The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 21, 1916, Image 2

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In thosi» d«ys « f fiillghtcuiil m vhtfoln
cy. T lii't» nrf utili. however m>nie un
con vimini olii-« w ho bolli iluit Hit» ih»
scriptum glvt>n In St I.ul-•» I» more In
dlcaflvt» of tht» sprlng tinnì wlntt»r
* »
com m a
I m
» $
¿ lin c i
, cam
f Know
I there
(‘ ► Plenty
will be
Free Movie Tickets
M i ( t l « t o * a n d Ita M r a n i n q .
Among tln» S ii \‘> ii - i tht» ni t tImt mi"
lieto«* wns sospendisi frolli tln* ris'f of
a dwetllng In 1 1nintt-tI to ili»' wny furor
flint tilt» hoapltnlity of t In» homi»
« u t ut bis tllspo-iil, ami l*>nt»ii(li Ita
branche* friend nini strauger. tassai
ami lord, gu thè issi together In tiiiu
mtlt—«lil|t ami guai «•hn*r
Tilt» rt>
llgloila Hiptx-t of tilt» misiIft"»* lindi-
don. yvhh'h hnd Ita ori gin In tln» Dtuld-
h'ul riii-a. miti tln» gnthcrlug of II by
flit* arch liriild wItti Idi golili»n al Me
merged Inter luto u purely *»•■ lui «ytu
tad. miti tilt» lileii of aliuple litiapltnllty
developed luto mir of iiierryiuukliig
r.utl a aornewliut rlotoii« fiiterlalu
■lieti t.
The kl«a of tln» Scanditilivlnn goti
tless expatuled luto tln» i listoni of a
klaa glveu for t»\ t>ry lierry that grew
on tilt» bougii. Simili wonder timi. In
splte of thè mlatletoe lim Ing origlimi
ly exlsted In thè odor of smictlty, thè
fhurch carne to regard It aa un en
tlrely pagati aymlnd nini refusoti to
allow It to parHtdputo olili thè holly
and tht» evergreen In thè Vulethle l i n ­
o n i ioti a.
Tliere la mi anelent bellef timi tln»
uilstletoe waa thè tre»» from whleh thè
holy erosa waa hewn and that after
thl* « u à niade thè plunt wltbered.
Got them from our Merchants. The firms listed below
have purchased Matinee tickets to give Fret* to their custom
ers. When you purchase 25c worth of any of the firms
mentioned below, you will be given a Matinee Ticket Free
four ticket for $1.00. These tickets are to be given away
for ten weeks, beginning with performance of Saturday, N o­
vember 25. Good only for Saturday Matinees. Ask for
tickets when making purchase:». Here are the firms which
give tickets:
Schultz Pure Food Store
Goff Bros., Hardware and Stoves
I >r Hines’ I >rug Store
Oltice Shearer, Confectioner
American Restaurant
Geo. G. Paterson, Furniture and
Home Bakery
King ti Co , Gen’l Mdse.
Forest Grove Express, Piinting
i on
I our .
great big
Cree I w
Various Names
For Christmas
yule or
a festival o f the
«un. The tin nt> yule Is -till used by
the Scot' h m il th - S and n vlans call
their fest
le r .• Welsh
call Christ:
\;i ! . p_» signifying a
birth, and •' e |t:i i ins -pcuk of If as
Il Natale, f ! i 'i - enguate with t lie
Spanish ter- an 1 a contraction of the
Christ's Latin.
mass, meaning the festival of
Not onl- I« the d I nfion o f tlie
the Nativity o f Christ. During word itself In
the many centuries since the 25th o f I . •• ln»r I- flic real date of
advent It has been variously spelled. the advent lias
long been n contro-
It Is found In the old source books vertible so' V
'o t among chronologlsts
changing from Crystmasse. the very Early < 'brí­ a i s u o - e divided ns to the
old English, through phases of Cristen date. some
• intending flint It was the
ma«. Crysrynmas. Chrlstenmas and 1st or the bth day of January, others
Chrlstmes to Chrl«tniass arid eventual
the Litth of March, the day o f the Jew
If, as today. Christmas.
lsh passover, and still nth rs dc daring
The French call the holiday Noel or for the 20th o f Septeml»er. tiie feast o f
Nowel. This is a derivation of the
the tabernacles.
