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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1917)
' rv \ JU^AS v 'W . ^ ¿e¿A ^ 3v-c ' ° 7 - ®lir JfaiTHt Okmtp lExprena AN IN D E P E N D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2, No. 3 NEW OFFICIALS TAKE CHARGE FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 25. 1917 planning tor prohibition WINTER FU EL $1.50 per Year Excellent Program A fully attended gathering at . the meeting called in the interest CllV0H L2.SI LV6IUI1^ of National Prohibition last week. The program given at Marsh testified to the enthusiasm of the Hall last evening by the “ Red- various churches asked to unite in Letter Day” committee of the this matter upon the 18th of Jan- Forest Grove Woman’s club and a uary, throughout the states this; number of volunteer performers call being issued by the National was one of the best musical pro- W .C . T. U. I he meeting opened grams ever given in the city and with sinking, led by Mr. Isaacs of howed that the chairman, Mrs. the Methodist church, followed by 1 E. E. Williams, who was also the reading of the scriptures and director, had made the most of prayer by Rev. Patten of Sacra- her opportunities The house was mento, ( alif., now supplying the packed with very attentive listen- Congregational church here. ers. Dr. Bishop was then introduced Before the program proper, and told of recent victories in pro- P r e s e n t Mary F. Farnham of hibition, speaking of the decision the Woman’s club explained that of the Supreme Court on the these entertainments were given Webb-Kenyon law, prohibiting annually by the club to raise a the transportation from wet states fund to assist girls in pursuing into dry of intoxicating liquors. their educational work and so far Mr. Isaacs, to whom we always a big majority of the girls so as- si.sted had shown their apprecia tion by repaying the money The members of the city coun cil met in adjourned session lust Thursday evening, to finish up Home businens and swear in the new members. The report of Treasurer Hoar was accepted as read and ordered filed. Chief of police was instructed to notify the Southern Pacific company to take one of its anti- trespass signs off a public street and the application of the same company for a street light at j First avenue and Third street was referred to the water and light committee. The street committe reported adversely against allowing the S P. to erect a shelter station on , the street parking. Purchasing committee was auth 1 orized to purchase a fire-proof the recorder w a s instructed to vault door for a safe and secure codify the city ordinances. vault being built in the northwest f til IT fill 1 t,on’ ” emPhilsi2inS individual ab- Walker’s orchestra opened the On motion of <ami' councilman, i o r H ie o c n o o i stinence with special reference to program with an overture that corner of the city hall. For ordinance committee was instruct A class of th irf -three took the liquor, as used in cooking. won a recall, as did Miss Goldie months past a number of valuable ed to prepare and present at next state eighth grade examinations Miss Margaret J o n e s ’ solo, Peterson’s vocal solo, papers have been in danger of be | 1 meeting a traffic ordinance. in January. This is the largest ‘ Dare To Be a Daniel ” was most Miss Anna Bagstad’s reading ing lost or destroyed by fire l>e- The matter of providing a pen class ever graduated from the appropriate. S. T . Walker, in a of Kipling’s story of “ The Butter- cause of a lack of room in the of- j alty for people "who turn water on eigh'h grade here at mid y ea r., most inimitable w a y , told of fly that Stamped” was a treat in fice safe and Street Commissioner without authority was refeired to Practically al! have signified their ‘ Definite Action” necessary un- its perfect delivery, Watkins is now engaged in build-. the water committee, the nr m- intention uf continuing in high der the heads of co-operative giv- One of the big treats of the ing a concrete vault. bers of which are to call in C. O. school. This number, withothers ing and prayer. evening w’as the violin playing of Council then adjourned sine die, I Roe and E. B. Sappingion to as who will register at the beginning A chorus of girls from the Louis