The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 28, 1916, Image 3

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i w u M w r r w IKK ioni R umio <
¡voioin i
m il
1 ♦ lOV
iM T 't f
Evident That Pest Is Threatening
Next Year’s Crop.
Ono Plan of Eradication Is to Burn
Over Fislds, Woods and O ther F a ­
vorable W in te r Quarters—
H e a t W ill K ill Many.
(Ily L
IIA H K M A N . Missouri Agricultural
ICxperlni»nl Station.)
p r o p e r c a r e of f a r m t e a m
Grooming Combined W ith
W ill Go F a r Tow ard Putting
Hors« In Good Condition.
Wom en, more than men, have excitable nerves, because
tiring work and physical strain tax their more delicate
n e rvo u s systems and bring premature age and chronic
weakness— unless treated intelligently.
nil. II. HAVNKIl, Pennsylvania E x ­
periment Station.)
Drug-laden pills and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up »
woman’s strength, but the concentrated medicinal food properties in
The old saying that "grooming is
half the feeding," ns applied to the
iarm work horses, still holds true. The
sweat glands of th« horse eliminate
from the body In a 24-hour period,
an amount o f waste material equal to
ibut excreted from the digestive tract.
P. G O R IN , Palest Attorney,
Judging from the numerous com
Ortr«ntx*r « ih ! Developer; paüuiU wieurwl or KKK plaints b e in g received by the Mlssour
ItK K lJN D R D ; frmt U-.k ori patent». Holt*«» VOI,
experiment station. It
70 J-A. 701 - Il and 701 - 4 *. O n ir al build ina. Sbatti«. agricultural
seems evident that the chinch hug b
threatening next year's crops.
O r ìio n V ulcanizing C ompany
ln 33a ln 337 !!urri»M«f Ht., l*ort- the state generally tin- chinch hug'
land. O r». U r i(iu itT im lUtm lr fia n t day was brought to a close hy tin
In th » N orth w<-Nt. Country a ir v lc « •
heavy rains of 1916, but as usual, then
•perlaJty, lia » l'a rrrl foat.
were enough “ fo r seed" this la
spring, nnd with tin* unusually dr.-
summer Just p a s s e d these Increase-
Cailiault ua ulnut radurMl fri’ lulit ruUm un
himaahold *<««ta to all pointa.
I'aat tlirouirh
PsriSr < aaat l ’u rn a rd ln , I ompanr. 201
They seem to la- most abundant b
W IU o i H alld ia,, l'ortland. Ora _ IM ar.hall 2M7
the central part of the state. Through
out most of the corn and wheat beli­
e f the state there ure probably enougl
bugs to cause severe outbreaks nex
Bougkl, Hold. R ente«) and Repaired
year. If weather conditions should 1»
llurnalde. cor. loth.
fo r t land. On». especially
favorable for them.
dry fall, mild winter, with but llttl-
snow and rain, followed by n dr
spring mid summer are the condition
Poultry. Butter, E f t a
which will favor the pest The chinch
* * *
and Farm Produc«
bug Is abundant n o », due to the favor
!«. (h r Old Reliable R vtn lln g houa* with a
able summer Just passed, but with
»»cord o f 46 y »am o f Square In>al)nir». and
beaeaured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICED.
plenty of rulnfall and snow during tie
fall, winter, and spring, the chance
will be decidedly against outbreak
4 M 7 I ro o t S tr * # t
P o rtla n d , O r a ro n
I next summer.
Since It Is not possible to know wine
C raM lafed Eyelids, the fall, winter, and spring mny bav­
in store In the way of fuvorahle or
I unfavorable weather, every furmei
-----quickly rclicrtd by Marins
should do everything |H>sslble to r-
■ 2 V C S
Juit Eye Comfort. At due* the chance o f chinch-tug In
Your Draniet** 5#c per Bottle. Mertae EyV Juries next summer by getting rid ol
Sal»einTubca2lc. For B*«k el tkef ye free a»k favorable winter quarters. They uintci
Dniyyistl Of Merlae Eye KaacAy Ce.. Cklcsw In dry. protected places, such as mead
own, pastures, ttud waste lands. In
woods, neglected fence rows, and sim
llnr places.
Very few winter In cori
fields or In wheat fields. A fter killing
In Kern County, California
frosts have come, select a dry da.'
