The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 04, 1917, Image 7

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    N E W S ITE M S
O f General Interest
About Oregon
Single Rule in City and
County Object at Hood River
Hood (Over Agitation Is under way
in flood River county with a view to
having the legislature change tini lawa
o f the alate ao aa to make possible the
amalgHination o f the governments of
the city and county o f Hood Hiver.
It ia automated that a commiaaion
coni|M>aed o f representative men of
both city and county be appointed to
make a atudy o f the governments of
San Franciaco and I .os Angeles and
other aimilar dual government*. Thia
commiaaion, if ap|Mtinted, w ill bu au­
thorized to draft a plan.
Cranberry Juice Falls
From “ Water Wagon”
Portland Cranberry culture, which
thrives at North Beach, Wash., In the
district served by the fifth division of
the O. W. It. & N. company, has a
most consistent booster in the person
of "Captain” Build, superintendent of
the division.
On a trip to Ilwaco last week "Cap­
tain” Budd was presented with four
bottle* of the cranberry liquid. He in
turn gave the beverage to friends re­
siding at the Hotel Imperial, urging
them to parake thereof frequently,
as it waa |x>sitivA)y non-intoxicating,
was a rejuvenator, carried only good
effects, and in general was the coming
“ dry” favorite.
But when kept in the hotel tempera­
ture for a few day* the cranberry juice
became fieeish, switched from a non-
hilarious fluid to a roisterous, foment­
ing, capricious extract and blew corks
and contents over walls and ceilings.
S I4.609.006 From Yakima Valley.
Logger Kills Wife Who Seeks
Yakima According to the crop re-
Divorce; Then Shoots Self ; port for 1910, prepared by the same
Itainier liecauae hia w ife atarted ! authority which has for several years
auit for divorce, W. J. Horton, a log­ past compiled the figures on Yakima
ger, Wedncaday walked into the atore crop production, there was grown in
where ahe waa employed, ahot and { the Yakima valley this year, including
killed her and turned the weapon on only those {«ortions in Yakima and
himaelf. Horton died inatantiy; hia Benton counties and actually shipped
to market or now being held in storage
w ife lingered four hours.
Horton ia aaid to have walked into for shipment later, produce valued at
the atore and to have engaged in an ar­ ; $14,599,065. This is an increase of
gument with her, after threatening nearly $5,000,000 over a year ago.
her life. Later in the day he walked
Cattle Wintered in Yakima.
acroaa the alreet where he could watch
North Yakima From 10,000 to 12,-
the cuatomera enter and leave the
atore, and waited until buaineaa waa 000 head o f rattle are being fed in the
at a atandatill.
Then Horton hurried Yakima valley this winter, with the
acroaa the atrect into thu atore and idea of finishing them for market on
ahot without a word, two ahota being grasH in the early spring. Stockmen
R ail­
fired within a few aeconda after he find this a profitable business.
roads have moved 500 cars o f fat catte
entered the place.
from the valley this season just past
to market, of which about 200 cars
were o f home production and the re­
Salem— E. J. Hanaett, manager o f mainder stock brought in for fattening.
the Oregon F la* Fiber company at
O ffer fo r Flax is Vague.
Turner and form er auperintendent of
the flax plant at the |>enitentiary, haa
Salem The State o f Control has re­
written a letter in which he proteata ceived a cablegram replying to its re­
againat the move o f the Slate board of cent proposal to sell flax to Agnew &
control in planning to aell flaxaeed to Hamilton, importers, o f Belfast, Ire­
a firm in Itelfaat, Ireland. He atatca land. The cablegram, while apparent­
that if the move ia made it w ill mean ly accepting the board's offer o f $2.75
a drawback to the flax induatry in Ore­ f. o. b. Salem, was vague in its terms,
gon, and that mills at Eugene and Tur­ and the board sent a second cablegram
ner must ahut down. He gives aa a reiterating its first offer.
reason for thia assertion that the milla
named have disposed of their seed, ex­
pecting to get more later from the
He declares that he haa just re­
«**• • • • • • • »
ceived a telegram from a New York
Portland- Wheat —Bluestem, $1.44;
capitalist who is planning to come to
forty fold, $1.40; club, $1.40; red Rus­
the state in January and construct ft
sian, $1.35.
large plant in Oregon. In event the
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $35.00.
dug! with the Belfast firm proves suc­
Barley— No. 1 white, $37.00.
cessful the pro|>osal of the capitalist
Flour — Patents, $7.80; straights,
may be check mated, he statea.
