A T the threshold o f this New Year, it is a pleas­ ant privilege to extend to all our friends the Season’s Greetings. We wish you health and happiness and may 1917 be the best and most perous year you have ever known. We have several new leaves ready to turn over for new and old friends’ accounts in our up-to-date accounting system at this progressive bank. The First National Bank FOREST GROVE, ORE. With the Season’s Greetings A Happy New Year Job printing—phone 821. Mrs. J. H. Sturgis is visiting relatives in Halsey. A son was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Creel. pros­ Seven reels of pictures and re­ fined vuudeville at the Star to- pight for only 5c and 15c. Mrs. N. B. 1 ¿»Course and son, Gussie, of Salem are visiting their husband and father in this city. Milton Hearn of Portland is telegrapher at the S. I', depot during the absence of Mr. Simp­ son. ItfttE desire to thank our friends for the fine business with which they have favored us during the past year and, while prices have been high, we would advise all who have to buy to get in early, before prices advance again, as conditions are far worse now than at any time in the past year. Again wishing you a Happy New Year, we remain, Yours Sincerely, George Sloane of Salem was in the city over Sunday to decorate his mother’s grave and visit old friends. GOFF BROS. M. T . Sherett is home from Eastern Oregon for a visit with his better half, at the Laughlin hotel. Mrs Jack Daniels has been Our Goods are the Best, quite ill with an attack of pneu­ monia, but is somewhat improved Our Prices are Right. today. Several of the college and high school instructors are at Portland, attending the meeting of the State j C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Phone 0301 Educational association. Miss Left Egli has been taking Miss Graham’s place in the Hills­ The latest Columbia records of boro hospital for a week, owing to CONDENSED NEWS NOTES i the new songs on sale at Littler's the sickness of the nurses Miss Emma Penfield visited in Pharmacy. W. H. Buxton, wife and two Portland Monday at the home of For Sale— Nice driving horse, children of Corvallis are visiting good harness and buggy. Inquire her brother. relatives in the city. They will 43-tf Harold Ober of Nehalem is vis- at ° ^ ce> remain until after New Years. ... ___ For with Rent— Five-room house. 11 g s * near depots, modern. Inquire of C L Perry and J. T. Fletcher, Forest Grove. Manche Langley. 35-tf who took the census for this New and second-hand school Miss Ada Taylor, an instructor school district, found 7(>6 children books bought and sold at V an- in the Castle Rock, Wash., high of school age, just two more than Koughnet & Reder. 51-tf school, is at home in this city this year. week. Mrs. Lulu Ingersoll spent the I When the workmen get through forepart of the week with friends Mrs. Mary Smith and son, Rus- ^ the storeroom in the Nixon in Lebanon, Ore. sell, visited Miss Iva Smith and bIock VanKoughnet & Reder will we thank you for your past patronage and hope our pleasant relations will continue during the coming year. W hite Sewing Machines Peddlers are around selling White Sewing Machines. We have been agents for this ma­ chine for the past ten years, have a good stock and will make you attractive prices. Don’ t buy from Peddlers. The Pacfic Market George G. Hancock, real es- Mrs. Fred Rosenburg at Wood- have for their drug store one of tate, farm loans and fire insur- burn over Christmas. ! the finest r00ms in the city. ance, new Anderson block. it j »» _ . , . . T . t i„„,j „r i n a Ayr tt p rr ' M r. and Mrs. Lester Ireland o f , L)r. Brookbank had no more Dr. and Mrs. H. R. KaufTman North Plains and the Harrington than broueht his new Ford road- had dinner the family oi of niusDoro Hillsboro w w re re guests euests oi of 3tt,r out of \ the .i , . for , , Christmas ., , iamuy garage where he doctor S brother, Will, of Portland. \Ir and Mrs Raleicrh Walker . ,, , iVir ana iV1,s- Kalei8n waiKeripupghas^j ,t than the snowstorm Miss Heloise Phillips returned Monday. came to make slippery going. from her school in Echo Friday to j udge w . D. Smith of Hills- Mrs. A. L Sexton left yester-, spend a week here with her mother boro took Christmas dinner with day for San Diego, Calif., to visit and sisters. j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias her husband and son’s family. Al j Miss Elcy Walker returned Sat- Smith, a n d sister, Miss Nora Was been sick for several weeks urday from her school at W’ilbur Smith. and she thought it best to be with : to spend the vacation days with jf y0u ever danced or ever ex* j him. the home people here. pect t0 dance, you should do so Monta Smithson of McMinn-i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barber next Monday night for the bene- ville, who took first place in the spent Monday with their son in fit of the Forest Grove Fire de- oratorical contest of the Inter- Portland. Mrs. Barber is much partment B u t if y o u don’ t collegiate Prohibition association ( improved in health after a linger- dance, you can buy a ticket, in this city April 15th, left Tues- ing illness. anyway. day of last week for Lexington, Ky., where he enters a national contest. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Meresse of McMinnville and Abe Meresse of White Salmon, Wash., visited And Many More. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Meresse, last Sunday and on Monday all of them, including Sincerely, Father and Mother Meresse, went to Linton and took Christmas On dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Store Open Saturday Meresse. ____ Thanks! Same to You! A Happier New Year Than Ever Before 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. SCHULTZ' Forest G ro v e 's GROCERY and Do L u x e MARKET 9 p. m. Be on Time. Shop Early. /"| u r biggest asset is the good will o f our customers ” and we surely appreciate your share in this busi­ ness friendship, Accept our Heartfelt Wishes for a Very Prosperous New Year ! Monday, Jan. 1st (New Year’s Day) our store will only be open until noon; only two deliveries 8 and 10 a. m. COUPON 100 Votes for High-Flight Auto Contest. Year-End Special LIPTO N ’ S T E A rn Pound tin D*/C (Red Label blend A) R O Y A L B A K IN G 9Q POW DER, lb. can OUC (Only ONE to a customer) Holiday Business Good 3 0 C Big Reductions n in Prices of All COATS, SUITS and SKIRTS EVERY GARMENT REDUCED IN PRICE! Goar’s W om an’s Shop 1 The only Exclutive Woman’ s Store in the County. Third Street - - HILLSBORO TO-NIGHT ! Star ★ Theatre 301 THURSDAY, December 28 VAUDEVILLE!! Billings - - and - - Billings The Great T E A M In conversation with a number of local merchants, they inform j If you would 3ee something dif- the editor of the Express that j ferent, something unusual in their Christmas business this year; clever singing and dancing. See was better than for two y^ars thig woncjerfUl team o f polite en- past. What is still more impor- tertainers. SEE LITTLE tant, most of the people paid cash for t h e i r purchases. Portland papers report the same condition the 5-year-old greatest child de­ in that city, with the postmasters' lineator before the public today, from all over the state reporting He is delightful, astonishing and wonderful. To miss it is losing unusually heavy shipments of an exceptional treat. parcels post matter. *r 9 REYNOLDS BILLINGS ANNOUNCEMENT A Seven-Reel I will be a candidate at the coming city election for the office o f City Treasurer, to succeed my­ self. L J. HOAR. Triangle Program Leave your order at the Book Store.for the New Year’s edition of the Oregonian. Admission only - 5c and 15c