The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 04, 1917, Image 8

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    The Test o f Ability
The test of ability to save, is some surplus that you
have laid aside or put in the bank. I f you have no
surplus, you are not prepared for the emergency
that is sure to come.
This bank will help you pet started.
The First National Bank
Capital and Shareholders’ Liability, $100,000.00
With the Season’s Greetings
we thank you for your past patronage and
hope our pleasant relations will continue
during the coming year.
Our Goods are the Best,
Our Prices are Right.
Second-hand s c h o o l b o o k s
b o u g h t at
VanKoughnet &
Reder’s drug srore.
Mrs. S. Hauge has been quite
ill for the past three weeks, but
is improving nicely.
Joe A. Wiles would like to
write your insurance. Will give
you service that will be to your
advantage. Upstairs in Ander-j
son block, room 2.
52 j
Archie VV’alker, a former resi­
dent of Scoggin’s valley, died in
Portland last Friday and was bur­
ied Sunday at Union cemetery,
near Cedar Mills.
He leaves a
widow and several children, was
a Mason and several members of
Holbrook lodge attended the fu­
Arthur Caples surrendered to
Old Man Grip the first «lay of the
new’ year and went to bed to take
a rest. He has not been to the
store this week. Mr. and Mrs.
J . W. ( ’a pies had a siege of the
same malady last week, hut have
Oregon Journal
Daily, per month,
Daily and Sunday
Delivered in Forest Grove
by carrier.
Leave or Phone Orders to
W. L. B E N FE R
With the Express
Phone 821
Misses Manche Langley and
M arjory Forbis and Mr Jack
Forbis of this city and Miss Mary
Free Lecture Nezt Monday
Phone 0301
C. H. GIGI ERE, Prop.
Heidel of Hillsboro and Josephine
Prof. A R. Sweetser. head o f 1 Baby Winnifred McBride was quite
Follett of Portland returned Sat­ the Biological department of the sick I m i week with croup.
urday night from Barview, where University of Oregon and a form
Herbert Hubbard loNt a very valuable
on«- day l*at week.
Mr. an«l Mr*. George Hoar were
I Captain Farley cottage.
They sity, will deliver a lecture, entitled
bered among the sick.
Howard McGill had business in
“ Sensible Sanitation and Health boat* to the G. t . it. club and the hue-
The Express prints butter wrap-1 report a most delighful time
band* o f the memlier*. Seven table*
Portland yesterday.
Prof. Frank M . Fletcher of Hygiene,” at the Star Theater at were played and it wa* a very enjoy­
pers with non-poisonous ink.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latta visit­
The latest Columbia records of Wallace, Idaho, who visited his1 3 o ’clock next Monday afternoon, able affair. Mr Hoar return««! a num-
ed friends in Hillsboro Sunday.
the new songs on sale at Littler’s father and mother, Mr and Mr- The lecture is under the auspices ber o f the gue*t* to their home* in a
D. D. Loomis of Spokane visit­ Pharmacy.
J. T. Fletcher, last week, on Fri-1 of the Woman's club and admis- big sleigh.
Mr*. Henry Hickux went to Yamhill
ed relatives in this city last week.
White kid gloves cleaned, 10c day took his father and mother *ion is free. Local people who to *|iend New Year*.
Girl wanted for general house- , per pair at Buggies’, next to post ¡and his niece, Miss Gladys Phipps,1 heard Prof. Sweetser at the Glad
Ned Tatro and Frank Sutfonl had
for r an auto ride tn
to ♦»*«
the home « of f I stone Chautauqua last fall speak , bu»ine*a in the Grove Tuesday.
work. E. C. Brown, north Main office.
Mr*. Watkm* met with a painful ac-
Mrs. Eva Adams has been quite Mr. and Mrs Walter Sargent, at I very highly of his ability. The
l“Ml Thursday evening, when a
A trial order is all we ask; next ill for the past week, but is re-
cup o f scalding tea wa* accidentally
homestead, on Clear-
to postoffice. Ruggles Cleaning ported better todaj.
