WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK R A ILR O A D S A R E P R O S P ER O U S Net Income From All Sources During 1916 Exceeds Billion. COURE INVALIDATES TITLE TO 600 ACRES EN G LA N D S T IL L S U S PIC IO U S “ Something Behind” Belief Prevalent in Minds of Many. — — TWENTY MISSING IN MASONIC HOME ffllf W ashington. D. C.— More than SI,- i London—The Monday morning newa- j 000,000,000 net income from operation l>apera again are giving ample space to Brief Resume Most Important was mail« by the railroad* of the coun- Judge Galloway, Salem, Finds President W ilson’s note, Hssidously Aged and Children Are Believed try during the year now closing. The i seeking to p enetrate any possibly con­ Daily News Items. Fraud in Hyde Entries. Lost at Wichita, Kansas. huge total is the peak of prosperity in cealed motive th at may have led the railroad operations, and stands more President to what is considered here a than one-third higher than the total of most inopportune movement. 1913, heretofore the banner year. According to the W ashington cor­ S tatistics gathered by the In terstate respondents of London newspapers the Commerce commission^ complete for opinion in the United S tatca as well as nine months and made the basis for here is th at there m ust be “ som eth­ the calculation for the en tire year, in­ ing liehind i t , ” and it is the opinion of dicate th at the total net income from Decision in Linn County Case is First many of the new spa|ter w riters th at Eight Tola Trapped In B urning Wing Events of Noted People, Governments operations will be approxim ately $1,- this act was inadvertently revealed by 098,000,000. For the first nine months and Pacific N orthwest and Other in Seven Actions Pending S tate W ith Rescue Impossible In s titu ­ Secretary of S tate Lansing when he of the year complete returns show referred to the United S tates as on the Must R eturn $1.25 an Acre. Thing* W orth Knowing. tion Thrown Into Darkness. $785,558,266. Even this does not rep­ verge of being drawn into the war. resent the full amount, as roads whose The suggestion is put forward by income is less than $1,000,000 are not some of the w riters th a t what woulp A terrific storm is blowing along the included. Salem, O re.—Judge William Gallo­ imssibly so involve the United S tates W ichita, K an.—Of more than 100 The e s tim a te — $1,098.000,000 — is Alaskan coast. way, in the C ircuit court here late would be a resum ption on a still persons in the Kansas Masonic Home here, which burned early Friday, only President Wilson’s Christm as dinner Saturday, decided th at title to 600 80 bad been accounted for at 3 a. m., T o M anage C erem o n ies consisted of all-Am erican dishes. acres of land in Linn county was ob- Lord C urzon W ill W ed , according to Superintendent Daniel P. The Swiss government indorses Wil­ at W ilso n ’s Inauguration lained by F. a . Hyde anti his associ- A n o th er A m erican B ea u ty Burdick. son's peace note, and freely offers as­ Jiight children, trapped in a wing j ates through fraud and collusion and sistance. through which flamea were sweeping, th at the title in equity to such lands, | and which had been entirely cut off Spokane m ining d istrict yields $13,- because of the fraud and collusion, still ! from an entrance by the fire, were 827,281 net to owners, for the year is vested in the S tate of Oregon. given up for lost a fte r rescuers had ju st closing. But, he determ ined, th a t the $1.25 made many fran tic efforta to en ter the It is reported th at President Wilson building to rescue the helpless little an acre paid to the state for the land is expected to warn Am ericans against | ones. should be repaid. The money has been ocean travel should the peace move fail. Aside from the trag ic destruction of a portion of the state school fund, the Mssonic Home, the fire began to France has barred the sale of al­ bearing six per cent interest. As to assume serious financial aspects as cohol throughout th at country, another j several nenrby houses began burning. w hether the in terest which the state step taken to lim it drinking to beer Efforts to obtain telegraph operatora and wine. has received on th is money should be : to man wires to the outside world were repaid as well is still to be decided Colonel William F. Cody, (Buffalo . hindered by the fact (Fiat five men Bill), who has been seriously ill, is when the findings of fact and conclu­ from the telegraph office had been im proving at the home of his daughter sions of law are signed by the court summoned home because th eir resi­ in Denver. dences were on fire. next week. William A. Shaner, a barber in a The m