$S.60 07 .00 ; exports, $6.80; valley,
$7.30; whole wheat. $8.00; graham,
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $26.50
Newhcrg — Heretofore there has per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled barley,
been heavy loss to orchardiBts in this $40.00(341.60.
vicinity through lack of a markelt for
Corn — Whole, $46.00 per
anything but highgradc apples.
This cracked, $47.00.
year the entire apple crop was in de­
H a y — Producers’ prices: Timothy,
mand, the "seconds” being all taken Eastern Oregon,
$19.00(321.00 per
by the Jones Bros. & Co. factory for ton; timothy, valley, $16.00(1/17.00;
cider and vinegar.
In addition, 11 alfalfa, $17.00 (a) 18.00; valley grain
carloads o f apples were shipped to the hay, $13.00(d 15.00; clover, $12.60.
factory from other localities in the
Butter — Cubes, extras,
35c per
pound; prime, firsts, 33c; firsts, 32Jc.
The plant ground
up 1,184,295 Jobbing prices: Prime extras, 35(3
pounds o f apples, which produced 100,- 38c; cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No.
038 gallons o f juice.
They also pro­ 1, 38c; No. 2, 36c, Portland.
duced 40,000 gallons o f loganberry
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
juice. This was the first year o f oper­ ceipts, 36c per dozerr; Oregon ranch,
ations. They gave employment to 25 candled, 38(rtj40c; Oregon ranch, se­
men. Additions are to be made to the lects, 42c.
building next year.
They are con­
Poultry— Hens, 13fq)15c i>er pound;
tracting for loganberries for a term springs, 16(317c; turkeys, live, 22(3
o f five years at $60 a ton.
23c; dressed, 30c; ducks, 15(316c;
geese, 12Jc.
Veal— Fancy, 13Je per pound.
Pork— Fancy, ll| c per pound.
Salem— A request to the coming leg­
Vegetables— Artichokes, 90c(3$L 10
islature will be made by the State In­
per dozen; tomatoes, nominal; cab­
dustrial Accident commission for an
bage, %2(ii)2.25 per hundred; eggplant,
amendment to section 6 o f the act cre­
25c per pound; lettuce, $1.86 per box;
ating the commisasion, to remove the
cucumbers, $1(31.26 per dozen; celery,
present limitation of $25,000 which
California, $4.50 per crate; pumpkins,
can be expended annually for the serv­
KftHic per pound; cauliflower, $2 per
ices o f clerks and assistants.
"T h a t limitation was included in the
Potatoes — Oregon buying prices:
original law ,” stated Commissioner
$1.25(31.40 |>er hundred; sweets, $4.00
Abrams in discussing the proposed
per hundred.
amendment. "W hen it was passed in
Onions — Oregon buying
the final week in December,
$2.75 per sack, country points.
brought in $565,000, showing the rapid
Green Fruits — Apples, 50c(<t$1.50
increase in business owning to the
per box; pears, $1.50(<£2.50; cranber­
speeding up o f industries.”
ries. $12(312.50 per barrel.
Hops— 1916 crop, 6(310}c pound.
Man Kills 006 Rabbits.
Tallow, 8(39c per pound.
Prineville — The jackrahbit bounty
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 240$
law recently enacted by the initiative 30c per pound; coarse, 33(336c; val­
In Crook county is getting results with ley, 330$35c; mohair, 350$45c.
a vegeneance as was indicated when
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 51c per
Oscar Cruse, a homesteader o f Near pound.
Brothers, this county, came to I’ rine-
Cattle— Steers, prime, $7.50(38.25;
ville with the scaps of 90« jackrabits, good, $7.00(37.35; common to good,
which he had killed within the past $6.00(36.85; cows, choice, $5.60(36.60;
He received $45.30 bounty medium to good, $5.25(36.50; ordinary
from County Clerk Warren Brown.
to fair, $4.60(35.00; heifers, $5.00(3
6.00; bulls, $2.75(35.00; calves, $3.00
Salem May Get Postoffice Addition. (37.00.
