SATURDAY Is Thrift Day The C O U N TR Y OVER Forest Grove keeps abreast o f the times. STOVER Gasoline Engines T F you figure on buying a Gas- 1 oline Engine, why not order one at once, before they advance in price, which they are surely going to do. We have an attractive proposi­ tion on Better get in while the water’s good. We have the best door ever put on a Silo, and the price is right. Silos. The ladies of the Relief Corps served an excellent dinner to the boys of the G. A. R. last Thurs­ day noon. N ext Saturday, February 3d, co-operating with cities, towns and village's all over the United States, we will celebrate Th rift Day. Does Thrift Day pay? Mra. Hurvey Baldwin is report­ ed convalescing. J .W .F r is b ie has been having a tussle with neuralgia M. Peterson contemplates mov- I ing to Portland in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen nt- | tended the auto shpw in Portland yesterday. Miss Hazel Gilpin of Hillside is visiting at the Hesseltine home this week. Miss Mary Stockman visited several days l a s t we e k at the Raffety home, at Mountaindale. It dot's. W . P. Dyke attended a meeting of the board of trustees of M c­ Minnville College in that city yesterday. Waste and extravagance will get you nowhere. Thrift and a Savings Account will take you any­ where you care to go. No matter who you are, what you do or where you live, you cannot succeed unless you save regularly. See the bills for the big attrac­ tions at the Star Theater next Monday and Tuesday. Some show coming. T II E A B Thomas submitted to an operation at a Portland hospital Monday and is reported us im­ proving nicely. First National Bank GOFF BROS. Rhone 6 S3 Forest Grove, Ore m v m v Y t t i v .n ”. VVW-.V Road Supervisors Are Appointed v A ’a v n T H A T C H lilt N O T E S Mrs. Alvin Ballinger returned home A numlwr of the young people Saturday after *|NMiding a week with have engaged Sne« d ’s orchestra of The county court recently ap- relatives and friends in Portland and Forest Grove, Oregon Portland for a dance at the I. 0 . pointed the 1917 road supervis- Eatacada. Friends o f Mr. ami Mrs. Cloid ('U p ­ O F. building Saturday night of iors, as follows, most of the ap* shaw gave them a pleasant surprise this week. Tickets Toe pointées being the sume as last party Thursday evening at their home Mrs. George Rodgers, who has year: Money to loan— Valley Realty NOTES A N D PERSONALS at Hillside. Those present report a Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf been in poor health for several District. Add resa. very enjoyable time. The evening was Supervisor. Tualatin s|»ent in playing cards. ('has. tieilwriii-r Miss Martha McIntyre visited White kid gloves cleaned, 10c months, will leave next week to Z. T. Cole Sherwood Herbert Hazlrtt has lieen removed to friends in McMinnville last week. per pair at Ruggles’, next to post spend the rest of the winter in Laurel, It 2 Forest Grove, where he will begin tlie Wm. Hawthorne California. A trial order is all we ask; next office. 52 Ernest Pethlefs Caston, K I ozone treatment. to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning Cornelius, It 2 If you haven’t bien in the For- 5. Otto Vogel Another enjoyable dance was given Warranty deed and mortgage Hlllaboro, It 6 Fred Davis Saturday evening at the “ Haney H all.” Works. 52 blanks for sale at the Express es* Grove Shoe Store lately, you fi- Jonas Moline Beaverton, It 2 While the |>eople o f Thatcher are com­ won’t know the place when you ! Mrs. John Templeton is con­ office. Beaverton, it 3 pleting preparations for building an 8. L. M. Hesse see it, for Manager Russell and fined to her room with an attack For Rent— Five rooms in house HUIadal*. ft 9 entertainment hall, they nfe accepting 9. A . Zwiener of tonsilitis. Beaverton the generous hospitality extended by just west of Laughlin Hotel. In­ his right-hand man, Orval Hutch- to. J. J. Shevlin en-, are working wonders at re­ J. J. Wismer i ' rt lauft ft 9 Mr. and Mrs. W ill Haney, who are o f­ 11. For Sale— Nice driving horse, quire at this office. 40 Hillsboro, It 3 fering their home as a meeting place 12 C'has. Meaeham modeling. good harness and buggy. Inquire A t Verts’ hall tomorrow' even- Forest Grove for their many friends. Refreshments at this office. 43-tf i - .. , ... A quilting bee was enjoyed by a UL A. ft. Todi mg the Catholic voung people will 7 11, Henry Vandyke Forest Grove, It 2 are by no meuna a minor feature of I number of girls Friday afternoon George G. Hancock, real es­ Forest Grove, K 1 the evening's enjoyment. f t J. M. Hiatt tate, farm loans and fire insur­ present “ Home Ties,” a Cumt ' at the home of Carol Phillips. f t N. Muthman Banks, It 1 Carl ('U p sh a w 's hounds chased a drama in four acts. See cast of ance, new Anderson block. 