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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1917)
f # Slip Jfarpat draw A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Vol. 1, No. 52 NEW OFFICERS TAKE THE REINS xprtm FOREST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y . JA N . 4. 1917 state. The groom is a great grandfather, b u t is h a l e and hearty and expects to enjoy many years of his bride’s cooking, which is said to lie very much better than that of many women half her age. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Berthold of Cornelius and after the marriage Mrs. Orth served a wedding dinner to the bride and groom and a few of their nearest relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Reeher will make this city their home. Mu IKKMMMMMMi SOCIAL NOTES 3 Miss Edna and Jessie Smith, Miss Oleva Berger, Fred Knight, Will Enschede. Will Thompson, Ben Willard, Rev. John Taylor and Mr. and Mrs James Vibbert. $1.50 per Year Hillsboro Mayor Called by Death William N. Barrett, an alumnus A Birthbay Surprise of Pacific University (class o f The Odd Fellow« and Rebekahs A v e r y pleasant and well- Mr. and Mrs. A. A . Hall last 11879), and mayor of Hillsboro, installed their new officers last planned surprise was given at the Friday entertained Mr. and Mrs. passed away at his home in that night, following the ceremonies home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. C. Misz at dinner and in the with a nice lunch of sandwiches, Roswurm, in Curtis addition, on evening entertained in honor of city Saturday, after an illness of their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. saluds, cake and coffee. The Ite- Dec. 27th, in honor of Mrs. Ros- C. O. Roe, Mr and Mrs. C . N. six weeks, aged 60 years. bekah officers were installed by M r. Barrett was a native of wurm's birthday. When all was Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mrs. J. E. Pogue, district deputy quiet and the snow was gently Hughes and son, Lester, and Mr. Washington county and had been president, assisted by Mewlames falling, the door bell gave a light and Mrs. Chas. Fulmer of Puyal prominent in both county and Templeton, B u x t o n , Ortmun, ring. Mrs Roswurm went to the lup, Wash. Cards and refresh state for many years. He served Hatfield, Shearer and Porter and door and to her surprise found ments were the attractions were as follows: I two terms as district Attorney of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hesseltine, Mrs. Sylvia B e r n a r d , past the old Fifth Judicial District and Mrs Frank Emerson and children, Miss Margaret E. Marsh last grand; Mrs.Carrie Graham,noble also served two terms in the State Beth, Melvin, Marvin and Leslie; Monday night entertained a dozen grand; Mrs. E d n a Ross, vice Senate. He was Hillsboro City William Abernethy, aged 85, M r. and Mrs. Waller Baldwin couples of young friends at pro grand; Miss Jeanette Little, sec retary; Miss Anna Tolke, treas son of Oregon’s first governor, and children, Paul, lone and W al gressive rook, the first prizes go Attorney during the era of mu urer; Mrs. Lulu Ingersoll, chap and himself a pioneer of 1840, | ter; Mrs. Roy Berger and daugh ing to Miss Beth Potwin and Vin nicipal improvement and later lain; Mrs. Barbara Sexton, war passed away at his home in this ter, Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. A . C. cent Robinson, while the consola was elected Mayor. He was a Smith and daughters, Jessie and tions fell to Miss Zola Kirry and den; Mrs. Nora McNamer, con city last Saturday, at 8:20 p. m. After lunch, the 32d degree Mason and a Knight Edna,Mr. and Mrs. W. C. David Glenn Morgan ductor; Mrs. Anna Dixon, right Deceased was born in New son, Mre. Wm. Berger and daugh young people spent a pleasant of Pythias. supporter to noble grand; Mrs. His widow and two sons sur Mary Hill, left supporter; Miss York city in the year 1831 and ter. Oleva. Mrs. Mary Porter and hour singing college songs. The children, Gladys and Ted, Misses rooms were appropriately decor when nine years of age came to vive. Alice Crooks, right supporter to vice grand; Mrs. Susie Hatfield, Oregon with his parents, who were Francis and Harriett Benjamin, ated with green foliage and New Funeral services were held at left supporter; Miss Mary Wahl, membe™ of a Met hodist mission accompanied by Mr. Benoit; Miss Year bells. t h e M . E. church, Hillsboro, inside guardian; Mrs. Dora Ben- ary company of fifty people. On Beatrice Pogue, M i s s Chattie On New Year's day Mrs Deuell Tuesday at 1:30 p. m , with Rev. fer, outside guardian. The in June 14, 1803, deceased was unit Chapman, Mrs. Alfred Davidson, and .