ajority of the older |>ersons in While the cause in question involves prom inent Portland shop, was shot and the Masonic Home apparently osca|>ed. only 600 acres of land, the decision is instantly killed by another barber Many of them were unhurt, but in the of widespread interest, as thiB is the Christm as morning. scanty clothing which they were able to snatch in th eir e x it form the home, first to E>e decided of the seven Hyde- An overturned canoe found in a they suffered keenly in a tem perature Benson cases, which have been sub­ slough near E verett, Wash., leads to clo se to the zero m ark. The refugees the belief th at three boys lost th eir m itted by A ttorney General Brown and look sh elter in a nearby cha|*el and lives, as one of the bodies has been A ssistant Attorney General Bailey. first aid was rushed to them. Frozen found. ^ ’.ROBERT N H A R FE R j All told, the cases involve 37,000 acres fire plugs proved a serious handicap to J. R. Misner, of Albany, Ore., re ­ M ftS. AL f ¿T F PlKfcÀff the firemen in th eir efforts to check Robert N. H arper, a bank president of land situated in Linn, Lane, Clack­ ceived a bomb through the mail. His of Washington, D. C., is to be chair­ amas, Hood River, Crook, K lam ath the flames, so th a t rescue work could The engagem ent of Lord Curzon, be carried on. suspicions being aroused, he tied it to man of the inaugural com m ittee which and Josephine counties. ju st named a memtwr of the B ritish a tree and w ith a long strin g pulled will have charge of the inaugural cere­ If the lower court's contention th a t One woman, caught under a falling the lid open. A terrific explosion fol­ monies for President Wilson. He will the $1.25 an acre should be repaid war council, to Mrs. Grace Elvina stairw ay, received injuries which prob­ Duggan, widow of Alfred Duggan, of lowed. have plenty of hard work in raising from the state school fund, proves to Buenos Ayres, and daughter of the , ably will prove fatal. be correct on appeal, it will take The fire is thought to have o rig in at­ John D. R ockefeller’s C hristm as the money for the ceremtgiy and pro­ from the fund approxim ately $46,250, late J. Munroe Hinds, once American ed in the basem ent of th e home. viding for the hundred thousand visi­ present to each of the employes on his w ith the possibility of paym ent of six m inister to Brazil, has been announced Paul Zeilke, 16, an inm ate of the Tarrytow n estate was a $10 gold piece, tors who will tiesiege W ashington per cent in terest on th at amount run­ in London. home five years, was sleeping in the March 4. inclosed in a case, on which is printed His wife, Mary V ictoria L eiter, basem ent. ning from 1898. Zeilke was awakened “ The Season’s G reetings from John daughter of the Chicago m illionaire, shortly before 2 o'clock by fire and The court found th a t Hdye and hiB D. R ockefeller.’’ regarded by officials as conservative. associates, through ‘‘.dummy’' entry- died ten yearn ago. Mrs. Duggnn is a smoke. He rushed to an electric She is tall and sw itch and pulled it, sh u ttin g off the It makes no allowance for normal in­ men, obtained 47,000 acres of school native of Alabama. The Adams Express company an­ handsome, and has been known in Eu­ crease in business during the last nounced Tuesday th a t additional three months of the y e a r- retu rn s for lands in th e state. Before the fraud ropean capitals for some years. Her m otor th a t pumped oil to the furnace. This also threw the en tire building in and collusion were discovered the monthly pay to employes already made form er husband made a large fortune darkness. which are unavailable—but places the and to be made in lieu of a contingent income for October, NovemE>er and United S tates had patented 10,000 in A rgentina. acres of the land, and this w a s dis­ Revised figures indicate th at there bonus, will increase its annual wage December at the same figures as for posed of by Hyde and his associates, were 99 inm ates In the home besides schedule by $1,000,000. July, August and Septem ber. There and the land forfeited as fa r as the g reater scale of G erm any's subm arine , the assistan ts and help. Of these but Henry F. Farny, aged 71, widely- is no question, officials say, but there sta te was concerned. policy. 