Hogs— Prime, $9.50(39.85; good to
Salem— Postmaster Huckestein said
$9.40(39.50; rough
recently he had received word from prime
Washington that an appropriation of heavy, $8.60(39.10; pigs and skips,
$60,000 for an addition to the Salem $8.60(38.75.
Sheep— Lambs, $7.00(310.25; year­
Federal building will be incorporated
In the omnibus appropriation will aa ling wethera, $7.50(38.76; old wethers,
$$•7507.09; ewes, $5.0007.60.
aoon as it rsashes the senate.
Flax Move is Protested.
Apple Crop Cleaned Up.
Help Limit is Proposed.
Carranza Fails to Sign Protodol, but
Formal Break Deferred.
Prepared In T h is Way, the Meet W ill
Be Found Both Appetizing and
Washington, I). C.— Although Gen­
eral Carranza had not replied up to
Tuesday night to the demand of the
United States that he either ratify or
repudiate the protocol drawn by the
Mexican-American joint commission,
the expiration o f the time lim it was
not made the occasion fo r formally de­
claring the negotiations at an end.
While the time expired at midnight,
officials were inclined to take into con­
sideration that a reply might have
been delayed and indicated that a fa v­
orable reply, even though a day or
more late, would not be rejected, inas­
much as an adjustment of internation­
al difficulties was the chief object.
Refusal to accept the terms o f the
agreement, under which troops would
be withdrawn from Chihuahua, means
the closing o f negotiations through the
joint commission for adjustment o f the
questions at issue between the United
States and the de facto government ot
What effect the new situation then
presented would have on the policy of
the United State* is not known, but it
was said at the State department that
any further move would be made
through the usual channels and not by
the commission, which for more than
three months attempted to effect an
amicable settlement.
Dr. John R. Mott, one o f the Am eri­
can commissioners, conferred
Secretary Lansing in the course o f the
day, and both expressed the hope that
Carranza’s reply would be favorable.
The more general opinion among
government officials, however,
that the Mexican executive would not
alter his repeated declaration that the
American troops must be withdrawn
unconditionally and any further discus­
sion o f international subjects could not
take place while foreign troops violat­
ed the sovereignty of Mexico.
I f Carranza persists in his refusal
there w ill be nothing for the members
o f the joint commission to do but to
hold one last conference to close the
record and say good-bye.
After carefully wiping the meat with
a wet towel, lay It ori a rack In the
dripping pan and place It In a very hot
oven, where It will quickly »ear over
on all sides. Then reduce the heat at
the oven and pour Into the pan with
the fat, which haa come from the roast,
a cupful o f hot wuter.
Now cut In small pieces two large
tzirt apples and put these Into the
pan where, cooking, they will give up
their add.
Baste the: meat very often with this
liquid, adding water when necessary,
letting the pork cook slowly and thor­
oughly. Season with salt and pepper
when half done.
A little flour may be dredged over
the roast at Intervals and a few sage
leaves powdered may be sprinkled over
Sage and pepper scorch easily
and must he frequently hasted.
Apple sauce and horseradish may
accompany the roast pork as usuaL
When the roast Is done take It up
and pour off all the drippings except
two lurge tablespoonfuK being careful
to retain the brown substance at the
Add two tablespoonfuls of flour, let­
ting this cook for n minute with the
dripping. Add a pint o f cold water,
stirring well. Add a slice of onion,
letting gravy cook a few minutes to
extract the Juice, then remove the
onion. Strain gravy. This gravy Is
fr«*e from grease and has a good flavor.
Hostess Should See T h s t T r s y o r T s b le
Is A p p ro p ria te ly Set O ff W ith
Flo w e rs— T o P ro p e rly Pre­
pare the Beverage.
Remember to add as a finishing
touch to the tray or tea-table a vase
with a few flowers, a single rose, three
or four asters or a yellow daffodil or
so placed In a bud van«; or held In
place In u flat dish by a Japanese
Always serve cream as well as
lemon. Many persons do not enjoy
tea without cream and of course they
will not be so frank as to tell you so
wheu they see that the tea tray 1»
not supplied with any.
Serve the cut sugar In the small,
half lumps. For a small cup o f tea a
large lump often proves too much and
it Is always awkward to have to break
a lump or to take a lump from the
cup when It Is half-dissolved.
Take pains to see that the teapot
and hot-water Jug are both well heated
before pouring In the boiling water.
