CONDENSICI) NKWS NOTES Two R. C. It. I. cockerel* for •ale. I^eon T. Sill*. M ' mh Munche Lhngley was a Portland visitor Suturday. Found Halter. Cull at l hi« olllce and recover property. Roy Loyne* and bride of Port- lanil visited relatives here Sunday, j John Ireland, jr., left Saturday for a visit with frieridn at Cor- vn"*** Mrs John Bellinger is «« riom ly ill with stomach trouble at her home. Mr. and Mrs. C . V. It. Rusnell visited friends in Portland Tues­ day. Pert Doane’« little son, Jack, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. non am mensely, at the clone of which re­ freshment* were nerved. About thirty couplen were present. Mr*. Dean Clarke went to Portland Friday to attend a meet- in« and transact business. Thomas Roe of Wapatonpent a few hours with his brother and «inter here Sunday, B R E A K IN G U P A M O N U M E N T that has stood in your community 27 years ! write your insurance. Will give you service that will be to your advantage. Upstairs in Ander- son block, room 2. 62 JOHN E. BAILEY Joe A w i | ( .„ w o u W The ,ik „ Will of Nellie P. Dannials The wid of Nellie P Dan main, who died at. Forest Grove Jan­ uary 13, has been filed for pro­ bate. It was made January 2 of this year, and directs that her b< d h" buried in the family lot in Union cemetery with a little expense and ost< ntation as pos­ sible. T o the husband, John Danniuls, is bequeathed a tract of lti<> acres of timber and in Crook county, on condition that he waive curtesy rights in other $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents’ Furnish­ ings, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Crock­ ery, etc., now being W R E C K E D at prices Vercie Bellinger departed Sat­ urday for the state normal at Mor mouth. Frank i/oomis of Spokane is visiting the family of bis nephew, J. E. Loomis. R E A D the few prices listed below, which are but a few samples of Mesdames Fritz ami Prickett of ProP‘ r,y* tast‘ declines the what you will find throughout the store. the Watts district were «hopping ^ar‘d 's *° and the price be in the city Saturday. applied to the payment of other E V E R Y T H IN G on sale and must be SOLD in a limited time. legac ies and debt«. The will de­ Wanted—Some t u r n i p s for clares that Vera L. Campbell, cow feed. South P a r k Dairy, aged 18; Alice M. Campbell, aged ( ’ has. I). Staley, Prop. 47 li One Lot Up to i>, and Porter Campbell, aged 4, Mi-^s Gertrude Allen M< nday Limited quantity are testator's only ehild en and began teaching the fifth grade in heirs. To Vera L. Campbell is the Hillsboro schools. bequeathed a piano, under cer­ Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Hurley en­ tain conditions, and to A lie - M. tertained the Bide-a-Wee club ui Campbe ll deceased’s gold watch W ork and Dress dinner and cards Saturday night. and jewelry, and ¡he will directs, Up to $4.00 Value Mrs. J. E. Andrus returned that picture's and wearing apparel Sunday from Washington, where be divided between t h e two she has been visiting her mother Vera Gampbell is given $350 and “ Uncle Ellas” S m i t h of the Porter Campbell 73 acres of land, Michigan House is still very ill. in t h e Buxton donation land i His daughter, Nora, is caring for claim. To Alic<- Ga pbell is giv- j him. en $2,000. which she is to receive! Beatrice Bookman Friday even-' when she is 18 years old should j ingentertained a number of her,she demand it, otherwise thisi CLEVELAND friends at a little party. Delic- ¡sum i to be paid her by Porter ious refreshments were served 1 Campbell when he arrives at his, .. ... ii . # o i i majority. Joe A. Wiles is nomi- Mr and Mrs. Hart of Rock Is-, nated executor and with Mary 1 land, 111., visited Mr. and Mrs. I Wiles is appointed guardian of J. Hoar Saturday. Mrs. Hart is the minor heirs.— Hillsboro Inde- a sister to Mrs Winbigler, until | pendent, recently a resident of this city. ! Washington County Transfers Mrs. G. II. George and Mrs. H. The following rial estate trans­ it. Van Doozen of Astoria, came I fers were recorded with the regis-, last week to spend a time visiting ter of deeds at Hillsboro during }= their mother, Mrs. Crang. who the past week: has been very ill, but is now much O. G. Carnahan, et ux to Ed Allen, ! jections to said rejrort. Therefore any that fiortion south of a line running the said administrator, at the office o f 20 acres in Buxton claim; $1. I person having objections thereto will west from the northwest corner of the Hollis & Graham, attorneys, in the better. sch<>ol house grounds, said school house ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF, in spite of the ad- vance in the cost of merchandise. 