Kaufman, aged nine years, Recorder Dyke swore in Members- sist them. of the second semester, will bring Methodist and Congregational of Portland. This little lad is a elect Hawke, Hines, Todd, Me Council then adjourned. the high school enrollment to its churches ang two numbers which real musical prodigy and w a s Cready and Mertz, after which > | highest mark. were greatly enjoyed Mrs. Bish- twice recalled before his admirers Mayor Paterson called the new Regular semester examinations op then read a resolution now be- would let him go. He is a pupil council to order. Dr Hines was it e being held in both high school fore Congress, prohibiting the of Frank G Eichenlaub and the elected president of the council and grades this week. Registra- manufacture, sale, importation or committee was fortunate in se- and the time and place of meeting In the neighborhood of 150 cit lion for the second semester will exportation of intoxicating liquors curing his aid for the concert, was fixed as in the past. Rules of izens attended the opening of the for beverage purposes. This res- Charles Walker (violin), Ev- order were read and adopted, af new hospital, being opened by take place next Monday. The pupils in the grade schools olution was unanimously adopted. erett Burnw’orth (cello) and Mrs. ter which Mayor Paterson ap- Mrs. Jennie Reeher, last Satur- A short prayer service, led by Chas. Walker (piano) won the pointed the following standing day, the reception lasting from 2 are preparing an excellent pro- gram to be given at the Star Rev Wood of the Free Methodist hearts o f the music-lovers with committees: to 5 p. m. and tea and wafers Streets and Public Property— were served by Me.-dam. s C. E. Theater on Washington’s Birth- church, followed and Rev. Staver their playing o f “ A Perfect Besides some pronounced the benediction. McCready, Hines and Coon. Walker, Dorothy Seymour and day, February 22 D ay.” T h e melodies turned misce laneous numbers, there will K. B. PE X FIE LD . loose in the hall by the Forest Printing and Purchasing—Coon Agnes Hurley. and Todd. Press Supt. Grove Lyric Opera company were The hospital is now open for ^e K'ven a little play entitled Finance M e r t z a n d Mc- patiems and is in charge of Mrs. The Trial of February” which, Ball Tossers Still Winning highly appreciated, as was Mrs. Cready. By defeating Philomath (Jan. Wilbur M cEldowney’s singing o f E N. Hughes, a trained nurse along with its interesting plot, Water, Light and Fire— Todd from Portland. The p l a c e is will give numerous patriotic songs, 19) and Mount Angel (Jan. 20), “ Thy H osiery,” a fine bit o f and Hawke. niceiy furnished and starts off drills and recitations. P u p i l s the Pacific University basbetbal 11 comedy acting, team now’ has four straight wins: Mrs. F. W. Jones and chorus Ordinance Hawke and Mertz. | under much better circumstances from all rooms will participate. The county school superintend- t0 it credit without a single made a hit in their singing o f Health and Police Hines and than when it opened under the Coon. ent has designated Wednesday, backset and next Saturday night Dvorak’s “ Humoresque Song” former management. P. W. Watkins succeeds himself | Wtdnesday January 31, as par the boys will try to make it fiv e !ar,d Fred Jones demonstrated A Neighborly Good Time ents’ day upon which day all straight by defeating the huskies his ability as a mimic when he as chief of police and water and Installing Officer Dora Emer parents and those interested in street commissioner, at a salary of son, assisted by Mrs. Alice Mar the schools will visit them. No of the McMinnville College. The delivered his celebrated darky of $85 00. game is played in this city and sermon, 4‘ De Lord Done Lock de shall. as ceremonial marshal, last special program will be given, but Frank Baer was re-appointed .Friday evening installed the it is hoped that the regular work the second P U. team will take Doah. ” city teamster, at $65.00 per on the Hillsboro Vita club team The dances by a crowd o f girl ! newly-elected officers of Rosewood of the schools will be observed. month. for a curtain-raiser, giving two students, under the direction o f The selection of a light com- ! -3820, Royal Neighbors East year this day fell during the games for 25c. The