SLAIN AND BURNED TO PRODUCE BABY BEEF PRESIDENT HOLDS CHILDREN COWBOYS FIGHI Marine News First Essential of Ticklish Busi* Father Arrested When Evidence Indi­ Closes Contract SECRET MEETING cates Murder of Offsprings. WITH MEXICANS Portland Yard ness Is Quality. for Two Big Wooden Ships Tacoma, Wash.—Four small children Portland—Gaston, Williams & Wig- were brutally murdered at Auburn Sunday as they lay in their bed*. The more corporation, of New Conference at White House Be­ room and bod* had been saturated with With Aid of Utah Cavalrymen, York, Steamship one of the best known Eastern kerosene and then the house set on m aritim e firms, has contracted with lieved to Bear on Peace. Invaders Are Repelled. fire. Joseph Supple for the construction of Their father, S. A. Hewett, a North­ two wooden vessels that will be built ern Pacific brakernan in the railroad on the East Side, on property under yards at Auburn, was placed under ar­ lease to Mr. Supple from the Spokane, by the King county sheriff and OPENED EIRE ON AMERICANS Portland & Seattle railroad, north of GATHERING FOLLOWS “ NEWS rest taken to Seattle following the gather­ the Hawthorne bridge approach and ing of a corwd of nealry 1000 persons, handy to his present plant at the foot among whom there was considerable of Belmont street. Drm iirril» Opponi- Discussion of Mr. talk of lynching. Villa Forces Said to Have Occupied News of closing of contracts was H ew ett“ * story ia th at the four received Wednesday, though it has W ilson's Talk, Itut Republicans Pershing Outposts Smugglers children retired as uusal to their beds been known for weeks that negotia­ Saturday night, but during the night tions were under way, and Mr. Supple, Inaiai on Being Told View*. to Operate on Withdrawal one was taken ill. He went to attend with Fred A. Ballin, associated with the little one, taking a kerosene lamp, him as designer of the ships, left for which he left burning on a chair be­ New York two weeks ago. Mr. Ballin tween their two bed*. Being restless, Tucson, A riz.—According to tele-1 is the designer of a special type of a Washington, I). C. — Five Demo* cratic leaders of the aenate, three of ; he said he took a walk, returned later phone advices from Justice of th e : composite vessel, wood and steel being while Mr. Supple has had a them members of the foreign relationa Peace Hogano, at Arivaca, Ariz., used, strong toward a wooden ves­ Counsel for “ Leak” Inquiry. committee, had a long conference with about 40 miles south of Tucson on the : sel with leaning a double planked hull, the i'reaident Wilaon at the White llouae border, fighting was in progress all first planking next to the fram es being Wedneaday night. Afterward all of day Friday at a place called Stone- laid diagonally to afford strength. Both have been submitted to prospec­ them refuaed Hatty to talk. house between Mexican troopers end tive purchasers, but the builders had American cowboys. In the conference were Chairman declined to close except at figures that According to the report, the trouble would insure Stone and Senatora l’omerene and the new yard a profit. started when the cowboys attempted to In this case it ia believed by their Saulakury, of the foreign relatioria drive their cattle away from the boun­ friends that the move means the plant committee, and Senatora Walah and dary line and the Mexicans opened will be extensive, as well as perma­ fire. The Americans retreated an d j nent, for considerable business Hoke Smith. The I'reaident ia much is were reinforced by a part of E troop, intereated in the efforts of Senator looked for. Utah cavalry, who at once returned Cummina and other Republicans to the fire of the Mexicans. Steel Yard Humming Now. force an often debate on hia peace ad- Eighteen American troopers, with plenty of ammunition, were dispatched Portland — Since the dove of peace dreaa, and it waa in thia connection has spread wings over the plant of the to aid the troops already there. that the aenatora were called to the Northwest, Steel company, following The fighting was started by the White House. Mexicans, according to the American the strike early this month, reorgan­ It ia understood the subject waa dis­ version of the affair. The cowboys, j ization ia being rapidly worked out cussed only generally and that no a t­ retreating, kept up a running fire as and it is estim ated that all but about they returned northward, and the Utah 100 men who went out are again on tem pt waa made to agree upon any cavalrymen went to the aid of the cow­ the payroll. plan of action. Those remaining idle are mostly boys. The legislative program waa talked Advices received here said no fur­ helpers and places are to be made for over and the President ia said to have ther trouble was expected, and that some when the force is increased or HE R MAN L. WHÌ PP ÌTE?