0 Reg. 25c Coffee 18c Reg. 50c CAN B a k in g Powder 25c non ,... i • • , i • u0 )pal V irginia, the . l\-m( nths- old daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Er- neat Tucker of thi* city, has pass- ed th e eugenic examination at Portland with a score of 100 per cent. I he parents o f the little miss are, naturally, very proud o f their perfect baby. Z Men’s Suits H O SE 6c $ 2 0 2 $4 Value .95 ' M en’s 5c Handkerchiefs f S '5 S h o e s lc 95c Shoes 2 10c & 12c Bailey’s Old Stand 6c SOX Forest Grove, Ore. Come, and Save Money, Come !oir^= non 48 $ " Sale Now on at noe (Ml C. W. Odell to L>. F. Chowen et ux, j appear on or before said date and file tract being described in Book 43, at page 275, o f the Records of Deeds, and the same. L. B. MAURY. also conveying beginning at a point the ! Administratrix of the estate o f Southeast corner of the Southwest quar­ j F. H. Maury, deceased. ter o f the Northeast quarter o f Section M anche I rene I. angley , * ’ 14, T 2 N R 4 W of the Willamette mer- 52-5t idian, running* thence North 1 rod, Attorney. --------- thence West to center o f ditch, thence • down center of ditch to the South line SUMMONS the Northeast ^quarter of said Sec- In the Circuit Court o f the State of tion 14, thence East to the place of Oregon, for Washington county. beginning; also conveying hereby a J. W. Watkins and L. E. Wat­ roadway, beginning at the Southeast kins. husband and wife, corner of the Northeast quarter o f said Plaintiffs, Section 14, running thence North one vs. X rod, thence West to a point intersecting e the tract above conveyed, thence South H. H. Henke to Chas. 0 . Gross, lot 8, The Unknown Heirs o f Anton 3 one rod, thence East along the quarter blk 1, Knob Grove, $1. *»lk Knot) Hill add Forest Grove. Planner, deceased, and all 3 section line to thj place o f beginning, 9 K. Davis et ux to C. E. F. Davis, 246 T. R. other persons or parties un- and that the claim of you and each of 8cretl. a| m) 61 5 0 aore8 in T. Cornelius known, claiming any interest * acres; also 61.50 acres in T. Cornelius you upon said real pnqierty be decreed daim> 86. 2 2 N N 3, 3. $1. ! !n “ eal * > l* r ty described and declared to be null and void and claim, lot8 lots 2 and and 3, 3, sec. sec. 35, $1. | that the title o f plaintiff in and to said ------------- ,n u* mpa,n’ Defendants. real property be quieted as against the M . . T " 1? r* ° r * ° ‘C* _ To the Unknown Heirs of Anton Pfan- claim o f you and each o f you and all persons claiming, by, through or under ty Court o f Washington county. o Z ' you. got), has appointed the undersigned as terest in the Real Property described This summons is served upon you by administrator of the estate of John W. >n Plaintiff’s complaint: publication thereof in the Forest Grove Sherwood, deceased, and that Martha j In th£ "«me of the State o f Oregon. Express, pursuant to the order of | the Honorable D. B. Reasoner, Coun­ ty Judge o f Washington county. a i^ ^ m i n i s t r i t o r ^ 8 d“ ly Ai>rv 1 Q 17 : quired, to mo at my residence, in For­ said date being after the expiration of plaint on or before the 24th day of young people. Admission 25c; est Grove, Oregon, within six months six weeks from the date o f the first February. 1917, and directs the said Summons to be published in said news- no extra charge for reserved seats.1 from the date o f this notice. M blicationof this ^m m ons and if you paper dated the ’ llth day of January, A N D GET A HIGH CASH * 0 to apia-ar and Hns uer f or want and ending with isal/e thereof dat- Reservations at the Pacific drug Dated this 1st day of February, 1917. PRICE FOR YOUR MARTHA SHERWOOD, *»• ■BJ m 7' store. PRODUCE ? LANGLEY & LANGLEY, Administrator of the Estate of Complaint, to-wit: The Rejuvenated Dancing Club Attorneys for Plaintiff. That the plaintiffs be adjudged and John W. Sherwood, deceased. met Friday night at the K. of P. J. N. H uffman , Attorney. decreed to be the owners in fee simple Notice to Creditors of the following-described parcel of Phone 4 1 x Hall for a “ Suffragette” dance. First pub. Feb. 1; last March 1, 1917. Real Primerty, situated in Washington In the County Court of the State of Pacific Ave. and Third St. The walls were decorated wi h county, Oregon, to-wit: FINAL NOTICE Oregon, for Washington County. The West half of the Northeast quar­ In the matter of the estate o f Mary E. pict ures of ladies, cut from maga­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ ter o f Section 14. T 2 N, R 4 W o f the Murphy, deceased. zine hacks, under each one of dersigned administratrix o f the estate Willamette meridian, excepting, how­ Notice is hereby given by the under- » N .H O F F M A N o f F. H. Maury, deceased, has filed with ever, two and one-half acres, more or which was -written the name of the County Court of Washington coun­ less, as described in deed from Jeptha signed, administrator o f the estate of one of the lady club members. ty her final report in said estate and C. Garrigus to Ora G. Garrigus, re­ Mary E. Muphy, deceased, to the cred­ Attorney At Law The suffragette idea was carried that the Judge o f said Court has set 1 corded in Deed Book 78, page 452; itors o f and all persons having claims . also the East half of the Northeast out thru’out the evening, and February 19th, 1917, at 10 o ’clock a. m. quarter o f the Southeast quarter of against the said deceased, to file said Patent Office Business Solicited every feature was enjoyed im - 1 of 8ai