Christian Church
*p*n«d over her shoulder*.
For Sale— Nice driving horse.
The Pache Market
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mulkey of ?ood harness and buggy. Inquire
at this office.
Portland spent the holidays at the
; For Rent— Five-room house,
Hancock home in this city. *
near depots, modern. Inquire of
Pure-bred White Leghorn cock­ Manche Langley.
erels for sale. A rare bargain at
Miss I^throp, a teacher at the
$2.00. G. M . Littlehales
Lincoln school, is taking an en­
Miss Heloise Ppillips and Mr. forced vacation on account of the
Lester Bennett attended the play «rip.
“ Intolerance” in Portland Tues­
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coats of
Tillamook were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Prunella Pederson has re­ Mrs. John McNamer Tuesday
turned to her home at Bend, after evening.
a visit with Mrs. Ella Olson of
Mrs. John Dollarhigh arrived
this city.
Monday from Dayton for a visit
Harold Ober, who has been | w a h her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
visiting Forest Grove friends for j 0hn McNamer.
the past ten days, returned to his
Mig# Heloise Phillips left W ed­
home in Nehalem Wednesday.
nesday morning for Echo, after
Wanted— Lady who wishes to having spent the holidays with
learn the cleaning and pressing her home folks here.
trade. Apply Buggies Cleaning
Miss Faye Schroeder, w ho
Works, next to post office.
teaches in the Gold Hill high
For two weeks we will make a
plain tailored skirt free of charge
with every dress or coat made in
our shop. P h o n e 69 2; Elite
1 *
school, is spending two weeks al
her home in this city.
The County Seat
W a*hington County E ditori«! A *»oct«tion
N ew s Bureau
Circuit Court
Edith Wilkinson is suing Helma
Rowe for p<msession o f certain per­
sonal property and asking damages in
the »urn o f $100.00.
Frank W. Grogg is suing William
Mark, et al., to quiet title to a parcel
o f property in the town o f Cornelius.
Bessie Betts asks a divorce from
George, naming two women who have
destroyed her happiness.
She also
wants restored her maiden name and
asks $15 a month alimony.
Jennie A. Keeher is suing James F.
for a divorce. They WfTe marri«.*d more
than thirty years ago and until recently
lived on a farm on the Wilson river.
Margaret Godwin is suing George
for a dissolution o f the tie that binds,
| because George has confessed he no
longer loves his Margaret.
E. A. Hyde brings suit against I). A.
ami Louise Kennedy for $1754 and Peter
Hoffman is asking the foreclosure o f a
lien on property o f F^mil Crop to satisfy
a claim o f $51.96.
Letter Bennett returned Wed-
ne^-day to his nome at Phib math,
Albert H. Sarton and Lena A. W al­
after spending the holidays at the
cott; Carl Schnabele and Wilhelmina
The watch-night meeting at home of Mrs. L S. Phillips.
Gutschmidt; Harley W. Prickett and
the M . E. church Sunday night
W. L. Benfer has been appoint­ Anna Hiddmk; William Ft. Thompson
was largely attended and a good ed Forest Grove agent for the andGladolia L. Erwin; William J. En­
program of music and short talks Qreg0n Journal and may be seen schede and Ruih Harris.
was enjoyed by all.
at the office of the Forest Grove
Marriage Licenses
Banks Merchant Called
Joseph Copeland and family of Express by persons having busi-
E F. Willis, the well-known
Portland and Lee Copeland and ness with him
I hardware merchant of Bank.«,
family of Bozeman, Mont., spent
Mr. and Mrs. John McNamer 1
j passed away at a Portland hos-
New Year’s day at the McCready had for New Year’s dinner Mr.
, .
, ,
. ,
, i pita! Monday of diabetes, after
home in this city.
Lee and fam- and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. and
,, r. «.
. ,, ’ r-
an illness of several months, aged
lly will remain the week out.
Mrs. H. R. Bernard, Rev. Father
... . .
n i vv it r « * ^
, 164 years.
