yv\ CS V , £ r xJ Stoat if lExprraa (&vaw AN IN D EPEN DEN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2. No. 4 KOKEST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 1 , 1917 $1.50 per Year AN OPPORTUNITY £ TO GET A PAYROLL of the guests were single girls, the advice will undoubtedly be very S O C IA L N O T E S valuable to the bride-to-be. In ; drawing for favors, Miss Bernard An Informal Recital drew the thimble, Miss Webley Judge J. R. Beach and Sen­ Miss Waggener and Mrs. Chas. I the ring and Miss Conger a coin, ator W. H. Hollis of this city last Walker of the College Conserva­ i Delicious refreshments w e r e Saturday attended a meeting in President Bush ne 11 of Pacific score was 14 to 11, in favor of the to! y Faculty will present a num­ served by the hostesses, besides Portland of the members of the University has received a propo­ visitors, but the final score was ber of their students in an inform­ who there were present Misses board of administration, Grand sition from the jnanugement of a 28 to 23, in favor of P. U. Cap- al recital at Marsh Hall Tuesday Bernard, Ivy Conger, Winnifred Army of the Republic, at which Portland furniture factory to move tain Irle was easily the star of evening. Feb. 6, at eight o’clock Littlehales, Pearl Hall, Florence time it was decided that the an­ the plant to this city, provided the local five, but was well sup­ Those on he program are: Helen Webley and Mesdarr.es Earle O. nual re-union of the Grand Army, the University trustees and citi­ McEldowney, Ruth Burlingham, ...................................... ported throughout the game. Buxton, W. C. Schultz. R. H. Relief Corps and Spanish-Ameri- zens of Forest Grove will give a The second P. U. team went to Margaret laylor, Dulcina Brown, 3 ernar(j antj Reynolds. Veterans should be held proper encouragement. The com­ Hillsboro, Saturday evening and Mary Stockman, J helma Mills,, ---------- .. i can . . War . t oc*u pany asks that the use of a fac­ ¡trimmed Hillsboro high to t h e |GIenn Thornburgh. Bruce Roe, On last Friday evening Mrs.! “ t,hls c,ty June 26th 27th and tory building and site be furnished tune of 21 to 17. Maybelle McNutt, Ethel Tupper. Avery Raffety was hostess to a 28th. This city was selected last June fr«*e and that said company be The P. U. boys go to “ Mack” Irene Robinson, Maude Graham .! jolly little crowd who enjoyed a made a loan of $10,000, at a lib­ by special coach Saturday for a Tht' Pub,ic is invited. very pleasant time at her home as the place for holding the re­ eral rate of interest, for a period return game and anyone desbing Attention is called to the open- on North B street. The time was union, but the exact date wa* left of ten f years. ' The ing O of the n new semester next joyfully spent in playing game* with the board of administration. . officers of . the , I to make the trip will be welcome. mK I ine It is expected that Forest Grove university have the «round and M ap" Morvan. Manager “ -H Hap” Morgan. I week. ween. Thoae x nose wishing to begin and in conversation, followed by will be host on those days to not are willing to erect a building ----- , with the new semester may reg- 1 d e 1 i c i o u s refreshments. The costing about $3,000, which would The high school basket shooters inter Monday or as early in the guests were: Mesdames Bertha I®88 * ha n 3,000 visitors and plans meet present needs. In return, who went to McMinnville Satur- week as possible. Howard, R e b a Secour, Anna are already under way toenter- t he manufacturers agree that they day went down to defeat by a _ .7 — 77 — . Putnam and Misses Clara Sage,' tain the veterans and their ladies. will employ a minimum of thirty j score of 15 to 38. Eighty-five 1 Ladies Organize By Leaps and Bounds Mary Cori, Theresa Beahen, Mar­ students a minimum of three loyal rooters, including Prof. In- A number of ladies o f the garet Curtis and Vesta Greer. Forty-four new pupils were ad­ hours per day fora period of ten |0w, Mr Abraham and Misses Watts district met at the home of . mitted to the Forest Grove high years, at wages that will enable Taylor and Cole of the faculty, ac- Mrs. N. Frost l a s t Thursday M lG H tf AppiGgtLlG school the first of this week, as students to earn the greater part companied the team to “ Mack” afternoon for the purpose of or- 1 the result of the recent eighth of their living expenses while a t­ in a special coach. gamzing a social club. Several grade