Thrift Day IS COMING ! STOVER Gasoline Engines First National Bank GOFF BROS. — — — —— — — avm m uui Ira Purdin hud business in the A daughter was horn Sunday to city today. Mr. und Mrs. Orval Hutchens. Mrs. Maude Roekwood made a Mrs. Joss visited friends in trip to Portland Wednesday. Hillsboro last Thursday and Fii- Rev Father Buck was a Mount day. Angel visitor this week. Ernest Dye, who has been suf­ Dr. C. E. Walker made a busi­ fering from a severe case of grip, is much improved. ness trip to Portland Friday. * It will be celebrated all over For Side—Incubator, fruit and Joe A Wiles has been appoint­ the United States on Satur­ vegetable calmer. Phone 024x. ed administrator of tin* estate of day, February Third. Money to loan Valley Realty . f Mrs Nellie Campbell Dannials. Everyone’s attention will C Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Su,*enntendent Creel of the lo­ be directed, upon this day, White kid gloves cleaned, 10c cal entomological station has re to the starting of some ad­ per pair at Ruggles’, next to post ceived word that he is to be given ditional Thrift Habit. office. 52 a third assistant in a short time. The opening of a bank ac­ Second-hand s c h o o l b o ok s Mr. and Mrs. Avery RalTety count or adding to one al­ bo u g h t a t VanKoughnet & Friday evening entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. F It Busby, ready opened is a particu­ Reder’s drug srore. newly-weds, and Mr. and Mrs. larly appropriate form of George Morgan left yesterday THRIFT DAY observance. for Eugene, where he will visit William RalTety. Mr. and Mrs. Bushy e\|H‘ct to leave this week Old friends and new friends relatives indefinitely. for their home at Fossil. will receive an especial wel­ Mrs. W. M. Pollock went to Johnny Potwin who has been come here on Thrift Day. Eugene the first of the week for a working in Montana for the past visit with relatives. ten months, into the city For Side- Fa u 111 os s stump- Tue day night dropped for a month’s visit pu ler, complete and hi good con­ with his relatives and friends. dition. Phone*David 251. 1-tf He expects to return to Montana, Rhone 6S3 Forint (¡rove, Ore Eicel Stowe and Miss Laurene hut hopes the murcury Forest Grove, Oregon will climb Benfer of McMinnville visited at a few degrees in the tube before the Benfer home in this city Sun­ he « ets back there. Pomona Grange Meeting A Strong Rank in a Good Ti wn He Talked Berry Juice day. Washington c o u n t y Pomona After visiting dozens of the Walter Spruance and C h a s. grange met with Riverside grunge principal Lois Livingston and Thelma Burnham, of the east, includ­ gui’ty in at Dilley yesterday, at which time ing New cities NOTES AND PERSONALS Mills went Tuesday morning to district court who to plead Y«>rk, Cincinnati an«l chicken-stealing the n«-w officers for Pomona were Chicago, J N. Hoffman Portland, where they are spend­ returned near Sherwood, have be< n sent­ installed by Mr. Chitwood of home last Sunday evening, Clara Nelson spent the week­ ing a week visiting relatives after enced to the penitentiary, the for­ end with her folks in Portland. Clackamas county, as follows: having been away forty-one days. Ft r Side- Black setter dog, one mer getting two ytars and the J. C. Sage is visiting his sister, year Master, Chas. Hays Sherwood; He went east to try and find a $5.00; 14 White Wyan­ latter from one to ten years. Mrs. L. E. Howard, in Yamhill, dotte old, hens and cock; one baby On Monday Presid« nt Wilson Overseer, Mr*. W. H. Denny. market f«»r loganberry juice an«l, this week. buggy. H. J W a i r a t h, phone delivered to the United States Beaverton; Chaplain, Mr*. B. while many dealer* were afrai«! to A trial order is all we ask; next 64. It* senate a message on world [>eaee Patton, Beaverton; lecture«-, Mrs. stock up too heavily until th«y to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning John L. Benfer, brother to the B Flint, Scholls; Steward, Mr. fri«-«l out the public taste, h«* f«>un«l that is attracting world-wide a t­ A. Works. 52 editor of the Express, returned to tention. Anicker, S h e r w o o «1; A sistant, a number who are interested and The full text of th e Harold Cutting, Tigard; Duly As­ sue«-« ef them | growing. nard have issued invitations to Olga Turner, who has been' Como join us. For Rent—Five-room house, s aving at H J. Walrath’s and at- J the marriage of th*-ir daughter, | sent to the law-makers at Salem. Lord's Supper and Sermon II a. m. near depots, modern. Inquire of | Sermon second of a series “ The Soul’s John Striplin Dead Eunice, to Mr. Norris L Rogers tending high school, will stay at I Manche Langley. 