The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 28, 1916, Image 7

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Department of Justice Agent Comes
TERMS FOR PEACE to Portland for Purpose.
Of General Interest!
8 T E E P L E -J A C K S M U S T BE
Portland— Special Agent Bryon, o f
tho United States department o f Ju*-
O n ly Those W ho A re Born to tho W o rk
tlce, haa begun investigations o f the
Make Good in Perllou* Occupa­
coat o f food here to determine i f there
tion— Call* fo r Infinite Cool­
have been violations o f the Sherman
Corvallis— Several thousand acres of
ness and Resource.
anti-trust law. United States Attor­
wet lands have been drained and at
ney Keamea has charge of the investi­
least three drainage districts formed
“ It’s a good business— a pretty good
gations in this district.
during the past season, and people are business. If nothing happens,” said a
Aa the department o f Justice has
beginning to realize that the drainage steeple-jack, speaking o f his calling,
jurisdiction over only interstate busi­
wet lands holds an important place which obliged him to repair a “ chim­
ness and traffic, any irregularities oc-
ney-top’’ 200 or 300 feet from the
in the development o f Oregon.
curing within the state must necessar­
Action Taken Without Notice Amaze*
ily be taken care o f by atate prose­ Control of Agriculture and Hhipping
To further the interests o f drainage
The steeple-jack's ability to keep his
Belligerent* la Not Proposal of
this state the Oregon Drainage as­ head and his feet, while working on a
and Arming of Merchantmen—
In the event irrégularités are dis­
sociation was formed several years ago “ top” which Is a ledge, three feet wide,
Peace Nor Mediation Offer.
Outlook Good, But Stern.
covered the facts w ill be laid before
to aid the movement by disseminating between abysses 500 feet deep. Is a
the Federal grand jury.
gift. Like the poet, the steeple-jack
knowledge o f drainage advantages to
No details of the extent o f the in­
Is bom, not made. Charles VVaterton.
vestigations are possible, as such would
the farmer and community, to encour­ the naturalist, had the gift, and would
Washington, I). C.-~Preaident WII-
be quite problematical, but it is known
age discussions and investigations that have adorned the profession— the only
aon haa appualed to all the belligerents
that Mr. Bryon haa a number o f asso­ house o f commons Tuesday by David
one Into which men do not drift.
to diacuaa terma of peace.
ciates in the field and his work and Lloyd George, the new prime minister, will disclose the best methods o f drain­
When on a visit to Rome. Waterton
Without actually proposing |>eace or
that of his lieutenants will tie moat ex­
offering mediation, the President haa haustive.
wan the rejection of the proposal of reports, and to use any other legitmate determined to rival the feuts o f the
Italiun climbers who yearly scaled the
aent formal notea to the governments!
Every article of food that requires the Central Powers for a peace con­ means to further the reclamation of
dome of St. Peter’s and the pinnacles
of all the warring nationa suggesting
large capital to produce will tie under ference constituted one o f the most millions o f acres of wet lands in the
of the cnstle o f St. Angelo, to Illum­
that ‘ ‘an early occaaion he nought to
the surveillance o f the Federal officers. momentous scenes which the oldest state, where ever feasible.
call out from the nationa now at war They will trace pricea from production parliamentary veterans had ever wit­
The annual meeting of the associa­ inate their summits on the feast of St.
auch an avowal o f their reapective to consumption.
tion w ill be held at Corvallis, January Peter. Eighty men used to climb the
viewn mh to the terma upon which the
The new premier declared that be­ 2-3-4, in connection with the Farmers’ dome on two successive nights, and
The major part o f the investigations
war might be concluded and the ar- will surround the methods of price fix­ fore the allies could give favorable Week at the Agricultural college. tiie boldest completed the spectacle by
rangementa which would >>e deemed
consideration to such an invitation Many important questions are to be crowning the cross with a waving torch
aatiafactory aa a guarantee againat it« !
they must know that Germany was Jiscussed here and a strong and inter­ of fire. Each night’s show was said,
renewal or the kindling of any aimilar
prepared to accede to
the allies’ esting program is E>eing arranged on the average, to cost a man’s life.
conflict in the future, aa would make
I terms, giving “ complete restitution, which includes addresses apd lectures Waterton scaled the dome by daylight,
it (Mmaihle frankly to compare them ."