20 acre* fenced and having old well, when there Is not too much wind un-
itlxiul five miles from Bakersfield, Cal- burn over fields, woods, and other fa
The bea
ifornia, near highway. Good alfalfa vorable winter quarters.
lurid or |>otuto<*s hiu I other vegetables. will kill many of the bugs and expos-
Good crop in living raised on adjoining the rest to the winter und to natural
land. Near good home* and achoola. enemies. Tills pest cun be fought sue
Only five milea from Iiulceraflold. Low cessfully at only two times during lb-
price and cany term* to the right man year, nam ely: w hile clustered in win
who wunta uomu good land and good ter quarters, and while migrating iron
locution wheru he cun do well. Add rout wheat to corn In the summer. Now I
M. A. Green, 822 Mission Street, San the time to get ready to fight the jm - s
while In winter quarters und preven
Francisco, California.
It from proving destructive next y<*ai
A recurrence o f this pest like the out
D iffic u lt Indeed.
breaks of 1012, 1013, and 1014. which
ShamtiB O'Callaghan sat at the door damaged Missouri crops at least $.',-
o f hia cottage, his head bowed on hla 000,000, should be prevented If possl
handa, and sobbing with emotion. Ills bio.
friend, Terrence OTlalloran, chanced
to pasn.
“ Arrah. ye*re looking very sad the SPECIAL ATTENTION TO. OIL
day," he said, laying a sympathetic
hand on the mournful one's shoulder. In Getting Farm M achinery Ready fo r
"Ah. and It's feeling very sad I am,"
W o rk Look C a re fu lly to L ub rica­
responded Shamus.
"O l've lost me
tion of W earing Parts.
"Goat your mother ln law ?" said the
surprised Terrence.
In getting the machinery ready fo r
"A y .” replied Shamus. "Ol tell ye farm operations, Prof. H. C. Ram
It's very hard to lose your mother-in- sower o f the agricultural engineering
department, Ohio State university
"H a r d !" exclaimed Terrence. “ Be-
urges that special attention be given
gorra. me bhoy, It's almost Impossi­
to the lubrication o f all wearing parts.
ble."—Chicago News.
"A full oil can to every machine” Is
the way he stntes It. Especially on
A ll 8laves of H a b it.
W e are all so much the slaves of new machinery nnd the farm tractor
habit in our appetites that It is with does the use o f oil become Important
great reluctance we make any change Make sure thnt nil oil holes, well,
in our dietary. W e want what we pumps, grease cups nnd bearings art
want, whatever the cost, if wo have thoroughly cleaned o f dirt, grit, pnlm
the price, and while we loudly com­ and foreign matter before the holes
plain about the cost o f living we con­ nre filled, so that waste matter can
tinue to buy In usual quantities. Yet not be carried Into the hearings. Clean
It Is within the power of the house­
wives of the country to force prices to wool or cotton placed In cups wll'
a lower level by united action In the keep out sntid and grit. It is a good
practice o f kitchen economies. — St. practice to use a mixture o f equal
parts machine oil nnd kerosene in tin
Louis Globe-Democrat.
hearings for the first few hours of op­
eration of a tractor.
build strength from its very source and are helping thousands
of women to gain control o f their nerve pow er—overcom e
tiredness, nervousness, impatience and irritability.
S C O T T 'S is a liquid-food— free fror.i alcohoL
Scott & E owm , B lo o m field , N. J.
T R E E S S H I P P E D A N Y W H E R E - - F R E I 6 H T PAID
Small o n U v t aa well aa W*r. Orr;*inpnt*U,fFruit Tree«. Etc. Hardy and ruarantaed.
Lance»t Nuraery between Rockies and Caacade*. 14th Year.
15,000 Order» Last Year.
“ - a t e M R f * 4 W A S H IN G TO N N U R S E R L C O .
oí u n
v««i. p°rk>
s o re
W isconsin H o rtic u ltu ris ts Recognize
W o rth of Insects a t Polleniz-
Ing Agents.
M ed icin e
Wisconsin horticulturists producing
annually thousands o f dollars worth
o f fruit nnd berries recognize the
vnluo of bets ns pollenlr.lng agents
nnd either keep hees In, or near
their orchard, regnrdless o f whether
or not any honey Is produced.— Wiscon­
sin Bulletin 204.