50 Banks coyote out o f Mr. William 's timber Sat­ Tea and chocolate eclaires were 17. John Friday characters on page four. Cornelius, Il I urday morning, hut it proved too swift For Rent— Five-room house, ¡served after the completion of the 18. J. L. Groff Hillsboro, K 4 for the dogs ami disap|saared in the Hugh Watson, formerly a r^s" first quilt. The girls went home 19. Fred Hamel near depots, modern. Inquire of Mountaindale wood*. The Williams hoys took a shot Manche Langley. 35-tf ‘ ident of this city, but now in the in the evening carrying two nicely 90. Gabe Fjtsner Buxton at the animat hut it was too far away Geo. Fisher 21 . Will Dunsmoor of Portland implement business at Chehalis, tied quilts the result of their 9ft Harry Robinson Beaverton, it I for the shota to take effect. visited his sister, Mrs. R. C. Hill, Wash., stopped off between trains Gaston, It 1 The West and Simmons families took afternoon’s work. 9ft H. D. Matteson over Sunday. Friday to say “ Howdy” to a few Gaston, It 2 dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. H. Hoffman 21. Glenn Morgan, a senior in the Hillsboro, It 2 Ballinger. The latest Columbia records of of his intimates. 25. L s. Pringla University and assistant in Chem­ Beaverton, Ft 2 Come to literary Wednesday evening. John Traehsel the new songs on sale at Littler’s 20 . Mrs. Henry Meier and Mrs. istry, has been given charge of Banks, It 3 Tlie young people are preparing a good Pharmacy. 27. Henry Keenon James Page of Portland visited Hillsboro, It 3 program. Everybody invited. Mayor and Mrs. Geo G. Pat­ Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. the Chemi try class at the high 2M. J. B. Campbell Forest Grove, K 1 i 29. Grant Bailey school. The crowded condition erson attended the Portland auto Page’s NIK,„ r Mrs. Harry Whit­ Charley Rot*, Aaron Scott, A . G. Banks, It 3 sister, 30. J. M. Vanderzanden Laurel, it 2 show Monday. nev and fami’lv ! neCes8,tates mort* teach* rs and the 31. T. K. Moot* ney, family. Hoffman, Judge Hollis, I)r. Nixon, D d Iami|y- airangements have been made Beaverton, It 1 32. Thos. Bradley ¡Allan Rice, C. W. Creel. O W. Bernard Ortmar, an. son C!ar- M r. and Mrs. J. L. McKeeber with the U n i v e r s i t y whereby Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKeeber 33. Ben Heesaoker Forest Grove, K2 I Jones and Wilbur McEldowney enee attended the auto show a ork city departed Tues- teachers will be supplied at t ,of ;of New y York Buxton 34. Ambrose Schmidlin Hillsboro, It 3 att* nded a big Masonic “ doings” ; day for California, after visiting Portland londay The members of the P sen. 35. Carl Berggren Barona in Portland Saturday. The “ boys” 36. C. C. Nelson For Sale— F a u l t l e s s stump- Mr. McKeeber s cousins Mes- • i , .. . Cornelius wire chaperoned (a part of the puller, complete and in good con- d a m e s M S Allen ar HA r ¿1 tf ! ,or r 'a&’ ari meet Mias Edna Griffith, from Dilley, joins Webers’ on the i 48. John Schmeltzer Cornelius 4». Martin D«>escher Cases Received Day or Night Ford out of his garage yesterday who Ls a fiister of Hillsboro, It 4 Harring- East— 90 acres under cultivation. 50. L. M. Rider Surgical and Obstetrical Orenco s!!iiThera ^ Paid fi r r ° n h T 'A 3 t0n and is ° n her way backt0 Good barn, for 30 head of stock, 51. Jake Wilson Gaston Southern Pacific car caught the China after furlough. Miss Grif- lots of hay room, 2 silos, good 52. J. M. Richards MRS. E. N. HUGHES, Strasse) rear of the Ford and smashed the fifth spoke here before the Congre-1 53. C. M. Scofield Registered Nurse, Superintendent well and milk house N o house rear wheels. Mr. Hughes was not gational Missionary society Wed- Miss Maude Knight left M on­ on place, but will bul'd one, if MRS. JE NNIE A. KEEHEK. injured. n« day. O w i^ r. day for a two-weeks’ visit with i agreeable tenants are secured. Phone 0223 Fitrest Grove, Ore Rent—$500.00 per year. Will her aunt, Mrs P. F Wright, of b ase from one to five year- Ap ' Spokane. The Best in ply Joe A Wiles. n J J 1 . y’d V. a - « Hughes t0 Mn Salt and Fresh Meats Golden West Coffees, Teas, Spices and Extracts. All kinds o f Fruits and Vegetables, in Season. Our Goods Are the Best— Our Prices Are Right. —Right on the Corner- The Pacfic Market Phone 0301 HOSPITAL C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Christian Church Prayer meeting every Wednesday 7:30 p. m. First half hour regular topic and last half Bible Study of Book of Romans. Lord’s Day ‘•ervices as follows: Bible school 9:45 a. m. 11 a. m. Lord's Supper and Sermon. Theme: “ Hindrances to P rayer.’’ 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. rn. Song Service and sermon. Theme: “ The Greatest Thief in the World.'* Baptismal service following this service. W e extend an invitation to you to come and worship with us. R. L. P U T N A M , Pastor. T he Forest Grove Electric Store Four Doors West o f Postoffice Anything Electrical and AUTO ACCESSORIES W ill Open About Feb. 6 ALYCE TODI), Manager