Corvallis, Ore.— O f special interest full reparation and effectual guaran­ by drainage authorities o f state and and left hl’s glove upon the vane.
Several demon­
Wholly without notice and entirely to horticulturists and amateur bee­ tees” and that " t o enter a conference national reputation.
A steeple-Jack, employed entirely
contrary to what administration offi­ keepers is a courae in beekeeping upon the invitation o f Germany, pro- strations and educational exhibits will alone to mend u tall chimney-top In
A Pennsylvania, used to ascend leisurely
cial* have described aa hia courae, the ! which will be offered during the win­ 1 claiming herself victorious, without be arranged as speeial features.
President Wednesday night dispatched ter short courae at the Oregon A g ri­ any knowledge of her proposals, would large attendance is indicated from all every morning about ten o’clock, at an
the notes to all the belligerents ami cultural college, January 8.
lie putting our heads into a noose with reports and all who are interested in hour when “ merchants most do congre­
to all the neutrals for their informa­
end of the rope in Germany’s drainage are welcome to attend.
gate;” and when up, after surveying
The courae will be conducted by Pro-
tion. Summarized in the President’s fesaor A. L. Lovett, chief in entomol- hands.
the gathered spectators, would further
own words aa contained in the notes, ogy, of the experiment station, aasiat-
Mr. Lloyd George asserted that at
gratify them by standing on his head
his attitude la aa follows:
on the bare top o f the 250 foot shaft.
ed by F. J. Cartan, a practical and the moment Germany was penning the
Klamath Falls— The second highest
“ The President is not proposing successful beekeeper o f the state. The note, assuring her convictions as to
The coolness and resources o f these
|ieace; he ia not even offering media­ course will aim to teach and demon­ the rights of other nations, she was returns in dollars and cents on any ir­ men were never better shown than in
tion. He ia merely proposing that strate how bees may best be handled dragging Belgians into slavery. He rigation project under the United a case which happened In upper New
aoundinga be taken in order that we | for profit and will show the importance announced that the note presented
York state a few years ago. A steeple­
may learn, the neutral nations with o f ticca to proper pollination in the through Washington contained no pro­ States Reclamation service have E>een jack had llown his kite over a chimney,
the belligerent, how near the haven of orchards.
posals o f terms, but was a paraphrase won by the Klamath project, according and subsequently drawn himself up to
peace may tie for which all mankind
of Chancellor von Bethman-Hollweg’s to the report o f Franklin K. Lane, the top. He was just beginning his
longs with an intense and increasing
speech and that the allies had separ­ secretary o f the Interior, just made inspection o f the work, when by some
Morton Sends Spuds East.
longing. He helievea that the spirit
ately concluded to reject it, although
mishap he dropped his rope, and wns
Morton, Wash.— The first carload of
public here.
in which he apeak« and the objects
they had informally exchanged views
left, like St. Simeon Slglltes, alone
potatoes ever shipped from Morton to
which he sceka w ill be understood by
and would within a few days present a
his pillar. ^
the eaat haa been sent from here by N.
value crop return o f $1200 a farm, is
all concerned, and he confidently hopes
joint reply.
Attempts were made to fly another
I). Tower & Co.