A s W in ter approaches it
is advisable to help Nature
maintain the highest possible
standard o f health.
= T R Y =
Stomach Bitters
W h en a safe tonic, appetizer
and stomach remedy is needed
Sm all
Fowls Sell W ell.
In some markets small fowls
well. The buyer does not always
for n too large chicken.
ted leghorns nre often In demand
the big Brahma roaster.
W ater-G lass Eggs.
It Is hard to tell n water-glnss egg
from n fresh egg, if the former is prop
erly kept.
K ills
Disease Germs.
Tests show that germs o f disease
cannot survive when exposed to the
In Solano County, California
100 acres known sh Northwest Quarter,
Section 28, Township 20, Range 2 West,
If those glands become clogged by in northwestern part o f Solano County.
sweat particles and dirt u very Im­ I.OW price and easy terms to the right
man. Address M. A. Green, 822 Mission
portant waste channel Is closed.
.Street, San Francisco, California.
In addition to keeplug the sweat —
glands open und the body In good
working order, grooming Improves the
Ti.ility of the liuir and the general
ouditlon of the coat. Feeding alone
will not put a team in proper shape,
out proper grooming combined with
feeding will go far toward IL
Team .
At the first sign o f i
skin trouble apply
Don't wait for tkat «cum a or ilmilar a fire-
tion to Bet weU-e»u!,U»hcd and »tubbera. Kip
it in the bud with a little RexinoL I . so nearly
flesh color that it hardly shows at all. Aided
by Resinol Soap, Resinol is most effective in
removing pimples and clearing unattractive
complexions. Sold byall druggists.
Where Uxed fo r Feeding Silo Is Most
Economical Place to Store the
E ntire PlanL
and C
An Efficient Remedy
Compounded of vegetable
drugs in a perfectly appointed
laboratory by skilled chemists,
after the prescription of a suc­
cessful physician of wide ex­
perience, and approved by the
experience of tens of thous­
ands in the last forty-five
Peruna’s Success
rests strictly on its merit as a
truly scientific treatment for
all diseases of catarrhal symp­
toms. It has come to be tne
recognized standby o f the
American home because it has
deserved to be, and it stands
today as firm as the eternal
hills in the confidence of an
enormous number.
An acre o f corn ensiled with ears
and stalks will produce as much, if
not more, milk or beef than the same
iere v»f corn with the stalks ensiled
Pan H andle P o u ltry Show.
.ind the cars fed as ground corn. The
In connection with Farmers’ and
•xiru expense und labor o f husking Housekeepers’ Week.
The Poultry show and the Univer­
and storing the ear corn Is very
’ nrgely wasted unless the desire is sity of Idaho Farmers' and House-
W hat H elped Tb ¿as May H elp Y o a
I keepers' W eek have become an annual
to market the ear corn.
| date. The show w ill be held this year
Get our free booklet “ Health
If there Is sufficient feed on the in a very comfortable building on
and How to Have I t ” o f your drug­
farm and the ear corn w ill cure out ; Main street; the prospects now are
gist, or write direct to us.
oroperly when snapped off In the man­ that it w ill be the new Masonic Tem ­
T h e Peruna Com pany
ner described, then It might be proflt- ple.
A special premium o f $10.00 w ill be
ible to follow this practice; but If the
Columbus, O h io
•orn Is not to be sold ns ear corn and offered for the largest and best dis-
, play In each class, and $15.00 special
Is to be used for feeding on the farm, premium for the largest and best dis­
then the silo Is the most economical play in the show. Our premiums w i l l '
P a t’s Blunder.
place in which to store the entire be liberal, and prizes promptly paid, j
corn plant.
Many new coops have been built this i During a camp parade o f the bu­
year and the association has m oney; glers recently an Irish corporal was in
charge. He was asked by the com­
in the treasury.
W rite L. R. Scott, Moscow, Idaho, manding officer if all the buglers w ere
j for information regarding the Poultry present, when he replied: “ No, so it ,
wan man absent”
Device fo r Crushing Clods Can Be show, also to secure the premium list,
“ W ell, then,” said the officer, “ go
which w ill be out about January first.
Made by A ttaching C u tter B ar to
and find him and ask him what he
O rdin ary Drag.
has to say for himself.”
“ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago,
A few minutes later Pat came run-
Rheumatism. Send 10c.