* ample forces were at hand to protect others resign. urged the importance of passing w ater­ the The Mexican cavalry- ; power legislation before the end of the Sherman L. Whipple, just chosen I men, border. numbering 20, attacked in open Balfour Fleet Augmented. counsel for the committee of the house session. formation, and toward the end of the Portland — Lumber to make up the ' of representatives in the “ leak” in­ There have t>een suggestions that, had been pretty well scattered. next cargo of the schooner Camano, is a leading New England melee in order to prevent interference with vestigation, The mining camps in that part now on the way to San Francisco from lawyer who has had many im portant of the small legislation by daily discuaaiona of the ! cases. county are protected by em­ Gilbert has been purchased by He is distinctly a trial lawyer, j Cummina resolution, which would set Mr. Whipple was born in 1862. He ployes. It was not ascertained wheth­ Balfour, Islands, Guthrie Co. from the East­ er or not there were any casualties ern and W estern & mill. aside next week for del>ate, the admin­ is a graduate of Yale. The schooner istration might favor either fixing a among the Mexicans. is one of those bought last year by limited time for the debate now, or an Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and she will agreem ent to postpone it until the sen­ and fell into a sound sleep, from which El Paso, Tex.—Forces of Francisco be dispatched for the West Coast. ate holds ita extra session after he was awakened by flames crackling Villa have occupied El Valle, Chihua­ all about him. Unable to reach th e' hua, abandoned by General Pershing’s March 4. children, he said he rushed to a neigh­ outposts, according to apparently re­ l/ondon The American ambassador bor’s to give a fire alarm and then re­ liable information received in army at Berlin, Jam es W. Gerard, waa turned, and with a garden hose tried circles. It was said Villa had established called to the foreign office Wednesday, ! to quench the flames. whither he waa summoned by the Im­ Examination of the children’s^ char- j headquarters at Meadera and was pre­ perial chancellor for a conversation red bodies, the coroner said, revealed paring to occupy Casas Grandes as Portland—W heat— Bluestem, $1.66 respecting President W ilson’s address the fact that their skulls had been soon as Pershing should abandon field per bushel; club, $1.62; fortyfold, $1.63; red Russian, $1.58. to the senate, says a Berlin dispatch to 5 crushed in, while the m attresses on headquarters at Colonia Dublan. the Exchange Telegraph company by which they lay were saturated w ith ! Smugglers are planning to use the Oats—No. 1 white feed, $36.50. withdrawal of the American troops Barley—No. 1 feed, $39.00. , blood. way of Amsterdam. The conference lasted for more than Behind a little trundle bed on which from Mexico as an excuse to smuggle Flour — Patents, $8.40; straights, an hour and later the ambassador sent slept the only girl of four, Myrtle, quantities of goods across the border $7.60 @ 7.80; valley, $7.90; whole a long wireless message to W ashing­ ; aged 6, was found a blood-stained; without the payment of the export wheat, $8.60; graham, $8.40. Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $26.50 ton “ at the urgent request of the Ger­ | hammer, and in the room an empty | duty to the Carranza official here. per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled barley, : bottle labeled chloroform. man governm ent.” $42(3)43. In parliam entary circles, says the Under the bed in which the three | Hay—Producers’ prices: Timothy, correspondent, I'reaident W ilson’s boys lay was found a blood-stained pil- j Oregon Man Sees Placing of speech is generally considered a last low slip. Fatal Bomb in San Francisco Eastern Oregon, $19@20 per ton; val­ move for peace and that, if it is unsuc­ The other three children, Ephraim, San Francisco—Frank C. Oxman, ley, $15@16; alfalfa, $15(3)16; valley cessful, the President will be obliged aged 10; Arthur, aged 8, and Clar­ wealthy cattleman of Durkee, Or./ grain hay, $12@13; clover, $11.00. Butter — Cubes, extras, 35(337}c; to side finally with one of the belliger­ ence, aged 6, were found in one big i sprung a sensation Friday in the trial ! prime firsts, 37 Jc; firsts, 35}@36c. bed. ents. Thomas J. Mooney for the prepared­ Jobbing prices: Prime extras, 42c; A fter the fire the father handed to j of ness parade bomb murders here last cartons, 1 cent extra; butterfat, No. Arkansas Now Bone-Dry. a neighbor, Frank McGilvray, an en- i July, when he testified th at he saw 1, 41c; No. 2, 39c, Portland. L ittle Rock, A rk.