The car was con­
for a response which will bring a new
Mr. Asquith, the former premier,
kite over him, but the wind had
signed to Minnesota. The tubers were
light into the affuira o f the w orld."
seconded Mr. Lloyd George’ s decision ment projects. It is execeded only by dropped. There were Iron ladders In­
Burbanks. Mr. Tower believes that
with even stronger words, and almost
This latest development in the rapidly
side the chimney, but the fires would
this marks the hegining o f a big po­
at the same moment Earl Curzon was great Salt Lake river project in A ri­
moving world events toward a discus­
have to be drawn, and the chimney let
tato development for eastern Lewis
i informing the lords that the govern­
sion o f peace was not |>ermitted to tie-
cool for hours.
ment would enter no conference that on the Klamath project, taken from
come known until the notea were well
The steeple-jack was then seen to
on their way to the American am­
did not guarantee for Europe the free
jnlace one of his shoes, take off the
and independent existence o f nations,
bassadors in the belligerent capital«.
long blue stocking worn by workmen,
great and small.
The Marquis of total acres irrigated, 27,254; irrigated
It was a most distinct surprise to all
and set to work carefully to unravel It,
official Washington, which had been
Crewe affirmed the approval o f the
cropped per farm, 87; total, crop val­ knotting the pieces o f yarn together
members of the late government.
led to believe that with the formal
when necessary.
$377,488; value per farm, $1200.
transmittal of the pro|K>snls of the
The day was a doubly important one
Wheat— Bluestem, $1.37 per bushel;
He then fastened a stone to the end,
Central Powers the offices o f the Uni­ fortyfold, $1.35; club, $1.33; red R ub - for The commons, because the new pre­
plumbed the depth, picked the other
mier unfolded his program for wide- j
ted States would await further moves sian, $1.30.
stocking to pieces, and added It to the
reaching war measures and Mr. As­
between the belligerents themselves
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $35.00.
Salem — Percy Cupper, assistant first length o f yarn, and let it down
quith closed the last chapter o f his
and that certainly, in view of the
Barley— No. 1 feed, $37.00.
far enough to meet a tall ladder, from
speech of Premier Lloyd George and
Flour — Patents, $7.80; straights, nine years o f leadership with an ac­ state engineer, has sent letters to the
which he drew up, first a piece of
the announcements in Russia, France $6.60(37.00; exports, $6.80; valley, counting of his war stewardship.
secretaries o f the 17 irrigation dis­
strong 6tring. next a rope, and then,
and Italy, further action by neutrals $7.30; whole wheat, $8.00; graham,
The principal feature o f Mr. Lloyd
tricts o f the state suggesting that the after completing his Inspection o f the
would depend upon the next careful $7.80.
George’s program is a measure for na­
districts form an association in con­ chimney-top, lowered himself to the
and delicate moves of the belligerents.
Millfeed — Spot
Bran, tional service, matching Germany’s nection with the Oregon Irrigation
The whole tenor o f official opinions $28.50 per ton; shorts, $30.50; rolled latest scheme, whereby every citizen
congress to promote the interests o f
w ill be liable for enrollment, to per­
Washington, when the barley $40@41.50.
irrigation generally and of the dis­
President’s action became known, was
Drum heads in Mail 30 Years.
Hay— Producers’ prices: Timothy, form work for which the authorities tricts in particular. He declares that
that it immeasurably improved the Eastern Oregon, $19(821 per ton; tim- f consider him best equipped.
It took 30 years for two drumheads,
the future irrigation development of
prospects for some sort of exchange othy, valley, $16(317; a lfalfa; $17(3 | Arthur N eville Chamberlain, mayor
Oregon w ill be under the district plan. 1 ordered from a New York musical
looking toward an Approach To peace 18; valley grain hay, $13(315; clover, o f Birmingham and a member o f the He believes that such an association supply concern to* reach their destina­
without impairing the position of the $12.60.
famous fam ily whose energy and busi­
would not only result in the benefit o f 1 tion by mail. Willie a resident of Tar-
United States should they finally be
Butter — Cubes,
extras, 34c per ness capacity are rated high, w ill lie irrigation in the state generally, but ! boro, N. C., James C. Mathews, now
unable to find a good ground on which pound. Jobbing prices:
Prints, ex­ director of the national service, with would encourage beneficial legislation. living in Charleston, \V. Vn., ordered
to approach one another.
butter fat, No. 1, 38c; | civil and military directors responsible
, two drumheads. That was in 1S8G,
i to him.