46 have E»een accounted for, but dozens known author and painter, died in will be an increase, the only doubt is j The passage in the P resid en t’s note of others are known to have been res­ Cincinnati C hristm as Day in a hospital. as to its size. to which he professes fb find the aims cued and taken to nearby homes. Analysis of the returns for the first $4000 is Obtained by Lone Mr. Farny won world-wide renown as of both belligerent groups indentical an a rtist of unusual m erit by his nine months shows a sta rtlin g increase and his qualifying phrase in the con­ Robber From Bickleton Bank tex t, “ as stated in general term s to Universal Military Training Bill from January to Septem ber, am ount­ paintings of famous Indian chiefs. ing to more than 67 per cent. Thus, ! N orth Yakima, W ash.—The Bank of th eir own people and to the w orld,” to Reach Congress Next Month Frank J. Gould, says the Paris H er­ net income in January, $64,915,286, for the most part is ignored, except in Bickleton, 20 miles southw est of MaE>- ald, has ju st given $100,000 for the had mounted to $107,910,814 in Sep­ the columns of newspapers of pacifist W ashington, D. C .—A definite plan rebuilding of the English P rotestant tem ber, an increase of nearly $43,- ton. W ash., w s h robE>ed of $4000 late tendencies. It cannot he said th at ^or universal m ilitary train in g will church at Maison la F itte. There is 000 , 000 . Friday by a lone robber, who rode into these late press opinions show less op- ' H'<1 before congress next month in an im portant English-Am erican colony For the first nine months of the town on horseback, held up the bank position to the P resid en t's action than of a bill form ulated by the a t this place, mostly intereted in thor­ year, the com m ission’s figures show those of last week. J general staif of the army, accompanied and escaped. oughbred racing stables. th a t the railroads collected $2,654,- The Morning Post says the k in g 's by complete estim ates of cost, as corn- The robber compelled S. A. Rossicr, speech in parliam ent was perhaps the pared to th e present volunteer system , 829,647 from all sources of operation. An armored motor car, funds to buy The chief item s were as follows: the cashier, to hand over the money, best answ er th at could be made to Major General Hugh L. Scott, chief of which were raised by popular subscrip­ F reight, $1,876,019.990; passenger and a fte r locking Bossier in a room, “ the P resid en t's am iable proposal.” < *Aaff, told the house m ilitary commit- tion, was presented to the National traffic, $522,103.907; mails. $45,348,- mounted his horse and rode away, Alluding to the P resid en t’s belief th at U-‘v I’riday th a t the work was in prng- Guard of Colorado. A djutant General 609; from express companies, $65,- A posse was formed as soon as Mr. and would require about a month H arry P. Gamble accepted the car. j 089,474; incidentals, dining and buffet Bossier could free him self and give the | the nations are ready to welcome a fcss, to complete. Chairm an Dent said the league of peace, the new spaper says: The presentation took place in the car service, operation of hotels and alarm. ‘ ‘W ith our experience with these 1 com m ittee would he glad to see the capitol grounds at Denver. The robber’s abandoned horse was leagues of peace behind us, we should ! bill. restaurants, sale of vending privileges ______________ A F ran k fu rt dispatch to the London on trains ar.d at stations, parcel rooms found by the posse 30 m iles from the ! think tw ice and thrice before throw ing Irish to Be Released. Exchange Telegraph company from a t stations, dem urrage, storage of scene of the robbery. The bandit had over trusted allies in order to put our London—The governm ent has decid- R otterdam , says there was heavy bet­ freig h t and baggage, telegraph and ridden the animal until it was exhaust- fortunes to the vote of Guatemala, tin g on the Berlin exchange Tuesday telephone w ires leased to other com-1 ed and then had continued his flight on H iati, Siam and other nations, large j ed to release the Irish prisoners who th a t peace would be signed before Au­ panies, operation of grain elevatorg, foot. The posse was said to be *n i and small, which would compose such ! were interned a fte r the rebellion in Ireland, Henry E. Duke, chief secre­ gust. The same dispatch says th at etc., $60,414,697, and all other trans- close pursuit. a federation. ” Two thousand dollars which the rob­ the German em peror will return to portation charges, $76,087,611. The Daily News, one of the most fa ­ tary of Ireland, announced Friday. The last item em braces sleeping and ber left behind when he abandoned his vorable of the newspapers to President “ The tim e has come when the ad­ Berlin for conferences w ith the Amer­ parlor car service; freig h t on milk, horse was recovered. ican and Spanish ambassadors. Wilson, says editorially th at the recep­ vantages of releasing these men far which has virtually an express service; tion of his note was respectful