35-tf j Table. ” John A Striplin. ag d 60 years, of McMinnville. The ceremony the Dr. Hines residence th*- re­ The ' latest Columbia record ; of Endeavor *5:.TO p. m. the new songs on sale at Littler’s mainder of the school; will be performed at the home of j pa-S' d away a' the home of his t'hristian The C. E. will also have charge of Pharmacy. the bride’s parents, in thi- cily, i.aughter, Mr*. Smith, at Me- the evening service. cause of Walrath’s moving away, j on there Blake’s six mu-ical Hawaiians, M D. O’Brien, who has been in 1 Wednesday, Feb. 7th. at 3 p Minnvill«- yesterday and the body will tie s|*eciul music At by that the hour church young people will make will be b Ought to this city for quartet and several short addresses each an artist and soloist, will ap­ i the county jail for six months,1 m their The home where the work of Christian En­ pear at the Star Theater Tuer day, awaiting trial for threatening to the groom is in in McMinnville, | burial, services being held at the covering the drug bu-dn«'ss. deavor. Come hear the young |x-ople. evening. Admission 15c and 25c. kill the superintendent of th* 1 While examining the county M. E. church at 10:00 a. m to It. L. PUTNAM, Pastor, Also a two-reel drama. poor farm, has been sentenced to jail «>ne day last w eek. Sheriff Ap­ morrow, with interment in For­ Mis« Mary Bowman, who went Mr. Corlton, an old P. U. stu three years at Salem and was plegate foun«l in the cell once oc­ est View cemetery. Pumpkin Ridg«* ten days ago dent, who is now making his home taken there Saturday. Deceased wa* a widower and j to cupied by Bennett Thompson, in Salem and is assistant state Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of | serving time f,,r ihe murder of leaves only the daughter with to tench school, was taken with a school superintendent, w as in Ambrose, North Dakota, visited Fred Ristman, an ingenious tool, whom he has been living. He seven- c a s e of pneumonia im­ was a brick mason by trade and mediately after her arrival at her Forest Grove Saturday, calling the Todds, Cap'es, Bryants and : fashioned from a table fork and a ¡lived this city many years, , «lest ¡nation. Her parents h«* re piece of broom-tick. With I- aving in here on old friends. other of Mr. Miller’s old-time! short this tool, tempered in the jail McMinnville. six years ago for were notified and Dr Vollmer, in Judge W. J. R. Beach last friends in 'his city Monday and stove, Thompson had succeeded company wi t h Mr Bowman, Thursday evening officiated at the Tuesday. Mr. Miller left this' in dri ling out seven of the nine A New Scoutmaster drove to Pumpkin Ridge Thurs mar. iage of F. T. Busby and Miss section twenty years ago and, af­ rivets that kept him in his cell. un«J found the girl in an un­ Upon the resignation of Prof. Vera L. Campbell of this city. ter making con ¡durable money The Faculty Club was enter­ Thomas, the local contingent, of «lay conscious s t a t e . On Saturday The groom is a p rosp ero us young farming in North Dakota, with tained Monday night by Mr. Boy Scouts was left without a 1 she was taken to Portland and farmer of Wheeler county and the his brother, Harry, engage d in the, and Mrs. Charles Walker, Prof, Scoutmaster, and Ray Terry Wil­ her father returned Sunday. hardware business at Ambrose, bride is the daughter of the late where they are still making money and Mrs. Gilmer, and R«‘V. and liams, r«c ntly di charge«! Ser­ He spent Monday at home h«>r bedside Mrs. Nellie Daniels The young ‘Another brother, Robert, is now1 Mrs. Dunlap, at the home of Mr. geant from the U. S. Ma ine at the Portland Sanitarium, where people will make their home near with the British hospital'corps in and Mrs. Walker. A v«ry excel­ Corps, been asked by the at last r» p« giv<* hem instruction. lap on “Self Service and Success.” Victor J. McC«)np, editor of the Following this was a discussion Sergeant Williams spent over Oregon will deliver a lec­ by Professor Gilmer and Alice two vi ars as drill instructor of ture at Herald, the Dilley high sehool Cole. The at tendance was good ((•«•ruits at Mare Island, Calif., The Best in and a very profitable evening was and wi I be able to the boys building Jan. 30th, at 7:30 p. rr.. Admission free. spent, a< the close of which e- valuable instruct on. freshm«*nt wer«* served. Sixteen boys are now studying Ed. Naylor Monday received as Tenderleet, to pass as full- Golden West Coffees, Teas, Spices and Extracts. by express a Cotswold ram th«t fledged Scouts. They meet, e v e r y Saturday is probably the largest «heep that night All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables, in Season. in Dr. Hawke’s office NOW OPEN. was ev«-r shipped into this place. Our Goods Are the Best—Our Prices Are Right. The number will be limited for The sheep is four years old and the pre ent to 16 b«)ys but appli­ Cases Received Day or Night is from the celebrated Koser fl«>ck —Right on the Corner-- Surgical and Obstetrical for membership will be «»f Polk county which took so cations many prizes at the Pan-American accepted. MRS. E. N. HUGHES, stock show at ’Frisco last fall, Registered Nurse, Superintendent Tractor For Sale and attracted considerable at­ Waflsworth tractor, nearly n«-w; MRS. JE N N IE A. REEUER, when it arrived here Mr. 3 14 inch gang plow; c h e a p for Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. tention Owner Naylor also received by the same cash or part in trade. Grant. Bail­ Phone 022J Forest (irfive, Ore train from M. G. Morris of Yam­ 3-2* hill a fine English shepherd d«>g. ey, Phone D. II. 535. Salt and Fresh Meats The Pacfic Market TF you figure on buying a Gas- oline Engine, why not order one at once, before they advance in price, which they are surely going to do. We have an attractive proposi­ tion on Silos. Better get in while the water’s good. We have the best door ever put on a Silo, and the price is right. W it a w HOSPITAL