Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1916)
* (Eh? J f a r t B ? Okmt? A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R Voi. 1. No. 51 FOREST GROVE. OREGON, T H U R S D A Y . DEC. 28. 1916 CHRISTMAS IN FOREST GROVE and Mrs. Gordon Brown called to , wish the family a Merry Christ mas. The dinner was a fine one and the guests showed their ap i predation by presenting Father ! and Mother Fletcher with a num- The Municipal Tree Forest Grove’» first municipal ! ber of gifts, including a grapho- Christmas tree, planted on the phone, w h i c h instrument the Congregational church lawn, re i " K id " is learning to play like a ceived a rather damp reception I professional. Preparing for Red Letter Day Mrs. Williams Laid To Rest Funerai services for the late Mrs. John Williams, who passed Mrs. E. E. Williams, Woman's away at, Atascadero, Calif., on club chairman of the Red Letter Dec. 21st, were h< Id at the Day committee, is busily engaged Christian church last Sunday, at in prepai ing for the occasion, when 2 p m , Rev. R. L. Putnam of a first-class musical and literary ficiating. The funeral was large program will be given at Marsh ly attended by old neighbors and hall for the benefit of the student friends, and the remains were in Saturday evening at the hour »et loan fund. The date is Wednes terred in Forest View cemetery. Sarah Elinor Wells was born at for the out-door program, uh there day, January 24th. On this date was a heavy drizzle of rain all ev the Woman’s clubs of the state Viroqua, Wis., March 9, 1856, ening. Notwithstanding the rain, endeavor to raise funds to be came to Oregon with her parents The newly-elected officers of however, the singi-rs from the loaned to girls and young women in 1871, was married to John Holbrook bslge N o. 30, A. F. & schools sang a number of Christ who are anxious to secure educa Williams in Norton, Kas., on Oct. A. M., and of Forester Chapter mas songs and the band played tions and are handicapped by lack 6th, 1894, and came to Forest No. 42, Order of the Eastern Star, of funds. No restriction as to the Grove with her husband in the appropriate selections. About a 1 were installed last evening, after hundred men, women and child school they attend is made by the spring of 1896. Here M r. and which the members of these or ren sto<xl across the street, in the clubs. Many students have so ^ Mrs Williams resided until about ders, including a number of out- shelter of awnings, and listened to far been helped by the fund and two months ago, when they went of-town visitors, enjoyed a swell the music. -The tree was beauti all have shown their appreciation ! to California for Mrs. Williams’ banquet in the dining hall. The by making the most of their op health. Death was due to a par fully lighted with colored electric | officers of Holbrook lodge were alytic s roke. Deceased was a portunities. lights and gave a holiday ap ¡installed first, D. D . Bump being pearance to the exercises. While the program for the 24th member of t h e Forest Grove ! the installing officer. Following is not yet complete, it will have a Christian church and left a testi are the officers: At the Churches number of excellent musical num mony that she was ready to meet L. M . G r a h a m , Worshipful The choir of the M . E. church bers, a Kipling reading by Miss her Savior. Besides her husband, gave a C h r i s t m a s cantata, Master. Bagdad, folk dances by young Mrs. Williams leaves a brother, C. T. Richardson, Senior War “ Savior and K ing." at7:30Sun- women and a number of other Aaron Wells, of Salem, and a sis den dav evening, which was largely ter, Mrs. Emma Teegarden, of ; features. E. D. West, Junior Warden. attended and greatly enjoy«*d. Portland ; J. A Thornburgh, Treasurer A t the Christian church Sun Christian Church D. R. Cheney, Secretary. day evening there was an appro Next Lord's Day is ou*- Annual E. D. West, Senior Deacon. priate program of music and rec All-Day meeting. A t 11 A. M. C. A. Brodersen, Junior Deacon. The committee which was ap- itations, with an offering for the the pastor will deliver his annual B. F. White, Tyler. | pointed at the Citizen’s conven war sufferers. Chas. (). Roe, Marshal. tion to fill vacancies that might message. A basket dinner will be The Congregational Sunday J. G. Ix*nneville, Senior Steward. occur on the Citizen’s Ticket, has held in the basement at noon. School gave a Christmas concert O. S. Higby, Junior Steward. finally succeeded in getting W. J. i The election of officers and the at 5 o'clock Sunday evening, but The Eastern Star officers were McCready, retiring councilman, J busine s session will be from 2-5 there was no preaching. P. M . t A t St. Anthony’s (Catholic) installed by Mrs. Jessie Bump, to permit his name to go on the In the evening we join in the church there was mass at 6 and Past Worthy Matron, assisted by ticket in place of the name of union meeting a t t t i e M . E. 10 a. m. Christmas day, with Mrs Lora V . Starrett, installing Frank Gordon, who defines to be a candidate. Mr. McCready was Church Christmas mu s i c . The church marshal, as follows: R. L. PUTNAM, Pastor. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, Wor nominated at the convention, but was beautifully decorated with stated that he felt he had given To The Voters of Forest Grove pictures emblematic of the N a tiv thy Matron. W. H. Hollis, Worthy Patron. all the time he could spare to city Having been nominated at an ity. There was also mass at Cor Mrs. Mary Abbott, Associated affairs and declined the nomina open mass meeting for the office nelius at 8 a. m. Matron. tion, but since Mr. Gordon de of City Treasurer by the citizens Mrs. Sylvia Lenneville, Secre clined to run, Mr. McCready has of Forest Grove, Oregon, I have On Christmas day W . II Greer tary. been prevailed upon to allow' his accepted the nomination, and re of this city had as a guest F E. Mrs. Dorothy Seymour, Treas name to go on the ticket. Mr. spectfully solicit your support. Stephens of Corvallis, Ore., an urer. McCready has been one of the If elected I will give honest, faith old boyhood playmate, the two Mrs. Jessie Scott, Conductress hardest workers on the present ful service. Election to be held having been born on farms a few Mrs. F.lizaboth Todd, Associate council and many voters will be Monday, January 8, 1917. miles apart, about three miles Conductress. pleased to know that he will con E D W IN S SPA R K S . from Harlem Springs, Carroll The appointive officers are as tinue in office. county. Ohio, Mr. Stephens now ANNOUNCEM ENT follows: being 73 years of age and M r. The Goff boys of this city and Miss Leone Graham, Adah. Greer 77. When the former was I will be a candidate at the vicinity were much pleased on Mrs. Marie Pollock, Ruth. nine years old and the latter 13 coming city election for the office Miss Florence Enschede,Esther. Tuesday and Wednesday to re the Stephens family moved to o f City Treasurer, to succeed my ceive visits from their nephew, Mrs. Mabel Fuqua, Martha. Iowa, and the "Iniys” had not L J . H O AR. Gordon McLeod of Dawson, Y u self. Mrs. Mata Ahlgren. Electra. met since that time, and it is rafe Mi-^s Mary Stalley, Chaplain kon Territory, who is on his way Notice of City Election to say they did not recognize each to the European battlefields. He Mrs. Clara Hughes, Marshal. Pursuant to Order of the Com other. Both saw service in the Mrs. Dorothy, Broderson, W ar left this city yesterday evening, mon Council of the City of Forest civil war, Mr. Stephens serving bound for Victoria, B. C., from Grove, notice is hereby given that der. nearly two and one-half years in which point he will sail for Eng the general election of the C ity of M r. O. S. Higby, Sentinel. the 20th Iowa Volunteer Infantry land some time next week. Quite Forest Grove, Oregon, will be Mrs. M ary Beach, Organist. and Mr. Greer serving three years, number of soldiers have recently held on Monday, January 8, The banquet was served by the 1917, at the Council Chambers on 11 days in Company I), 80th Ohio been recruited in the Yukon for the West side of Council Street Senior and Junior Stewards, as Volunteer Infantry. The day was foreign service. i and in Verts Hall on the West pleasantly spent by both old sisted by the following young Jesse Smith and sister, Mrs. side of Main Street, in said city, men: Lester and Cecil Hughes, soldiers. | between the hours of 9 o ’clock A. Robert Enschede, Taylor Graham, Adolph Iler of Portland visited at M. and 7 o’clock P. M of said M r. and Mrs A. H. Underwood Nelson Johnson, iineell Todd, the home of their grandparents, day, at which time and places h a d for Christmas dinner Mr. Clarence Ijehneville, Joe Loomis, M r. and Mrs. Levi Smith, Christ- there shall be elected one Mayor Underwood’s father and mother, Glenn Hoar and Willis Hines. I mas day, as did also M r. and for the City of Forest Grove, for a term of one year; one Recorder Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Underwood The officers of Forest Chapter, Mrs. James Dempsey, the latter a of this city, Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Royal Arch Masons, as published i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi for a term of one year; one Treas urer for a term of one year; three Able and daughter, Virginia, of in the Express of Dec. 14th, were Smith. Councilmen for a term of two Portland and M r. and Mrs. W . installed last Saturday night. The school directors of this city years, and two Councilmen for a C. Breed of Vancouver, Wash. have engaged Clarence Bump of term of one year. B. J. Simpson, local Southern In the evening there was a tree W . P. D Y K E , Carnation to fill out the unexpired Pacific agent, left Monday even Recorder of the City of Forest for the children. term of Prof. Geo. R. Thomas, ing for Baker City, to attend the Grove, Oregon. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. funeral of his wife’s mother, Mrs. who resigned as instructor in mathematics at the high school. On New Year’s day William J. John T . Fletcher had for dinner McMurdo, who passed away at Mr. Bump will take the position Enschede of this city will be guests their son and daughter, Baker S u n d a y . Mrs. Simpson when school resumes after New united in marriage with Miss Ruth with their families, as follows: was with her mother when the end Year’s. _____ Harris, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Prof. W. T . Fletcher, wife and ¡came, having gone to Baker ten Edward A. Harris of Hillsboro, Mrs. Emma Kennedy of Port two children of St. Johns; Mr. ¡days ago. Mrs. McMurdo was the ceremony taking place at the and Mrs. Walter Sargent and two quite well known in this city, land is spending this week with children of Gales Creek; a l s o having visited Mr. and Mrs. Simp her sister, Mrs. Rose Olmsted. home of the bride’s parents. Chester Vincent, a grandson, of son last summer. The funeral was Mr. Kennedy and daughter, Rose, Mrs. Chas. Giguere is convales- spent Christmas here. St. Johns. In the afternoon Mr. held Tuesday. ing from a tussle with the grip. Nasons and Stars Installed Officers Councilman McCready Will Be Candidate $1.50 per Year COUNTY BUDGET WAS ADOPTED Between three and four hundred men and women gathered at the court house in Hillsboro last Sat urday morning to discuss and adopt the proposed county bud get, which appropriated a total of $398,995.92 in expenditures for the year 1917. L M . Graham of this city was chairman of the meeting and managed to keep very good order and E. C. Luce was secretary. After the reading of the budget, a motion that it be considered and acted on section by section was defeated and, on J o h n Thorn burgh’s motion that the budget be adopted as read, the verbal fireworks started. More orators and semi-orators clamored for the floor than one would expect to find in one little county. Fred Groner, Ben Cornelius, William Schulmerich and a half-dozen oth ers spoke against the proposed im provements of the east-and-west baseline road through the county unless improvements were also made on north-and-south roads. Some of the speakers were against spending $5,000 between this city and Banks, while others didn’t want any spent between Beaver ton and the Multnomah county line. Ira Purdin spoke in favor of the Forest Grove-Banks road, saying it was very important and was used by many of the heaviest tax payers in the county. W. K. Newell of Seghers was in favor of economy, but didn't be lieve wallowing through the mud w’ith farm products was economy. He favored the base-line road and roads intersecting it. "Im prove what we have and build more,” was the keynote of his speech. Sam Paisley wanted all the road money ($35,000) put into the gen eral fund and divided equally be tween the road districts, but he stood almost alone in his position. Other speakers wanted to in crease the budget, so that other roads beside those mentioned in the budget could be built or re paired, but it wras the consensus of opinion t h a t this could not legally be done. A motion to deduct $7,500 from the sum specified ($35,000) and spend it improving the road south from Hillsboro was lost and the original motion was carried by a vote of 195 to 149. There was some kicking after the meeting, but most of those opposed to the budget took their defeat philosophically and will wait another year for their turn. Father Buck Rejoices One of the happiest of Forest Grove pastors on Christmas day was Father Buck, pastor of St. Anthony’s church, whose happi ness came as a result of his par ishioners presenting him with a purse of $500, with instructions to pay off a note a g a i n s t the church and keep the balance for his own use. It was a beau tiful tribute of the esteem in which Father Buck is held by his parishioners and he appreciates the gift very much, especially as it makes possible the cancelling of the debt against the church. Money to loan— Valley Realty Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tif