Dr. V. M. nig back.
“ Shure sorr,” he cried,
The Illustration shows a pulveriser
j Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y „ fo r large trial “ and weren’t we a pair o f duffers not
o crush clods and pulverize the I package.
to know it? It wor meself. Bedad,
.-round. It couslsts o f a cutter-bar
Oi forgot to call me own name .
taken from an old binder and bolted to
Short Course fo r M iners.
entoirely.” — Boston Transcript
the front member of the ordinary road
The winter short course for miners
and prospectors at the University of
Idaho opens January 4 next at Mos S uffered F rom B ackache and
cow, and continues for eight weeks,
ending February 28.
K idney T rouble for Y ear *
This is the fifth term o f the short
course at the University of Idaho, and
an unusually large enrollment is in­
Dear Readers — I wish to tell yoe
dicated for this year. There are no that I suffered from backacke and
entrance requirements, nor is there kidney trouble for years. I heard of
any age limit. The students’ ages Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets and L
! have run from 18 to 66 years, and tried them. They cared my backache.
| every man who has taken the course I hope people that are troubled with
has found that it has improved his lackache will give them a good trial.
earning capacity. Last year 17 men 1 am sure they will not fail to beneiit.
P ractical Clod Crusher.
enrolled in the course, coming from
Yours sincerely,
drag. The bar Is pluced at an angle so ail parts of the northwest.
M rs . G eo . D - jiin q .
that the trash will not hang upon IL
Rem embers H e r Bible.
The guards o f the bar w ill penetrate
“ Tw o fellows declare that they can
N ot ®: Folks in town and adjoining
the ground, break up the clods and
not live without her.”
places are delighted with the results
smooth the ground very satisfactorily.
"And which has she decided to they have obtained by using " A
Popular Science Mouthly.
the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who
“ The rich one. She says the other is head of the I n v a l id s ’ H o tel ami
t r y i n g OUT SHEEP BUSINESS could get into heaven easier if he S urgical I n st it u t e , in Buffalo, N. Y „
should really die.” — Boston Tran­ Those who started the day with a back*
ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and
Nothing in In fe rio r Business to En­
an aching head ( worn out before the
courage F a rm er in F allin g In Lovs
T e rrib le Y a rn .
day began because they were in and out
W ith Industry.
“ Do you believe that awful story of bed half a dozen times at n igh t) are
they're telling. Pierce?’’
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
“ Yes, what is it?” — Everybody's.
There Is no advantage In trying out
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets. To prove
(he sheep business by buying the
Exception T a k e n .
that this is a certain uric acid solvent
cheapest and poorest quality of sheep
"Beauty is in the eye of the behold­ and conquers headache, kidney and
o leani on. This class o f sheep has
bladder diseases and rheumatism, if
lothlng In Its favor nnd the owner has
“ Not if the beholder's cross-eyed.” you’ ve never used the "Anu ric,” cut
nothing to encourage him In falling In — Baltimore American.
this out and send ten cents to Doctor
love with the Industry; In fact, he
Pierce for a large sample package. This
could not embark In any live stock In­
will prove to you that "A n u ric ” is
dustry that would be more trying on
thirty- seven times more active than
.liihia in eliminating uric acid—and the
Ids patience, lend more discourage­
O or Q O
most perfect kidney nnd bladder cor­
ments and have less enthusiasm In it
rector. If yon are a sufferer, go to your
than to become the owner o f a lot o f
best druggist and ask for a 50-cer>t box
poor-quality sheep.
of "A n u ric.” Yon run no risk fer Dr.
Pierce’s good name stands behind thia
Hens In Sm all Flocks.
wonderful new discovery as it has for
Avoid crowding by keeping the hens
the past half century for his "Golden
In small flocks, nnd by providing
Medical Discovery” which makes the
roomy coops. Thin out If there are
blood pure, his "Favorite Prescription"
for weak women and his " Pleasant
too many.
Pellets” for liver ills. All Dr. IV-rce’e
medicines can be had in Tablet iorua—
Dangerous Barbwire.
by mail or at drug store.
Loose barbwire Is more dangerous
than thnt kept stretched on the fence
and should, therefore, never be t o t
er i u i n i i i i i ú
P. N. U.
No. 62 . 1016
E v e ry Niqht
For Constipation
S á fe a n d S u r e