fTMie Spirit of the Season prompts us to extend our sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and may the Spirit of Christmas light your wav thru the Seasons to come. The First National Bank FOREST GROVE, ORE. “A Strong Bank in a Good Town” Order Now for your ittrrnf (Cltriatmaa Fine Turkeys, Geese. Chickens, Ducks or a good Roast of Beef, Pork or Mutton. Then Vegetables, fresh and good — Califfower. Celery. Car­ rots. Parsnips, Cranberries, etc. Also extra tine Fruits Oranges and Bananas Coeoanuts, (2 for I’fn l, Walnuts, etc. A full line of Relishes The Pacfic Market Phone 0301 C. H. GIGUERE, Prop. Found Halter. Call at this office and recover property. The Book Store will he open evenings this week. Wanted Some t u r n i p s for cow feed. South Park Dairy, ('has. I). Staley, Prop. 17 tl A son was born to Mr. and Mrs Karl Bateman of Gales C'reek la-d Saturday. H .J Winbigler returned home Saturday after a ten days’ busi­ ness trip to Seattle. During the absence of Dr. II R. Kauffman from the city. Dr. K J. Crowthers will look after Dr Kauffman’s praetiee and will be at the office fiom 2 to ft p. m. ly. 50- If A fine stock of toilet and mani­ cure sets, kodaks, pictures, can­ dies, safety razors and many oth er things suitable for Christinas pr-sents. P r i c e s right. Dr Hines’ 1 )i ug Store. Willis Goff has many friends among the members of the Port- arid Gun club and a few of them chipped in early this week and ited Sunday with his c unty to Sunday as but one was spend the holidays with given to that, wife and son, who are -pending Mr'. Sherrett a family, there must at the Laughlin. two weeks with Mr. Barker's par­ have been not less than 2,000 ents in this city. Aluminum c o o k i n g usensils people visit the store during the make appropriate Ch’istmas gifts day, counting two ior each cal­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Myers, who and Goff Bros, are off* ring a nice endar. have had charge of the Laughlin line at bargain hotel kitchen for the pa-t six der of this week. prices the remain­ A comforta! le rest room for months, depa-ted Monday for women and ehildr* n, equipped Idaho, where Mr. Myers’ parents Clifford M. Rogers of Portland with bubh.ing fountain, lavatory, reside. Mr. and Mrs. She'Iy of and Chas. Rogers of Stanford toilet, mirn rs, combs, towels, om- Portland, who are now in cha’g«* Universty (Calif. wi l l spend fortab.e chairs and many other of the kitchen, are experienced Christmas with their parents, conveniences, was ihrown open to cooks. Mr. and Mrs Geo. D. Rogers. the firm’s customers Tuesday morning and wa> enjoyed b\ many of the visitors. In the afternoon, there was music by an orchestra, vocal solos R C W alker and a speech by was our Reception and Calendar by Hon W. K Newell of Seghcr-. Mr Newell talked of the oppor­ Da\, Tuesday, Dec. 19th. w ä.j tunities of Washington county We hope everyone had a pleasant day and advised to go more and if any of our customers did not heavily into the the people dairy it.ess. get a calendar, please let us know F'ew places n the United bu Slat*s promptly, in order that we may re­ were as favorable to th«* industry serve you one, as it is our desire that as the Wiliam« Lie vall«*y. He said everyone may have one. it was a wa >«* te* ship grain or hay : — h x * from a Wi amette valley farm, when more money could be rna«l< S ûiN by turning these products into milk, cream, utt«*r or cheese He Saturday, Dec. 2.‘5rd, Old Santa Claus also advi-ed lanting more prun«* will be here from 1 to 5 p. m. Bring and p«*ar or iards the hilly the Children. F'REFI Candy arid Nuts lan«ls to ra fruit on to k«*ep th«* to all children accompanied by grown­ canrii; i«-s Du He expressed th« ups, only, from 1 to 5 p. m. beli«-f that ’tie recent boycott against bun • and **ggs would dis­ pr< r-ers and lh«*n th«- Our store will be closed Monday, courage pric«*s would still higher. Dec. 25th (Christmas Day). During th entire day vliftors Order your over-Sunday, Xmas and Tuesday breakfast supplies to th** ston were served with TODAY, for delivery Saturday, Dec. 23d. chocolate at d wafers by neatly- Wishing you and yours the Merriest Christmas you ever uniformed at ndants. had and awaiting your further orders, we beg to remain, as The recept n was very much ever, Yours for Pure Foods, enjoyed by t large crowds which attended dur the day CONDENSED NEWS NOTES A REM ARKABLE EVENT - z ’fs _ Our Next B is Event ¿ " fs — Important Notice! Phone 061 f SCHULTZ’ For«>t G rov«'» De L u k « GROCERY ano MARKET < Phone 061 Only Two More Days NOTES AND PERSONALS Christmas Turkey Dinner The Laugh ;n Hotel will serve a turk«*y dint r on Christmas day fr«>m 12 m. t* 2 p. m., at 75c the plate. Person- d«*siring dinner, pleas«* telephone in advance, if possible. It ; “W ear-Ever” Aluminum R oasters D ecem ber 1 8 to 2 3 , Inclusive Christmas of 1936 • WEAR-EVER” ROASTER WEEK Christmas of 1916 S H K will us«* the“W K A K - K V K k " Roaster a gift from yourself R eplace utensils that w ear out /)VV with utensils that‘‘W ear-E ver" ^ Most roasters are used only once or twice a year. The " W K A k E V E R ” roaster can be used every day for steaming fruit in jars, for baking on top of the stove, for steaming fish, asparagus,etc. corn, You can prepare a whole meal at one time in the “W ear-E ver” Roaster. t>4sk for booklet Order Your Roaster On or B efore D ecem ber 2 3 and Get 10 » Discount Goff Bros. Forest Grove O R E G O N H u n t i n g a n d F i s h i n g L ic e n s e s fo r 1917 n o w on H a n d IMI,LEY NEWS NOTES M r'. (»«•<«. lilythc was sirk with the grip the past week, but is reported hett«*r at this writing. Mrs. A. 15. C raft and daughter, Kdyth, were shopping in the Orove on Tuesday. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Hibbt* have been down with the grip and the neighbors have been doing th«* chores and earing for them. Mrs. Mroderson was a Portland vis­ itor last week. The play given at the Artisan hall u Saturday night by the High School pupils was a success in every way. Th«? youngsters surely «Ini well. Dilley w a s w e ll represente«! a t Schultz's on Tuesday last. Mrs. Vannoy was visiting friends in Port land last week. Mr. and Mrs. T ain t's s«ui from Huf- falo, Wyo., is visiting here with th«-m, hut will return to his home in a few ilaXs. Warranty