A t the White House no statement No. 2, 36c, Portland.
! when he was a member of a minstrel
Handcar Hits Cow ; Four Hurt.
whatever could be obtained as to
The premier prefaced his review of
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
i company, and anxiously awaited the
The Dalles — Four Greek section
whether any o f the powers had inti­ ceipts 35 (3 36c per dozen; Oregon the situation by the statement that
needed supplies. When they did uot
mated how they would receive, the ranch, candled, 38<W 40c; Oregon ranch, Britons did their best in time o f dan­
come he left Instructions for them to
note, and there was every indication selects, 42c.
ger; that the country should be told when a power-driven handcar struck j be forwarded.
that the same careful secrecy which
Poultry— Hens, 14(8)15c per pound; unpleasant facts, and that he would
In August o f this year he received
The injured men
hail prevented anything whatever lie- springs, 15fal6Ac; turkeys, live, 21(8 give, not a dark, but stern view o f the Tuesday.
by mail the delayed package encased
coming known alsiut the President’ s 22c; dressed, 27(n30c; ducks, I4@17c, : outlook.
He deplored the mistakes
In the original wrappers. The post­
that had been made regarding Rou- man, who was seriously hurt, was
action until it had been taken, would geese, 11c.
mark showed that the package had
surround any of the succeeding moves.
mania. He said the government had
Veal— Fancy, 13(8) 13Jc per pound.
j been mailed shortly after the order
decided to deal firmly with Greece other three were taken to Portland.
Nowhere on the surface appears any
Pork— Fancy. I l }( 3 l 2 c per pound.
was transmitted, but there was noth­
Vegetables— Artichokes, 90c(8$l. 10 and would recognize the agents o f ex- ■
were returning from work. The car ing to indicate where it had been dur­
events which diplomatists generally per dozen; tomatoes, $1(3)1.75 per Premier Venizelos.
ing the Intervening 30 years.
The history o f the alliance had been j was traveling at a good speed and hit
are convinced must have transpired crate; cabbage, $2(32.25 per hundred;
since the German allies brought forth peppers, 20c per pound; eggplant, 26c; one of tardy decision.
The Central the cow, which was lying on the track.
Guns the Most Deadly.
their proposals
to disiiel
the _ generally . lettuce, $1.85; cucumbers, $1(3)1.25 per Powers had the great advantage o f in­
Guns are the most deadly o f all. a<*
prevalent belief that such an action on dozen; celery, $4.25(3)4.50 per crate;
Hood R iver— Rumors that have cir­ cording to the mortality census o f the
the part o f President Wilson would be pumpkins, l(3 1 ic per pound; cauli­ der one supreme management, while
throughout the valley to the ‘ United States for 1915, figures fmrr
unacceptable to the entente powers.
flower, $2.00 per crate; peas, 16c per
been too much one o f separate fronts. effect that County Judge E. E. Stan- j 'vhich have Jfust bf nima‘le Public. The
The wish and hope o f the German pound.
Mr. Lloyd George said he was faced ton was planning to leave Hood River I astonishing fact is brought out that
powers that President Wilson would
Potatoes — Oregon buying prices,
intercede in some way has long been $1.25 (3 1.40 per hundred,
country by a world-wide shortage in crops, and that he would resign his office rtr‘xarnls <*«»'»**<1 deaths to the number
known and has been conveyed in differ­ points; sweets, $3.76(34 per hundred. which had been accentuated in Great have been denied by Judge Stanton, of 7,094 in the registration area, corre­
sponding to a rate o f 11.» per 100,000.
ent ways to the White House.
