Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1917)
fi U. jr X ti Eli* üfarrat (Ürmtr IE xjuthh AN IN D EPE N D EN T W EEK LY NEWSPAPER Voi. 2, Ño. 2 MUSICAL TREAT IS PROMISE!) [ KOKEST GROVE, OREGON. T H U R S D A Y , .JAN. 18, 1917 Civil W ar Veteran Called mmmmmmmaMmmp louuuuuucdjuuut; m iM u m rn* f o r $1.50 per Year Washington county. T h e parents, and others interested in B 8 SOCIAL NOTE „ John W. Sherwood, aged 73, a the schools are urged to visit the , h veteran of the civil war passed •mwwmmmmmmnrnmmmmaum school on this day. Don’ t forget A s away at his home in th is c iiy a t Last Thureday afternoon Mrs Next Wednesday evening, Jan. > n «‘¡*rly hour last Monday morn- E. If. Brookbank gave a surprise the date. If you have not visited Washington, Jan. 16.— Admiral 24 at Marsh Hall, the music, inK of heart disease, after a short shower for Mrs. Cornelius Kich- the school yet this year don’ t fail George Dewey, veteran of the civil lovers of Washington county will illness. ardt-on, the guests enjoying a to call’on the above date. war, hero of the naval battles of have an opportunity to hear, at a Deceased was born in New social afternoon, with delicious the Spanish-American war and, CONDENSED NEWS NOTES very modest price, one of the best York state on Nov. 4th,1844, and refresh .„enfs The dining room by priority of grade, the ranking public musicals given in the city in 1894 was united in marriage was beautifully decorated, espec Watch for Great Doings at the naval officer of the world, passed in many months. It is the pro with Miss Martha Scheese. Mr. ially the table, with a large stork, Bailey Store. • away at his home here tonight, Sherwood served four years in the gram arranged by Mrs. E. E. W il carrying under one wing a small Tw o R. C. R. I. cockerels for as the result of an attack of ar liams and is for the In-neiit Third Ohio cavalry during the basket, the bird standing in a sale. I^eon T . Sills. terial sclerosis, which has been of the Woman’s Club student loan civil war and about twenty-five mirrored pond, whose banks w* re Twenty-five Sales Ladies want-*cr**Pm 8 through the admirals sys- fund, a most worthy object, in years ago united with the Free covered with hyacinths, violets ed. Apply at Bailey’s store. tern for more than a year. Ad- deed A number of girl students, Methodist c h u r c h . With his and maiden-hair ferns. Blue satin Mabel Rasmusen visited friends I miral Dewey was in his 80th y ear financially unable to continue family, he came to Forest Grove ribbons led from the stork to Mrs. in Portland Saturday and Sunday. and leaves a widow and one son. thi ir studies, have heretofore been eighteen years ago and has always Richardson's plate, where a large r, , , , , The funeral services will be held Pure-bred v\ hite Leghorn cock- _ t . , aided by this fund and there will been known as an uprighj citizen, package, daintily wrapped in pink , , , . . Saturday in the Capitol rotunda, ------- __L_______ undoubtedly be many more such a kind husband and devoted tissue, repost'd. At each guest's prels for sale. A rare bargain at $ 2 . 00 . G. M. Littlehales 52-tf to assist. Accepting this from father. He is survived by his place was a sachet-pillow, with Margaret Burns is entertaining j v the fund does not bind the stud- widow and three children. Henry ■ the guest's initial in crocheted her friend, Francelia Crum of H n fl U t l i e r L OSCS ent to any particular school or and Mahlen Sherwood and Mrs. square. Oregon City this week. Forest Grove's high school de- college. i Jane Stanley, all of Michigan, the I^ist Friday was the first anni Mrs. A. A. Hall and daughter, bating teams broke even in their Following if. the program: children being by a former wife. versary of the marriage of Mr Pearl, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank debates with Estacada High, in PART 1 Mrs. Reed of this city is a sister and Mrs. A. E. Gardner and in Overture W alker’s Orchestra ()f deceased. Meresse at Portland over Sunday, this city, and with Tillamook honor of the event Mr. and Mrs. Aria from Spring, song cycle Cadman F u n eral se rvice s w e re held a t Sidney Thwaite, an employe of High, at Tillamook. Taking the Gardner Friday evening enter Mîs» Goldie Peterson affirmative of the subject, "R e the Free Methodist church Tues- The Butterfly That Stamps" tained the following friends and the condenser, was badly scalded solved, That Oregon should adopt (Reading) Kipling ‘lay at 2:30 p. m., conducted by relatives: Mr. and Mrs. F. D. one day last week, necessitating a health insurance law embodying Miss Ann« Bag»t«<l of P. U. j the pastor, Rev. J. N . Wood, as- ¡Gardner, M r. and Mrs. Avery his taking a vacation. " A Perfect l)a y ” Violin «ml Cello the e s s e n t i a l features of the sisted by Rev. F. L. Iiurns. D. S. A. Walker, J. F. McGill, C. Raffety, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Currie Jacobs Bond standard bill for health insurance W . Cook and G. W. Bounderant. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. W. Odell, Chas. VanDoren and Chus. W’ alker and Everett Hurnworth of the American Association for Text Malt. 25-21. Interment PART t Kirkwood; Mesdames Rhoda Ren- H. D. Ott will go to Portland L a b o r Legislation,” Elizabeth was in Forest View cemetery. Human Victrola, records sung by nison and Bertha Howard;Misses this evening to attend a joint in-; Whitehouse, Joe Loomis and Er the Forest Grove Lyric Opera Co. Winnifred Littlehales, Elsie Lath- stallation of the officers of Ellison Wife and Mother failed Violin nest Dye out-talked the three Master I^iuis Kaufman o f Portland Mrs. Nellie Campbell Dannials, j rop and Jessie Reynolds and Encampment No. 1 and Golden Estacada boys, Messrs. Fating, Humotoque Arr- by Roth w jfe Q f j u b n Dannials, passed Messrs J. A. Elder, Will Haskell Rule Encampment N o. 28, I. O. Jones and DeM oy, two of the and Thos. E. Isaacs. The even- O. F. judges deciding with the Forest Mr. Chas. Walker, violin obligato i a w a -V a t her h om e ,n th,S C,ty a t ing being pleasantly spent at par- Louis Kauffman, the boy vio- Thy Hosiery (Darning aolo) 10:45 last Saturday evening, after i Grove debaters and one with the Mr». Wilbur McKkJowney ¡a prolonged illness with a bad lor games, music and refresh- linist, who appears at Marsh hall, visitors. The judges were Alva ments, the hostess serving an ap- in the Red-Letter day concert Matilda I.iia U-hman cold and pneumonia. Patton, principal of the Hillsboro next Wednesday evening, is so Mi»* I’eteraon Deceased was the daughter of petizing lunch. High School; John Purcell of the De Lord Pont* I a > ck De Poor Sermon . . , . n banquet ^ood tbat be recentL v filled a two- faculty of Jefferson High, Port The reception and Bru....,r Sin Killer, from T ex»» I M r and J‘*rom e P o rte r’ P 10* neer r e s i d e n t s of Washington given Mrs Dora B. Schilke, grand weeks engagement at the Strand land, and Prof. Lee of Reed Col Dance», un<lt-r the direction o f Mi»a Hellie Mwebooee o f P. i i county, and was born in this city worthy matron of the Order of Theater, a special permit having lege. Shoe Dance, and Portland Fancy on August 21th, 1872. She was a the Eastern Star by the members been given him by M ayor Albee Miss Evelyn McFeeters and The Red. Red R om will M. Cook graduate of Pacific University of the local chapter last Monday to play at night. Francis Taylor, who went to T ill Mr». George Paterson Rev. A. D. Patten of Sacra amook and took the negative of conservatory of music and was a ¡•night was largely attended and Human Victrola . Old Time Melodies mento, Calif., who c o m e s to the same subject, were not so suc talented musician. T w o years was a very enjoyable function. Accompanists--- preach for hree Sundays, to see cessful as the debaters who re Mrs. K. E. Williams, (director) ! ago she was married to her sec Mrs. Chas. Walker Mrs. Mr. and M J. Abbott if he suits the Congregational mained at home, as the judges ond husband, John Dannials, who, Mr. Arthur Junes, Bells, etc. with three children, survives her. Monday n o o n entertained at church board and if the city suits gave the verdict to Tillamook, Marsh Hall, 8 o ’clock sharp. The children are Vera, Alice and luncheon Mrs Dora B Schilke. him, preached his first sermon in whose team was composed of two The entertainment will be given worthy grand matron of Oregon the local church last Sunday. He experienced debaters, while both on Wednesday evening, Jan. 24th, Porter Campbell, aged eighteen, at Marsh Hall. Tickets are now nine and five years, respectively. for the O. E. S., Judge Hollis, is said to be a very interesting Forest Grove debaters were nov being sold by a committee from Funeral services were held at worthy p a t r o n ; M r s . E. E. preacher. ices at the game. the Woman’s club. A marriage license was issued the Buxton chapel at 2:30 p. m. Williams, worthy matron; Mrs. Had not Superintendent Inlow Reserved seats at Lit tier’s, 25c. last Monday, Rev. R. E. Dunlop C. 0 Roe, Mrs. Ella Clark and this morning to Fred Busby of devoted much of his time, after Fossil, Wheeler county, and Miss supper, to coaching the local de of the Forest Grove M . E. church M r. E. E Williams. All Levies Fixed Vera Campbell of this city and baters, it is quite probable that officiating, and the remains were With the county court fixing they would have lost both con- wedding will probably take interred in the Mountain View nr a n , 1 1 the , . . - . tests, as there were experienced the county levy hist week. Forest p . „ " i 1 „ ' 7 cemetery, north of town. De- place this evening. These young debaters on both the Estacada Grove people may now figure out i , , , , people were