Pacific boys Miss Hallie Moorehouse, were of America, as follows: worst spell of weather experi are out after the championship unique and entertaining and missioner was left to the water Mrs. Mary Porter, oracle; Mrs. enced, yet over 1000 peopl at and light committee. and present indications are good M1"8- George Paterson’s singing Lizzie Sappington, vice oracle; tended the schools of the county. H. C. James continues as night o f “ The Red, Red Rose” was Mrs. Carrie Graham, past oracle; Many times this number are ex for winning it watchman at $50 per month. Mrs Dora Emerson, chancellor; pec ted this year Dr. Bishop was re-appointed > „ N,ew uEI“ ' nrian in To™ d*! ™ / o i d Folks’ Medley, ” by Mrs Winnifred Aldrich, recorder; ----------------- u1 Bal heim, late of Port- a chorus o f local singers, accom- city health officer. Class for Beginners Mrs. Marie Patton, receiver; Miss S. G. Morgan was re-appointed Owing to the small number Gf ! 'aLnd’ hf* Purchas«* the Electric panied by Mrs. E. E. Williams, Amy Pechin, marshal ; Mrs. Maude Wairath and took chief engineer at the power house, beginners usually enrolled at the op ° 4 *'4 a r ^ ^ , arK Mrs. Chas. Walker and Arthur Perry, inner sentinel; Mrs. Della charge of the same Friday. The with W. F. Stockman and Walter beginning of the second semester, c_ ° _l e ^ame L _ e Jones, closed the entertainment, M. Cate, outer sentinel; Mrs. new man comes highly recom V. Watkins as his assistants. but one class for these people will after almost three hours o f real Carrie Graham, manager; Miss mended as an electrician and he music in various forms. A. A. Kirkwood was continued be started this year. This will be Dee Darling, pianist. announces that it will be his aim as city engineer so long as he is Anybody that went away dis in Miss Greer’s room, in the After the installation there was to keep a full stock of the latest needed on the new sewer job. satisfied would be hard to please. Central school, and thus will be a fine program, including a sketch in electrical goods. Treasurer-elect Edwin Sparks centrally located for al). Child - 1 The high school basketball team in costume, and a delicious lunch, Mr. Wairath has secured a po had been sworn in the day pre ren who are not fully six years of Saturday night won a game from served by a wide-awake commit sition in Portland and he and viously, but the mayor was not age should not be started at this tee. At the next two meetings I Mrs. Wairath and son, Roger, the High School Alumni team by ready to appoint a light and water time, as children starting at this a score of 33 to 14. The high there are to be programs that collector, which usually goes to time work at a disadvantage, will leave some time next week school team will go to “ Mack” in should bring out every pe.son the city treasurer. . .. .. . owing to the fact that the sum for their new home. Their many friends will wish them all kinds of a special car Saturday fur a game The mayor also announced that e ,t?1 ’ e t0 atten • mer vacation comes just as they Wlt^ l^e school team of that the designation of an “ official city A. McKay left Tuesday morn- are fajr|y started upon their work good luck in their new’ home. city. ______ paper” would go over to a later j ing for Williston, N- D. , in charge an(j ¡n consequence much that Sinclair Martin, son of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dyer of meeting. This is a new wrinkle, of Halledo, the pacing mare re- they have gained is lost during Liela Martin, who was a member Hillsboro visited friends in the not provided for in the charter, cently purchased by his son, this time, necessitating a new of a Washington company at t he ' «v .. rx.. - u u . , t j . T. 1 . city Tuesday. Mr. Dyer has been All appointments w e r e con- Thomas. Mr. M cKay expects to start in the f a l l ._______ I bolder, returned to his home in wjtj, tj,e Hillsboro Independent remain in North Dakota until firmed by the council. Miss Mary Hollevoet is con- this city last Thursday, his com- for the past six months, but is On motion of Mr. McCready, spring. fined to her home with the grip. pany having been mustered out. looking for a newspaper property. A Large Class Ready nlgn Hospital Opening Well Attended on '‘‘Some Equals »<> prohibi- loaned them.