—While 600 men velope containing the insurance poli- \ Mooney and W arren K. Billings, an- I Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ cies which it is said he had taken out sang “ How Dry 1 Am,” Governor of the alleged bomb conspirators, ceipts, 33@34c per dozen; Oregon Brough signed the Arkansas “ bone- j recently for his children and which other place a suitcase on the sidewaik at the ranch, candled, 35@36c; selects, 38c. dry” bill at the annual dinner of the ; had been saved from the fire. exact spot where the explosion which Poultry — Hens, 17@18c per pound; Little Rock board of commerce Thurs­ 10 persons occurred a few min­ springs, 16@17c; turkeys, live, 18@ day. All state officials and members Oregon Troops O rdered Home. killed later. 20c; dressed, 23@26c; ducks, 20@22c; of the legislature were guests at the Portland—“ All Oregon troops on the j utes Oxman, appearing for the first time geese, 12@13c. dinner. Express companies were border ordered home.” a witness, whose entry into the case Veal—Fancy, 14)@15c per pound. rushed delivering orders for liquor. This telegram received Sunday after­ as was unsuspected by the defense, cor­ Pork— 13@13Jc per pound. One local telegraph company reported noon from Senator George E. Cham­ roborated in practically every detail Vegetables—Artichokes, 90c@$1.10 it handled 800 telegram s from Little berlain, by Major W. W. Wilson, ac­ the testim ony of John McDonald. per dozen; tomatoes, nominal; cab­ Rock ordering liquor Thursday. ting adjutant general, is the first an­ bage, $3.25 per hundred;, eggplant, 25c nouncement that has been made of the per pound; lettuce, $2.50 per box; cu­ Shell Plant Planned. Government Buys Rifle Range. decision of the government to recall cumbers, $1.50@2.00 per dozen; cel­ Washintgon, D. C. — The secretary from the Mexican border the last of Washington, D. C.—Secretary Dan­ ery, per crate; cauliflower, of war has decided definitely to pur­ the Oregon contingent which was iels Saturday began preparing to meet $2.50, $5.50 squash, per pound; pep­ chase a tract of land in the vicinity of called out seven months ago, and ‘ the British government's refusal to pers, 25c; Back 12c vegetables, $1.25; Linnton, Ore., for a rifle range for the which haH been in continual service perm it Hadfields, Limited, to manu- j sprouts. 11c per pound. use of troops stationed at Vancouver ever since. facture projectiles for the American Potatoes — Oregon buying prices, barracks. Secretary Baker made this navy, by making ready to equip a gov­ $2.00(3:2.25 per hundred; sweet, $4. announcement Thursday to Senator Radio Covers Wide Span. ernm ent plant to do the work. Secre­ Onions—Oregon buying prices, $6.50 Jones and Representative Johnson, San Diego, Cal. — The new naval | tary Daniels conferred with Charles per sack, country points. who called to urge him to purchase a raido station at Chollas Heights, which M. Schwab, of the Bethlehem Steel Green Fruits — Apples, 75c<3)$1.50 tract adjoining the Vancouver m ilitary was recently opened gave a demonstra­ company, whose bids were rejected by per box: pears, $1.75(3)2.50; cranber­ reservation. tion of its power Monday when the the Navy department. ries, $10@11 per barrel. operators on duty talked with Arling­ Mr. Schwab is understood to have Hops— 1916 crop, 5(8)9c per pound. Beer Output is Curtailed. ton, Va., station, Darien, Panama, told the secretary that the Bethlehem Wool—Eastern Oregon, fine, 24@ Ixrndon—To reduce the consumption Nome, Alaska, and Honolulu, and over­ Steel company would exert every effort 30c per pound; coarse, 33(3)36c; val­ of foodstuffs by breweries, Baron Dev- heard French operators at work on the to furnish supplier for the navy, and ley, 33<3)41c; mohair, nominal. onpprt, the food controller, has decided island of Papeete, in the South Pacific. desired that the departm ent should Cascara Bark—Old and new, 5c per that the qunatity of beer to be brewed They concluded by exchanging the time consider that plant as an asset of the pound. for the year beginning April 1 shall be of day with operators at a radio sta­ Nation. Cattle—Steers, prime, $8.00@8.50; restricted to 70 per cent o f the output tion near Melbourne, Australia. fair to good, $7.00