to have been married and Tillamook teams The at- > i. . , . . ceiused was for a number of years The Washington County Teach approximately what their taxes , , , a member of the Rebekah lodge ers’ Association met at the High seveial days ago, but the date has tendance at the local contest was will be for 1917. The county levy! and a number of Rebokahs were School building in this city last been postponed on account of the very I'^hL______________ for districts having high schools is Artisans Install and Eat among the mourners at the fun Saturday. A large number o f death of the bride’s mother, Mrs. I 16.70 and for those without high John Dannials. On T u e s d a y evening S. A. eral. teachers were present. A t the schools 17.30. F o r e s t Grove, Walker, Past Master Artisan, in business meeting in the morning Hillsboro, Beaverton, Tualatin Christian Church Rudolph Schultz Dead stalled for Diamond Assembly, and Orenco come under the 16.70; Lord’ s Day services as follows: Mr. and Mrs. W. F Schultz the teachers approved of the in No. 27, United Artisans, the fol mill levy. Add to this the 17- , , , ... Bible school 9:45 a. m. dustrial club work which is being mill school tax of this district and departed yesterday for Albany, lowing officers: a. m. Lord’s Supper and Sermon 11 carried on in the county and vo t the city levy of 8.98 mills, and called there by the death of Mr. Subject, ‘ ‘The Soul's T a b le." i C . R . Morgan, master artisan; the millage for Forest Grove is Schultz’s father, Rudolph Schultz, ed to ask our legislators to sup Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. in. Mrs. Marie Patton, superinten 42.68 ___ 1 who departed this life at 1:45 p. port an appropriation to continue Song Service and Sermon. ‘ ‘Christian dent; Mrs. Jennie Hall, inspector; the field work. Principal Patton Education.” This is Educational Day Special Announcement m - *ast Tuesday, aged 85 years. ; of the Hillsboro High gave an in and an offering will be taken for Mrs. Chas. Morgan, instructor; The chairman of the Red le tte r Deceased was born in Germany teresting talk on “ Games and Eugene Bible University. A baptismal C. L . Perry, secretary; George Day program, Mrs. E E. W illiam s,! and came to this service will follow the evening service. G . Hancock, t r e a s u r e r ; Miss ,Playground.” Mi<s Lathrop and is pleased to announce that Ixiuis countiy when 19 years of age. Everybody invited. Pearl Hall, senior conductor; Miss Miss Greer conducted depart Kauffman, the nine-year-old vio -1 came to Oregon thirty years R. L. F U T N A M , Pastor. Hazelteen Stockman, junior con- ments. The girls of the Domest fin artist, will be a special offer-, a 8 ° from Omaha, Nob., and was John Bailey Quits Business ductor; J. W. Baldwin, master of ic Science class served a delight ing among the various fine num - ' ^or many years engaged in the After running a genera, m u , ful luncheon at noon. The prin bers to be given on the program | meat business at Albany. His After the installation, there was cipal speakers of the afternoon c h a n g e store .n one building Jan. 24, at Marsh Hall. Louis is w '^e preceded him to the other were Prof. J. Sherman Wallace of for - i years, John E. Bailey has a fine musical program, with se- a child wonder, playing with the w<|r*d> but he is survived by five it h e McMinnville College a n d decided to quit business and his lections by Walker’s orchestra, a understanding of a mature m ind..children William F. of this city. Principai ScofieId of t h e " E u g e ^ istock wil1 bt‘ Placed on 88le in ‘ he vocal solo by Miss Pearl Hall, a It is through the interest of friends ; german and k red of Mitchell, High School. Bailey store some time next week, ™ l.n jd o by C . L ^ Walker a Admiral Dewey Answers Call One Team Wins Teachers’ Meeting Well Attended hat Mrs. Williams secured h.m ^ ^ , ^ both of Albany. The . Mrs. Barker of the Aloha-Huber for next Wednesday evening. ; funeral was held at Albany today. School presenttd the subject of The next meeting of the Cla^s j Grandfather S c h u l t z accom- Primary plans. The next meet in Musical Appreciation will be panied Ids son, Billy, on a visit ing will be held at Tigard, on Feb. to his other sons at Mitchell last given at Marsh Hall on next September and at that time was 10 Tuesday evening, Jan. 23, at 7:30 strong enough to take a long The teachers voted to make promptly. horse-back ride. Jan. 31 "Parents’ Visiting D ay” . Mr. Bailey expects to remain in Forest Grove, hut will take a much needed rest from business cares. —— 3 — T----- . Warranty deed and mortgage blanks for sale at the Express office. stockman and several other num- bers The refreshments were served by Ott ice Shearer and were ample and appetizing. All in all, the Artisans had a fine time Tuesday evening, and those who did not attend missed some fun. S