By doing so the temperature of the
boiling water will not be reduced In
bringing the teapot and Jug to Its level.
Remember to carry the pot to the
boiling water and pour the water on
the tea leaves while the wuter Is ac­
tually boiling. Many persons wrong­
ly feel that If the water has boiled
It matters little whether or not it Is
| still boiling when It Is applied to the
| tea leaves.
Method of Serving Is Something of a
Always serve sandwiches or toast
Novelty— Makes Delicious
In smull portions. It Is very awkward
Luncheon Dish.
j for the tea drinker to have to manage
| large portions.
Bread and butter
At most delicatessen shops or largo
1 sandwiches should be of wafer thin­
grocery stores may be bought tiny lit­
ness and should be cut In Inch-wide
tle cans o f anchovy paste. These sell,
strips. A goodly supply should be on
as a rule, fo r 10 cents apiece.
band to muke up for the smallness of
To make the sauce, melt one round­
the single pieces.
ed tuhlespoonful o f butter and one
tahlespoonful o f flour, heaped high.
Lemon Marmalade.
When thoroughly blended, add one
Wash and dry a dozen lemons and
:>ful o f milk and the contents o f the
weigh them whole. Put them Into a
| ...iy can o f anchovy paste.
When the sauce has boiled up, re­ pan, cover with cold v a te r— enough
move It from the lire, stir until very to float them— and cook steadily until
smooth and ponr it over hard-boiled they cun be easily pierced. They may
eggs that have been shelled, cut in require from one to two hours. When
half and laid face down on the plate tender slice them thinly, removing
on which they are to be served. Pour >*“eds and hard pieces. Now measure
the sauce over the eggs evenly, sprtn- the water In which they cooked and
L ittle Rock, A rk.— From 17 to 21 kle with a little finely-chopped parsley make up the quantity required— one
pint to each pound weight of lemons.
| and probably more persons were killed or celery and dust with paprika.
For luncheon, ns an entree. It should Allow one pound and a half o f sugar
in « tornado that struck South Central
; Arkansas at 3 o’clock Tuesday, accord- he served hot and then the sauce to each pound o f lemons. Put fruit,
should be poured In an individual cas­ sugar and water in a preserving pan
! ing to reports received here.
Four are known to be dead at Eng­ serole or, should this not be bandy, in and cook steadily until the Juice “ je l­
land, 17 are reported killed at Keo and a baking dish. Fresh eggs, carefully lies” on a plate when cold. Stir often
several are reported killed at the state opened, are dropped in tills hot sauce nnd keep well skimmed. Put Into dry
and a little cheese grated over the top, j Jars and when cold tie down.
convict farm at Tucker.
A ll wries into the strom-swept dis­ and paprika, and the whole put In a
trict are down and only meager details very hot oven long enough to “ set"
Mocha Cake.
are available.
the egg. This may be served as
Tw o cupfuls o f sugar, butter the size
The known dead are: Albert L. course by Itself with thin biscuits.
o f two eggs, two scant cupfuls o f milk,
Swarts, a farm er livin g near England,
j two eggs, four level teaspoonfuls of
and three negroes, one o f whom lived
baking powder, flour to the right con­
Keep Oven Scrupulously Clean.
two miles north o f England, and two
An oven that Is in constant use sistency and vanilla. Make three lay­
who lived two miles
should be kept scrupulously clean If ers.
Swarts home was picked up and car­
For mocha icing, one-half cupful of
you want to get the best results from
ried about 100 yards. Mrs. Swarts
It. The shelves should occasionally strong coffee, two tablespoonfuls of dry
was believed fatally injured and an 18-
be scrubbed with strong soda water, cocoa, one-half cupful o f butter, two
year-old daughter was badly hurt.
cupfuls o f confectioners’ sugar. Dis­
The storm is said to have swept a and. In nddltlon, they should be paint­ solve the cocoa In the hot coffee. Cream
patch about four miles wide and it is
the butter and sugur. Let the cocoa
reported that several fires broke out in a year. An oven treated In this way and coffee mixture stand until cold,
the wreckage. Every physician in the
and then add drop by drop to the sugar
little town o f England has been called and there Is no unpleasant smell when and butter until the desired consistency
to the country to care for the injured.
is reached.