■on,Herbert, gave a dinner to Skipworth officiating and the re W’ayne Wilson, Mrs. A. Christen- ed in marriage with Miss Sarah stalling officers had practiced their a few friends. Those enjoying mains were interred in the Hills Fidelia Gray, the wedding taking |sen, and daughters, Anna and work anrl were perfect therein. their hospitality were M r. and Harry T . Giltner, assisted by place at the Dalles. The family Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs E. L. Cummings of Thatcher boro cemetery, with t h e M a Past Grands Van Antwerp, M or came to this city from Southern K. Curtis. sonic ritualistic service. After all had removed their 1 and M r and Mrs. Shaw and Ben gan, Odell, Hill and Curtis, in Oregon in 1904. He is survived Willard of Forest Grove. In the Basketball Saturday Night stalled the following officers for by his widow and the following wraps a n d w e r e comfortably evening Herbert invited a num children: Mrs. Anna M . Starr, seated, M r. Roswurm was re- the Odd Fellows:1 The 1917 basketball season Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. Caroline A. jquested to stretch a wire and put ber of his friends and a deligh ful L. G. Morley, past grand; E. Burgess, Seatile, Wash.;« William time was spent in playing “ 500.” opens for Pacific University next up a curtain at one end of the i B. Catching, n<J)le grand; Dan Refreshments were served to the Saturday night at 8 o’clock, when Abernethy, Tacoma, Wash.; Ed dining room the same being con Pierce, vice grand ; H. R. Bernard, Those invited were Miss the Pacific Champions meet the win P. S. Abernethy, McKinley, nected with the living room, mak- guests. r, .. D . • . T1 secretary; H. T. Giltner, treasurer; Ore.; Mrs. V i o l e t Swanton, ing a comfortable opera house ° Brown, Philomath College bunch. The J. W. Shearer, warden; S. G. Harold Ralph and Bert Hiatt. Marshfield, Ore.; Mrs D a i s y for the visitore and the following price of admission is 25c, and Morgan, conductor; C. W. Odell, Hahn, Edgewood, R. I.; Mrs. tableaux were presented: CONDENSED NEWS NOTES chaplain; John Riley and Julius worth it. Manager “ Hap” M or Pearl D. Miller, M cKinley Ore.; _______ pa Mother, p ______ accompanied by the Wehrly, right and left scene sup gan has arranged the following Harry Goff had business in Cor port«*™; R. C. Hill, right sup Mrs. Frances M. Hahn, Mulino- gong “ Mother” ; Madonna, ac- games, all to be played in the P. porter to noble grand; Wm. Van- mah, Ore.; Miss ( umilia D. Ab- icompanies by the music “ Star of nelius today. » . — » » U. gym: ernethy, Forest Grove, Ore.: Mrs. I, he East” ; “ Holy N ight” and Prof. In low was a Portland vis Antwerp, left supporter; W C. . Mizpah L. W a f rman. Welch’s, ' “ Old Black Joe,” which met with itor Tuesday and Wednesday of Philomath College. Jan. 6. Benfer and Chau. VanDoren. right ore. In addition to these there hearty applause :.nd showed great last week. and left supporters to vice grand, Pacific College, Jan. 13. Carl Curtis, i n s i d e guardian; are 24 grandchildren. „. | talent, under , , the . direction . , , of ^ Mrs. , , Money to loan on farm mort M cM innville College, Jan. 26. Funeral services were held al Walter Baldwin assisted by Edna KaptS> Rates right. N o com-| George Levick, outside guardian. M t. Angel. Feb. 9. the family residence, on Fifth and Jessie Smith. mission. Roy Hesseltine. 1* avenue, south, between Fi™t and Willamette, March 2. With plenty of good music at all G. A. R. and W. R. C. Charles Strong of Monmouth Second streets, Tuesday at 10 a. times, the time was passed with Chemawa, not decided. visited friends in this city Sunday The members of the Grand m., Rev. Clapp of Washougal of interesting games and delicious and Monday. The locals also p l a y return Army and Relief C o r f» installed ficiating and the remains were in refreshments were served and a games with all the above men Margaret McFeeters and Gert their new officers yesterday after terred in River View cemetery, beautiful birthday cake was pre- rude Allen were Portland visitors tioned teams, except Willamette. ! sented Mrs. Roswurm which was noon, following a nice dinner in Portland. Wednesday. P . U. won the pennant last year decorated with candles and holly. the K. of P. banquet hall. Has a Busy Life M r. and Mrs. M . S. Allen en- and Manager Morgan says they After watching the candles burn The G . A. R. officers, installed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Brown down, the cake was carved by w 2 ? ine1.a fCW -riendS at dinner I ^11 bring it home again this year, by Dr. Hall of Portland, depart nes ay evening. With Captain Irle and Lucas at and daughter, Virginia Helen, of Mrs. Roswurm and passed to ment commander, were J. T. But the guests. After a late hour, Hood River have been visiting ler, post commander; W. H . Perry, r *i r‘r andu -^ ra«K ^ red 3^ y guard, Smith and Berriman cen- , n .. ttti . l t senior vice; John Beahen, junior with their parents during the past they all departed for their homes, Gales Creek are the proud parents f of a new son, born last Friday. j ^ers and R°bmson, V^ebb, Jones vice; W. J . R Beach, chaplam; two weeks. Mr. Brown is super declaring they had a general good M . N. Lewis of the Oregon and Be,,in8er Paying forwards, a Dan Daffron, officer of the day; intendent of all horticultural ex time and wishing Mrs. Roswurm many more happy birthdays. | Monument Works. Hillsboro, was strong team is assured. Pacific E. W. Bennett, officer of guard; perimental a n d demonstration ^ ¡ 3 ! looking after business in town College is, apparently, the strong- S. M o r g a n , adjutant; G. C. work in the Hood River valley, On Tuesday evening of est opponent, with Philomath an Thomas, q u a r t e r m a s t e r ; P. a member of the faculty of the week Mrs. J. L. Howard was very today. Poling, a Cronin, patriotic instructor. Mrs" A. L. Sexton writes her unknown quantity. Oregon Agricultural college, of happily surprised at the home of Mrs. Jenkins Walters was in which he is a graduate. Many peo her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. daughter that Al. was considerably former Portland all-star, is coach stalling officer f o r t h e Relief ple will rememlrer him also as Gardner, when a number of her improved in health when she ar and center there. Grilley and I Botsford are the referees here. Corps, installing t h e following an alumnus of Pacific University. friends came and spent a jolly ev rived at SanDiego. officers: Mr. Brown is now very busy get ening with her. Social conversa Mrs. B. J. Simpson, who was Firemen’s Dance a Success Mrs. Jenkins Walters, presi- j ting out a voluminous report tion and games made the time called to Baker City several weeks The annual dance given by the dent; Mrs. Electa Lyons, senior which shows in detail the manner pass quickly, and near the mid- ago by the illness and subsequent vice. Mrs. Clara Stribich. junior in which his many activities, cov- night hour delicious refreshments; death of her mother, returned members of fhe Forest Grove Fire Department last Monday night vice; Mrs. Anna Hogue, treas ering a wide field, have been con- served. * E v e r y o n e had a home yesterday. urer; Mrs. Sophia Smith, secre-' ducted. Such subjects as irriga- very enjoyable time. Those pres-! Mrs. Harve Baldwin is con- was a success, both financially - - -- - tary: Mrs. Emily Anderson, con tion, pruning, spraying and fertili- ent were - Mesdames N. Gardner, fined to her bed with an attack of and socially, nearly one hundred ductor; Mrs. Dolly Tucker, chap zation are those receiving very J. L. Howard, A. E. Gardner, the