but un­ outw eigh the risk, and I have so ad­ Salt Lake City — An unexploded sw itching charges and operation of Steps, th ere­ Peace Meeting Planned. compromising. “ W hat had to be said vised the governm ent. bomb was found near Governor Spry’s special trains. New York—Monster peace demon­ has been said, for the most part in fore, will he taken to proceed w ith the residence early Monday. I t was un­ strations, a t which will lie read a man­ language which Am erica will neither least possible delay to retu rn the in­ covered by R. F. Nelson as he was terned prisoners to th eir hym es.” Wilson T akes Up Deficit. ifesto “ from the Am erican people to misunderstood nor re se n t.” sweeping a path through the snow be­ W ashington, D. C.—Various plans the world in the cause of peace.” will tw een his own residence and th a t of suggested for m eeting the deficit are be held at m idnight on New Y ear’s C h ristm as Pardon Given. Coins C arry New Designs. the governor. Exam ination of the being considered by President WilBon eve in Chicago, Denver, San Francisco Albany, N. Y.— A Christman pardon Denver—The Denver m int Monday bomb by the sheriff and state chemist and it was said Monday the President and th is city, it was announced here was granted by Governor W hitman began turn in g out the newly designed showed th a t the bomb contained m ight decide to address congress on Monday by the Am erican N eutral half-dollar pieces, and for an indefinite Saturday to W illiam J. Cummins, who enough explosive m aterials to have the subject as soon as he made up his Conference com m ittee. period will coin an average of more has served three years and two months blown both houses to pieces. mind how the revenues should be A t each m eeting a community than 150,000 pieces daily. The new of a s ta te 's prison sentence of four chorus will ring out the present year coin bears the full length of the S tatue years and eig h t months for his p art in A ttem pts to obtain action on the raised. Members of the house ways and w ith song. of Liberty, with the S tars and Stripes the w recking of the Carnegie T rust Adamson resolution to extend the life flying to the wind as a background. company, of New York, several years of th e Newlands railroad committee, means com m ittee already have dis­ S 3 6 .0 0 0 Paid for Farm . Branches of oak also are im printed. ago. Governor W hitm an said th at let­ now investigation all phases of the cussed the problem with Secretary Mc- Pendleton, O r.—The old Prospect On the reverse side an eagle is perched ters and petitions asking for clemency railroad situation, until January 7, Ado and other adm inistration officials. farm , near Stanfield, one of the oldest high on a crag, wings unfolded. The had been received from nearly every 1918, were abandoned. They will be sta te in the Union. Wire Fence Deadly to Two. in U m atilla county, again changed coin bears the usual wording. taken up a fte r the holiday recess of Tulare, Cal. — John D. Mello and hands, David R. Wood, of Weston, congress. T reaty is Ratified Again. L uther Burbank W edded. Frank C. Silv, ranch hands, were buying it for $36,000 from William Vallejo, Cal.—A centrifugal machine shocked to death Christm as day by a Robbins and wife, who purchased the Copenhagen- King C hristian in the San Francisco— L uther Burbank, the gun, said to throw 3000 projectiles a wire ranch fence carrying 11,000 volts place about a year ago. The farm con­ cabinet council Monday ratified the famous plant evolutionist, was m arried m inute a t an initial velocity of 4000 of electricity transm itted by a Mount sists of 1600 acres of w heat land. trea ty providing for the sale of the here Thursday to his secretary, Miss fe et a second, was tested by naval au­ W hitney Power & E lectric company Robbins took in trade as p art paym ent Danish W est Indies to the United E lizabeth W aters, by Rev. C. S. S. th o ritie s here. The initial velocity of power wire which had fallen across the a house and lot in Weston, a chop mill States. This follows the passage by Dutton, pastor of the F irst U nitarian th e arm y rifle is 2000 fe et per second. fence and set the posts afire. Manuel and warehouse in Weston and a house both houses of the Danish parliam ent church. The ceremony was p riv ate The centrifugal gun is operated wholly Godhine was severely burned when he and lot in Milton. At one tim e the of the bill for the ratification of the and Mr. Burbank and his bride were by electricity. attem pted to rescue his companions. treaty . whisked away in a taxicab. place sold at nearly $73,000. COMPILED FOR BUSY READERS 37,000 ACRES ARE AT STAKE DETECTIVE EURNACE IS CAUSE