Onions— Oregon buying prices, $2.75 Britain by weather which prevented i Judge Stanton declares that he has
j This beats the railroads, with 6,852
He an- j never contemplated any such action.
the sowing of winter wheat,
attitude o f the entente allies as ex­ per sack, country points.
The reports o f Judge Stanton’s con- deaths in the same area due to acci­
pressed by their statesmen, and cer­
Green Fruits — Apples, new, 50c(3 nounced plans for the organization of
tainly until recently in official advices $1.60 per box; pears, $1(3)1.50; cran­ agricultural control, for control o f ; templated resignation had gained such dents and Injuries; it beats by more
shipping and arming o f merchantmen, credence in the county that aspirants than five times the number o f deaths
to the American government, has been berries, $12.60(3:12.60 per barrel.
control o f mines and the sup­ for appointment to succeed the county i caused by street cars— 1,555; and is
that a peace offer by the United States
Wool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 24(S30c
more than double those resulting from
would be considered almost the next per pound; coarse, 33(3)36c; valley, 33 pression o f the taking of excessive ! official were seeking indorsement.
automobile accidents— 3,978.
thing to unfriendly.
(335c; mohair, 35(3)45c.
6274 Children in Baker.
Cattle— Steers, prime, $6.75(3'7.75;
Hi* Main Prop.
16,000 Guardsmen Ordered Home. good, $6.40(36.76; common to good,
Find May Be Am bergris.
Baker— That Baker county has 6274
There was a man in our town, sup­
San Antonio, Tex. — Orders issued $4.26(36.25; cows, choice, $5.60(3)6.60;
Aberdeen, Wash. — A chunk o f sup­ children o f school age was the result
ported by his w ife ; but one day she
Wednesday by MRj. Gen. Funston, In medium to good, $5.25(3)5.50; ordinary posed ambergris, weighing about 100 of reports received by County School
line with the war department’s policy to fair, $4.50(3)6.00; heifers, $5.00(3) pounds and which, i f it is ambergris, Supreintendent J. F. Smith, according turned him down— his only prop In life.
to returrv the guardsmen to their 6.00; bulls, $2.75(35.00; calves, $3.00 is worth about $51,000, was found on to his announcement Wednesday. Of And when he saw his w ife had fled, he
started on the run— he had no time to
the seashore near Glen Grayland Wed­ these 3260 are boys and 3014 girls.
homes when their presence becomes (3)7.00.
Hogs— Prime, $9.50(8)9.70; good to nesday by County Commissioner Phil
In the city o f Baker there are 2437 j lose, he said— so he copped another
unnecessary on the border, w ill send
home a laxly o f 16,000 national guards­ prime, mixed, $9.40 (8) 9.60; rough S. Locke. Locke w ill send a piece of children of school age o f which 1197
pigs and skips, his find to Seattle for analysis. Am ­ are boys and 1240 girls. Social esti-
men from bonier duty. Eleven states heavy, $8.50(39.10;
O n ly One S traight Road.
bergris is now selling at $32 an ounce. maters say that these figures prove
were represented in the list of units or­ $8.50(8)8.76.
ways that lend to destruction—
Sheep— Lambs, *7.00 (3 9.75; year­
A former whaler, who is somewhat that Baker county has nearly 26,000
dered to move and because o f scarcity
with ambergris, says he population and that there are nearly there ure many of them; but there is
o f rolling stock the troops were divid­ ling wethers, $7.50(38.75; old weth­ fam iliar
only one road that leads to life.— Ex­
9000 in the city o f Baker.
thinks Locke has made a big find.
ed into groups for the return journey. ers, $6.76(37.00; ewes, $5.00(37.00.
President Sends Appeal to All
Warring Nations.
Lloyd George Demands Effec­ Drainage of Wet Progresses
in Oregon
tual Guarantee for Nations.
Bee Study to Open Jan. 8.
Klamath Project is High.
District Union Proposed.