examinations, making a Sheriff Applegate Sunday raided total of 277 in the school. This tending school. The company The McMinnville b o y s will interesting subjects w e r e dis- the winery of Fred Stetler, four addition to the school crowds the also agrees that the president of come to this city tomorrow even cussed, and officers were elected the College or his appointee shall ing for a return game when the j as follows: Pr. sident, Mrs Bert miles above Mountaindale and rooms considerably a n d some Doane; vice-president, Mrs. N. confiscated about 3000 gallons of changes were necessary to ac- be a member of the board of di- j locals expect to turn the tables. rectors of the company, which is Frost; secretary, Miss Marian wine. Stetler is a Swiss, about 60 commotIate *H them. GOINGS AND COMINGS incorporated, and assistant sup­ Hetrick; treasurer, Mrs A.Dilley. years old, and is a bachelor. The Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton A name for the club will be de­ sheriff found over 50 barrels of erintendent of the factory. The the liquor, many of which were College, however, is not to be have announced (hat during the cided upon at its next meeting. After adjournment of the bus- nearly filled. Hundreds of gallons held financially responsible for close of the present year they will Salem, Jan. 30.—The Ander­ take charge of a 600-acre farm iness meeting, a social hour was of the wine was 17 years old. the operation of the factory. son “bone dry” bill, carrying into The company is now employing near Molalla, Clackamas county, enjoyed and dainty refreshments Complaints had been made that effect the constitutional amend­ w » re served. persons were buying from Stetler ment voted by the people a t the owned by Mrs. Buxton’s father. fifteen people at ¡La Portland fac­ tory and expects to employ more The old Buxton farm north ofj The next meeting of the club and that several of his customers generai election on November 7, in the main factory, to be main­ this city, on which A. T. was will be on Thursday afternoon, became intoxicated. Two cellars passed the house Monday after­ tained in this city. Some of the born, wi l l be either rented or Feb 8, at the home of Mrs. Buell, were raided and S t e t l e r was noon by a vote of 53 to 7. It skilled employes earn as much as sold. T h e Clackamas county i All ladies are most cordially in­ placed under arrest Many knew now goes to senate. The vote in that Stetler had a big cache of the house was as follows: place will enable the Buxtons to vited to attend. $4.00 per day. wine at his - place but the fact that Yes—Anderson, Ashley, Barber, The furniture is made of willows go more extensivly into stock . . . . there were over 3000 gallons came Bean, Balland, Bowman, Brand, breeding and feeding. Hundreds A p l i a n t .u rPr«e WM sprung and consists of rockers, settees, M a a surprise surprise to to officials officials and and to to the the Brown Browne||. Burdick, Bur- chairs and fancy articles of furni­ of pt ople in this county will hope upon Mrs, W. C. Davidson last as ture, for which there is now a that something may happen to Saturday evening, when her neigh- community. ton c^rtmill Childs Clark Cor- spoil this arrangement, so that the bors came in to help her celebrate The wine was taken to Hills- bet[ Cornelius Crandall ' Ded- greater demand than can be sup­ her birthday anniversary. Those boro for safe keeping and Stetler man Eaton Elgin E l m o r e plied by the Portland factory. Buxtons will remain here. . ---- I----- . „ in the party were Mr. and Mrs. was released on bail. Forh’ Fn..’ F 0opHon’ The work is light, pleasant and C. S. McNutt, late of the Bailey J. \V Baldwin and three children, -------------------- r ’ _ . ’ , ’ _ ’ artistic and is paid for on the sLvmour Jo n ^ W ‘ a i ’ Jo n Z ’ piece-work system, each employe store, has leased the room former- Mr and Mrs. Walter Roswurm, A n o t h e r M o n th Of ly occupied by VanKoughnet & Mr. and Mrs. A C. Smith and n “r ; ’ ,' , J ’ getiing paid for the actual amount Rederand will open a grocery daughter, Edna; Mrs. Mary Por- L u n g e r , of work done. Mann, Martin, Matthieu, Meek, One of the greatest needs of store there about the middle of ter and two children, Mrs. Bergerj The Express has secured so Mueller, Peck, Porter, Portwood, and daughter, Oleva; Mrs. John many new subscribers and re- Pacific University in the past has next week. Ritner, Rowe, Sheldon, Small, been facilities