The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 25, 1917, Image 6

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    ŒI îp N arrai (Srou* lExpr^aa
Published every Thursday Ht Forest Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879
THURSDAY, JAN. 25 1917
world, identifying marks are zeal -1
ously avoided. From time t o
time knaves have unwisely a t­
tempted to prostitute publicity,
but in the end the force they in­
voked against public interest in -!
variably struck back a n d de­
stroyed them.
Misrepresentation defeats its |
own object. When you see firms
and products on record year after
year in the same publications, be
assured that they’re giving (ull
equivalent for the money they
It pays to advertise w h e n
you’re right —Herbert Kauffman.
dividual who finds it a physical
impossibility to know everything
that happens and he trusts large­
ly to what people tell him. If
there is a person he loves like a
brother it is the one who drops
into the office or calls up on the
telephone to make known a hap
Will somebody phase eliminate
pening in his own or a neighbor’s
Pancho Villa and Harry Thaw,
family, for these are the things he
twin nuisances?
wants to print. The real country
With three ’‘slaughter sales” in
newspaper is somewhat of a co­
operative affair in which all of its progress, the cost of living gives
Several subscribers have sent in readers unite in making known promise of shrinking in this im­
two dollars, one do'lar for 1916 the affairs that concern them and mediate vicinity. Come to For­
subscription and one for 1917 j which combined make up he his­ est Grove for your groceries, dry
To these and others, the editor1 tory of the town. Therefore the goods and wearing apparel.
desires to say that 1916 subscrip­ fellow who cared enough because
tion is $1.50 per year, as is 1917, he was not mentioned to stop his
unless paid in advance, during paper should have been enough
Alvin Ballinger has moved his
the present month. The pub­ interested to do his part and see wood saw to Thos. Williams place
lisher cannot furnish the Express that the editor was informed.— Cole Willis is home for a few
on time at $1.00 per year.
Hillsboro Independent.
days, after an extended trip in
People who get mad when a
The Express job printing de­ Washington.
newspaper tells the truth about partment has just completed for
The Indies’ Industrial Club
some of their shortcomings should Walter Roswurm a unique and presented the School with a new
be mighty thankful that t h e attractive circular letter, consist­ organ last week.
papers do not tell of ALL their ing of one blank page for corres­
Mr. Helm of Nebraska was a
'shortcomings. The average editor pondence, two pages concerning week-end visitor at the home of
dislikes to hurt anybody’s feel­ Mr. Roswurm’s fancy poultry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas West.
ings, but sometimes people go so almost a page of well-written
Mrs. Alvin Ballinger left Sun­
far in their disregard for the boost for Forest Grove and Wash­
day for a week’s visit with her
rights of others that the editor, if ington county and a space 1 y? by
brother, W. B. Simmons, of Esta-
he has a conscience, is compelled 7 inches is devoted to the names
to make mention of the zig-zag­ of other local poultrymen, some
Mrs. Allen Hayden is still under
ging of his neighbors from the of whom are in direct competition
the doctor's care. She has been
straight and narrow path. Blame with Mr. Roswurm. Boosting
ill for several weeks with inflam­
yourself, and not the editor, if the business of a rival is so un­
matory rheumatism.
you are one of the zig-zaggers.
usual as to stamp Mr. Roswurm .The young people of Thatcher
The Hillsboro Argus estimates as an unusual advertiser. He says have been enjoying the winter
that the eighty five outside pupils he is well pleased with the way weather by having skating parties
attending the Hillsboro h i g h the Express handled the job.
on the Heesacker and Hazlett
school spend in Hillsboro at least
Edgar Meresse, son of Mr. and akes.
$6,000 during the year. T h e
The Literary society gave a
Mrs. E. Meresse of this city, is
Forest Grove high school has a
interesting and enjoyable
now the sole owner of the News-
lot of outside pupils, many of
Reporter, published at McMinn­ program at the school house last
whom come here because of the
ville, having purchased the inter­ Wednesday evening. Among the
manual training and domestic
est of his partner, R. M. Rosen- best numbers being music by the
science departments. All of these
steel. The News-Reporter is one Ladies' quartet, and a discussion
pupils spend some money in the
of the best weekly papers in the of the “ Peace Prob em” by Mrs.
town and those who board in the
Willamette valley and Wr. Mer­ Beighler.
city spend considerable during the
Another all-round good time
esse is to congratulated on secur­
year. This phase of the question
and dance was given by the
ing control of the property.
should be considered when talking
Young Peoples' Society Saturday
about abolishing the departments WHEN IT PAYS
evening at th e home of Will
named. Their tuition amounts
Haney. Good music, good “eats”
to considerable, too.
