/ Is (Eh? Vol. 1, No. 50 / SJ j.. J iff ¿Fmrat drmip lExpr pbs AN INDEPENDENT WEKKLV NEWSPAPER KO REST GROVE. OREGON. '1 HURSDA Y, DEC. 21. 1916 Sntiui fm* ffitii UUli (trip Between e i g h t y and ninety VoteiM gathered at Verts Hall Tuesday night and placed in nom ination candidates for mayor, re corder, treasurer and five eandi dates for the city council Mayor Paterson c a l l e d the meeting to order and Joseph P. Hurley was elected chairman and II E. Kerrin secretary. C. O Roe then moved that to receive a nomination a candidate inU't receive a marjority of all votes cast. The motion prevailed. John Thornburgh nominated (ico. (1. Paterson, present incum bent, to succeed himself as mayor and J. (’. Wegner nominated J. N Hoffman. The chairman ap pointed C Roe and L. M. Graham as tellers and the bal lots gave Paterson SO and Hoff man 2f>. Chairman declared Mr. Paterson nominated. W. P. Dyke was the only nom inee for recorder and he was nom inated by acclamation. Ed Sparks, H. G. King and Ives J. Hoar were nominated for treasurer and three ballots were necessary before anybody got a majority, Mr. Sparks finally win ning with 45 votes; Hoar 40 and King 2. II. It. Johnson, S. E. Todd, S. A. Walker and ( \ W. Mertz were nominated to fill the one-year councilmanic terms, but Johnson and Walker refused to iun and Messrs. Mertz and Todd were nominated by acclamation. For the three two year terms. Dr. C. E Hawke, Ed Wirtz, W. J. McOready, E. H. Sappington, John Taylt >r, I. J. Hoar, W. D. Parker, J.S. Buxton, I). D. Bump. Dr. Hines, H. J. (loir, E. M. Gra ham and Frank G o r d o n were placed in nomination, but all de clined except Hines, Wirtz, Gor don. Bump and Hawke. On the first ballot Messrs. Hines and Gordon received a majority of all votes and were declared nominat ed, but it required the fourth bal lot to nominate the third man, Dr. Hawke winning on the fourth with J.S votes. Chairman Hurley then asked what the ticket should be called and, on motion,it was decided the names should appear under the caption “Citizens’ Ticket." The chairman then appointed Messrs. H. J. Goff, L. M. Gta- ham, II. B. Johnson, John Thorn burgh and W. R. Hicks to fill any vacancies that might occur be tween the date of nomination and election, and the meeting ad journed. Frank Gordon last evening in formed the editor of the Express that lie would not accept the nom ination, so the committee has at least one vacancy to fill. For a town that cast more than 1200 votes at the last general election, the crowd was a small one and there was no scramble for office, as is indicated by the number who declined to run. It is possible, however, that there will bean opposition ticket, just to make the election interest ing. By defeating the Sophomores, Juniors and Freshmen, the Seniors are the champion basket bailers of Pacific University and have won the Homer T. Shaver Interclass basketball cup for the 1916-17 season. ri s'*' O. «¿I •< ? $1.50 per Year Much Money Spent on County Roads The county court is making its tabulation of road work done dur ing the past year, cost, etc., and when completed it will show some interesting figures, says the Hills boro Independent Compilation thus far shows that 31 92 miles of macadam and 4.06 miles of gravel were added to the improved high ways of the county and that the total mileage of rock road is 170.5. Bridges built during the year totalled 8.71 miles, which gives an idea of the county’s bridge prob lem, for although there are few large bridges the small cm s are exceedingly numerous and expens ive to maintain. The total miles of all kinds of roads in the county is 956.5, of which 696.42 are dirt. Of the dirt mileage 634.54 miles weie worked this year and the charac ter of improvement and mileage of the remaining roads is as fol lows: Corduroy 33.9, plank 24.4, macadam 170 5, giavel 31.2. In addition to the total mileage built this year given above 14.26 miles of macadam and 13 5 miles of gravel road were repaired. De'ails of bridge construction work, of which there was a total of 8.71 miles built during the yiar, show that there are 505 under 12 feet with a total length of 3612 feet and 499 over 12 feet with a total of 424,185 feet. Total expenditures for roads and bridges during the year were: Bituminous macadam Oil-bound macadam Water-bound macadam and gravel Dirt road construction and maintenance Bridges construction and maintenance $ 11,791.57 10,249.50 63,767.42 73,233.61 13,042.51 $172,084.61 Tools, machinery, etc., owned by Washington county are as fol lows: 3 pumping engines a n d pump , 1 Austin road oiler, 24 graders, 2 bitumin tar kettles and spreaders complete, 10 s t e a m road rollers, 10 rock crushers, 2 stationary engines, 2 traction en gines, 22 rock, quarries, 7 steel dr ags , 14 Fresno scrapers, 26 wheel scrapers, 155 slip scrapers, 54 plows. 64 picks, 143 shovels, 61 mattocks, 24 split log drags. Notice of City Election Pursuant to Order of the Com mon Council of the City of Forest Grove, notice is hereby given that the general election of the City of Forest Grove, Oregon, will be held on Monday, January 8, 1917, at the Council Chambers on the West side of Council Street and in Verts Hall on the West side of Main Street, in said city, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 7 o’clock P. M of said day, at which time and places there shall be elected one Mayor for the City of Forest Grove, for a term of one year; one Recorder for a term of one year; one Treas urer for a term of one year; three Councilmen for a term of two years, and two Councilmen for a term of one year. W. P. DYKE, Recorder of the City of Forest Grove, Oregon. President Bushnell attended a meeting of Pacific University Alumni Association at the Sunny- side Cong-egational church, Port land on Wednesday of last week. Misses Eva and Gladys Stod dard, who have been for three months in Forest Grove, left Tues day for their home in Alpine.