me­ or cither public building* costing more States estimate the food supply on the sinking of the S oasatoT.: c i a morable session. It came following Br.tiah Isles will last a month. than $6000 without the approval of a No bill deniyng to Japanese. Chinese sensation here. tne announcement that this country or other Orientals the right to own Admittedly, the plan is to carry majority of the voter*. State department officiais said :t land in Oregon will be passed by the would depend ert.reiy or. the mreum- bac broker its diplomatic relation* sir*vat:or to the door of England iritis with Germany. An impromptu, rous­ swift, staggering strokes, as s fulfill­ Apprentice Limit Attacked. ¡ present legislature. A drastic anti- starves whether the mcioent woujc ing ant altogether moving oem. nstna- ment of Germany’ s announced deter- Salem — Representative Call an has nlien land bill, aimed especially at the affect the present situation. The sk ? va* carry, ng contrapar i Cnr was stagec. In the memory of mi nation to use every weapon ano introduced a bill in the house intended Japanese, but including also Chineae and if she was destroyed w tk proper tne oihest traoer on the hoard rv tfc.ng agency at her command to end the war to make it unlawful to restrict the and Hindus, was introduced in the sen­ .. « it was ever seer before. It m. ved quickly. She counts on the operations number of persons learning a trade in ate early in the session. This measure warr ing and provision for the «safety man' met to tears. o f an unheard-of r umber of submarines ar.y given profess.oa. Labor unionists *’** referred to the senate committee of ber crew nr ir. ar attempt to es­ to deliver blows to bring England to cm the ground are opposing the meas­ on judiciary, and there it has been re­ cape, the United States merely wotic Mil ria s Callee Out. ber knee* within 60 days. One Ger­ ure already. They say that it will posing ever since. bave a eia .a for carragea, as it the New Y o rk — The entire National man. official here predicted the war prevent them from enforcing their con­ Frye case. It will not longer be necessary for a tract* with employer* which fix the resident o f Portland or any other city The first effect of the .ncident :r guare of New York state anc the Na- would he over in s month ratio o f apprentices to »killed mechan­ of Oregon to own property in order to offic.al cuart quarter* was tired anew tr va. militia were orderec out bar un ta F-ee Hand Is Asked. ic* employed in variou* industries oper­ vote at schcx'l election*, if the senate tr-e President's deciaratior :r his ac­ by Governor Whitman after a confer­ tress to congress that if American ence w itt Mayar Gemerai John F. Washington. D. G.— To insure quick ating under rloeed-shop agreements. concurs in the action of the house in is and mar­ ships ant lives were sam firec “ m O’ Eyam Generai O ’Eyan was t reet- construct., or. of naval Vi passing Representative Sheldon's bill beet'ess con tr* vents on of the ;asd anc ec tr have every arseti*.. armory and ni art ure of ammunition and equipment F Our Appropriation* Submitted. by an overwhelming vote. The SRel- teas.-table unaensitant.ng of .ntema- watershed adequately guaroso by the for wk rk private pilant* are under con­ Salem — Four appropriation hill* don bill, however, pies only part way tional law ” he would aga r gr before ir. i t,amer anc Commodore Fnrafaew. tract. Secretary I »aniel* ha* asked con­ came into the house the first o f the in removing the property question congress for authority tr *' use ary tf the Narai mi.itia. was ordered tr gres« far authority to commanoeer week from the way* and mean* com­ qualifications for voters st school elec­ means that may Pe necessary for the protect al. bridge*. such yilart« if necessary and operate mittee. but did not get onto the calen­ tions. It will permit any registered protection of .‘ ur seamen and our peo- tberr. t the public service. dar. a* the house already had passed citizen to vote for sebead director, but W i- o - Sen * Ge*-na- Hope. 1**-” that order of business. They provide not on questions of issuing lairds. Berna— Admiral Scheer. rrimmanuer appropriation* a* follow*: Oregon Sx i i Food Restricted. hat is known as the State land of the Germar Partie fleet has teie- Germans Crip? if Berne. Switzerland— It view of the National guard, $155.000; Naval mil­ Board's rural credit* bill will he re­ graphec the fallowing U the Lokal critical situation created by the Ger­ itia. $15.000; Insane hospital, $666.- Stili By S d :> n¿ Boilers K i nigmr ” My slogar i* that our fu­ mar submarine campaign, the Federal 9*6; Tuberculosis hospital. $75.662- ported out of the senate committee soon, where it has been reposing for However the Count ha» dee ded on a number of 60; total. *902.496.60. Boston—Thi North Germar-Licyc ture .te* or the water. several days, but whether it will come liner Rronirr.neeas.- Cecilie, wh.sk British sea hot gnathe* tut teeth, we measure» tensing to restrict food con­ out with miiairiy report* attached re­ was se:7«c by ths Ur. tec Stale* Man must anc arili attack him uriti, t free sumption. Among these measure» are Labor Agai'kt Prison Plan. mains to be seen Shanks and Bar­ aha, M tcheii or s cr.ru process Satur­ path or the sea* ha* beer won. ” prnl. r.itior of right work in bakerie» Salem—Organised labor arili oppose rett. both member* of the agriculture day right, was founc to be cxtppM and the sale of freak bread. the recommendation made in the re committee, have rural credit* hill* he- Howotub t* o r Aie— benone ibilitT of ari» usefuinesa GIRARD IS ORDIRfD HOME accord.ng tr at offic the amara. whr assistée it The . ner'f holier* were said tr have cleared of al. water, the fire* burr, ng a: top capacity, and counties* vain«* a the engmeroor bad beet mutilated, trans'errec or re- Honolulu. T. H — Extra precaution* to guard again « violation* of neutral­ ly were taker bere by army anc navy forcea Extra guaro» are patrol .ng the whame* harboring internee Ger­ man The U ntad State» crei*- er S l Louia i* patrol:.ng the harbor STARVATION OF ENGLAND PIAN American* Pr lessen o f the PliW B ru rw y commission fore the com mittee in addi tier to the that the law prohibiting the sale of Berlin— Germany Sunday aecedec accedec to corvict-made good# on the open market the Amen car demanc for the immedi­ be repealed. Labor is strong against ate release of the 72 Amen can* taken suck a proposal but have n— stiig pro from t t .p t sunk by the raider in the posai of their own, which, they be < Allan tir and brought to a Germar port lieve. wiD aolve the peoblem of idleness aboarc the steamer Yarrcwdale. I at the peni tenti ary. land lavarvi bill, and both wish te see features of their own hill* inoorpirated in the measure which finally is rre- pisad One desire* suturai pointed, while the other wishes title examiners placed tn the attorney general’s office