grip. Her mother, Mrs. H. tickets having been sold at $1.00 lain; M rsOrcott, guard; Mrs. M. close study. M r. Brown recently Anna Putnam, Reba Secour, C. James has also been sick, but each. There were more than a Stevenson, press correspondent;; addressed the Oregon State Hor Avery Raffety and the Misses is able to be up again dozen couples from Hillsboro and Mrs. Rosetta Benfer. patriotic in -! ticultural society on the latter I Clara and Alma Sage, Margaret S. Shotwell. the well-known structor; Mrs. Nora McNamer, subject. He has also prepared an Curtis. Mary Corl, Vesta Greer, farmer, living six miles south o f , many came from other towns. Mrs. S. A. Walker, Mrs. Anna exhibit recently displayed in New Theresa Beahen and Christine this city, was united in marriage' The music was by the Walker Crabtree and Mrs. Fred Ramsey, York City. i Mackrodt. : with Miss Minnie M orta t Golden- orchestra and was, of course, very color bearers; Mrs. J. S. Buxton, dale, Wash., on Christmas night good. Enschede-Harris Last Thursday evening Mr. and assistant conductor; Mrs. Frank and returned with his bride last , During the day the members of William J. Enschede of this city Mrs. John Taylor entertained a Crabtree, assistant guard. number of friends in honor of M r. Thursday the department kept open house A f t e r the installation, the and Miss Ruth Harris were united and Mrs. James Vibbert. their i Sheriff Reeves Sunday morning i "boys” and “ girls” >pent several in marriage at the home of the at the fire station and entertained daughter and son-in-law, who are arrested five men in an upstairs i hours singing patriotic songs, vis bride’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. visiting from the Agency Plains room in this city and took them a number of visitors, but not so iting and having a real good time. Edward A. Harris of Hillsboro, near Gatewav, and their son, R ev. to the county seat, where they many as they would have liked to New Y ear’s day The groom is John Taylor, from St. Helens were put under $50 bonds each to entertain. Chief Lenneville and Fall aud Winter United a son of Mrs. J. Enchede of this Most of those present were old answer to the grand jury on a eight other firemen were at th Sunday evening at the home of city and is an industrious and schoolmates and friends of for- charge of gambling. A 11 g a v e 1 station all day to show visitors Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orth, in«this honorable young man, while the mer days and a most delightful bonds. c , , , „ j I about and explain the workings of city, occurred a wedding that is bride is one of the most lovable of |evening w a s spent in playing 1 he tire department was called the department and paraphernalia the young ladies of the county attracting considerable attention, games and singing. A t a late out on the Greenville road yester- The feam was hitched a dozen because of the age of the bride j seat. They will be at home to I hour refreshments were served, ° 3 house, i times during the day to show vis- and groom, the former being 05 their friends after Feb. 1st, at after which the guests departed p s VV.llBelhnger and(Kcup.edjitors how we„ th/ firt,men ar)(i and the latter 85. The groom is Hood River, where the groom is Those present, besides the hosts, by the family of Frank Ralston their horge8 w e r e trained f Jacob Reeher, for a quarter o t a emplbyed.___________ were: Mr. atid Mrs. Glenn W ag where a defective chimney had speedy action. century a resident of Washington Mrs. F. F. Knight is very ill at ner, M r. and Mrs. Albert K irk set fire to the roof. The firemen county, and the bride was Mrs. her home and her son, Gordon, wood. Mrs. Claude Wagner, Miss extinguished the blaze by throw George G . Hancock, real es Augusta Sage, aunt to Mrs. Orth arrived from Woodland, Wash., Maude Knight, Miss Florence ing water from buckets without tate, farm loans and fire in s t and a resident of LaGrande, this yesterday to be with her. ance, new Anderson block. 5<> Enschede, Miss Maude Bunday, much loss. An Oregon Pioneer Answers Summons