Mr. Willis has lived in
Miss Lefa Egli moved Tuesday Buck, Dr. Ward, Mrs. Phoebe
Banks for eleven years upd was
to Hillsboro, where she will con- Ward and daughter. Perry,
highly respected by the people of
tinue filling a place in the Hills-
Mrs. Weston, aged 88, died that town. He is survived by a
boro general hospital f o r s ix yesterday morning at the home of widow and two daughters, Miss
weeks, after which time she will her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Sholes Ruth Willis of Banks and Mrs.
remain in that city to do private of Cornelius,
I he body will be Helen M cKay of Honolulu. De­
j sent to Michigan for interment based belonged lo a Masonic
Mrs. C. L. Crosley agreeably beside the body of her husband, order in Portland and to Jerico
surprised her many friends by re-
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith re­ lodge, I. O. O. F., of Banks.
turning to Forest Grove from Al- turned last night from an over-
Funeral services were held at
bany Sunday last for a month’s Sunday visit with Mr. and Mrs. 10 o ’clock yesteaday morning at
visit with relatives and friends. Hugh Watson at Chehalis, Wash. the Banks M . E. church, Rev
Mrs. Crosley recently underwent They report the Watsons well Coleman officiating. Several For-
a serious operation, hence the plea ed with Chehalis, w h e r e est Grove Odd Fellows attended
surprise at her appearance.
Hugh is in business.
i the funeral.
We have changed the prayer meeting
night fr«>m Thursday to Wednesday, a*
we found other thing* ronffirting with
the service on Thumday night.
hope the change will in»ure a better
attendance. Remember the change.
I<ord’* Day *ervicen a* follow «:
9:45 a. m.. Bible School.
11;00 a. rn.. Communion and Sermon.
*5.30 p. m.. C. E. Meeting*.
7:30 p. m., Song Service and Ser­
mon; Subject, "P u ttin g on C hri*t.”
F^verybody welcome to womhip with
R. L. PUTNAM, PMtor.
Enroute h o m e to Puyallup,
Wash., from a visit with relatives
at McMinnville, M r and Mrs.
Chas Fulmer visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas O Roe several
«lays last week.
Dr Hin s has been a grip suf-
erer for several days
Jan. 13th
^ r’ and Mr*. Frank ( rnwther* eri-
tertainod relative* from the («rove on
Mr«. Lulu Ingenwtll returned
Monday evening from Lebanon,
where she spent the holidays.
------------------------------------- _*—
Notice i* hereby given that the urt-
dcr.Higncd adminiatratrix o f the e*tate
o f F\ H. Maury, deceased, ha* ft lad with
the County Court of Wa*hington coun­
ty her final report in naid e*tate ami
that the Judge o f Raid Court hu* *et
F ebruary 19th, 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m.
o f aniil day, for the hearing o f any ob­
jection* to »aid rc|*»rt. Therefore any
person having objection* thereto will
appear on or before Maid date ami file
the *ume.
L. B. M A U R Y ,
Admini*tratrix o f the e*tate o f
F. H. Maury, <lecea*ed.
M anche I kknk L a n g l e y ,
will tell the tale of the
High-Flight Auto Contest
Saturday, Jan. 13, at 6 p. m.
Cast all your votes now
A nother Contest M o n ( J a y
J an<
and closes April 13th. Only one machine will be given
in this next contest, in order to make them last longer
and give every boy and girl a better chance. Votes will
be given only with H igh-Flight Flour, “ the height of
perfection,” as follows: One sack, 100 votes; two sacks
300 votes; three sacks, «500 votes; four sacks (at one
time), 1,000 votes.
Store Open
7 a. m. to
6 p. m.
S C H U L T Z ’
Gr o ve' i
De Lux*
9 p. m.
Be on Time.
Shop Early.
Tell your friends to use High-Flight Flour, enjoy per­
fect Bread and save the votes.
100 Votes for
For Saturday
P U R E L A R I)
No 5 pail
High-Flight Auto Contest.
(Schultz Home brand)