The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 11, 1917, Image 2

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They Hold Balance o f Pow er in House
o f Representatives in Coming Congress
Washington, D. C. — When the
American members o f the Moxican-
American joint commisaion had finish­
ed consideration Tuesday o f General
Carranza's reply failing to comply
with their demand that the protocol
providing for withdrawal o f the Amer­
ican troops from Mexico be ratified,
there were indications that efforts to
enter into an agreement with the de
facto government through the commis-
> sion would be abandoned.
For the first time an official admis­
sion was made that Carranza had re-
1 fused to sign the protocol. The com­
missioners said they e x a c te d to draft
their res|>onae to Carranza immediate­
Failure o f the commission to give to
Mexican-American relations a bright
aspect was offset somewhat by official
j intimations that Henry P. Fletcher,
1 confirmed as ambassador to Mexico al­
most a year ago, was about to start
for his |M>st, where American interests
now are represented by a clerk.
roj>ort that General Pershing's ex|>edi-
ticn soon would be withdrawn, regard­
less o f Carranza’s attitude, also gained
fresh impetus, and it was understood
the administration had this move un­
der serious consideration.
Mr. Fletcher conferred with Presi­
dent Wilson after Wednesday’s cabi-
| net meeting, and later referred in­
quiries as to whether he would go to
Mexico to President Wilson and Secre­
tary Lansing.
No statement was
I forthcom irv from the White House or
the State department.
Events o f Noted People. Governments
and Pacifie Northwest and Other
Mexican American Conference Fails;
Pershing Likely to Retire.
« M M —
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
“ Hearsay” Charges Secretary
Tumulty With Disclosure.
Resolutions Committee Orders Brokers
to Preserve All Records Covering
Stock Market Transactions.
Washington, 1). C.— Sensational ru­
mors of a “ leak” to Wall street in ad­
vance o f I’reaidunt Wilson's |ieace note
were related to the house rules com-
K ing Constantine, o f Greece, has
ii) it tee
applied for and received the regular
Wood, o f Indiana, in aup|x>rt o f his
bread card which is issued to all heads
resolution for an inquiry, lie prefaced
o f families.
his testimony with the statement that
Rev. Dr. David H. Fouse, a prom­
he had nothing but hearsay to offer
inent Denver minister, addressing the
and vainly protested sgainst an o|>en
Ben Franklin club, made a plea for
session o f the committee.
birth control on moral and racial im­
Names ntul rumored details o f the
provement grounds.
alleged " le a k ” came thick and fast
when Mr. Wood began his story.
Senator Shafroth made a set speech
mentione«l Joseph H. Tumulty, secre­
in the senate advocating passage of a
tary to President Wilson; R. W. Rol­
constitutional amendment to lim it a
ling, a brother-in-law o f the President;
President to one six-year term and
Bernard Baruch, o f New York, and
have him elected by direct vote.
various brokerage houses, crediting
Six days after the fund available for
most o f his information to a tetter re­
paying off gopher bounties in Marion
ceived from “ A, Curtis,” o f New
county. Or., became available, $2500
o f the fund had been expended. This
This letter, produced later, waa
represented 25,000 gopher scalps.
written on plain paper, without the
kW . P. M A R T I N .
lnvestl£atl0n Wlthi,eld w riter’s address, and up to u late hour
Y v - ílT
A correspondent on the Belgian front
Washington, D. C.— As a result o f Friday night Kenneth Romney, deputy
w riting to the Amsterdam Telegraff
the sensation stirred up by Thomas W. sergeant-at-arms of the house, in New
C O P L E Y . IL L .
says he learns Belgians deported from
Lawson, who offered to prove that mil- York, in searching for A. Curtis had
ifÄ i r j i K f V;?
... , 4
the neighborhood o f Charleroi have
: h a s . h . r a m p a t i . ,
liona had been made in Wall street as been unable to find any trace o f him.
been sent to occupied parts o f Poland
the result o f "lea k s” at Washington,
Statements were issued after the
to perform compulsory labor.
it was admitted on the floor o f the sen­ «•ommittee meeting by Secretary Tu­
Here are five o f the six independents Democratic administration. Mr. Ran­ ate Tuesday that information concern­
Canadian casualties from the open­
multy and Mr. Bolling flatly denying
ing o f the war until December 31, a in the House o f Representatives, who dall, o f Los Angleles. is a Prohibition­ ing the “ honor o f the nation,” had the re|«orts regarding them, and Mr.
period o f 29 months, total 68,290. This w ill have the balance of power there ist; Mr. Copley, o f Illinois, is a Pro­ been betrayed by someone in the de­ Tumulty demanded that Representa­
is made up o f killed, 10,854; died of when the President calls the new con­ gressive, as are Thomas D. Schall, of partment. As to information of value tive Wood publicly apologize for men­
Minnesota, and W. I*. Martin, o f Lou­
wounds, 4010; died o f illness, 484; ■
gress into session after March 4. Not isiana. Meyer London, of New York, in riggin g the stock market. Senator tioning his name. Mr. Wood followed
presumed dead, 1108; wounded, 48,-
Stone, who made the first disclosure, with a statement pointing out that he
only does the decision of the speaker- is a Socialist.
Alvin T. Fuller, o f said he did not know.
454; missing, 1970.
had desired to testify in private, but
ship depend on them, but the whole Massachusetts, sets himself down as
Meanwhile Mr. 1-awson, who was declaring that those whose names were
Conductor Clyde Gibson, of Port An­ policy o f the house in relation to the an Independent.
here, prepared, he said, to testitfy be­ the subject o f rumor should court the
geles, Wash., and two laborers were
fore a congress committee, was in eon- fullest investigation.
killed and Engineer Harry Legeer,
The committee probably will hear
with Chairman Henry, of
Fireman Bert Ferguson and 20 labor­
it is believed the criminal proceedings, the house rules committee, but noth­ Representative Gardner, who declared
ers injured when a work train on the
if undertaken, would be pressed ahead ing came o f it.
on the floor o f the house recently that
Seattle, Port Angeles & Western rail­
o f the civil proceedings.
Mr. Henry announced afterward that he knew there was a “ leak.”
road was wrecked west o f Majestic.
Publishers charged at the hearing the Boston financier ha«l been unable
Thomas W. Lawson, o f Boston, is to
that the manufacturers had combine«! to furnish any names or other definite appear and if he can be reached Ber-
Baron Devonport, the English food
both to control prices and to restrict information about the alleged “ leak” nard Baruch will be subpenaed.
has fixed the following
It is understood that Secretary Lan-
prices which home growers may charge
Washington, D. C.— Attorney Gen­ production. Some manufacturers had in advance o f President W ilson’s peace
for their 1917 crops: Wheat, 60 shil­ eral Gregory has taken over the field refused to sell to them because of their note, and that so far as he was con­ sing and Mr. Tumulty w ill be asked to
activity in exposing the manufactur­ cerned the matter would be drop|>cd.
testify before the committee decides
lings per 504 pounds; oats, 38 shil­
o f the federal trade commission’s in­ ers’ methods.
Others declared they
"C ertainly on sensible jierson,” said on its report to the house on whether
lings 6 pence per 336 pounds; potatoes,
a varying price of 115 to 130 shillings. quiry into the print paper market, had been threatened with such refusal Mr. Henry’s statement, would ask me the Wood resolution providing for an
to trouble the committee with a meet­ investigation by a s|«ecial committee,
with a view to determining whether by manufacturers.
Lena Boyd, 16 years old, and Isabel
ing to chase a mirage.
And I must should pass.
there is a paper trust and instituting
Harris, 17 years old, have disappeared
say that so far as this matter between
The committee adopted a resolution
from their homes in Lewiston, Idaho, civil and criminal proceedings against
Mr. Lawson and myself is concerned it asking the New York Stock Exchange
and detectives and the police have manufacturers or others who may have
is ended.
and local brokers to preserve their
been unable to trace them. The girls violated the anti-trust laws.
“ In a thorough conference the al­ records o f transactions from December
Washington, D. C.— A ctivity in the leged leak has been discussed by Mr. 10 to date.
were companions and were last seen
President Wilson is understood to be
Whether any o f these
January 3. The mothers o f both girls following the inquiry closely. A mass tangled controversy between the rail­ I.awHon and myself.
I have asked records shall be sought as evidence
are widows.
of complaints and testimony and a roads and their employes was resumed him for the names o f those thought to will t>e decided later.
large number o f secret reports from Monday in two different parts of the be responsible for the so-called leak
“ I am Informed,”
According to the Handelsblad, of
the commission’s field force o f inves capitol, where, six months ago, the between the State department and W«xxl testified before the committee,
more than
He cannot give me a "th a t Burney Baruch had information
tigators have been placed
in the Adamson bill, designed to blaze the Wall Street.
marks’ worth o f German cut diamonds attorney general’s hands.
way to peace, was enacted into law.
single name. He cannot even give me about the note to the European liel-
w ill be shipped at an early date to
While attorneys in the Supreme the names o f those charge«l by him ligcrents two or three days before it
For several weeks past department
America by a German submarine. A officials have been in frequent consul­ court are making their opening argu­ with cleaning up $60,000,000 in con­
was Hent and that on two or three oc­
combination o f German underwriters
tation with the trade commission on ments on the consitutionality o f the nection with the leak and is not able casions about that time he was in con­
has agreed to insure the shipment at 8
the situation and are understood to Adamson act. Representative Adam­ to furnish me the name o f even one of sultation with Mr. Tumulty at the
per cent, “ free o f capture,” or 11 per
have under serious consideration the son, father o f the law, has begun a the suspects.’ ’
Biltmore hotel in New Y o rk ."
cent against capture.
early institution o f grand jury pro­ fight in the house fo r prompt passage I
o f New
York, a member of the committee,
There is a woman’s suffrage move­ ceedings at which indictments charg­ of his new blanket railw ay bill, in-
said on the floor Wednesday that
ment in China but it does not amount ing violation of the commercial section tended to cover every phase of the sit- R a ilrO S d B fO th firllO O d S ACCUS6
uation, and w ill resume his efforts in
Baruch was reported in New York to
to much now. Dr. J. W. Bashford, o f the law w ill be asked.
The formal taking over o f the in­ behalf o f continuing the life o f the
have sold short 15,000 shares o f steel
bishop o f the Methodist Episcopal
Cleveland — W. G. Lee, chief o f the on a rising market shortly before the
church, resident in China, said on his quiry by the department was in re­ Newlands railway investigation com­
of Kailroa«! Trainmen, is­ note was made public.
arrival in San Francisco recently.
The new Adamson bill introduced re­ sued a statement here Tuesday charg­
Representative Wo<xl objected to
Suffrage in a constitution now making general by Secretary Bracken o f the
cently would provide an eight-hour ing that the railroads o f the country testifying in public, and said most of
probably would be based upon educa­ commission.
Beyond asserting that the investiga­ day, make strikes illegal and permit are permitting delays to trains and the statements he made were based on
tional and property qualifications, the
and any action the department the taking over o f railway lines by \ overtime which would not ordinarily information in a letter to him from A.
bishop said.
might take would be hastened as much the m ilitary on the orders o f the Pres­ be permitted, in order to prove the Curtis, a W all street broker.
Postal clerks and carriers, both ur­ as possible, Mr. Gregory declined to ident when public service demands enormous expense that would follow
“ I have said and I wish to suy again
such action.
ban and rural, would receive increases comment on the situation.
obedience to the Adamson law.
The at this time that 1 have made and am
Drastic though the bill is admitted statement asked whether i f the Su- making no charge against anyone. I
o f from 5 to 10 per cent in their sa l-, It is understood, however, that de­
aries by a bill agreed on by the house partment officials are prepared to in­ to be, Mr. Adamson expresses confi­ perme court declares that law either am merely givin g you information I
postal committee Friday.
The in­ stitute speedily a dissolution suit dence that it w ill be enacted into law. constitutional or invalid the brother­ have received. ”
crease would affect about 200,000 car­ against
any manufacturers within Save for the eight-hour-day provision, hoods should continue to await the
Mr. Wooti stated that the rumor was
riers and cost $10,000,000 a year.
federal jurisdiction who are believed the measure is undertso«jd to have the eight-hour day.
current that there was a leak in the
Mr. Lee denied a report published State department or in some adminis­
to have conspire«! in restraint of trade approval of the President.
The assassination of M. Jollos, an or to effect a monopoly. A t the same
Tues«]ay that a sealed statement put­ trative office as to the sending o f the
influential member o f the Russian time it was made clear the evidence
Legislators Lose Passes.
ting the Adamson law situation up to note "and that the leak went to the
Duma, is reported by the Overseas adduced by the commission would be|
Nashville, Tenn. — The Louisville & the men had been sent out by the friends o f the administration and that,
News agency. According to this re­ thoroughly digested so that no injus-
acting on that information, they profit­
Nashville and the Nashville, Chatta­ chiefs o f the four brotherh«>ods.
port, M. Jollos disappeared mysteri­ tice might be done manufacturers in­
It was learned from an authoritive ed by it .”
nooga & !.t. Louis railroads announced
ously a short time ago, and it is be­ nocent o f illegal practices.
Thursday that hereafter no free passes source that the general chairman of
He added that he had no information
lieved he was the victim of a political
In addition department officials are would be issued through legislators for the four brotherhoods will hold a meet­ as to how the leak occurred or from
understood to be preparing to ask for | constituents.
Figures produced by ing in Chicago January 11 to consider whom it came and that the beat he had
was rumors.
A ll clocks in New South Wales were criminal indictments should analysis o f ! Interstate Commerce commission in­ the situation.
vestigators showed in one year more
set ahead one hour January 1 to save
Explosion Rocks Butte.
Liquor Men Make Plans.
than 22,000 passes, valued at $226,000,
Bulgaria Talk« Peace,
daylight, according to a cablegram re­
Butte, Mont. — For the second time were issued by the two roads, most of
Louisville— A t the annual meeting
ceived by the Australian Trade com­
London — A Rotterdam dispatch to
mission in San Francisco. A daylight within six weeks, a charge o f dyna­ them at the request o f legislators o f here of the National Model License the Exchange Telegraph company,
League, it was announced that the lea­ which doea not apecify the aource o f ita
saving act has also been passed in the mite was exploded in the local restrict­ Tennessee and Kentucky.
ed district about midnight Sunday,
gue had made plans to curtail and mod­ information, saya Premier Radoslavoff,
stfrte o f Victoria.
when a Greek restaurant catering to
Bent, whitehaired, although only 50 ify the retail liquor business in order o f Bulgaria, made the following state­
An estimate that 60,000 persons in the inmates o f the district was the years old, Herman Billik left Chicago to make it conform readily to public ment to a Hungarian journalist: “ Bul­
Massachusetts are addicted to the drug scene o f a sharp explosion, which Friday for Cleveland to begin life sentiment throughout the country. garia has won the game and can afford
habit was included in a report o f a shook the center of the city.
anew. Billik was freed after serving The plan, it was said, has been in­ to aign a peace treaty satiafactory to
commission appointed by Governor Mc­
Glass was broken for a distance o f a eight years in the state prison at Jo­ dorsed by the National Wholesale L i­ all. Peace is nearing quickly.
Call to investigate the drug evil. The block from the explosion, but nobody liet following his conviction for mur­ quor Dealers’ Association o f America are expected to make conceasions, but
habit, it was said, is not confined to was injured and the property damage der on testimony which now is admit­ and by a majority o f the brewers of the greatest concession — our peace
any particular class o f people.
was confined to shattered glass.
the United States.
ted to have been perjured.
offer— has already been made.”
August A. Brown, who served in the
famous Light Brigade o f the British
army at Balaklava, died at Elkton, Md.
"Leaks” at Washington Admitted
Manufacturers to Face Prosecution if
Evidence Proves Combine.
Tangled Railroad Brotherhood
Controversy'Before Congress
Managers of Permitting Delays