The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 11, 1917, Image 5

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]Wt3T»iinm»(KToM(Home) ^
l i « 0
I HOOMS i l f l U
f t
1 MrA> M i n i l i
ini ir ■ "fiiftiM iii M-ir
Vaiti, Fork, Beef,
Poultry, Buttar, Egg*
and I* arm Produca
U» Iti* Olii R*l! alii* hverltn* him a,' with a
Mi-lini of ill yaar n o f Hiiunr* I k-allnva, and
U> aaaurad af TOP MANKCT I’KULS
4 H 7 Front Atrool
l’ uri land. O r* (o n
T tt< C o u i-TEfT C o
Fur Itoal Mualral Inatruiaanta In (ruoat harmony.
M w l« Ui am how ( ( « » I thoy rao I*., nut how murh
Ihoy will lirln*
Vti4ln, Mamlulln. Oultar. Ilaojo.
Simian "J f aou a,,,,-« nm| Vin l»-li,-r
than any. **nil 'am hark at our oationa*." HU I «
S it 1-aliti* illd g , ¡CT71., Wa*li. H I. I’ortland. Or*.
Hi m l III |H Im
writ« fir p m
tinppmy lagi
T N I H. F. NfRTON CO. firtim. O n . S u m , Ni
( « » ■ u l t ua about r*dun»d frotyht ratoa on
houaohohl ■■«ala to all pulnla.’
t aat throuuh
ai r r lr *
P a r l l r Canal F o rn a n H a s I oiap ani, » 1
" U r o . H ollain g, Portland. Or*.
M arallall ZM7.
B r ib ó n
V u l c a n iz in o
C o m p a n y
nwY*t| to SS-'f to S37 Iturnoifi« Ht , Port*
Und. O r»
Id u vM t Tiro Kspsir I'U n t
In th* Northwvut < ou ntry w r v ic « a
H»*elal tjr. U»« Parmi Pott.
FRED P. GORIN, PiKal Allome;,
Orwantarr and l>*v*lop*r. p aton U a*cur*d or F E E
R C r U N D K l ) , fra* hook on patonta.
Hun«-« 701.
711.A . 701 P aod 701-C. «E n trai liulM ifX. Saniti*
Moit Worthy.
"W h y do you seek lulmlttance
here?" ask«-«] Bt. Peter.
"On earth many bleaied me and »aid
I would m rely go to heaven when I
died," answered the shade.
"littw did you win such gratitude?"
" I wan always kind and considerate
to peopio who owned Fords."
"E nter," said the saint. “ A place
Is prepared for you.”— Philadelphia
Too Literal.
“ I like to see a man with some spirit
In him. don’t you?"
"No. indeed I I’m a strict prohibi­
tio n ist"— Boston Transcript.
The Influence
Good Digestion
is far reaching.
Novel Experiments Have Proved Sat­
isfactory, as in the Case of Store­
keeper With His Parrot— Ele­
phant Replaces Horse.
Mnny strung«- and unexpected cases
are on record In which animals and
birds have prove«! themselve;. useful to
lupiiklnd, very often serving their inus-
ters more relluhly than mnny huniun
In-lags would do under similar circum-
s lances.
At times of stri-ss like the present,
siieli dumb servants hate proved them-
selves particularly useful, u go«id In-
stain-e In iMilut being provided by Un­
ease of u gentleman In the west of
Kngluinl who recently lost tils garden-
er through the limn enlisting. Ills mas­
ter was confronted by the problem of
Ids lawn, about which In- hud ulwuys
been very particular, for the gruss
•pilekly threatened to make Ids once
trim grounds look very much like u
Then he lilt upon u brilliant lilen.
Wiring off the ground, he turned
In u dozen guinea pigs, who promptly
proce«*d«*d to nibble uwuy at tin- gruss
us evenly and neatly us any mowing
machine could have done, mu«’h to the
master’s delight.
Klmllurly, an Hast Mud tradesman
lutely found hlins«-lf short-handed ow­
ing to the war, ami after some thought,
this u n t i l lilt upon u solution of the
lie happened to possess a pet par­
rot, and this bird he pluct-d In the <mt-
er part of Ids shop and trained It to
«•all "Shop!" whenever anyone en­
tered by wuy of the street door.
The parrot very «pilekly leurned Its
lesson, with the r«-sult that Its master
was no longer oblige«! to spend ull
his time on the lookout for customers,
hut could uttcud to other matters,
knowing he could count upon his new
usslstunt to warn hliu of unylnxly’s ap­
The Intelligence of dogs Is known
t«j everyone, hut u «log us n golf rad-
«11«- Is somewhat o f a novelty, you will
admit.' Nevertheless, the uuluml Is
no liuuglnary character, but u r«*ul cud­
dle. who works on the links of u cer­
tain widely known course. B e s i d e s
currying clubs, this dog proves him­
self very us«-ful In the matter o f dis­
covering lost golf bulls, nosing about
until In- Is successful.
Itut the war has made one strange
spectacle possible In Knglaud.
Sheffield uu eb-phunt may he K4-«- ii
drawing heavy loads uloug the streets.
It Is clutiui-d for this particular unl-
iiiul that he cuu empty u nine-ton
wagon of coal In two Journeys. Camels
have also I een employed by tin* same
firm, but ns draft animals cannot be
compared with the elephants.— Loudon
It means
Troubles Never Come Singly.
A resident of lloothbay. Me., wus
Better A p p e t i t e -
told by a neighbor that his son's cow
was out In another pasture, and sturt-
Proper A ssim ila tio n -
ed to tiring her in. lie found a cow
Liver and Bowel
loose nml set out in chase.
For tin hour or two he chased one
of the most obstinate and disgusting
Improved Health—
animals «-v*-r born Into the cow breed.
And at last lie caught her mid brought
li«-r out to llu* road aud was leading her
triumphantly home, when lie met a
neighbor who asked him what he was
doing with aunt her neighbor's cow.
And so It proved. For tin- original
iray «-ow w ns still In the wrong pus-
nr«-, but lied securely to a tree. The
other cow had had a perfect right to
it grazing ground.
The « \nsperut«-«l gentleman then set
• nit again ami this time found the right
strayed cow am! took her home.
W In ti In- arrived at his son's place
with Ills son’.» row lie found one of Ids
No Novelty.
"Did you see where that girl made own cows in his son's Held and eating
up tin- son s ctihhuges.
a record flight in her aeroplane?”
“ Th at'» nothing. My wife was a high
flyer long beforo aeroplanes were
White Eskimos.
thought of."— Baltimore American.
Vilh.udmur Siefansson is having a
dltllcult thuo with Ills "hlond Kskl-
nios" and hy this time <louhtl<-*s
wishes limy wert- more brum-tte
and ordinary. They hold up his men
and roh them of everything removable,
mil utterly dt-elfne’ to consider the ex­
plorers a superior race.
Yet when
they arc visited hy an epidemic o f ln-
llucn/.a they attribute tlu-lr misfor­
tunes to the witchcraft o f the
Hitherto m-wly (Uncovered peoples
have been greatly Impressed by the
vv hit*- skins of th«> discoverers. Tin- civ­
ilized races o f Peru aud Mexico re­
spected the complexion «>f the Span­
iards as much as they feared their
firearms. A pallid physiognomy Is one
of the gn-atest assets of the white man
wh«> penetrnt««* to regions where white
skins are unknown.
To Aid Digestion-TRY
Stomach Bitters
It Helps Nature in Every Way
p. n. u.
No. I. 1817
Hie Status.
“ Are you the head o f the family?”
"Not exactly,” replied Mr. Meekton.
"My position Is rnth«-r that of the man
higher up who gets blamed when any­
thin* gees wrong."
David Harum Had Nothing on the Men
Who Make Practice of 8elllng
SecondHand Autos.
T h e B a w lin g O u t o f Julia.
A deserted husband out west thus
advertises his spouse's delinquency:
Julia, my wife, has grown quite rude,
Hh<! has left me In a lonesome mood;
Hhc h&s left my board,
Khe has took my bed,
Hh«-, has given away my meat and
She has left me In spite of friends and
She has carried with her all rny shirts.
Now y«¡ take'note who read this paper,
Since Julia's cut this reckless cap e r
I will not pay one single fraction
Of any debt of her contraction.— Bos­
ton Transcript.
T h t World* s f it t a in t
Mnny d o z e n s o f places nr<- now oper­
External Remedy.
ating second-band motor car busl-
nesses, and while s«>ine of them nr«-
Rheum atism ,
« 1 tj If«• rellnhl«*, It Is still a sad fact that
"faking” ears Is a common occurrence,
—Any Local
observes the Scientific American.
One purchaser o f it so-called rebuilt
In titt on
car In New York paid $‘¿00 for u ma­
A U C O C IC S .
chine which Is no longer built. It wus
guaranteed to be In running order, and
w«jrk«-«l fulrly well on the wuy home,
a distance ot ten miles. Tim follow­
ing morning he was unable to crank
tin- car. and upon removing the cylin­
ders he discovered u very unique hard- your nervous system is shattered; your strength is wasted;
w«sid piston In the front cylinder. The your digestion weakened, your blood impoverished.
car being out of date, the dealer bad
been unable to obtain a piston for It,
and laid Improvised one. The oil and
beat of the cylinder combined to warp
the wood and make tin.- motor stick.
Tin- wood bad evidently been tr*-at«-«l
with some heat-resisting compound, us
the charring on the surface which had
been exposed t«« the h«.-at of combus­ is the rich tonic-food to nourish your nerve-centers, repair
tion was not severe.
the wasted tissde, im prove your blood-power,
In another case, u purchaser of a
second hand runabout detected a most sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish
peculiar noise in his timing gears, your strength.
which In that model were mounted on
6et S C O T T ’S for yourself, or remind some ailing
the front of the engine. Removal of
(In* gear case revealetl the fact that friend that S C O T T ’S has proven these words for
the g«-ars hud been packed In heavy
Look for this Trade-M ark.
grease In which was mixed chopped thousands of others.
e , B l o o m f i e l d , N . J.
cork and sawdust. The bearings of
the gears were badly worn aud the lin-
is-rfect meshing which resulted made
them very noisy. The cork and saw-
Hnuül orden w well a* bi«r. Ornamentala. Freit Treea, Etc. Hardy and truaranteed.
«lust effected a temporary remedy.
Lanreat Nursery between Kocktea and Cascade*. 14th Year.
15,000 Orders Last Year.
A third purchas«-r of the “ running
order" gumhle found that ufter he had
driven his car a dozen miles, three
b-uks develojied In the cylinder oust­
ing. In the pan he found three pieces
«if drle«l chewing gum that exactly fit­
Eye* inflamed by expo­
ted the holes.
sure to Saa, Dost and Wirt
uickly relieved by Martoe
Among some o f the other features
ye Hearty. No Smarting,
of such “ bargains" ure <-ust Iron ball
jUrt Eye Comfort. At
bearing-«, papier-mache rudiutor, hose
covered with aluminum paint, st«M*l Your Druggist** 50c per Bottle. Moiise Eyl
Salve in Tube* 25c. For DsoksllkeEyeFreeatk
breaker (silnts In magneto instead of Druggi**» or Mariac Eye Remedy Ca., Chic age
platinum, window glass In
shield, nnd cracks In crank cuse fill«*!
It’s G randm other’s Recipe to
For Backward Bunnies.
with putty painted over. In view of
Bring Back Color and
all this, who can wonder what has be­
Lustre to Hair.
“ W ell. Rutherford— ”
come of tin- good old-fushloncd horse
“ I have Just figured out why bun­
You can turp gray, faded hair beau­
nies have fuzzy little tails.”
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
Not to Be CaughL
"Bunnies live in holes, you know.” night if you’ll get a 50-cent bottle of
“ W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com­
“ 1 think children are not so observ­
ing us they us«sl to he," said a m«*rnber
"And I suppose many of ¿he holes pound” at any drug store. Millions of
o f the school bourd to a teacher whose are so narrow the bunnies can’t turn bottles of this old famous Sage Tea
Recipe, improved by the addition of
class be was visiting.
round in them very well.”
other ingredients, are sold annually,
“ Very likely.”
“ I hadn't noticed tt," said the tench-
says a well known druggist here, be­
cause it darkens the hair so naturally
" I ’ll prove It to you.” said the school
and evenly that no one can tell it has
officer, pompously.
Turning to the thoughL”
“ The fuzzy little tails keep them been applied.
class, he sold:
Those whose hair is turning gray
from hurting themselves when they
"Someone give me n number.”
back Into things.”— Youngstown Tele­ or becoming faded have a surprise
awaiting them, because after one or
"Thirty-seven," sold a little girl, gram.
two applications the gray hair van­
ishes and your locks become luxuriant­
II«* wrote “ 73" on the board. N«»th-
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and ly dark and beautiful.
Ing wus said.
disappear with Doctor Pierce’s Golden
This is the age of youth. Gray­
"W ell, someone else give me a num­ Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. haired. unattractive folks aren’t want­
ed around, so get busy with W yeth's
Common Fault Among Ministers.
"Fifty-seven,” said another child.
Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night
“ Mr. Asquith was prime minister of and you’ll be delighted with your dark,
"H e wrote *7fi’ and smiled knowingly
at the teacher when nothing was said, Great Britain, wasn't he?” inquired handsome hair and your youthful ap­
lie call«*«! for a third number, and fair­ Mrs. Leonidas W. Van Quentin yester­ pearance within a few days.
day morning.
This preparation is a toilet requisite
ly gnsjied at the Indignation manifest­
"H e was," replied her husband.
and is not intended for the cure, miti­
ed by a small, red-faced urchin, who
“ And he has been removed?”
gation or prevention of disease.
“ The same.”
“ Seventy-seven, anil see If you ran
“ What was the matter? Couldn’t
Jordan— Wilkins, who are you go­
he preach good enough?’
change that.” — Harper’s Magazine.
ing to room with next year?
“ Oh, I guess he preached all right,
Wilkins— My wife.— College Record.
but he prayed too long.”— Kansas City
Women in Educational Positions.
Women hold many executive educa- Star.
donai positions in the United States,
Garfield Tea was your Grandmother’s
«if tin- l ’J.DOO conspicuous iMisltions,
largely o f nu administrative character. Remedy fo r every stomach and intes­ Letter ToCa of Lons LoclxC-fer rrescr'.ptum.
•_',5(Ki nr«.* In-Id by women. They Include tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb
Dear M r. E ditor— I am making a per­
college presidents, state and county home remedy for constipation, stomach sona«
appeal to your readers who are
superintendents of edueutlon. directors ills and other derangements o f the sys­ bothered with kidney and bladder trouble
tem so prevalent these days is in even and rheumatism, to give up the use of
o f Industrial schools, heads o f depart­ greater favor as a fam ily medicine
harsh salts, or alcoholic kidney medi­
ments In colleges and universities, di­ than in your grandmother’s day.
cines and in their place take a short
rectors o f schools for afflicted, and
treatment of "Anuric” and bo convinced
of its wonderful virtues as I was. 1 suf­
Twenty-four out o f 622
Both of Them.
great pain, had a great deal of
eolh-ges and universities «are presided
One day a professor and his com­ fered
Irritation, wat«*r became foul. I tried
over by women. O f the nearly 3,000 panion became involved in an argu­ everything advised but with no results.
county superintendents, 508 ure wom­ ment as to which was the handsomer I sent for a box of "Anuric Tablets” and
soon discovered that they brought relict
O f the 70 Institutions for the man of the two.
Not being able to arrive at a settle­ I have used them since, and no./ the
blind 15 an- directed by women.
ment of the question they agreed, in water is natural, my health good, and
splendid. Some of the doctors
a spirit of fun. to leave it to the de­ appetite
pronounced my trouble enlarged prostate.
Venice Has Electrical Ears.
Now I have no mon» trouble and I most
assuredly feel that this latest discovery
According to u newspaper corre­ approaching them.
The mattf-r being laid before him. cf Dr. Pierce's is the tx*st remedy for
spondent who r«*cently visited Venice,
and kidney troubles that I know
the Oriental considered long and care-1
the Austrian airmen have made more fully, then he onnounced in a tone o f ! cf. I f I can induce anyone to give It a
trial, I feel that he will thank mo for
than thirty raids on that famous city. finality:
calling attention to this great boon
The observation station there is pro­
"Both are worse."— Chicago News.
that relieves this seemingly worst of
vided with sensitive electrical micro­
all troubles that human flesh can fall
The Earl and the Girl.
heir to.
phones, which are said to detect the
B. Q. F l u s h e d
noise o f the motors on the Austrian
Family tree.
_______ i_______
Wealth by chance,
planes the moment they leave Trlest,
Here we see
some sixty miles away. Electric si­
Norn: Up to this time. ” Anuric * has
True romance.
not been on sale to tho public, but by the
rens nr«* Immediately sounded to warn
twrsnasion of many patients and the
— Kansas City Journal.
everyone of the approach o f hostile air­
Increased demand for this wonderful
craft, which cover the distance ht»-
healing tablet. Doctor Pierce has finally
decided to put it into the drug stores of
tween the cities In something like forty
this country within immediate reach, or
minutes. Thus ample time Is afforded
Q or Q Q
send 10 cents for largo trial package.
for completing the antiaircraft ar­
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce’s Anuric
tillery preparations before the first Aus­
Tablets. There can be no Imitation.
Every package of "A nu ric"is sure to be
trian airman heaves In sight.— Scien­
Dr. Pierce's. You will find the
tific American.
on the package just as you do on Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Pr««sori ption. tho ever-
famous friend to ailing women, and
Knows What He's About.
I>r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery,
"Jibway frequently gets up at two
proven by years to be th«> greatest general
tonic and reconstructor for any one.
or thr««e o’clock In the morning nnd
At any rate don’t give up hope of
wniks about In his house.”
being cured of your malady until just
"Is he a somnambulist?”
a few dosra of " Anuric" have proven
that it will make you fool like a diUor*
"That’s what he says, but It’s rath­
ent person.
er «rurlous that he nlways goes straight
E d i t o r — Please Insert this letter la
to the Ice chest and drinks a bottle ot
some conspicuous place In your paper.
a m
■ a 'n n ir J - 1 WASHINGTON NURSERY CO. «**«*.>•«
Suffered Great Pain !
Every Niqht
F o r C onstipation
Headache Jndujestion.etc.
S a fe and
nd Sure B
m zzzzu