Tornado«and Blizzard Takes
Toll of 21 in Arkansas
Villa Takes San Luis Potosi.
El Paso — A report was received
Wednesday by sources known to be
close to Francisco Villa and by govern­
ment agents saying that V illa ’s forces
captured San Luis Potosi Tuesday.
Many foreigners who left Torreon be­
fore V illa attacked that town recently
went to San Luis Potosi. No details
were available.
San Luis Potosi is southeast o f Tor­
reon on the National railroad line be­
tween Aguas Calientes and Tampico.
Tampico is believed to be V illa 's ob­
jective in order to obtain a port
through which he can import arms,
ammunition and suppiles.
V illa was
reported to be between Torreon and
Chihuahua City, and was said to be
preparing to launch an attack against
Chihuahua City soon.
In anticipation of this attack. Gen­
eral Francisco Murguir was reported
to have ordered General Francisco
Gonzales, former commander in Juar­
ez, to proceed south at once with his
entire brigade to reinforce the Chi­
huahua garrison.
School Children Strike.
Scranton, Pa.’— In answer to the
school board’ s decision in not granting
a Christmas vacation o f one week, 15,-
000 school children of the 22,000 enrol­
led in the public schools o f this city
remained away from sessions Tuesday.
Students from two high schools
marched through the city yelling:
" W e want a vacation !"
At intermission period at both insti­
tutions the "strikers” managed to in­
due* several hundred others t* strike.
Cold Bean Croquettes.
Belgian Carrots.
nere Is a nice way o f using cold
Tw o cupfuls thinly sliced French
beans In croquettes: Get them ready!
at night, so It takes just a moment to carrots, one and one-fourth tablespoon­
cook them for breakfast. Mash two fuls sugar, one-eighth teaspoonful pep­
cupfuls baked beans, yolks o f one or \ per, one-third cupful butter. Combine
two eggs, one tablespoonful melted i the sugar and carrots and cook cov­
butter, pinch o f salt. Form Into cones. \ ered till soft, adding water barely to
Roll In cracked crumbs. Do not coat cover. When tender, drain, mince car­
with egg. as they are rather moist, rots and add remaining Ingredients.
nnd the cracker crumbs stick on all Let stand In a warm place ubout half
an hour.— Good Housekeeping.
right.— Boston Globe.
Roasted Hamburg Steak.
T o one nnd one-half pounds o f ham-
burg steak atld two slices o f fat salt
pork, finely chopped, one-half cupful
stale bread crumbs, one egg nnd three-
fourths teaspoonful salt.
Shape In
loaf, dredge with flour nnd over top put
seven strips of fut salt pork. Roast 45
minutes, busting every seven minutes,
first with one-half cupful water nnd
then with fat In pan. To liquid In pan
add water to make one cupful. Brown
one nnd one-half tablespoonfuls butter,
add two tablcspoonfuls flour nnd the
cup liquid.
Banana Cake.
Mnke any one-egg cake, or gener­
ally make a ‘ sponge cake and bake In
round tins, two Inyers; slice banana
on cake and cover with whipped
cream ; simply lay another layer o f
cake on first and cover again with
bananas and cream.
Whipped Cream— Take one cupful
sweet cream, add the white of an egg
to give It body, small pinch o f salt
and whip all together until thick;
sweet so to taste and flavor with vw-
Real Indian Pudding.
Heat one quart of milk and add
seven level tablespoonfuls o f Indian
meal, moistened with water. When
nearly thick, add one quart o f milk,
or one pint of water and one pint of
milk, one cupful o f molasses, one cup­
ful o f raisins, one cupful o f tapioca,
salt, cassia and other spices ns liked.
The rule Is one level teaspoonful of
cassln, one-hulf teuspoonful of ginger,
one-fourth tenspoouful o f cloves nnd
and one-fourth teaspoonful of nutmeg.
Bake from five to seven hours In a
moderate oven.
W hen F ry in g Fish.
Fish should always be fried like
doughnuts. In deep fat. Bacon drip­
pings are perhaps as good a material
ns any. Butter should not be used for
frying fish. It should be cooked until
well browned, and then removed and
allowed to drain, but not grow cool be­
fore serving.
In Piece of Eggs,
Chopped suet Is very useful In tak­
ing the place of eggs In milk puddings.
flUuply sprinkle a little on the top end
the pudding will be rich and creamy.