French nouvelles
meaning tidings
Julius I., a bishop of Rome. In A. D.
Some, however, take It as an abbre­
337-352 seemed to settle the dispute by
viation of the Provencal nadau or declaring D ec. 25 as tlie date. The
nadal. which means the same as the
western church accepted tills, and the
Latin natalis—tliat is. dies natnlls. the eastern
We fin > Chau<er in his
around, but the Armenian church still
“ Canterbury T les." In that [part of the
adheres to Jan. d
Julius seems to
narrative told by the Frankeleyn. a!
have established authoritatively the
luding to Christmas and employing the 25th as the anniversary from what
Copyright. lSK, tiy American Press A»-
French term Nowel us a festive hill
Ini Ion
must have been authenticated tradition
day cry.
or It would hate been since, disproved
It Is said ft>n' r cl |« » rorrmitton of
Christmas Limericks
A f r a i d of S a n t a .
-I’ll I«» glad when I ’m g r o w n
nnld the sinall hoy.
“ What for?“
“ So I fa n get my Christum « present*
without h aving any Santa Clous slip
ping nround to find out w h eth er I 'v e
I m u good or not."
Job printing
Low Fare Excursions to California
via the North Bank and S. S. “ Northern Pacific;” $27,00
round trip, with berth and meals, to San Francisco; $42.50
round trip, to LosAngeles.
rickets sold from Oregon Elec­
tric points Dec. 22, 23, 27 and 28. Stopovers allowed
turn limit on tickets sold Dec. 27th and 28th, Jan. 14th.
Through Tickets Sold, Baggage Checked and Berth
Reservations Arranged by Local Agents.
Connections for Independence
at East Independence station with boat and at Orville
with Auto Stage.
J. E. FARM ER, Agent
The economical time o f the year to travel—Holiday
round-trip fares allow longer return limits than
at any other time of the year.
Thera wan a young lady named G er­
W ho said to her best frien d: »‘ N ow ,
We'tl bo good a'. I th > year.
But I'll toll j ou, my doar.
A t Christmas it pays to be flirty."
— Ritchey.
TH« Broker’* Christmas.
Brokerage houses have more beggars
visit them limn does uny other class
of business nu n. At Christinas time
they fairly swunn. Some are “ flown
and outs" from unlucky speculation
and the mixing of business ami alco­
hol; others are simply the unfortu
nates who have kept from drink, hut
who have lost their nerve nnd money
and are merely trying to live.
A story Is tolil by a Chicago broker
of how lie fell it t letlin to one smooth
stranger recently und how tlie smooth
stranger thereupon fell a victim to
him. The vIs11>»r came to Ills office
with a more or It- * familiar hard luck
story of his wife being sick. Ills rent
overdue nnd himself out o f work ever
since the market went against him in
the old days. "I'm Just going to work
phone 821.
Christmas Post Cards, Stickers
and address labels free at Wells
Fargo Express office. Send your
Christmas presents by express,
cheapest, safest, best. Insurance
Spend the Holidays
at Home
There once w in a youngster named
H orner
Ate a whole Christmas pie In a c o r ­
Then he cried out: »'Oh, my!
Tw a.i a cooking school p ie !“
And so poor Jack was a goner.
Hound trip fares will be in effect on the O R E G O N
E LE C T R IC HY. Dec. 22 to 25, inclusive; also Dec. 30, 31
and Jan. 1; return limit Jan. 3. Also for all points in W ash­
ington and Oregon on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry.,
west to Rainier, Dec. 21 to 2;>. inclusive, with the same re­
turn limit.
Christmas Holidays— New Year’s Holidays—
Between all points in Oregon; al­
so from all Southern Pacific
points to Washington anti Idaho
I)ec. 22 to 25, inclusive. Return
limit Jan. 3. Between Oregon
and California points Deo. 21 to
23, inclusive.
Return limit 15
points in Oregon
I)ec. 30 to Jan. 1st, inclusive.
Return limit Jan. 3d.
Oregon to
California points Dec. 25 to 2S,
Return limit 15 days.
Write or ask local agent
John M. Scott,
- General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines