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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1917)
© I ■I Ifairai (Üroti? SxitrpBtì A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. 2. No. 1 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . JA N . 11. 1917 Monthly Meeting N O T E S A N D P E R S O N A L S of City Council § K „ ig h t $1.50 per Year and was married to George Mor- | gan at Meadie, this state, on | June 23. 1867. The family came i Frank Fleck has been absent to Washington county 32 years from the Hailey store several days on account of illness. Mrs. M attieS Knight, beloved ago and came to this city from With all members present the M r and Mrs. M. S. Allen en wife of Frank F. Knight, passed Gales Creek last April. Decedent is survived by a hus-, Monday's election, for the se greater purt of the time, the city tertained the Ritchey family at away at the family home, one I band and nine children— M rs .; council held its monthly meeting mile west of Dilley. Friday even- j Mary Jones of Buxton, J. E. and lection of a m a y o r , recorder, dinner Saturday evening. tieasurer and five councilmen, Tuesday evening. Walter Morgan of Cresswell, Ore., George G . Hancock, real e - 1 ing, aged 61 years. was a very listless affair. The The most important business M attie S. Stewart was bo n in 1 Elmer of Eugene, William of P o rt-1 tate, farm loans and fire insur C ity ,! only contest was for the office of transacted was authorizing the ance, new Anderson block. Minnesota on January 5th, 1856, land, Fred of Columbia 50 and was married to Frank F. Mrs. Jode Prellin of Phillips. Mrs. treasurer, with Edwin S. Sparks city engineer to continue estab The many friends of Mr. and ! Knight in that state on June 20th, Ella Howard of Gales Creek and and Ives J. Hoar as the candi- lishing street and sidewalk grades Mrs. H. F. Gordon living north I 1882. Shortly after their mar Mrs Minnie Krinich of Kelso,, dates. M r Sparks received 229 thoughout the city. As soon as of this city will be glad to hear of riage, they moved to South Da- Wash. votes and Mr. Hoar 195, giving this is done, the matter of forcing ^ e ir recovery from the grippe ! kota, where they lived until 1902, Services were held at the family Sparks a majority of 34 There cement walks will be taken up in I .... ... . when they came to Oregon. They residence at 10:30 yesterday was just one candidate for each of earnest, where walks are not in ‘ __ a,r f r/* urn lived for several years in this city. morning and the remains were in- the other offices, the votes given the Normal school at Monmouth where the children attended school terred in the Gales Creek ceme- the candidates beinc as follows: first class condidion. Sunday. She has been spending until 10 years ago, when they tery, Rev. Daniel Staver officiat- Geo G. Paterson, mayor 319 After considerable talk and, on moved to the farm near Dilley. her Christ mas vacation at home. mg at both the home and ceme- T wo-Year C ouncilm en- recommendation of the light com Deceased was a loyal wife and tery‘ mittce, council voted to mak< Sam Fox, who has rented the _______________ W .J . McCready ____________ 341 a kind and affectionate iome concession# to useis o» place IM%% iW. »tv «» w v f _ formerly occupied by Mrs. helpmate, ! Dr. C E. H aw ke__ __________ 345 electricity for power. The basis Steigleder, has taken possession of j pother a” d an neighbor, Dr. Chas Hines__________ ...352 Deputy Grand Chancellor Earle for the charge will be according t o : the same and expects the arrival Besides her husband, deceased One-Year Councilmen— the printed schedule, but the en- ¡of his goods most any day from ,*av.e 8 . , f . *°d °w|nK children: O. Buxton last Thursday evening Dr. S. E Todd___________ 350 tire amount Used will be charged Iowa. * Frederick Knight, an instructor installed the following officers for C. W. M e r t z _____________ 333 for at the price of the maximum »» j Secour entertained the sch? ° ,s at S t* ” e,en.8 a" d Deiphos lodge No. 39, Knights of For Treasurer— hundred kilowats used with a I Mr s- r,a aecour entertuima for several years a teacher in the E. S. Sparks_____________ 229 minimum charge of 4c per kilo- Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen and schools in the Phillipine islands; Pythias: C W. Mertz, Chancellor Com I. J. Hoar_____________________195 wat. Some of the big consumers daughters, Martha and Gertrude, Maude F. Knight, Dilley; Mrs. W. P. Dyke, recorder________ 360 claimed they were being forced by and Margaret McFeeters at din- Claud«Wagner,Forest Grove;Gor- mander. the present interpretation of the ner Friday evening. All enjoyed ,10,j V. Knight, \\ oodland, ash . W . C. Tucker, V i c e Com With Dr. W. B. Coon holding rates to put in o t h e r motive „ delightful time and Roland R. Knight, with troop mander. over, the new council will contain |a (Kiighiiui time. i A, Oregon cavalry, Calexico, Cal power two physicians (Drs. Hawke and A. A. Kirkwood, Prelate. Rev. C. H. Hilton, former pas- Notice of the mother’s i Iness was Hines), a dentist (Dr. Todd), a Councilman Johnson, who had Ben Whited. Master at Arms. veterinary (Dr. Coon), a lumber been authorized to negotiate for tor of the Christian church, visit- wired to Roland Knight, but he Dudley Knapp, Inner Guard. dealer (M r. McCready) and a the purchase of 40 acres of land ed in this city Wednesday. A arr,ved . home a f,te.r her death’ . . . . . there being >ome delay in getting Joe Wiles, Outer Guard laundryman, ice and fuel dealer up Clear creek to protect the number of his friends got up a permission for him to leave. The mayor is own- R. C Walker, Master of Work. (M r M ertz) city s water supply and dam, re- dinner for him and he enjoyed his , Funeral services were held er of a furniture store and a bak ported that he had made a deal C. O. Roe, Master of Ex- ery, Recorder Dyke is an attor- with Messrs. Storey and Mosher short stay in the city very much. Sunday afternoon at the home of chequer. Norris M cKay, who spent the i Claude Wagner jn this city, Rev. m y and insurance agent, while for the property at $10 per acre, H. J. Goff, Master of Finance, the new treasurer, M r. Sparks, is and the council ratified the pur- holidays with his parents, Mr. R E. Dunlap official ing, with in C. A. Brodersen, Keeper o f a reporter on a local paper and chase and ordered the p.operty land Mrs. A. M cK ay, in this city, terment in Forest View c metery. corresponds for one of the Port paid for. ¡departed S u n d a y for Eugene, Records and Seals. land papers. T w o sewer warrants, aggregat- wh*fre he is employed in the print Joe Wiles, Trustee. ing $200, were ordered called in. *nK department of the state uni THATCHKR NOTES Bills totalling $1,350 were al ver ity. Mrs. Dora B. Schilke, grand Mrs. Etta Louise Peterson, wife A very pleasant house party was giv lo w ed and ordered paid. There was a happy reunion of Street commissioner was in- worthy matron of Oregon for the of Dr. Hans P e t e r s o n , passed the Vuylsteke family at the home en at the Miller home Saturday even- structed to plank the alley back Eastern Star, will visit the lo- away at the family home in Port- of Ju es Vuylsteke, on the Green-! ,in h° nor of ,Mr\ andMrs- . J * ™ 9 of the First National Bank and cal chapter next Monday night, land last Friday, after an illness t ... , , a . , West, who are leaving this neighbor- I vllle road, l a s t Sunday, when hood in a few weeks to make their the one west of M cG ill’s black- During Monday afternoon, the lasting over the greater part of I Father and Mother Vuylsteke future home in Forest Grove. Their smith shop; also to do consider- grand matron will instruct the two years. and two young sons arrived from Etta Louise Patton was born to many friends o f this vicinity will miss able repair work where pavement officers of the Chapter and in the had been cut for the sewer. evening she will be guest of honor M r. and Mrs. Robert Patton, their once happy home in Belgium them greatly, as they are in high stand pioneer residents of Washington to make their home in this land ing in the social circle o f Thatcher. Recorder was authorized to col- a reception. h*ct delinquent assessments on: Thomas M cKay of Williston, county, at their home near where of peace. Their home in the old Those attending the party were: Mr. Fifth Htreet paving. < N . D., recently purchased at Van- Cherry Grove now stands on country was in the path of the and Mrs. M. E. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. German army’s m a r c h toward W ill Haney and children. Leora and The annual reportof Chief Len- couver for a nice figure Ha.edo, Aug. 14th, 1875, and during the France and was completely de Willard: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ballinger; yiar 1898 was united in marriage neville of the fire department a ciack pacing mare, with a record stroyed, so they decided to come Mr. and Mrs. H arry Miller; Mr. John with Hans Peterson, the ce emony showed that there had been b u t1»« 2:04^, and the owner s father, to America to be with their eight Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W est; Roger seven fires during the year, in- A M cKay of this city, will leave taking place at the home of the sons who reside in W'ashington Peyton and Carolys Miller. The even bride’s brother, Matthew Patton, volving a loss of only $1,647. s° me l 'me next week to take the Roy VanKirk and W alt ing was spent in music and dancing. Ninety firemen had answered the r^are to his son at \V illiston. 1 he i _n °kk n s valley. After living county er Chalmers took the newcomers Jay Raymond left Saturday morning for a time in this city and at Ti- alarms, an average of 13 to the i ?ldt,r M cKay will remain m North ¡gard, Mr. a n d M r s . Peterson to the home of their son, Jules, in for Aberdeen, Wash., to attend the | Dakota until spring. fire. The equipment of the de- an auto Sunday morning and Roy funeral of a distant relative. Joe McRoberts killed a fat two- moved to Portland about ten department, outride the building, says the sight of the happinesss Mrs. Bessie Morris of Portland spent years ago and a little over two is valued at $3,382.32, including year-old black bear one and a of these old people when they met Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. years ago they went to Alaska, hors s, vehicles, h o s e , clothing half miles south of Gales Creek but returned to Portland last sum their sons was worth going miles Jack LaSalle. and ail other apparatus and tools. town one day last week and the Mr. M. E. Simmons is the proud mer for the benefit of Mrs. Peter- to see. The report was accepted and carcass, wh ch was put on sale at possessor of a pair of fine gray colts, !son’s health. the Pacific Market at noon Sat Announcing the engagement of placed on file. Besides her husband, deceased her daughter, Eunice, to M r. which he bought recently from J. urday, was sold out by closing A petition from residents of C Haney. The colts were great pets, leaves to mourn her death, a 10- street for sidewalk improvements time that night. Quite a number year-old son and a six-year-old Norris L. Rogers of McMinnville, but had never been in harness and he was laid on the fable, as the side of people got theis first taste of daughter, five brothers and two Mrs. H. R Bernard Saturday ev was looking forward to some excite walk matter has been arranged “ bar” meat from this youngster sisters, as follows: William Patton ening entertained nine of Miss ment in breaking them. He has been and pronounced it good. Bernard s girl chums at a seven-! for. working them for the past week, and of Portland, Matthew Patton of o’clock dinner, the guests being Tuesday was the seventh anni The mayor was authorized to says t h e y act like old experienced this city. James Patton of Wash appoint a committee of two to versary of the marriage of Mr. ington, Rev. Joseph J. Patton of Misses Ivy Conger. Pearl Hall, I horses. go over the books and ascertain ;and Mrs. Fred (.«miner and lues- Seward, Alaska, Wesley Patton of Hazelteen Stockman, Florence I Mrs. Allen Hayden has been on the how much of the general fund had ! ^a^ ,,evt^lln^J members of Newberg, Mrs Sarah F. Martin Webley, Florence Littler, Norma! sick list for the past week, but is re Mar-1 ported much improved. been paid out on sewer work. rre d s Sunday School class in- of this city and Mrs. Martha In- Goucher (M cM innville), cella Richards, Jessie Reynolds) r r ii „ . „ „ i ca 1 vaded the Gardner home and pro- Rev. C. C. Rarrick of Portland came gebretson of Cornelius. Louie Larson was allowed $4 50 and Winnifred Littlehales. The out today to spend a few days with his i t ? i * »» ¡ „ | ceedea to livcn tninths up* *»li because his horse fell mtoasunken L-. . . Funeral services were held Mon- j dining room was decorated in pink j „ , . _ _ . _ „ Gardner had been let in on what manho e and b r o k e a wagon . . __ „ „ . . . „ ■ day afternoon at Patton M . E . ' and the place cards were twin son, Joe, who is clearing the land at ° i was to happen and had a nice their summer home. t ngue. I lunch for her guests. Fred was church, Portland (the church1 pink hearts, containing photos of The Ladies’ Industrial Club elected Council adjourned at ll:o 0 to presented with a nice Morocco- flamed after a great uncle of the | the guest o! honor and her finance. the following officers at their last meet Jan 18th, when the new bound bible, which he appreciated deceased), after which the remains 1 A t the close of the meeting of Mrs- Beighler pres; Mrs. members will be seated. j very much. The e v e n i n g was were brought to this city for in- j terment in Forest View cemetery, i the Royal Neighbor lo,:ge last, L a S a l T ^ - ,prea: y U 8ecre* Rev Kerr of Portland officiating! Friday evening, Oracle Mrs. Car- • H“ e‘ G,*P,n* treasu^ r- i at the grave rie Graham informed the mem- j RalPh K,ne has returned home- after . 0 __ . i i Mr. Peterson is a member of bers that they were invited to the a sojourn of several months in W ash ™ t . . , , | ‘ w o . weeks the local K of P. lodge and a home of Mrs. C. R. Lasham, one ington, Idaho and Montana. Manager Jones • of the local ago to visit her husband, who was number of Knights meJ the re. of the members, lor an evening's Mrs. Ida C. Westinghouse, aged plant of the Carnation Milk Pro- 111 shortly after reaching mains and followed them to the fun and refreshments. They all 65. wife of G. E. Westinghouse, went and, assisted by Mrs. M . S. passed away at the family home « - l - r » . s received word ; ^ ______ Allen, the hostess served them an at Timber Tuesday. Deceased that the company has decided t o . ¡y improved when she left, him ,; excellent lunch Music and social was born in Ohio and came to give each employe of the local Friday evening. While a w a y , Mrs Georce Morgan aged 65 She is sur condenser who has been one year I Mrs> SeXton witnessed the closing ' C,e° rge ! J * ? 65’ chat made the evening one long | Timber 22 years ago. in the company's employ, a cash of the big SanDiego exposition, i Passod awa>’ suddenly at her home to be remembered with pleasure. vived by her husband, a #son, John, of Timber, and one daugh bonus equal to one-twelfth of his Madam Schuman-Heinke taking north of the College campus at 3 Rev. R . M. Cole, retired mis ter, Mrs Laura Mosier, of Seattle. or her earnings during the past a prominent part in the closing o’clock Monday afternoon, heart1 year. Thirty-five employes come exercises. Mr. Sexton has a job disease being the cause of disso sionary, yesterday wired the Ar Interment was in Forest view cem menian Relief committee of New etery yesterday afternoon. under the provision of this benefi with his son. Hogue, as soon as lution. cent ruling and there is, conse he is able to go to work and will Mrs. Phoebe Killin was born at York $100 which he has collected The. latest Columbia records of quently,much rejoicing at the con probably remain in California Elliott’s P r a i r i e , Clackamas for the relief of the starving A r the new songs on sale at Littler’s denser. several months. county, Oregon, on July 20,1851, menians in Turkey. Pharmacy. CITY ELECTION A QUIET AFFAIR Dies on Birthday K. of P. Installation Well-Known Woman Dies in Portland Carnation Employes S f f i M : ga""" and a ge" Get Cash Bonuses Mre A L s“xlon' wh0 wcnt Death fame Suddenly A Happy Reunion