a good floor left nothing to
If advertising were an expedient
in the way of enjoy­
The Brownsville Times tells of for excess profits or a device to
an old subscriber who stopped his dispose of inferior goods, cheats ment
J. J. Loynes, who had the mis­
paper because no mention was and shysters would be the leading
fortune to run a splinter into his
made of a matter in which he was users of printers’ ink.
concerned. Every country news­
But sincere advertising is pri­ hand about ten weeks ago, had it
paper has such experiences and marily a challenge to comparisons, removed a few days ago. The
the explanation is that subscrib­ the last man possibly to benefit splinter measured V* of an inch in
ers evidently believe the editor a through its use is an unreliable length and was buried in t h e
muscles of the hand between the
much smarter person than he merchant.
really is. He is usually a com­
Honect men alone invite a t­ thumb and fore finger. While
mon, every day, hard working in- tention. In the business under- Mr. Loynes had suffered intense
pain for weeks he had it removed
without taking an anaesthetic.
The first bill introduced in the
state legislature was one to pay
Judge Arthur Landguth has re­
signed as judge of Portland’s mu­
nicipal court and John H. Steven­
son, a son of Judge R. O. Steven­
son of this city, has been appoint­
ed to the place. The Portland
papers speak well of the appointee
and predict that he will make
Trapnested Reds
Heavy Layers
Washington County Poultry
Show this year we won: 1st
capon, 2nd and 3rd hen, 2nd
and 3rd pen, 3rd cock.
At the great Portland Show,
where over 200 Reds were
shown we won 3rd cockerel on
one entry.
Now booking orders for
Hatching Eggs and
For Spring Delivery
Mating List on Applicatici:
South Park Poultry Yards
W. L. Benfer, Mgr.
4th Avenue South and 2nd St.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Brady Is Some Cook
Having finally made up his
mind that President Wilson was
re-elected at ihe November elec­
tion, Brady Chowning last Satur­
day evening served an oyster sup­
per to seven of his college friends,
in accordance with a wager he
made before election with Ben
Willard. The supper was pre­
pared by Brady and served a t the
Economy Club house, where a
number of college boys live, the
guests being Ben Willard, Geo.
Rasmusen, FYancis Wade, Verle
Stanley, Thayne Live ay. Geo.
Berreman and Leon Logan. The
chef was, of course, allowed to
eat with his guests and the boys
say that if Brady ever fails as
a barber, he can make his living
as a cook.
Southern California
CALIFORNIA — with its Oranges, its Winter
Flowers, ita beaches, its mountain resorts, its
time-stained missions, its delightful sunshine
and out-of-door life surely the call is irresist-
able in JANUARY.
But a two days’ journey away on daily trains
of the delightful
Shasta Limited
California Express
San Francisco Express
You can secure tickets or complete
information from any agent or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines
Free Methodist Church
For Sale
Sabbath school 10 a. m., preach­
One single seat buggy.
ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. prayer
One set single harness.
meeting on Wednesday evening at
One six-foot round extension
8 p m. All are welcomed.
J. N. WOOD, Pastor.
One folding bed.
50 egg incubator.
For Sale, on north end of A st,
6-room, nearly new, plastered Phone 0114
Warranty deed and mortgage
house, with 100x217 lot; price
for sale at the Exprès«
$2,000; terms,
ticulars write to owner. F. G office.
Buskuhl. Friend, Ore.
The Express prints butter wrap-
Want«! I -iily who wish.'* to <*n with an» » d m — t* .
learn the cleaning and pressing: For Rent—Five rooms in house
trade. Apply Ruggle» Cleaning just west of Laughlin Hotel. In-
Works, next to postoffice.
quire ^t this office.
Get on the Band Wagon
q It’s
F U L L O F B O O S T E R S for the
home town.
Never let an opportu­
nity pass to boost the town in which
you live.
Read the ads. in the home paper.
Give the local merchants a chance.
Free M ovie T ic k e ts
----- TO T H E -----
STAR T H E A T E R For^ „ rove
Get them from our Merchants. The firms listed below
have purchased Matinee tickets to give Free to their custom­
ers. When you purchase 25c worth of any of the firms
mentioned below, you will be given a Matinee Ticket Free—
four ticket for $1.00. These tickets are to be given away
for ten weeks, beginning with performance of Saturday, No­
vember 25. Good only for Saturday Matinees. Ask for
tickets when making purchases. Here are the firms which
give tickets:
Schultz Pure Food Store
Dr Hines’ Drug Store
American Restaurant
Home Bakery
King & Co., Gen’l Mdse.
Goff Bros., Hardware and Stoves
Ottice Shearer, Confectioner
Geo. G. Paterson, Furniture and
Forest Grove Express, Printing