H Stands for HARNESS, One thing we sell. Stout shoes, good clothing Raincoats us well. Our prices are right Our merchandise better Come t-ee our laprobes Or order by letter. Bernard’s Book Store Dan Parsons Povtoffice Block Man Furnisher c Pacific Ave. I Stands for CANDY, Ami confections sweet; Good enough to win Any lady you meet. Our stock is fresh. Full and sublime. Come and investigate If you have but a dime. Stands for INTEREST, The saver of rent; We pay it gladly For money that’s lent. You worked for your money; Make it work for you; One dollar at Interest Earns two times two. Stands for TOOLS, For Tinware and Toys; We have presents for men, For girls and for boys. Stoves, ranges and silverware, Spoons, forks and knives; In fact many presents For husbands and wives. Stands for NOTIONS; We have a fine line In Hose, Gloves and Neckties, Of Quality fine. That value is in them; To you we can show. Why buy fooli h pre-ents When necessities are low? Caples & Co. Gordon & Gordon Hdw. Co. General Merchandise Everything for the Home. u 0 Stands for OREGON, The place we call home. Most fruitful of States Between Georgia and Nome. Land of big apples, Berries and kale— Where travel is easy By boat and by rail. Stands for UPMOST, The top ’o the heap. We have food for mankind, Cows, chickens and sheep. When prices are high, And still on the jump You can make a saving By buying in lump. Harve Baldwin, Confections The First National Bank Forest Grove Express E. F. Burlingham Star Theater Block. Forest Grove. Ore Printers and Publishers Flour and Feed. D J Stands for DENNY, The man who sells sweets; Always something nice For the friends one meets. Sugar for the sweet tooth; A good smoke for dad; Carries the best line In town to be had. Stands for JEWELRY, Sparkling and brighi; Kit for king or queen, With prices just right. Buy “her” some silverware, Stationery or a ring Then on Xmas morning. Hear the wife sing. 1). II. Denny, Confectioner Shearer & Son Anderson Block. Main Street Jewelers K E Stands for ELECTRIC, A science complex; We handle the articles To please either sex. A toaster for mother, A flashlight for Jack; Lamps for the family Buy now and come back. Stands for KING, The Bargain man, He’ll save you money If anyone can. Presents that last well, Presents that wear; Hat. scarf or necktie, Gloves and notions rare. J. A. Parker O. M. Sanford Pacific Avenue New and Second Hand Goods Stands for QUALITY, In the goods we dispense; Good things to eat, To appeal to your sense. Groceries of high standing, Confections and spices; All fresh and tasty, At reasonable prices. Stands for WATCHES, For Ladies and Gents; Priced from six dollars To ten dollars, forty cents. Silver knives, forks, spoons, Presents of all kinds Enough in variety To please many minds. M. J. Abbott Outfitters for Mankind Fancy Grocer Jeweler and Optician. C. 0 . Roe & Co., The House- Furnishers □oc m □oc ZZ3QE w Q Pacific Avenue. Stands for LITTLER, Whose drugs make you well; Of pretties for Christmas He has many to sell. Stationery quite dainty, Graphophones up-to date Ivory goods for the lady Step along; don’t be late. ■— Stands for VALUES, In goods for the home; In Stoves, beds and tables, Some chairs or a comb. We’ve tools of all kinds, For farm or for shop; Come in and see, sir, And hear prices drop. Stands for PARKER, Maker of harness and saddles The homestead of quality, Where high-price skedaddles. His goods are high-grade, His prices are low*. If you once meet Parker, To his place you’ll go. H. T. Giltner L "-M V Kini & Co. ^Stands for FURNITURE, * And also for Fame; We offer rare bargains; Make you glad you came. In Kitchen cabinets, Rugs, Chairs and what not You can examine the goods Right, on the spot. □on P The Electric Shop F T, ' T N R Y Stands for RUSSELL, A right jolly chap, Who sells the best shoes To be found on the map. Whether little or large Wealthy or poor, This same man Russell Welcomes you at the door. L ittler’s Pharmacy Forest Grove Shoe Store Drugs and Sundries The Best in Footwear )1l]|C=10E==3 CZ=) O CZ30IZZD CZHOCZD c m o t ------- Main street. __ Main Street Cumber Yard. R Ottice Shearer, Confectioner ' ■ Copeland & McCready i Geo. G. Paterson Furniture and Pianos. B Stands for ROOK STORE, In Holiday attire ; The place to buy presents In quality higher. B ooks and Stationery, China, Pottery, Glass ; Presents at all prices, Resplendent in “class ” Stands for SHEARER, On the Main street; Go to his place when Mabel you’d treat. Sweet candy and nuts For large and small; Smokes for the smokers, And something for all. ----- r n Forest drove Stands for MONEY, The thing you should save Whether you live in a palace Or hide in a cave. If it’s lumber you need, Fence, roof or door, We're here to serve you Today and evermore d ie 1 AndcrHon, the Clothier Anderson hid*?. Stands for GEORGE, A man you all know; If Furniture you need To him you should go. " (fOOil Goods” is his motto I/>w prices to all, Whether run or carpet Or paper for wall. S in i -------- Vile-------- m i Stands for ANDERSON, Who s<*lls such good Clothes Th«* people sing his praise Wherever one goes. Suits, Coats, Suspenders and Sox, Underwear, Collars and Shoes At prices to give your purse a rest If to patronize him you choose. M >1 U o G □oc 5 } \ c I Q C = 3 ||C = Z I I I O E ------ 31|C------- I 0 1 = I = D ||tZ Z Z = J 0 C I L ^ |lc _ _ - t0 C = I I Z 3 ] [ c = Z ± 3 0 i -------- A □oc 11c = i o i = : ^ 1fc Is in BICYCLE, The machines we repair; Our work is guaranteed And our prices are fair. No matter what’s broke, Whether wheel or gun Bring it to our shop We’ll make trouble run. Roy Watkins Who Fixes ’Em □oc -, 1fo]f a b a □ OC . > llC = lO n Z Z Z > H < - m 3 lh - - - - - - »Ol - - - - - □oc in □oc on Pacific Ave. □oc ¡m