for students to earn Mrs. S. E. Todd has leased the Frisbie, Mr. and Mrs H. S. Ben- newals of old ones at the dollar- <;tafrjn § te h e n s Sweeney, Thompson,’ Tichenor, their way and this factory would room four doors west of the post-, £ mi" Mrs. Anna Pogue Mrs. A. in-advance rate offered during T ha ™ ' f Stanfe|d. fulfill that mission, as well as giv­ offiee and expects to start an elec- navjdson, Mrs. John Wilson and January that the Publisher has ing employment to local labor, trie store there about next Tues- «on. Wayne; Mrs. Chratensen and decided to extend the period dur- KNo_ Cal|an Kubu L e w i s , provided there were not enough day Mrs Todd will carry a full daughter, Florence; Carl Curtis ing February. Present subscribers Shimpff, Stott, Willett. line’ of electrical supplies and and W. C. Davidson. Music and should remember, however, that students to do the work. Boy Scouts Meet The proposition of the manu­ automobile accessories and be- «ames helP«1 the hours S,1P P,eas* they must Pay at the rate of facturers has been seriously con­ lieves there is a demand for this antly by and at a Iate hour a de' $L5° for subscriptions already The Boy Scouts met on Friday i «tore in Forest Gmve i lightful lunch was served. In tak- earned. The dollar rate is for in Dr. Hawke’s office. sidered by the College finance Wind Kina oi a store crest urove. , their departure> the guests a„ paid . in . advance subscriptions. Character building, discipline, committee and several donations John Hall has traded his resi- wishe(J Mts Davidson many Tell your neighbor what a bar- obedience and courtesy were dis- have been made by friends of the dence property to Mr. Cox of more such happy gatherings. I cussed, as these qualities are the gain you are getting, please. college to aid in financing the fac­ Timber and has moved into th e ! basis of Scout Law which governs tory. Funeral services for John A. Spiechart property, on the Green­ each Scout. Shower for Miss Bernard The officers of the Commercial Striplin, who died at McMinn­ Sergeant Ray T. William, Scout club are arranging for a business ville road. Misses Je>sie Reynolds and W. L. Cady, for the past ten Hazelteen Stockman last evening ville Jan. 24th, were held at the Master, states that the boys are men’s luncheon, to be given at last Friday one of the hotels some time next years a real estate dealer in this gave, at the home of the former, _ local M. D E. church r-k i m making a good start. Following morning. Rev. Dunlap officiating. |are |he leaders. H(.nry Q Buxton> week, at which time the factory city, has leased the Thornburgh a miscel'aneous shower for Miss and the remains were interred in people will meet with the citizens (Oliver), Assistant Scout Master; and state their proposition in full. ranch of l 60 acres near Fairfield. Eunice Bernardi who is to Forest View cemetery. Mr. Strip­ Every business man in town, as Idaho, and txpects tc.leave, with ; married next Wednesday. The lin was born in Pickins county, Fred J. Patton and Maurice Bux­ well as other interested citizens, his family, for the farm before adajr was novel in every way and ton, patrol l e a d e r s ; Louis G. Georgia, on Sept. 13, 1847. He will be given an opportunity to March 1. His two boys will prob­ proved interesting to every guest., jeaves to m o u r n bjs joss> two ! Walters and William W. Higby, attend the luncheon. ably join him early in the spring. The decorations were in pink and lock. with the rections for taking, and an amus- nephews and nieces, can be addressed to Ray Terry “ U° " “ « • _B5 ,lef; atlng ‘ f.e I expectation of buying and going ing feature of the evening’s en-1 Mrs. Harriet St. Clair of Okla- Williams, ages from 12 to 18. McMinnville College team m th e bu9in(.ss (or hilMe,f. tertainment was a question con­ city last Friday night, the locals test, with written answers by the homa is visiting her daughters, Though the present number will W. A. Goodman is leaving guests on how to manage a hus­ Mrs. Leslie Dobbs of Cornelius not be increased, within a short captured their fifth consecutive Mrs. Leila Martin of this time two more patrols will be shortly for Weiser, Idaho, where band, how to retain a husband’s game, without a single loss. he has traded for a farm. formed. At the end of the first half, the love, etc. Considering that most VETERANS HERE JUNE 26-28 MMMMH Captures Some Wine ‘Bone Dry’ Measure Passes the House BiirgiUn PllCCS Laur^aard* Ìli